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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 108 KB, 256x256, Hrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10636596 No.10636596 [Reply] [Original]

yoooo this game fuckin sucks even the guy on the cover is sad about it

>> No.10636656

real talk, unlockable moves would have helped it some.
when i was a kid playing it, i never did beat it and i would wonder what cool NEW MOVES you would find/learn as you went through.
answer is none. you have the complete moveset from the beginning.

>> No.10637028

I thought it was kind of neat.

>> No.10637094
File: 2.80 MB, 853x480, Vampire Hunter D.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you go in mashing buttons like you're playing a braindead gen7+ 3D beat em up, you're gonna get your ass handed to you and think "hurr the hit detection in this game sucks why can't I hit things!!".
This game is all about the counters, bait the enemy, dodge, then attack when you have an opening.

tl;dr: get good

>> No.10637134

It's not a good example of that either

>> No.10637282
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10637447

Don't care still gonna hype it up as a hidden gem so prices will soar on ebay.

>> No.10637482

It's a shame I can't find the second boss theme, I could have sworn there is one that plays when you fight against that spider-like guy but for whatever reason it doesn't seem to play during any playtrough I can find. Maybe they didn't fix it in the NTSC-U version (since mine was PAL)?

>> No.10637641

The game works like resident evil, there are multi path and scenes and even fights tht only happen depending on what the player does so maybe it's something specific

>> No.10637729

are you out of your fucking mind? that looks fucking terrible. some of the most clunky player character movement you can find in an action oriented game like that. seriously, that looks like fucking ass

>> No.10637741

Really? I don't remember seeing anything indicating that.

>> No.10637791

I played the game multiple times, maybe 3 or 5 times, and there are scenes and even a boss that I only saw once. It depends on what you do really. There may not even exist a guide that covers it all.

>> No.10638418

I've played this game when I had no idea the guy was some established character and I remember saying why the fuck does this guy have a talking hand, wtf.

>> No.10638427
File: 177 KB, 338x436, VHDgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you watched the 1985 anime? It's pretty great. I watched after playing the game too and I loved it, and it's amazing how much the Castlevania series took from it.

>> No.10638445

This is like saying Morrowind has an indepth mountain climbing from Daggerfall that filters shitters and you're talking about the thing where you hump a slope and wriggle your mouse around

>> No.10638762

>Action oriented
Retard detected. It's an RE like.

>> No.10638908

so does he hunt vampire Ds or what's his deal

>> No.10638938
File: 212 KB, 707x1000, 91u9zXeqDRL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampire Hunter D is legitimately my favourite vampire series of all time.
>Humanity destroys itself in nuclear fire
>Vampires emerge from the shadows
>They call themselves the Nobility and they rebuild the entire world
>Their science is far beyond the scope of anything humanity ever achieved, they build all kinds of technological wonders like continent-wide weather controllers
>But they also terrorize and control the entirety of humanity
>Not because they need humans for blood (solved by their science), but out of a need to dominate them
>They reached the pinnacle of their civilisation, and then nothing could stop their decline
>The Vampire Hunter D stories take place long after the collapse of the Nobility's civilisation
>D himself is a dhampir, a halfbreed vampire who hunts down the last of the Nobility still on Earth
>There are also a ton of monsters from human mythology that the Nobility brought to life through their dark sciences (werewolves, fey, shapeshifters
I really recommend the movies and the light novels.

>> No.10638961

Shadowserg thread.

>> No.10638969


>> No.10639016

It looks good but also feels like the vampire theme here was shoehorned.
>We are vampires, except we don’t really need the blood.

>> No.10639638

interesting. Too bad vampires are vampire hunters are gay

>> No.10641005

Just some ova, years later that I played the game.

>> No.10641010

there are no good anime to vidya adaptations

>> No.10641167
File: 293 KB, 1000x1322, 9782344013557_4_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how much of it is available in English or in another language, if at all; but I think you would enjoy the comics Requiem and its spin offs.

>> No.10641529

Anor Londo

>> No.10642302

I haven't seen Bloodlust but yeah if you want a Castlevania anime, the original Vampire Hunter D is way better than the Netflix Castlevania series, which is so fucking boring that I didn't get past season 2

>> No.10642702

I've had the first english novel omnis for a bit and have yet to sit down with it. I really need to.

>> No.10642707

Manga used to have really good BGs in the 80s/90s (even if it was traced *cough* Miura *cough*)
Why is it so shit now?

>> No.10642715
File: 885 KB, 2448x1665, hzlTmS4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's where this scene came from. Heavy Metal Magazine was amazing.

>> No.10642718

that's not manga

>> No.10643718

I watched it and Bloodlust while grinding Elden Ring yesterday, was comfykino.

>> No.10643781

You're a faggot man

>> No.10643870

Zoom zoom zoom

>> No.10643891

Its more zoomer to defend it