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10636096 No.10636096[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do boomers worship this game so much?

I played for an hour and am now in South Figaro.

I literally see nothing special about it

>> No.10636101

it's the story, you think the game is coming to an end, and then the bad guy wins and the world gets blown up, and suddenly there's another half of the game to play. I'm not certain but I think it was the first time a video game did that.

>> No.10636112

Thanks for the spoiler asshole

>> No.10636140

You brought it upon yourself, retarded zoomer.

>> No.10636164

It's a "gets better as it goes" kind of game. The first few hours are pretty straightforward but once you get the espers a whole lot of character customization opens up, then the last third of the game is effectivley open world.

>> No.10636167

it was the second snes ff game released in the US and as far as content, variety, and graphics go, it completely blew its predecessor out of the water. its easy to see why it was such a big deal at the time but now it more or less just seems like another jrpg

>> No.10636426

Quit while there's still a plot, it just goes full retard midway

>> No.10636519 [DELETED] 

Tendies got jealous when FF7 was a huge breakthrough hit for the series, so they starting pumping this game as "better". Boomers don't worship it, just bitter SNES fans.
Play some of Square's PlayStation games if you really want to see when they were good.

>> No.10636534

FF6 was really good though, just had some gay design choices like the esper levelup stat bonus autism.

>> No.10636623

FF7 is bad for the reason FF6 is bad. It's an old game that relies too much on a story, that has been spoiled, and talked about to death.

>> No.10636630

The materia system is a way more interesting gameplay mechanic than anything in FF6.

>> No.10636646

both games are kinda retarded in they let virtually every character use all magic

>> No.10636648

I like suplexing things.

>> No.10636728

lookin' good

>> No.10636734

>I'm not certain but I think it was the first time a video game did that.

Final Fantasy V did it like three times in a row.

>> No.10636736

It's basically a perfect RPG. But opinions on RPGs vary according to personal taste more than most genres, so maybe it's not your thing.

>> No.10636750

this. I can accept when people say their favorite was 6, but not so much when they say it's better than 5. the job system alone throws it way beyond most other JRPGs.

>> No.10636831
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>> No.10636835

>the job system alone throws it way beyond most other JRPGs.
conversely, i don't understand this at all. wow, you can assign classes to the characters. big whoop. finding useful material combinations or interesting gambit setups is way more fun to picking a job.

>> No.10636881

>finding useful material combinations
it's literally that and more. finding cool (not necessarily useful) party job combinations as well as primary and subjob action combinations. you can also see this kind of shenanigan in FFT, creating scenarios where people play stupid broken shit. or just stupid but fun.

>> No.10636894

You had 30 years, dumbass.

>> No.10636993

Boomers in the 90s were going "what the fuck is this Chinese shit?!" over videogames.

>> No.10636996

lol get fucked spoilerfag

>> No.10637001

>defending some faggot spoiling a major release in the very first post
>one the poster clearly hadn't experienced yet since he was playing it for the first time
>all because he had some doubts for it
Yeah, nah. The guy who spoiled it is a grade A 10/10 faggot and he's not even correct anyways. "Hey guyz the best part of the game is these major plot spoilers, dats why its so good". It's like claiming Harry Potter is good because Snape kills Dumbledore. Makes no fucking sense. And see? That consideration wasn't difficult.

>> No.10637004

>you think the story is coming to an end

It would be an incredibly short game if this were the case so I don't think many people actually thought this. And I also gotta bring up how overblown this whole "the bad guy wins and the whole world gets blown up" because Kefka doesn't win and the world doesn't get blown up. Bad stuff happens, but the planet and people still exist. Very little changes outside of the world map's appearance and the story taking a darker tone.

>> No.10637005

Yeah except VI is actually III retard.

>> No.10637007

FF5 sucks first of all, and second of all it wasn't released outside of Japan for an extremely long time. Some tiny section of gamers played it on emulators for the first time in like 1998-2002, well after even FF8 had been released.

FF5 is even worse than FF4, actually. The literal ONLY good thing about FF5 is its job system and it is otherwise total garbage. There's a reason they chose not to release it anywhere else when they made it.

>> No.10637040

Define "win" here. Kefka didn't even have any specific goal in mind. His whole story is that he was experimented on and it gave him severe mental illness to the point where he's just a mentally ill, mindless, manipulative psychopath that takes glee in causing chaos and suffering. He got to press the world eraser button and that's pretty much the biggest win he could have experienced given his motivations. After that he pretty much just sat in his tower randomly blowing up the scraps of humanity until his defeat. You get the sense that if he were truly dedicated and motivated to wiping out humanity, that he could have easily done it if he wanted to, but that was never his intent.

>> No.10637042
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>I played for an hour
>I literally see nothing special about it

I hate zoomies so much, it's unreal.

>> No.10637043

>Snape Kills Dumbledore

>> No.10637050

nah they thought the job system was too complicated for westoids ergo Mystic Quest.

>> No.10637052

>Kefka doesn't win and the world doesn't get blown up
This is just stickler semantics. He causes mass death and destruction on a global scale, murders every adversary he had within the empire, and shatters the returners to the corners of the world. He doesn't strictly eradicate every last living person, no, but I think it's fair to call what he does a win for him. It's not like it's some minor plot point. He straight up wins the major conflict of the game leading up to that point.

>> No.10637054

>I literally don't care about this game
>Get spoiled
What a fucking fag you are.

>> No.10637056

I dont like it either, dont find the story or characters interesting and it feels bloated with how many party members there are and how long the game is. Didn't care for or think the "famous" opera scene was much to ride home about either.

Personally I only like FF4, 7 and 10.

>> No.10637059

Complete cope. While it was a sentiment that the game might be too complicated for US audiences(lol, Mystic Quest is more complicated), the main reason is because it was not well received in Japan and was considered a clear downgrade from Final Fantasy 4. They were in the process of translating and bringing it over to the US anyways but they pulled out due to projected poor sales. A wise decision since FF5 is shit.

>> No.10637063

I've never played an FF game and never will, but I watched a youtube video so now I know that FFVI has too many cave dungeons.

>> No.10637064

People just make it sound so much more unique than it really is. That's THE talking point of FF6. Like it's the only JRPG or FF to have the villain get the upper hand and with the characters at their lowest point in the final act. That's typical story telling. So when he didn't literally blow up the world I was also horribly disappointed after all the years of hype I was hearing. I was excited to see what would happen and it's not much more than your typical story. FF2 does this and it's much more impactful seeing the empire bomb places you just went to into the ground. And it happens several times. In FF6 it's all just implied carnage and it's not like any of the towns were even unique looking so it's hard to care as much as you should.

>> No.10637065

>I'm not enjoying this game so far, why did boomers like it so much
>What the fuck, thanks a lot dickhead
There are some huge faggots in this thread alright, but you're the biggest.

>> No.10637071

If you don't care about it now you shouldn't keep playing it to get to that point so it doesn't matter.
Just stop playing it.
They did you a favor.

