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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10640913 No.10640913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nintendo fans have and always will be a loud vocal minority in the videogame discussion space. Despite PS1 outselling N64 3:1 Nintendo fans have managed to mold and twist the narratives of retrogaming, effectively revising history in their favour.

So the question is why? Why are Nintendo games discussed so much more than Playstation despite selling way less.

>> No.10640918

There is nothing that stops a hypothetical sony youtuber that talks about ps1 games all day from existing. The difference is that n64 games are made for children so they have the kind of influence on a person that makes them create their tendy youtube essay channels while ps1 games are for adults who don't partake in that faggy shit.

>> No.10640949

The obvious answer is that no Playstation game had a lasting impact on culture and video game industry. Meanwhile, most N64 classics were trend setters for 3D games on home consoles.
I dont remember Spyro on N64.

>> No.10640979

-N64 and PS1 sold comparable numbers in america and this is an american website
-Im 32 and I was too young for FF7 when it came out. You're essentially asking why 40 year olds arent talking about toys on your favorite website as much as younger people.

>> No.10640987

>-N64 and PS1 sold comparable numbers in america and this is an american website
20m vs 40m isn't "comparable".

>> No.10640990

What makes you the expert?

>> No.10640993

20 million sales of console with an attach rate of 1 madden game doesn't really count for much.

>> No.10640994

The thing is 90s Nintendo was such an amazing run, and people still hope for them to reach those highs which they never will

They had some hits in later years, Metroid Prime, Melee, Galaxy1/2 ...and that's it.

>> No.10640995

Autism is more common in Nintendo fans. That's why they're more likely to create and constantly watch YouTube channels that circlejerk over the absolute shit library with a selection of ~4 decent games per console the N64 and GameCube had.
Meanwhile PlayStation owners grew up, got jobs and moved on with their lives.

>> No.10640998
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To me the real insanity is the Cube getting as much discussion or more than the PS2 in online spheres. The N64 at least was popular in the US but the Cube wasn't popular anywhere at all, and it doesn't even have the excuse of "groundbreaking" games.
Basically this proves excuses are excuses, there's no real logic to the usual explanations; the real reason behind this state of discourse is that 'tendo fans are simply obsessed and somewhat mentally unwell. It's not normal to still be obsessed about Pokemon and Mario in your 30s/40s. They simply do not move on. The guy who grew up with Sega, Sony, Xbox, etc, probably moved on to PC or left video games. The guy who grew up with Nintendo never evolved one bit and is forever stuck in his bright colors and familiar gaming formulas.

>> No.10641006


Madden didn't sell that much. Cope.

>> No.10641013

The English-speaking internet is naturally dominated by North Americans due to the USA + Canada having nearly 400 million people.

The SNES sold ~23 million units in North America and the N64 sold ~20.5 million units in North America. Although the PSX demolished the N64 worldwide, Nintendo managed to largely maintain its American audience.

That's why 5th-gen discussion on the anglo internet tends to have a more even split between Nintendo and Sony. Nintendo never dropped off the face of the earth in NA like they did in Europe and Japan. Part of the reason why the Game Cube sold worse than the N64 was that the Xbox ate into part of the N64's North American audience (FPS games in particular).

>> No.10641015

It's an american website. America is big on Nintendo, still is. I used to go to Gamefaqs and that place is a cesspool for tendies

>> No.10641018

>no Playstation game had a lasting impact on culture and video game industry.
Yeah, let's conveniently forget about how MGS and Tenchu redefined the stealth genre or how Gran Turismo spawned an entirely new sub-genre of realism-focused racers, you disingenuous twat.

