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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10643107 No.10643107 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into arcade games and 1ccing them?

>> No.10643112

be a fag and copy videos on youtube using save states to practice then act liek you accomplished something

>> No.10643131
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>> No.10643132

Just find games you like them, and play them until you get better.

>> No.10643191


>> No.10643208

1) Download Mame. (Or the Mame and FBNeo cores on Retroarch)
2) Download the Mame romset that matches your version of Mame.
3) Experience frustration trying to get everything to work.
4) Once it all works, Git Gud.

>> No.10643212
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Arcade games ≠ only shmups

Imo check out some CPS games like Alien vs. Predator and Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara. SEGA also has some classic titles like After Burner and OutRun. Maybe just download a good FBA/MAME set and see what titles you enjoy. Or FB Neo if that's more to your liking

>> No.10643450

Not retro, fag

>> No.10644402
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I think that it's good to start with a short and/or easy title, to gain a bit of confidence and not be disencouraged right away, see if you find any of the titles you're curious about that fit into these categories and play it until you learn, get better at them and finally 1CC them without any issue.

>> No.10644407

Just play them, arcade games are real games and need nothing more than practice and to just play them

>> No.10644994

more like >>10643112
No point in 1ccing when it's all been done and you have to copy the 1cc superplay or die
There's no skill or creativity to be found

>> No.10645074

Don't. Get into arcade games, find one you like and then want to 1cc because you like it

>> No.10646848

Just play them, most 1CCs are easily obtainable in <20 hours.

>> No.10646852

Play them

>> No.10646884

>How do I get into
By asking this you've failed already.

>> No.10646908


>> No.10647545

>How do I get into arcade games and 1ccing them?
Sit down.
Load up game.
Put down when/if bored.
Pick up new game.
When you find a game you have a lot of fun playing, just keep playing until completion.
Then try to 1cc the game.

Congratulations. You've figured on the key to classic arcade games. They're all designed to be easy to pick up and get into, while frequently being difficult to get to the end without quarter feeding. Most arcades would generally have dozens of games available so don't think you need to stick with a single one just because you found a name online.

>> No.10647572

Better read books.

>> No.10647575

based f1 fan

>> No.10647601

Not f1. Racing. And he is the greatest.

>> No.10647684

First game in my adulthood I went for it with was Gradius Gaiden. I basically started with an "only 3 credits rule", beat the route I wanted to clear, and then gradually whittled it down till I could not only 1cc the route, but 1 life clear it.

Don't bother if it's not a game you don't really dig. This is basically how you turn a 20 minute game into something that's about the same length as a modern title.

>> No.10647685

No arguments here.

>> No.10647693

Do I need one?

>> No.10647702

I think he's agreeing with you, Anon.

>> No.10647704

Is it even possible to complete a Gradius game without 1CCing it? If you die once you might as well restart the game because starting from a checkpoint with no powerups is just a slow game over.

>> No.10647715

It's more possible than a Darius game where you literally cannot power up again (the power ups are cumulative over the course of the game and some bosses in the earlier games are literally impossible without a certain threshold of fire power).

Gradius if you can survive for just 2 minutes you can be fully powered up by the next stage.

>> No.10647718

Only 2 and 3 are really fucked when it comes to recovering from death.

>> No.10648643

Homebrew is retro, retard.

>> No.10648729

strider is a good start if your used to console games. Not too hard till stage 5 and is a blast to play. Other games that are good to start with are ghouls n ghosts, bubble bobble, bombjack, and legend of hero tonma. I would stick to console shumps on pc engine/md as the arcade ones are brutal.

>> No.10648756

Use save states to practice the hard parts

>> No.10648841

Don't "get into arcade games and 1ccing them". If you like a game and you like it enough to go for a 1cc, then go for it, but you shouldn't waste away doing something you're not passionate about just for gamer cred. 20 years from now you're not gonna give a shit about doing a 1cc on Radiant Silvergun, but you are going to remember the game was fun and that is easily the more important factor.