>> No.10637079

>Like it's the only JRPG or FF to have the villain get the upper hand and with the characters at their lowest point in the final act. That's typical story telling
There's a difference between the villain winning some kind of confrontation in the game and coming out ahead where the heroes have to face setbacks or trials and tribulations...and what happens in FF6, which is them losing the actual big showdown with the villains and a secondary villain winds up becoming the primary antagonist and nuking the entire world. That had never been done before in any game I can ever recall. That's not just the villain winning some battle. It was the world ending and it impacting their entire world.

It's not just like one person dies or the heroes regroup. The game flatout puts you back into a state of losing everything and you're shown Celes on a deserted island and wrestling with killing herself after they had been so thoroughly defeated. No other RPG up to that point did that that I can remember.

>So when he didn't literally blow up the world I was also horribly disappointed after all the years of hype I was hearing
I genuinely don't understand what exactly you were expecting here. He probably killed over 50% of the world's population and destroyed every major city. It don't get much more blown up than that. It sounds like you wanted him to kill every last person on the planet for some reason but I have no idea why that's your bar.

> FF2 does this
It objectively does not. The empire attacking cities is not the same as simultaneous global destruction, which is what Kefka did.

>> No.10637085

I'm not OP. Some people can not really be too into games initially and may want more motivation to keep playing. Now it just ensures he won't want to keep playing at all. Since FF6 is a pretty solid game, it probably would have been better if he did finish it. I can understand why a zoomer might find the dated gameplay boring and too easy.

Either way, it costs nothing to not be a huge faggot, so just don't be a huge faggot.

>> No.10637121

Harry Potter is an 8 part story. Being mad about spoilers is silly, it could be spoiled for you like 8 times.

>> No.10637507

Imagine having such shit taste goddamn

>> No.10637616

Name one(1) good quality about FF5 outside of its job system. Just one. It gets mogged by every other Final Fantasy in every other category aside from its job system.

>> No.10637704

Boomers worship IV, not VI

>> No.10637710 [DELETED] 

But that's a completely awful analogy. Harry Potter is completely inventive and original. FF6 is another medieval fantasy game

>> No.10637712

It's another one of those "had to be there" games. The things it does are JRPG staples now, but back in 1994 it would've been impressive. You can still play play something like Sonic 3 and love it because there's still in 2024 not a lot of games like it, but it's different with something like FF6 (also from 1994) where it would end up defining what a lot of future games are like

>> No.10637714

The thing is no one has played FF2 because Youtube told them it was bad. FF2 was the actual massive leap that came to define the series

>> No.10637715

Square's 1995 and 1996 SNES titles are on par with the psx ones. Unfortunately, not FF6 though.

>> No.10637737

What a stupid fucking post

>> No.10637747

You have to understand this game is over 20 years old. That's older than half of the posters on this website. The second you bring up any discussion about this game, and people are going to talk or "spoil" the game. If you don't want to know about this shit, don't talk to assholes online about said game, you actual nigger.

>> No.10637752

This. Play the fourth Fire Emblem to see this plot executed better.

>> No.10637773

>wow, you can assign classes to the characters. big whoop.
It's a role playing game where you can play roles, as opposed to being a cinematic adventure with minigames between.

>FF5 sucks first of all,
stopped reading there, your taste is trash.

>> No.10637776

Cope. Your mad is palpable

>> No.10637782

You've become what you hate

>> No.10637793

>name one good thing about FF5 outside that it has good gameplay and is fun to play

>> No.10637796

It’s aesthetic and has a lot of cool moments and thick atmosphere for a SNES game. Just keep going bro

>> No.10637802

>The things it does are JRPG staples now, but back in 1994 it would've been impressive.

It's just Empire Strikes Back in a medieval fantasy world. Rebels fight against Evil Empire, but the rebels get defeated, mutilated, sold off to slavers, the protagonists main revelation turned out to be not fucking enough, and there's a plot twist.

>> No.10637807

And Fortnite is just Battle Royale (2000) with kiddy graphics. But for the video game scene, it was huge

>> No.10637809

lol youre nuts or just got filtered and didnt actually play that long.

its got way better, more creative, and more challenging battles all the way through, starting from early in the first world
its the jarpig battle autists game of choice for a reason
6 has some good ones but it takes literal ages to get going to that part
i love 6 but anytime i think about replaying it i remember the first third or so where its just "hey lets split up gang" x20 until i finally get to the part where i can make my own fucking party. 5 has absolutely none of that, since its story is way less in your face imo a huge strength for 5 as aside from 6, 9, and 12 FF stories are usually retarded. ffs you can completely rework your party in between every single battle if youre that autistic

i also cant think of a game that just immediately gives you almost free reign around its first map. i remember when i first played it i was so confused since almost no JRPG has done that before or since

its by far the most free and open FF, in a multitude of ways, so if youre into that it mogs basically the whole series by almost every metric. no contest

>> No.10637816

This has been spoiled almost as much as Aerith's death lmao

>> No.10637821

The characters suck and the story is as bland as it gets

>> No.10637839

again thats a big bonus imo

aside from the 3 games i mentioned i fail to see how any of the other games characters are anything other than "annoying shit i have to click through". and even sometimes with the good games its like that

idk the people who go gaga over that shit writing are the same people who write gay autistic ff fanfics
it sure aint me

>> No.10637842

i'm the opposite of you. I don't know how you can give a fuck about 4 dudes in a row mashing A button for 30 hours if there's no good story to propel you forward

>> No.10637845

Just to be clear he's using the correct spelling of Aeris from FinalnFantasy 7 who gets killed by Sephiroth

>> No.10637850

>finding cool (not necessarily useful) party job combinations as well as primary and subjob action combinations
can you give a few examples? because when I played 5, i found no unexpected synergy in the classes, everything was exactly as I would expect with nothing deeper (ie you can make your shield tank cover and counterattack).
with material on the other hand, i can make my characters counter with limit breaks, attack 7 times in a row, and all sorts of other amazing things.

>> No.10637860

lol yea its cool i get it
frankly youre the lucky one since the series/genres usual trend is to opt for story-heavy design
my first jarpigs were the dragon warrior GBC games (and monsters), so i just need a goal, really.
>go there
>get the crystal or whatever
>get better
my other "console" was a PC, so compared to CRPGs i always saw JRPG writing as just whatever. likely didnt help every jarpigs translation was fucking mangled back then

>4 dudes in a row mashing A button for 30 hours
oh man if you try that in 5 youre going to get annihilated
game gets pretty tough

>> No.10637869

But most of their PS1 games are pretty bad.

>> No.10637871

>I don't know how you can give a fuck about 4 dudes in a row mashing A button for 30 hours if there's no good story to propel you forward
to me its less about the story and more about the characters/atmosphere. jrpg stories are completely interchangeable. they all revolve around young people collecting crystals in an airship. sometimes crystals are substituted with some other macguffin.