>> No.10641021

Also Yuropoors don't really do the youtuber thing as much because we all speak different languages so your audience is gonna be smaller and therefore it's not as profitable to be a youtuber

>> No.10641024
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It's just a stupid excuse Nintentards make to act like their console had the 'real' games when all it had was Mario Kart and a couple of platformers about wacky critters named something like Scrimblio McBimblio. Meanwhile PS1 and PS2 had a wide selection of games that appealed to all ages; the very reason they outsold the Nintendo systems by such a wide margin was because they appealed to more mature gamers and not just toddlers. Anyone who was older than 10 and wasn't autistic would take the console that had Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, and Tony Hawk (sports being a foreign concept to Nintendrones) over a couple of drab plastic lunchboxes with horribly designed controllers.
There is not ONE exclusive horror game across those 10 years of Nintendo consoles except Eternal Darkness. Capcom announcing the Resident Evil 4 PS2 port killed the GameCube for good.

>> No.10641028
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He read sales numbers on Wikipedia

Truth is >>10640949 is right. PSX does have some iconic staples that are still talked about to this day and age, but those are third party games like Metal Gear, Final Fantasy or Resident Evil. Shit that would've been on anything (and is nowadays) and was only on the PSX because the PSX pushed units. Affordable console that didn't bottleneck its developers with cartridge shit so they were allowed to get all lazy they could have stuffing pre-rendered cutscenes and optimizing their games with junk data like Crash to load faster

What actually doesn't help is that because the PSX sold so much and had so many games, attach rate was low for all of them. The reason Nintendofags talk about their games is because they played the same 10 of them. That's all they had. PlayStation showcases variety can bottleneck your experience versus other people with the same console. I grew up with Pac-Man World, Abe's Odyssey and Skullmonkeys. But I also grew up with Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and Smash Bros. More people have experience with the latter 3 games than they do with the former 3 as a group. This is showcased perfectly by the failed PSX Mini having some of the most iconic games and still being a disappointment

Cubefags grew up. Most people into Nintendo in that era grew out because they were putting out legitimate shit. Until the Wii U, the Cube was Nintendo's objective worst generation and the only reason it's still talked about at all is seething cope that Cubefags didn't "grow up with the wrong console"

I grew up with the Cube and it's such a fucking awful system with no games outside of Melee and some of the worst installments of each franchise, except maybe Metroid or F-Zero, outsourced games for B-tier franchises that don't get any attention. I don't like the PS2 either, but that's less about envy and more about how Sonyfags are useless and haven't made as much progress in emulation

>> No.10641032


>> No.10641045

It's not Nintendo fans fault nobody wants to discuss ps1 games. Go make a ps1 thread anon

>> No.10641046

Terrible thread.

>> No.10641054
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I grew up on PS2, then moved on to Nintendo. They just have better games, and it's impossible to avoid them if you're interested in retro videogames. With that being said, the Gamecube and the GBA almost never cross my mind, I think those consoles are Nintendo at their weakest.

>> No.10641057
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Playstation Worldwide sales: 102.49 million - Japan: 19.41 million - North America: 40.78 million
Nintendo 64 Worldwide sales: 32.92 million - Japan: 5.54 million - North America: 20.63 million

The simple reason is American retards bought way more N64 consoles than other regions and they are the ones making Youtube videos doing speedruns and posting on forums etc...

Growing up in EU all my homies had a PS1. N64 was seen more as a console for little girls or autistic kids.

>> No.10641056
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Mega Man Legends was never good

PC Gamer - 25/100
>this game neither realizes the brilliance of its predecessors nor takes advantage of the PC’s vast graphics potential.
>But in this awful iteration the evil Dr. Wily isn’t around to stop you, nor are his colorful robot henchmen. Instead, Mega Man faces pirates and cave critters in a droning, zero-personality quest to save humanity.
>It’s a 3D world, although it’s fairly obvious that the series was never meant to transcend that third dimension. Every element screams the pathetic choked cry “console port,” from the bland textures to the monotonous gameplay. Mega Man spends almost the entire game running through rectangular caverns and empty fields, shooting at the same enemies over and over. Gone is the ability to absorb your opponent’s weapon, a feature synonymous with Mega Man titles; in its place is a coin-collecting scheme. Wow.
>With levels that look half-complete and a storyline more mind-numbing than a C-Span marathon, Mega Man Legends fails miserably as a PC game. Hardcore Mega Man fans should grab themselves a PC version of the superior Mega Man X4, a much better effort available in bargain bins everywhere.

