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File: 63 KB, 256x179, Jet_Force_Gemini_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10639404 No.10639404 [Reply] [Original]

It deserves more love and respect.

>> No.10639598

The 2nd last decent Rareware game until Conker & then they sold out to Moneysoft. It was like a good version of Star Fox Adventures.

>> No.10639608
File: 25 KB, 320x240, JFGEarly-jforce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never managed to get into it. I did like the artstyle and the theme. It looked like it had potential.

>> No.10639706

Robin Beanland was Rare's best music guy and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.10639745

it put its best foot forward but it really needed an auto aim .. or at least less flying enemies
it came close to become a true classic but the gameplay was just too rough around the edges

>> No.10640246

Recently tried the Switch port of JFG and thought the controls sucked, literally couldnt get a grip on it. Funny, because I remember emulating it not too long ago and not having any trouble with the controls, am I retarded.
Now just add in all those SFX of ants, laser shots flying past you, explosions, and the splattering of enemy blood. Fucking kino.

>> No.10641965
File: 188 KB, 619x549, videogamebuddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, not really. The one thing it does great is gives you a side kick. The drone that flies around is a pretty solid 2nd player buddy thing, a la tails in sonic 2. Which most games never bother with.

>> No.10642667

"Little buddy mode" sounds gay as fuck. What "little buddy mode" should do is emit an electrical pulse that kills any 4-year-olds in the room.

>> No.10642682

I think the instinct do even do this is wrong, let them fail you weak piece of shit. Such low stakes

>> No.10642949

No it doesn’t. When I was a kid the marketing and previews for this game really appealed to me and I thought it had the coolest name ever. Literally it was designed from the ground up for my exact age group.
I played it on a kiosk at toys r us with all this hype and was like “wow, this sucks.”
Seriously a huge disappointment. I’ve played it since 24 years ago too so it isn’t based on that single experience, it’s just a clunky boring game. Definitely the worst of Rare’s N64 years. I actually like it less than the Disney racing game although I at least think the art direction is good.
They actually lost a sale allowing me to play this at the store because I would have begged for it otherwise. I bet Nintendo is kicking themselves right now, they could have been 60 bucks richer 24 years ago. Fools.
Jet Force Gemini is still a really cool name though. A hipster zoomette electronic band should steal the name.

>> No.10642982

>it really needed an auto aim
It has auto aim, doesn't it?

>> No.10643003

Woah you're tough

>> No.10643010

>I bet Nintendo is kicking themselves right now, they could have been 60 bucks richer 24 years ago.
Don't worry Anon, they were laughing their asses after selling Rareware to Microsoft.

>> No.10643123

no it doesn't, it's trash

>> No.10643127

Don't like it because of forced inverted aim.

>> No.10643143

You will control like an airplane and you will like it

>> No.10643202

Why not include the option? That's just needlessly complicating things.

>> No.10643383

Welcome to the N64.
I don't know how so many people came to prefer uninverted in the generations that followed. Inverted makes so much more sense.

>> No.10643403


It could've used a higher framerate desu senpai.

>> No.10643407

Jet Force Gemini is an awesome game with great concept, appeal, and style, but the controls really just flat out ruin it. It was unironically ahead of its time. If it had came out later when developers actually knew how to design control schemes for third-person shooters in a 3D environment, it would have been far better received. A godawful control scheme can make a great game complete garbage, and while I do believe that games like Jet Force Gemini and Blinx: The Time Sweeper are criminally underrated, sadly I can understand the qualms people have with them.

All of Rareware's games had inverted aim and it really drives me fucking crazy.

For flight simulators, sure. But shooters are fucking abysmal to play inverted. Looking back, it's astonishing that Goldeneye caught on the way it did.

>> No.10645201

It's not forced, you can change it in the settings.

>> No.10645426

Bs games like that are the reason I pawned my N64 in 1999

Probably for 30.

Seriously unimpressive.

>> No.10646230

The controls are very good, but:
You need to play on real hardware.
And, you need to set the controls to Expert mode, so you can freely move in all directional while aiming instead of just left and right.