>> No.10637876

FF6 and FF7 were important games for bucking that trend.

>> No.10637884

>introduces job system
>unbalanced + flavor jobs
I prefer job system in V but VI is better when we weight the story and characters.

2 or 3 generic characters + one female to male retarded, uninteresting story just like IV
Hard to pinpoint a main character (maybe Terra but she is double digit IQ), most characters have an interesting story and they all interact with each other (including Gau), female character that isnt retarded (Celes).
Game follow a linear plot and goes nonlinear on the second half; side quests that does not suck for once, main villain that is actually badass

>> No.10637885

diff fag but off the top of my head
>thief with blue magic
such a good utility character, in and out of battle. ez to get going early, blue magic is fucking busted etc. swap to blue mage with thief skills for bulk
>rangers rapid fire on basically anything
hit 4x. nuff said
iirc you can combine with ninjas multihit too for 8x
>mystic knight with knights two-handed
libra the bosses elemental weakness, buff up accordingly, then kil
everyone memes on berserkers. if the rest of your party is dedicated to buffing/healing him hes insane. only good for single targets tho

idk theres literally too many
its also worth noting freelancer can equip several of any mastered skill as well as any equipment which further compounds things

>> No.10637887

>Why do boomers worship this game so much?
Because you weren't expected to buy dozens of games every year. Most people at the time were lucky to have even a few JRPGs, and the two Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger were the most noteworthy and so stood out. They're the ones everybody had, so everybody talking about SNES JRPGs were mostly comparing the Squaresoft titles.

I mean, you ARE retarded, but it's still the main reason that FF4, FF6, and Chrono Trigger always get mentioned.

>> No.10637895

>FF6 and FF7 were important games for bucking that trend.
both games were primarily about collecting crystals. in ff6 it was magicite. in ff7 it was materia.

>> No.10637914 [DELETED] 

>stardew palette

>> No.10637952

man FF7's materia system is so good I wished they have more linked slots and modifier materias. also sad to see people praising on Path of Exile's socket and skill gem system without realizing where it came from.

>> No.10637963

It's pretty good and you got to be the oldfag if you had played it before ff7

>> No.10637983
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>> No.10638228

that image is older than stardew

>> No.10638415

so wait while theres enough FFV nerds around
someones gotta pill me, cuz i always mash through that crap

wtf is with exdeath being a tree?
is there some jap cultural myth about a world-eating void-energy tree?
like theres gotta be SOME reason, right? it seems way too specific

>> No.10638446

He's just an ancient tree that was used to seal away myriad demons, until it became sentient.

>> No.10638507

at a glance it almost seems like they were just confused over what yggdrasil was supposed to be in norse mythology
>but what if yggdrasil was evil?
>[excited japanese sounds]
still doesnt make a ton of sense desu

im just wondering where, specifically, the tree part came from
did nips used to use trees to seal demons away?
usually when theres some totally incomprehensible bullshit in jap vidya, its because theres actually something from their irl mythology
and that stuffs usually p neat to learn about ime

>> No.10638525

Aeris dies

>> No.10638534

Not what I said. It doesn't even have good gameplay and it's not fun. I said name something good about it other than its job system, which you can't even though you love it. The gameplay itself(the battles and boss battles) are a joke where your job basically doesn't matter anyways. It's not like you need to carefully strategize to beat anything in the game. You can just steamroll it with regular attacks if you want.

>> No.10638537
File: 649 KB, 1284x1113, FF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World of Ruin in FF6 is basically FF1.
The key difference however is that in FF1 you start directly in the ruined world, in 6 you get to live in it before the great apocalypse, and that changes everything.

The fact of having several world maps wasn't new either, it'd been a thing since DQ3 and FF3 had already largely expanded on that; but the execution in 6 makes it more impactful.

In short, the ideas, the base concepts in 6, were nothing new; but it's the execution and the flavour that makes it masterful.

>> No.10638543

>Start a thread to be a cunt
>Cry after receiving your rightful comeuppance
Thats almost as pathetic as not waiting for Shadow and then he dies.

>> No.10638564

It's called indie pixels

>> No.10638565

>its the jarpig battle autists game of choice for a reason
I think people who play RPGs for gameplay are kinda retards unless it's genuinely something more complex and engaging like the SMT series. Playing Final Fantasy games for their gameplay to me is like playing Street Fighter for its storyline. Just makes no sense. The entire series, including FF5, can easily be beaten with basic attack and healing strategies. It's designed for casual children, because that was the primary market in the early 90's. People who fellate FF5 just strike me as hipsters every time I engage with them.

If I wanted to play an RPG for its gameplay, there are plenty that do it way, way better than FF5. Even for the time period. I played them for the story and experience.

>> No.10638610

>unless it's genuinely something more complex and engaging like the SMT series
FFVs job system isnt more complex, but it is a lot more fun imo
in SMT ill usually end up grinding/fusing because i HAVE to
in FFV its almost always simply because i WANT to. because i want to make a new combo i havent tried. because i want to mess around with OP chemist bullshittery
nothing against SMT, theyre awesome games too
but imo FFV is so much more relaxing, and most important, more re-playable. and its still got its fair share of genuine challenge. youre not making it out of even the first world if youre just "mashing A" for every battle. SMT obviously has challenge too, but it can often be a bit overwhelming

>there are plenty that do it way, way better than FF5
shoot then
cuz ime playing a ton of these dumb games growing up, there definitely isnt. theres only a handful.
>chrono trigger
thats all thats really coming to mind in terms of /vr/

and i dont mean like story is totally meaningless. i just really really dislike the typical overwrought convoluted plotlines that the genre is littered with.
FFVs story is barebones simple, but the rest of the game seems like it was designed specifically with that simplicity in mind. so as not to distract, or put you too on-rails as to where you could go. it does exactly what it needs to do: gives you a reason to push onwards. thats awesome game design imo, and pretty unique in the genre as a whole
most other JRPGs come off like they wrote a low-rent shonen FIRST, got rejected by the tv producers, then just grafted it onto a basic turnbased battle system to recoup lost time

>> No.10638620

what do you mean Aerith DIES!?

>> No.10638662

What's funny is ff7 did fft better than fft. I thought fft job system was going to be deep but it's actually shallow as hell. Materia combos are way more creative and interesting

>> No.10638664

Can you actually beat FF6 without any grinding? And I'm not talking about speedrunning. I mean going in blind as a newbie without knowing how to recruit optional characters or find powerful espers for magic. I never beat FF6 as a kid because Kefka's Tower filterd me hard and there is no guide or internet to ask for advice back then. My third team was too weak to kill anything, never making it past the statue boss. It wasn't until the PR came out that I finally managed to beat the game since grinding is much less painful in this version

>> No.10638696

>I think people who play RPGs for gameplay are kinda retards unless it's genuinely something more complex and engaging like the SMT series
Are most SMT games even that complex? Besides having big mazes and fusing, the games aren't much more complicated than other RPGs. SMT1 has a very simple battle system that can be broken even easier than most FF games. Don't get me wrong, SMT has good gameplay, but like most JRPGs it's not super complicated or difficult. Nocturne has harder battles than SMT1 and 2, but still mostly comes down to attack and heal, just with more worrying about buffs/debuffs and elemental weaknesses mattering a lot more with the Press Turn system. Most of the challenge there comes from needing preparation and not fully knowing what to expect from bosses, rather than the fights themselves being super complicated.