GameSpot - 3.6/10
>Mega Man Legends is an unembellished port of a forgettable 3-year-old PlayStation game.
>Unsurprisingly, though, the graphics that weren't noteworthy in 1998 haven't gotten better with age.
>Many much, much better games exist in the same genre.

>> No.10641074

And it doesn't help that nintendo never was that popular in europe before the wii.

>> No.10641082

The handhelds were popular here, but that's about it.

>> No.10641087

The losers don't get to write hostory.

>> No.10641090

True, then again, nintendo had an handheld chokehold everywhere, and still somewhat has that chokehold, but now with new competition. (steam deck, pc handhelds)

>> No.10641092

I buy games because I like them, not because they sell well. Who even thinks that way?

>> No.10641096

A lot of millennial/zoomer retards think they're armchair businessmen justifying their decisions and media consumption through sales because every news article nowadays is a sales record being broken. This is a post-social media hellscape because people can just look at brands they like all day and go "yep, I didn't waste my fucking time"

>> No.10641101

Console warring niggers like OP and everyone ITT

>> No.10641104

There is no twisted narrative.
Most people accessing this board are from the US.
The US is the only region where the N64 performed well.
Since the N64 has few good games to play, it's easier to correlate with others and start a discussion. This gives the impression that the n64

>> No.10641109

...This gives the impression that the n64 is somewhat equivalent to the PSX

>> No.10641114

Please explain how gamecube generates so much discussion online despite being a total failure in the US

>> No.10641116
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Loud faggots who never shut up about their childhood cope of "I didn't grow up with the wrong console"

>> No.10641121

Because it's an autism magnet

>> No.10641128
File: 43 KB, 355x500, mario-45204-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are Nintendo games discussed so much more than Playstation despite selling way less.
The very obvious answer is Nintendo came first. Atari, Nintendo, SEGA, and NEC all existed long before the PlayStation brand, so no matter how unsuccessful their consoles were (especially ones like Saturn and TG-16) they all came first, and in Nintendo's case they are still around.

Sure the PS1 is better and has more games than the N64, but there would be no PS1 without SNES and to some degree the NES and Genesis. So it stands to reason that N64 would also be very highly discussed, being that is from the same company that made the SNES to begin with, even if the PS1 is technically closer to that console design-wise.

>> No.10641130

I didn't need this image in my life

>> No.10641139

Because you say so.
Feel free to ctrl+f "gamecube" in the catalog and archive.

>> No.10641148

Nintendo game discussion are all about the same 10-20 games.
PS is more all over the place and naturally less people able to comment on

>> No.10641149

based n64 eternally living rent free on playstation drones minds

>> No.10641154

I grew up on the 5th generation so I wouldn't know. But I assume the SNES did pretty ok.

>> No.10641160

I mean I still don't see why we can't just play and discuss both. As some have stated OP could've just made a PS1 thread if he wanted to talk about PS1 games exclusively instead of attacking Nintendo fans.

>> No.10641161
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You just answered your own question retard. You made a thread to talk about numbers and not games when you could have easily talked about a game, you and little console obsessed retards are why.
Now take your deranged self back to /v/ with the rest of the warring little retards that can't actually discuss anything without using it as a tool to attack another with.
This ain't the board for you.

>> No.10641163

Didn't the SNES sell like hotcakes over there? I know it did well in the US and Japan

>> No.10641169

Snes was the most notorious of ninty "TV" consoles in Europe until the Wii, but still, the Mega Drive was more popular (if not by much). And anyways, in many places of Europe, there was still as strong computer scene during those days. The whole console peasantry shit is a US/Japan story.

>> No.10641170

Not really, my dad's brother had a neogeo yet didn't have an snes and i don't know anyone in my area that had an snes at the time.

>> No.10641180

OP here, I grew up with an N64.

>> No.10641181

I had both.

Console wars are for poor fags.

Especially these days when you can emulate almost every console up to the previous generation for free. Why the fuck does anyone argue about PS1 vs N64 when you can play all of the games for free? Who fucking cares anymore?

Just enjoy the games faggots jfc.