I think the FF games are near the top of the heap as far as old JRPGs go. Almost no RPGs are really that challenging, so easy difficulty doesn't bother me much with them. Even something more confusing like Romancing SaGa 2 isn't all that hard, it just takes a bit more effort to figure out what to do. FF games at least give you a bunch of fun options to mess around with and the enemies die quickly enough that battles don't feel painfully slow like some other games. And they usually have some fun boss battles and lots to find outside of battles (good secrets/hidden side areas). You're not going to find a huge challenge, but that's the case for most RPGs and as casual experiences they're perfect.

>If I wanted to play an RPG for its gameplay, there are plenty that do it way, way better than FF5. Even for the time period.
Which ones? Just curious what you have in mind.
>Can you actually beat FF6 without any grinding?
You can. You can beat it at very low levels, with minimal party members. Endgame equipment makes up for low levels. For Kefka's Tower, you can swap out equipment to share between fights too.

>> No.10638704

Play games from your time, anon.
Its not just the game, its the time and place you were in and the people you have to enjoy them with.
Your friends probably want you to play fortnite with them, so turn off our game and go play yours, you'll be happier and you'll "get it".

>> No.10638726

I played the snes version aeons ago and I'm thinking about replaying it soon. Which is the best version today?

>> No.10638730

>what do boomers see in this movie that I paused after 5 minutes?

>> No.10638739

Pixel Remaster easily.

>> No.10638742

immensely stupid

>> No.10638746 [DELETED] 

It's troons, retarded zoomer. Old fucks like myself are proper 7/8/9 chads

>> No.10638748

>Play games from your time, anon.
>Its not just the game, its the time and place you were in and the people you have to enjoy them with
even dumber than >>10638739

>> No.10638771

yea thats lame
all ive ever done is play games that are older than me since they were cheaper second hand or F R E E online
turns out i liked them way better than gaylo and cowadoody, so win/win for me

opie is just an faggot, per usual

>> No.10639074

Is there a way to uncensor it now?

>> No.10639125

It was big because of its gameplay, not story.
FFV is bigger than FFVI because of its gameplay, FFVI has objectively worse gameplay and mainly shines in the story.

>> No.10639134

>I don't know how you can give a fuck about 4 dudes in a row mashing A button for 30 hours if there's no good story to propel you forward

Because I'm turning one into a thief, another into a monk, another into a mage and the last one is a knight who knows magic. Then once they mastered the class, the monk becomes a knight who knows kung fu, the thief becomes a ninja thief, and the mage starts learning one of the 6 other magic classes until he becomes a grand wizard.

The story is just there as an excuse to propel the adventure forward, it's about as important as it is in a porn movie or in Doom.

>> No.10639136

...in what world is FFV bigger than VI? lmao

>> No.10639162

just play the new version that came out, there's too much quality of life to ignore

>> No.10639179

>can you give a few examples?
White mage who can cast Black magic. Black mage who can cast White magic. X mage who can cast Y magic, really. You can also put any magic on any class that otherwise has no decent attack (make Thieves that can summon dragons or heal). Or put Blue magic on a mage with higher magic power.

Red mage when mastered has a double cast move. Put that on any other mage and you can cast Holy/Flare twice or summon Bahamut and Odin after each other etc. And even before you master it, red mage can use 2 schools up to a certain strength, making it perfect for the entire first and half of the 2nd world, and then you can have I dunno a monk that can do white+black magic or a summoner who can do summon+white+black magic.

Time Mages have a magic that allows them 2 things per turn. Including using the Red mages double cast.

Rangers learn XFire, which attacks 4 times, but rangers kind of suck in attack. So put XFire on a knight for 4 stupid strong attacks in a row. Put it on Ninja or Monk and you do 8 attacks.

Put Ninjas two-handed ability on a knight and you can swing the two strongest weapons in game in a single turn.

Put the monks bare handed ability on anyone who doesn't have a good weapon but has decent strength and they become absolute murderers. Put it on Berserker just for fun.

Beastmaster can control enemies, which can be used to make them cast a blue magic for your blue mages to learn. Only way to get Big Guard (casts float, protect, shell, and I think haste too, best protective spell in the game). You can also use it on the Shield Dragon in Kuza Castle (who is otherwise unbeatable when you first meet him) to ABP Farm.

Mimic synergizes with everything.

By the end game I have a physical fighter who can attack 8 times in a row with lightning charged swords (up to 80k damage), a mage who can cast Meteo/Bahamut/etc 4 times in a turn (20k+ damage to ALL enemies), and two support troops who can repeat the previous attacks at 0 cost.

>> No.10639184
File: 468 KB, 768x501, wrpg vs jrpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's there to buck trends. He is a tree like some sort of WRPG dendroid guard, and he is also a super god tier wizard who despite being a wizard is dressed in full armor and swords.

It's like Gilgamesh who is the elite assassin mook of the last boss, but he really is completely incompetent. Except once in the very end when he saves your ass. And he always gets the best equipment to steal off of him.

>> No.10639195

Nigger it doesn't NEED anything else because IT IS FUN TO PLAY. That is literally the part of the game that matters the most. It could have Crysis tier graphics and music by Beethoven and Ennio Morricone and it wouldn't matter if the gameplay sucked.

but if you want anything else, I like how the story goes in a way that you have 2 worlds that mesh together and form a 3rd one where you can use the stuff from one world to access inaccessible parts from another, and also the game has a lot of memorable music.

>> No.10639197

>in what world is FFV bigger than VI?
>in what world
FFV has 3 worlds, FFVI has 2. There you go, it is bigger.

It also has bigger freedom for character customization. FFVI just has every job turned into a specific character, and oh you have to use 12 of them in the end anyway.

>> No.10639215

>It's designed for casual children, because that was the primary market in the early 90's
And anyone can just as easily claim that FF stories are no deeper than your average shonen manga/anime aimed for 12 year olds. Playing video games, JRPGs included, mainly for the story comes across as way infinitely more retarded than someone who values gameplay in JRPGs above all else, not that there's anything wrong with the latter in the first place.

>> No.10639541

Ever heard of the garden of eden?

>> No.10639557

Eh, even by the end FF6 is nothing special. Celes and Kefka are the only real characters and they can't possibly carry the rest of the script on their backs

>> No.10639568

My mom is a 78 year old boomer and has never heard of it.

>> No.10639621

that was the 80s thoughever. also ff6 is based on the west but yeah as if boomers would notice.