>> No.10641190

Console wars are a normal part of being a gamer. This board having a hate boner over console warring is cringe and low testosterone.

>> No.10641194

t. /fit/ reject

>> No.10641202

Because it's fun

>> No.10641203

>Why the fuck does anyone argue about PS1 vs N64 when you can play all of the games for free? Who fucking cares anymore?
I care when I have to read constant bullshit like "Sonic/Sega/Final Fantasy (PS entries)/Resident Evil/Etc were never good" and the examples always happen to be non-Nintendo games. It's not just rewriting but gaslighting.

>> No.10641207
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Another thing to consider for all the retards in this thread going 'hurr durr the PlayStation didnt have memorable games' is that PS1 and PS2 games were so memorable they actually got ported to future consoles and PC, so Nintendo-obsessed retards who can't count backwards in serial sevens without getting a headache fail to appreciate that these were very much PlayStation games at the time.
Meanwhile, the Nintendo games they circlejerk over are still stuck on their respective consoles because nobody, not even their lord and savior Nintendo, gives a fuck enough to port them.

>> No.10641214

>You made a thread to talk about numbers and not games
We should make a numbers general like /vt/ so all the consolewarring numberniggers can be contained to one thread.

>> No.10641215

Then how about a new one that has probably been never done before.
>Metroid was never good
Yeah, that should be a firefueled thread full of angry metroid fans screaming over their baby.

>> No.10641217

Final Fantasy was never good you're just a faggot that fell for the above average games. Even FF fags can't agree on which games are good

>> No.10641218

>nintendo fans talk about games they like

Everybody hate you sad fucking losers.

>> No.10641221

The N64 Zelda games have literally been on every Nintendo console since

>> No.10641227

>Meanwhile PlayStation owners grew up, got jobs and moved on with their lives
So you’re a Nintendo fan?

>> No.10641228


>> No.10641240

Tell that to Ape Escape fans and see how they react

>> No.10641241

It's been 3 decades already grandpa, enough with the console wars

>> No.10641247

>nintendo fans talk about games they like
There's no problem with this. The problem comes when they talk in authoritative tone and try to make it seem like it was the truth. No one likes the excessively confident dumb kid.

PS kid: "I liek this game"

Everyone hates you and you keep acting dumb about the reasons.

>> No.10641249

Even the ds?
Jokes aside, the N64 zeldas have been released so often for what are games that don't actually deserve it.
It's like rereleasing ET to like every atari console/pc they made after the 2600.

>> No.10641258
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Why do you have a persecution complex about 30+ year old video games like this?

Your post is like saying you like anal sex out loud

Come at me for sounding hypocritical, you both are faggots for different reasons

>> No.10641268

>Despite PS1 outselling N64 3:1 Nintendo fans have managed to mold and twist the narratives of retrogaming, effectively revising history in their favour
No such thing occurred, you crazy, crazy fuck.

>> No.10641270

Go back to your oot and mm circlejerks on reddit where they deem every other game inferior.
Seriously, the fag energy is glowing off of this post like you are some fed.

>> No.10641272

these kinds of posts are deeply sad

>> No.10641275

I like both Nintendo (old) and Sony (old).
It seems impossible I know, but it can be done

>> No.10641279

Same, it's sad seeing fanboys just try and defend their console instead of admitting that both of them had filler games and good games.

>> No.10641281

>Scrimmy bingus reference

>> No.10641290

I deem your post inferior, go get anal so you can calm down and relax instead of getting mad about video games that are older than you

>> No.10641294

cope mt everest

>> No.10641296

Imagine having to be lectured by people who have several teras of child link saved in their PCs (not creepy at all), all of them calling you "sad" for noticing their constant clumsy attempts to rewrite gaming history. Gaslighting they call it.

>> No.10641297

> attach rate
Of the three major 5th Gen systems, the N64 had the worst attach rate of them all. PS1 sold about 960 Million games and about a 102 Million consoles giving it an attach rate of about 9.4. Saturn sold 80 million games and 9 million consoles, giving it an attach rate of bout 8.8. N64 sold 224 Million games, and 33 Million systems giving it an attach rate of about 6.7.