>> No.10639634

>that was the 80s thoughever. also ff6 is based on the west
Bot post?

>> No.10639724

>Why do boomers worship this game so much?

it has a really strong intro and was the first good fleshed out jrpg a lot of snes people played.

>> No.10639754

Holy cope.

>> No.10639784

don't make threads about games you haven't finished fucking retard

>> No.10639790

>You get the sense that if he were truly dedicated and motivated to wiping out humanity, that he could have easily done it if he wanted to, but that was never his intent.

isn't he pretty much the joker? And like the joker he just wants to torment people and be an assclown and not really win?

>> No.10639821

The job system is what makes the gameplay fun. You use it to customize your party which is fun. Then you try out your COOL moves on the enemies which is fun. It's like asking whats good about tamagochi but you cant name raising pet, platform but cant name jump...

>> No.10639969

>And anyone can just as easily claim that FF stories are no deeper than your average shonen manga/anime aimed for 12 year olds.
They'd be wrong, but I'm also not arguing that the storytelling in SNES era RPGs is particularly complex either. Only that it is both the primary reason for playing RPGs and that it aged better than the gameplay did and can more easily be enjoyed by an adult.

If you're looking for gameplay that is actually stimulating, RPGs are about the dumbest place to look for that, especially old ones. It's why the genre has almost entirely disappeared in modern gaming and been replaced by action RPGs, and those games tend to focus more on gameplay than storytelling or have more of an even mix.

>Playing video games, JRPGs included, mainly for the story comes across as way infinitely more retarded than someone who values gameplay in JRPGs above all else
No, it doesn't. What the fuck kind of nonsense is this? The entire point of RPGs is to convey a story. It's literally IN the fucking title. Role-playing is its purpose. That is what the entire genre is predicated on. The most highly rated games in this genre are the ones with the best presentation and storytelling and the gameplay can be hit or miss. The gameplay generally just acts as a vehicle to deliver the story(IE the character abilities in combat further establish their character and style). It's why a game like Witcher 3 is considered one of the greatest RPGs of all time and everyone pretty much universally agrees that it just has okay gameplay.

>> No.10639976

I don't agree with that assessment. If nothing in the game challenges me to change my job or actually utilize other classes, what is even the point in using it? In FFT, class changing legitimately makes you more powerful and obtaining a variety of abilities helps you tackle different maps if you aren't overleveled. It legitimately actually helps you defeat the game.

In FF5, it gives your character a minor bonus skill that barely matters for the majority of the game. Pretty sure I could beat everything in FF5 with my characters staying freelancers the entire game other than maybe the optional bosses.

>> No.10639987

For me, FF6 is ruined by its stat gain autism. Having to constantly check if you're nearing a level up so you can get dat +2 magic is too tedious.

Playing FF6 for the first time without knowing a thing is great though.

>> No.10639993

You'll be relieved to learn that most formulas in FF6 largely only care about your character's current level and your actual stat bonuses barely matter and don't affect much. Even if you did extreme stat gain autism, you're talking about a difference of a few hundred damage at most. By the time you hit level 70, it makes all stats redundant anyways as you'll be doing 9999 damage with everything pretty much.

It's literally pointless to meticulously gain stats in FF6.

>> No.10639995

>Having to constantly check if you're nearing a level up so you KNOW WHEN TO SWITCH ESPERS SO can get dat +2 magic is too tedious.

Forgot to mention that, but you all know what I meant.

>> No.10640036

Stats schmats. Just give everyone an economizer and spam ultima.

>> No.10640659

To be fair. FF6 is less a game and more an exercise in game-making.

>> No.10640675

Yeah, obsessively maximizing Esper bonuses isn't worth worrying about. The magic stat makes the biggest difference I'd say. Especially good for Sabin when you know many of his Blitzes rely on magic and not strength.

>> No.10640781

everybody knows about this anon

>> No.10640784

anon i played it for 20 hours and it still wasnt interesting

>> No.10640787

and if you really want to go back, ff3 did that as well, it looks like you explored the entire world and then boom turns out it was just a floating island floating above a massive sea then you go to a dungeon and you unflood the world and surprise a whole new world to explore thats even bigger

>> No.10640791

I'm not sure how people talking about throwing out 9999s play this game, because you reach Kefka in the level 45-55 range. Stats don't matter all that much, though, no. I always throw the the magic one on Sabin because that boost does actually help him out, especially at low level. On Terra, she can just use esper form to boost her magic in a boss battle.

>> No.10640796

hey the story in 4 was pretty cool, it wasnt amazing but was good

>inb4 surprise villian
i like this trope and im tired of pretending i dont

>> No.10640802

i always took it as a le nature fighting back kinda deal but i was too young back then so my take is kinda retarded

>> No.10640807

It is just a fairly original idea, unless there is a very deep cut source I'm unfamiliar with. Exdeath isn't a world tree or anything like that.

>> No.10640808

yeah i noticed that when i replayed it, which is confusing since i remember a number of people saying that 5 was one of the hardest final fantasy games

>> No.10640817
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I see your problem. You're playing a fan-relocalization. Don't do it. Other Fantasies, maybe get a fan-translation, VI, the scene is kill, just play raw and don't look back ffs.

>> No.10640821

Did you purposely grind or select a party based around extremely strong attack classes? You can steamroll world 1 with 4 monks just attacking, but that sort of strategy completely falls off. Monk does not scale in the late game at all, and other classes don't hit that hard without using abilities. Abilities do way more damage than standard attacks. It isn't a "hard" game, but it is one of the more challenging games in the genre.

>> No.10640823

thats a lie, im a zoomer (24) and i enjoy older games more than modern games (mostly because a lot of them try to be movies) final fantasy 4 is one of my favorite games of all time, same with the classic megaman and castlevania games.

>> No.10640826

I'm quite a bit older than you and the game was still ancient when I first played it in 2000. One of my favorites, too.

>> No.10640829

damn that sounds like fun, i never got nearly as creative as you did when i played it, i think i only masterd 2 jobs per character

>> No.10640845

i played 5 first on a snes emulator back in 2005 and the funny thing is that the appeal to me was that my hp was displayed in numbers reather than a life bar and that i could use a spell to see how much hp enemies had, thats what got me into rpgs lol, iroinc since i now hate how modern games just fill your screen with a fuck ton of numbers

>> No.10640853

i made one of the characters master the kinght job and some other class like that, the second character i made it master the monk class and the samurai class and the other two mastered the white mage and the sage and the other the black mage and summoner, i never once stopped to grind btw (i probably got the names of the classes wrong, sorry i havent played it in over 5 years)

>> No.10640861
File: 164 KB, 840x658, 537-5377515_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-dumbqua-please-be-patient-i-have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but isn't Biggs more accurate?

>> No.10640882

i liked the story it somehow reminded me of the vampire hunter D world for some reason

>> No.10640989
File: 26 KB, 600x600, mogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to blow your mind, but believe it or not? NO.
Here's a basic Nihongotastic lesson for you: in the Japanese version, the character's name was ビックス - Bi-KKU-su. This is consistent in every Japanese rerelease of Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger (confirmed to be a joke reappearance of the same characters). Later games rename him ビッグス - Bi-GGU-su - more directly after his inspiration. Based on the name =/= is the name. And since "B" and "V" loanword sounds in Japanese are more or less interchangeable (similar to L/R), basically, Woolsey turned it into a variant of the name as intended and, shocker, was right all along.
To date, EVERY LITTLE AMATEUR REWRITE HACK MISSES THIS DETAIL. If they're going to get THE FIRST NAME THAT SHOWS UP wrong, they're not worth your time. All these people indoctrinated into thinking they have to be the one to show Woolsey what-for don't even know basic weeb and/or think they're better than not only the translator but also the Japwriters. They were always ridiculous pissants.
Maybe the Tom Slattery GBA script is the only other version worth half a damn because he actually respected the source material and the game, but even he relented to the Biggs bs because he knew his first impression was gonna be a litmus test and literally the entire fanbase bought into it as "Woolsey Wrong 101" at the time.

>> No.10641012
File: 85 KB, 894x831, 71Fw6oUeM-S._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is a reference to Star Wars.

>> No.10641078
File: 256 KB, 1022x426, nothardtounderstand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we get it, way to miss the point.

>> No.10641103

That's only what I had in mind at the moment, you can do a lot more broken shit. Mixers can break the game in many ways too, for example mix a drink that lowers/increases enemy level until they become dividable by 4 or 5, then cast Lv4 Flare or Lv5 Death on them.

>i only masterd 2 jobs per character
End game strategy is to master all classes, but for that you need to farm ABP in the N-Zone where enemies drop 30-50 ABP per fight, and a rare enemy (Movers) drop 200 ABP. Earlier farm locations are Kuza Castle (you require beastmaster for that to control the Shield Dragons) or Val Castle Basement (the statues can be mass nuked by Lv5 Death or sniped one by one by using a Soft item on them).

Anyway the point to master all classes is that the Traveller (the default "jobless") class gets permanent boosts from any mastered class. Any mastered passive ability will automatically transfer to them like the mages +30% MP or the Monks bare-handed or counter hit ability or the Thiefs dash and see hidden doors, or the mixers ability to have potions heal twice as much. Travellers can also equip everything.

So once you get everything mastered, the Traveller is the strongest base class, and you can give them TWO commands, not just one.
Mime also gets all that and you can give them THREE commands, but they have no attack or item ability (unless you set them up) and can't equip Ribbons (ribbons protect from all status ailments, very useful but they are very uncommon items).

>> No.10641158

what game is that?

>> No.10641182

>plays less than 1% of the game
>stop to make 4chan thread
>"What do people see in it?"
OP how do you live day-to-day with such ADHD?

>> No.10641205

Last time a zoomie made a FF6 thread when playing fan translation, he came crying because the game didn't explain what to do against Vargas.

You see, the translation had deleted the explanation for Blitz.
I think you should keep going OP, it will be beautiful.

>> No.10641293

Thanks for the spoiler asshole

>> No.10641351

The whale is Tidus's dad

>> No.10641380

>the translation had deleted the explanation for Blitz
thats actually really funny
why did they delete it tho? did they just fuck up?

>> No.10641383

and that was the point where i was just fuckin done with the whole thing
i literally cant even

>> No.10641390

the old, "literal" fan translation isn't actually literal at all. It's even less accurate than Woolsey's original and constantly makes shit up.

>> No.10641392
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>> No.10641395

I was done 3 hours in, I haven't played it in half a year now.

>> No.10641408

>Mixers can break the game in many ways too, for example mix a drink that lowers/increases enemy level until they become dividable by 4 or 5, then cast Lv4 Flare or Lv5 Death on them
utterly based
iirc theres even a few bosses that you can one-shot with lv5 death
blue magic is so fucking cool

>> No.10641419

idk maybe id hate it less if it wasnt voiced
but VAs in jarpigs makes my skin crawl
and original jap VAs usually arent much better since any female characters usually sound like someone shearing a pig

i guess 12 had decent VAs for the english release
the last time i mentioned 12, anon brought up that its one of the highest budget localizations that any jap game did ever. it definitely made a huge difference, but i suppose thats also why almost no one does it. money is money

>> No.10641434
File: 35 KB, 551x639, 1000020332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare to see some empathy around here

>> No.10641461

kys irl desu

>> No.10641478

comparing voice actors between languages is pointless, I speak english, either put it in english or I ain't gonna listen/play.

>> No.10641552

One of the most peculiar and amazing things I've learned about the world is that people like you exist. If you put even a fraction of your autism into being successful you'd be a god.

Humans are so very...interesting...

>> No.10641564

yeah I'm sure the Japs who made it didn't accidentally mess that guy's name up then fixed it in future characters supposed to be named the same
you autist

>> No.10641571

also don't even pretend you know Japanese if you're defending the Woolsey translation as an even semi-competent work

>> No.10641580

I don't know, I think it's a fun g- what the FUCK is that shader, anon?

>> No.10641643

6s localization was totally fine
4 is the only one where it becomes almost unplayable. its practically indecipherable at times
the original localization of 5 (the one on PS) is also hilariously shit, but thankfully youre not missing much there

>> No.10641847

>4 is the only one where it becomes almost unplayable. its practically indecipherable at times
Elaborate? I don't think there's much wrong with it. The funny thing is most people don't really remember the original translation of FF4 because they're so used to playing patches or later re-releases. They forget things like Rydia originally being a "Caller" instead of a Summoner in the original US release. But even with the quirks of the original US release, I don't recall it being indecipherable.

>> No.10642203

youre the one thats confused
ive never played the game outside of FFII (US)
the translation is absolutely mangled. legendarily so

>> No.10642216

Which is a shame because there's some value in playing the original JP ROM, it actually had some pioneering hacking talent and all the qol bs was optional.
It'd be pretty funny if someone rom-hacked JP IV, V, and VI to text-port IIUS, VPSX and IIIUS as a fuck-you to the relocalization scene.

>> No.10642486 [DELETED] 

You have to go back

>> No.10642790

Pixel Remaster lets you know after winning a battle how much remaining XP before level up, which is a godsend for stat autists. Also, shows how many chests/items remaining on the map. I prefer the music on the SNES original though, especially the WoR world map song after you get the airship.

I wish Chrono Trigger had a Pixel Remaster with NONE of the shitty new content from the ports except the new translation. It'll never happen though so I'll stick with the SNES original.

>> No.10643405
File: 517 KB, 760x2005, but seriously what is this autistic blend of nothing patches and how do you credit the GBA names to Rodimus over Slattery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there really isn't a text-hack of the original by someone who actually knows Japanese? That blows. There's a GBA text-port out there, but for some reason it seems to be an edit of the "ultimate uncensorship hack" instead of its own thing, and I don't trust that with a ten-foot pole. If I wanted "fixes" I'd play a remake.