>> No.10641302

Which element are you even saying that I'm saying didn't happen, stupid.
C'mon now.

>> No.10641305

>child link saved in their PC
This isn't discussed enough. These people have erotic fantasies about Link.

>> No.10641307

The easy answer to this is age. Most Gen X had Sega and Playstation while Millennials had SNES and moved on to N64. YouTubers/streamers are more likely to be millennials so those are the childhood memories being recalled. That’s it.

>> No.10641309
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Social Media brainrot indicates you've got no argument and are targeting the morality of the poster instead of the subject matter at hand. This is because you're objectively wrong and are in fact, too retarded to realize it

>> No.10641313

>a bloo bloo bloo
Nigga you are having fantasies about a child. Seek therapy before you harm someone.

>> No.10641320
File: 27 KB, 616x347, SNES-PlayStation-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but if you don't like the N64, why not just play SNES instead? It's literally the predecessor to the PS1, if you know your history

Being that there are only 35 unique posters in this thread, it's safe to say it is probably the same group of them making these threads and most of us like both consoles/companies.

>> No.10641328

There you have it, again writing about things as "objective" because he's the authority, and if you disagree, he'll try to shame you for it. But none dare give him his own medicine back.

>> No.10641332

You're not black.

>> No.10641334

Sony backed away from Nintendo specifically because they didn't like their demands. So don't try to tie the PS1 to the SNES. The PS1 is the anti-SNES

>> No.10641337 [DELETED] 

Thank God.

>> No.10641338


>> No.10641341

If popularity and sales are your metric for quality why are you even here? You should be posting in GTAV or Roblox threads over on /v/.

>> No.10641350
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I'm actually a neutral party. I like PS1 games as much as N64 games. It's just this easy to make absolute faggots like you this upset implying you wasted your childhoods in some way

This is why I say that PlayStation breeds some emotionally weak faggots that take it up the ass. Where's your emulation? Why are you so reliant on the game companies porting your shit when Nintendofags do it themselves? All of your iconic games are Third Party shit and Sony kills any franchise not selling millions of copies. No wonder this thread is about "why don't people talk about Sony games despite selling more?"

Isn't it embarrassing?

>> No.10641356

lol at all this insecurity and desperation. Absolutely friendless kissless behavior.

>> No.10641359
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If you remove Nintendo and Sony from the picture though, it makes sense. Mega Man X, Final Fantasy, Castlevania etc. were all on SNES before the PS1 came along. Rockman & Forte was even released after Mega Man 8. There's no denying there is some relation between the two, even if they are by different companies.

>> No.10641361

>Why are you so reliant on the game companies porting your shit when Nintendofags do it themselves?
Not that I disagree with all your points but you do realize N64 emulation has always been leagues behind PSX emulation right?

>> No.10641370

Consolewar faggotry was over like 10 years ago, stop trying to revive a dead meme.

Tell me again why it's bad that games journos are losing their jobs?

>grow up with the wrong console
Are you twelve?

>> No.10641371

The worst of all is that the best Nintendo games outsould psx by a small margin.
Mario 64 sales
Final Fantasy VII

But people often forget that psx was infinitely easier to pirate than the Nintendo. I have several friends with the psx and none of them bought a single game lol, the opposite of the only person I knew who had a N64. It is fair to conclude that the best psx games reached far more people than the n64.

As for why their userbase is so adamant in marketing zelda and nintendo, well, videogames are for children, and nintendo fanbase is the most childish fanbase ever. They play five or six games and call it a day. If you browse this board long enough you will notice that Mario and Zelda threads all revolve around:
- How underrated they are
- How scary the games are
- How deep the lore is, I mean, come on, they are games for children
- How great their music is, in fact, the best videogame music ever!

They don't know better, so they will constantly proclaim how good their videogames are. I like the games mind you, I just don't get their fixation with mario and zelda.

>> No.10641382

This is like trannies seeming like 50% of the populace if you go by their presence in online sites. Just a very loud, mentally ill minority.