>> No.10643447

Divergent Paths

>> No.10643476
File: 310 KB, 496x706, 1706546364105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Trigger won't have a pixel remaster because they never screw up the aesthetics in a previous rerelease. If anything, it might have the "HD-2D" treatment, but we'll see.
No, there really isn't. Woolsey rewriters were always "babby's first hack" by people who pretend to know what they're talking about. There was -one- person who showed promise - hairy_hen - who caught on to the bullshit of Rodimus (who appointed himself the kingpin of Final Fantasy VI & IV, apparently hiding his inoriginality by throwing a bunch of enhancement hacks together as an "all-in-one"). I think she, amazingly, said something along the lines of "I'm gonna make an update after I learn more Japanese!" Guess what? She never made an update ever again. I guess she either realized then that she was no better than anyone else, or Rodimus got to her and she fled the scene.
Here, if you can't trust the GBA-flavored hack, this is all you need: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3813/
Honestly, I was very pleasantly surprised by this hack and I prefer it over T-Edition, but significant mods like this are bet played as your "New Game +" instead of your first time.

>> No.10643797

>I guess she either realized then that she was no better than anyone else, or Rodimus got to her and she fled the scene.
OR: hh wanted to get into the industry, and wasn't prepared to see how much they haaaaaate Woolsey rewrites (it's an open secret). Like him or hate him, Woolsey was a master of his craft, and Slattery was one of the few people who had the legit finesse for it. Abandoning the hack was probably needed to keep her in good standing. Partly why you don't see other professionals take a shake at Woolsey. Mato's probably the only other one who could've done it, but he knows the scene's a minefield, so T-Edition is as close as we'll get.

>> No.10643805


>> No.10643869

>I played for an hour and I'm not impressed
This is zoomers everyone; have a passing understanding of a subject and then decide the world needs to know your opinion.

>> No.10643912

You know it came out in America in 1999 on the PlayStation 1 right?
Also the joy of the job system isn’t just assigning classes like in FFIII, people love V because as you level up classes you gain abilities that can be taken from one class and equipped on another. It opened up a level of customization that makes most other RPGs blush. Try actually playing it, you might like it.

>> No.10643917


>> No.10644173

>You know it came out in America in 1999 on the PlayStation 1 right?
diff fag but lol thats the one where faris talks lik a scurrvvy dog the whole time right?
the music/sfx is fucked
that was actually the first time i played it. it sucked.
i mean the game was cool, but that port is atrocious
>cd load times for opening your menu
what a clusterfuck of a port

>> No.10644212

desu it kinda is completely unfathomable to think of anyone over 30 not having played at least a few more hrs than opie. at least enough to form an opinion on it, even if that opinion is "jarpigs are fucking gay"

ime so many kids, even some who didnt even like fantasy games, had FFIII on SNES
and even if youre a little younger, early fan translations and SNES emus coming into their own around the early/mid 2000s wouldve been another entry point where anyone who was aware enough to use the internet at that time wouldve likely played it too. not to mention shitty laggy emus were really only good for playing JRPGs anyways since they werent reliant on reflexes, so of course youre gonna try FF6. i mean you sure werent gonna get starfox to run on ZSNES

HAS to be a zoomer
no other way

>> No.10644237

>gay design choices
This sure is a prententious ass game, peak artfag

>> No.10644240

They let you pick who you like, without soft locking the game, what's wrong with that?

>> No.10644245

>ride home
Pretty sure it's supposed to be write home

>> No.10644265

The new shit in the CT port is so bad. Even the new equipment is dumb. For example, Magus's new armor gives +20 magic defense and auto-barrier. Who designed this shit. Magus reaches max magic defense at level 53 and he has a barrier spell. So dumb.

>> No.10644301


>> No.10645309

well, it looks like you'll never properly experience what's so good about it, because of your own arrogance and retardation. the world is cruel and sad but it is sometimes just.

>> No.10645365

Anons who suck it off must have had literally nothing else to play when they were younger. I tried playing it a few years ago and was utterly baffled by how boring it was. It was even worse than FFIV.

>> No.10645434

>the job system alone throws it way beyond most other JRPGs
Job system is cringe af
> Wow the little girl is now a chemist! And now she's a knight!

>> No.10645439

Corny as fuck and just as bad as 6 if not worse.

>> No.10645470

>play game for an hour
>rush to /vr/ to share stupid contrarian nitwit opinion
>read spoilers and get mad

You could have spent this time playing the game, but nope, baby couldn't pay attention for more than an hour. Just fuck off, no one cares if you play the game or not.

>> No.10645518

Damn, time for another FF1 replay, what should my party be this time?

>> No.10645521

Thats what you get fag for looking shit up to a game people were not using the web to look stuff up for.

>> No.10645621

People say shit like this to puff up FF5, but all you really did was try to disguise how one note the endgame customization really is. Nothing you listed in this post is even more interesting than casting Quick or equipping a Genji Glove/Offering combo in FF6.

I'm one of the guys who has been vocal about not liking FF5 and I always run into hipsters defending it so I tried to give it another try, but it's exactly how I remember it: the gameplay itself sucks and it isn't as good as people hype it up to be. The jobs are cool in theory and look like they'd provide a ton of customization, but in practice it's incredibly limited.

The main problems with it:
1. 90% of the abilities are useless or just obviously inferior
2. These abilities take for fucking ever to learn. You'll sit through a few hours of gameplay just to learn something completely unfun and useless like "Prevent Back Attacks".
3. The game doesn't tell you what abilities you can learn ahead of time so you know if it's worth it to level a class.
4. The customization is EXTREMELY limited: one job, one bonus ability from another class. What this means is the best combos are always just picking a powerful base class and either upping their damage via a stat boost ability(like Two Handed) or an ability that lets them attack more times in one turn.
5. The bulk of abilities in the game are boring crap. Just "you can cast higher level magic of that class" or "You can fight better barehanded"
6. The slow ability learning means you won't be doing any interesting combos for most of the game(not that you do any in the endgame). You're just tacking on whatever happens to be good(usually just white magic or some +atk kind of ability).

FF5 is so painfully overrated by contrarians it's unreal. All those "interesting abilities" you take hours and hours to learn in the game just rot in the menu doing nothing.

>> No.10645670

The original Chrono Trigger is actually immaculately balanced if you play with minimal grinding. Talking about the SNES original, normal game, not NG+. Stuff like the haste helm, 13 extra speed tabs, extra gold studs, etc. all come at the very end of the game. All the characters are good and useful. It's absolutely dumb to rank them based on NG+ when the enemies are completely trivialized.

>> No.10645815

your problem is thinking that everything should be perfect or best-in-slot. you know why people use those "inferior" classes or abilities? because they like it. try running sentai mages (Red, Blue, Black, White) or a party with 3 mimes or going BALS TO THE WALL, some abilities might ring differently.

>> No.10645870

fuck i got spoiled too. had to stop reading mid-sentence

>> No.10645875

>Harry Potter is completely inventive and original.
w... what? do you people read books at all?

>> No.10645906

what do you mean, 'you people'?

>> No.10645938

But if I'm going to purposely downgrade myself to just have fun or whatever, I can do that in any game and at that point, I'm imposing limits on myself to compensate for the game's shortcomings. If FF5 were well designed, it would encourage that kind of experimentation naturally, but I have no real reason to bother from a gameplay perspective. FFT is an example of a game that encourages you to experiment with different classes because they legitimately all have something worthwhile to learn and actually make your team more powerful as they acquire more abilities than if you just stay 1 class the entire game. And they give you much more freedom in customizing your character. FF5 doesn't do that. It actually incentivizes you just staying with one class until you completely master it.

>> No.10645956

so by your reasoning there's no point in ever using Red XIII or Amaranth or any suboptimal member in your party unless the game forces you.

>> No.10645992

>there’s no point in using the shittier characters unless the game forces you to
Yes, exactly. A hardcore player’s curiosity does not negate bad/flawed game design. If the average player sees no reason to use the character, then their purpose will be left unexplored by the vast majority of the audience.

>> No.10646004

The vast majority of my detailed post had nothing to do with power level of abilities and moreso had to do with the tedium of obtaining those abilities, your inability to even use those abilities for the majority of the game since they take forever to obtain, your inability to use the majority of them since you're only allowed to pick one active ability at a time, and the general lack of useful or interesting abilities(not necessarily powerful, but just interesting. !Scram, !Smoke or Prevent Back Attack are never going to be fun or interesting no matter what class you combo it with).

It's not really the power level that's the biggest issue here. It's that you don't have access to most of the skills for most of the game and most of them don't do anything interesting. Also, it's okay to use shitty characters that you find fun, but I wouldn't then turn around and argue the game had good gameplay because I made no effort to actually make smart decisions.

>> No.10646005

retro gamers

>> No.10646027

My bud who worked on a retranslation got undercut by a phony "relocalizer" who lied and cheated to get their way. He's fed up with the dishonesty and is eyeing what to do next not as translations, but overdue script ports. A while ago, FFVI came up. He at first dismissed it, but when asked if there were ideas that might be unique enough to try, he thought about it and said he might consider two. One would be to revisit the JP ROM. The other would be a partial script port that goes back to basics and just combines the official Woolsey and Slattery scripts while ignoring everything else, combing line-by-line for accuracy. Though he admitted he'd need to brush up on FFVI to see if it was viable, and if he starts it, it'd be eventually, not anytime soon. By the time he would get around to it, there'll probably be three or five more FFVI text-hacks out.
I don't know if the GBA Text hack has anything too off, but I'll bring it to his attention as something to look into.

>> No.10646029

>I wouldn't then turn around and argue the game had good gameplay because I made no effort to actually make smart decisions.
again, that's your problem of treating a game as a puzzle to be solved with perfect solutions. even as far as claiming it being a "smart decision" when it's literally a video game. you do what you want with your game, which in FF5's case the freedom of doing so is greater. choosing suboptimal comps doesn't mean I don't know the game's mechanics or whatever the guide you're reading tells you to, on the contrary I do so because otherwise it'd be boring.

>> No.10646050

Boomers were born in the 1940s-60s. They were ~40 years old when this game came out. They were not playing "nintender or "mayrio".

>> No.10646054

At this point you're just clowning and ignoring what I'm saying to sell this "power gamer" narrative in your own head about me and it's really not applicable.

>you do what you want with your game, which in FF5's case the freedom of doing so is greater.
As I have argued twice now and you have ignored twice, this is not the case. You have extremely little freedom during the course of FF5 to experiment. You can't really experiment until near the end of the game or unless you grind like crazy to unlock skills. You do not have access to most skills in a normal playthrough. It takes forever to obtain new skills. Generally the best skills are locked behinds hundreds of AP which requires you to stay the same class for huge chunks of the game. You do not know which skills you're even working towards obtaining. The vast majority of skills have nearly 0 impact on how your character functions. You can only equip ONE skill out of the literal dozens you will have by the time you reach the end of the game, so most of them are just useless to your character anyways.

You have no answer for these criticisms, so you keep ignoring them and claiming I'm tryharding the game when I'm doing no such thing.

>> No.10646073

>bad guy wins and ruin's OP's world

>> No.10646106

Fuck off zoomie

>> No.10646159

>At this point you're just clowning and ignoring what I'm saying to sell this "power gamer" narrative in your own head about me and it's really not applicable.
but it does. you ARE tryharding.

>You have extremely little freedom during the course of FF5 to experiment.
only power gamers "experiment", or in your case you probably looked up a guide. just pick whatever you like, and progress. if you have to grind, then do so.
>You do not have access to most skills in a normal playthrough.
which is true, and who said of having access to all of the skills in one playthrough?
>Generally the best skills are locked behinds hundreds of AP which requires you to stay the same class for huge chunks of the game.
see, "the best skills"
>You do not know which skills you're even working towards obtaining.
and I don't need to. just going along with it is fine, but if you really want to know then grind and maybe beeline to it in the next playthrough like a true power gamer.
>The vast majority of skills have nearly 0 impact on how your character functions. You can only equip ONE skill out of the literal dozens you will have by the time you reach the end of the game, so most of them are just useless to your character anyways.
I don't know, even having the ability to cast a black magic on a warrior changes how he works. is it good or efficient? probably not, but I guess it really is unacceptable for a power gamer.

>> No.10646250


>> No.10646270

these points are all my critiques of 5 as well. The fact that in order to properly experience each job and experiment you have to grind tons of AP separately for each character combined with the very lackluster story and cast just make it fucking boring for me. I understand how it could have been good, but it's not

>> No.10646373


>> No.10646384

> Nothing you listed in this post is even more interesting than casting Quick or equipping a Genji Glove/Offering combo in FF6.
Dual Wield from Ninja
Rapid Fire from Ranger
Flare Sword from Sorcerer
You attack 8 times with defense ignoring swords. It’s more interesting than just attacking 8 times with Genji + Offering. Feel free to have your magic caster use quick on them too.

>> No.10646408 [DELETED] 

>that 36 year old boomer who thinks he's not a boomer

>> No.10646565


>> No.10646574

>Why do boomers worship this game so much?
my dad is a literal boomer(born 1954) and he never played a single FF or nintendo game.

also Chrono TRIGGER is best.

>> No.10646580

yes but Buttz is funny name. and FF6's plot progression was funner.

>> No.10646597

My father was born in '42 and never played Final Fantasy either. I did get him deep into Tetris for a number of year though, until we played head to head and I destroyed him, his interest fell off after that and I still feel a little bad.