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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 220x153, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Ocarina_of_Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10633578 No.10633578 [Reply] [Original]

The first entry is the best in almost every series. This is because most developers make the mistake of listening to fans in subsequent entries, when it was their own ideas that made the series popular to begin with. This excludes series switching from a 2D to 3D format, in which the game is effectively a new series altogether, such as with the 1998 release, "THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: Ocarina of Time".

>> No.10633590

Checks out. FF7 is the best in the series. Or FFX depending on what you count as true 3d

>> No.10633596

>FF7 is the best in the series
Actually 6 is, which blows OP's logic out of the water.

>> No.10633604

No, he is correct

>> No.10633612

Ouch. If you're not joking and every other game is worse than OoT that's rough for the series. Does Nintendo really suck that hard?

>> No.10633651

has this been true.

>> No.10633735

This is actually almost always completely wrong for video games.

Best Zelda is Ocarina. Best Metroid is Prime. Best Turok is 2. Best Rainbow Six is 2. Best GTA is San Andreas.

>this excludes perspective changes
Retarded rule.

>> No.10633738

>This excludes series switching from a 2D to 3D format
how convenient.

>> No.10633758

There was no question mark at the end of my post, sorry.

>> No.10633762

>Best GTA is San Andreas
Vice City mogs it's visual style and atmosphere.
4 mogs it's story.
5 mogs it's gameplay.

>> No.10633769
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>> No.10633789


>This excludes series switching from a 2D to 3D format, in which the game is effectively a new series altogether . . .

Wasn't Zelda technically already a 3D platformer as early as the Oracle of Seasons and Ages games?

He could jump and fall onto deeper parts of a level or dungeon. Sure it was 3D simulated through overlapping layers and coding, but didn't it behave as 3D essentially?

>> No.10633807

>Vice City mogs it

>> No.10633810

you agreed with him retard

>> No.10633814

...Those games came out after OoT

>> No.10633818

You're the retard. Outside of the Seasons and Ages and Ocarina games, Zelda is lame anyway.

>...Those games came out after OoT

Okay? But they are 3D platformers, still. So,

>> No.10633820

FF7 is not a 3D game.

>> No.10633821

Link's Awakening DX is the best Zelda game.

>> No.10633824

I can't tell if you're shitposting or legitimately brain damaged.
You said:
>Wasn't Zelda technically already a 3D platformer as early as the Oracle of Seasons and Ages games?
OoT came out before those games, so that would make Zelda 3D "as early" OoT. Also, I hope you aren't retarded enough to actually believe that a 2D game with some degree of "depth" is the same thing as actual 3D.

>> No.10633841

>a 2D game with some degree of "depth" is the same thing as actual 3D

Why not? A pop-up book using cutout dolls is 3D, while a picture book is 2D.

A pop-up book doesn't need 3D-printed features to BE 3D.

>> No.10633847

You're a retard

>> No.10633853

>You're a retard

There you go again. As far as I can tell, I've provided logic for my assertion. You may be right about some things, but none of them require thought.

Good job. You remembered when something happened.

>> No.10633868


>> No.10634187

You're going through a lot of effort just to show how upset you are.

>> No.10634215


>> No.10634221

oh I will, lmao

>> No.10634258

>"oh I will, lmao" he types as tears stream down his face

>> No.10634283

Not true in the slightest. See:
>Mario Kart
>Guilty Gear
>Metal Gear
so on and so forth.

>> No.10634386

totally with you. fuck the fans totally and unironically

>> No.10634398

Halo CE is the best Halo by far

>> No.10634403
File: 29 KB, 486x70, Screenshot_125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're onto something

>> No.10634409

>4 mogs it's story.
>5 mogs it's gameplay.
wew lad

>> No.10634458


How does this all work out when looking at the Ape Escape, Lunar, Megaman Legends games?

>> No.10634476

>oh no I'm on /vr/ I gotta be a contrarian or I won't fit in!!!!

>> No.10634485

Because using worst aspects of both of those games to dunk on SA isn't contrarian one bit.

>> No.10634514

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were just shitposting but you sound serious, and that's way sadder.

>> No.10634520

>dude hip-hop lmao

>IV story bad
>V gameplay bad
>but SA good somehow
Yeah 100% contrarian. I'm sure you'll say V sucks because unga new bad or whatever and that IV's story sucked because it was too doomer. SA excelled at nothing. Worse gameplay and plot than what came after it, and lacked all the soul that III and VC had. People only like it because of the rap and because it catered to dumb 90's kids.

>> No.10634525
File: 461 KB, 1500x1122, G7NhLsErd6Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V story was better than IV
IV was never good
SA is ok
Go back

>> No.10634539

>4 mogs it's story
>war is where the young and stupid fight for the old and bitter
>runs over 50 pedestrians on his way to make that comment and then proceeds to commit crimes for money and then celebrates with a hoover who he beats to death to get his money back.

Yeah great story.

>> No.10634542

>IV was never good
Filtered by peak doomer kino.

>nooo no no no I can't separate gameplay from story it's not heckin ludo or whatever enough for me
Actual brainlet.

>> No.10634551

Because CJ was a cold-blooded killing machine in-story right?

>> No.10634557
File: 49 KB, 537x622, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peak doomer kino

>> No.10634606

>The first entry is the best in almost every series
Not really, no
Most things seem to hit their stride in the second or third installment, unless the first one is absoluely flawless to begin with
>Mario 3
>Sonic 2
>Super Metroid
>Duke Nukem 3D
>Street Fighter 2
>Megaman 2
>Devil May Cry 3
>Metal Gear Solid (which is Metal Gear 3)
>Doom (which is Catacombs 3D 3, and Wolfenstein 2)
>Pokemon Gold and Silver
>Resident Evil 2
I'm sure I could go on.

>> No.10634614

Shit thread that wasn't very thought-through

>> No.10634619

>people continuing to talk about GTA like any of these games are good
They were literally just cool at the time, because of the scope, and because it seemed really edgy to murder pedestrians back then.
They're not good games. We're not living in 2003. I don't know why this fanbase continues to persist.

If you want a game that's BIG, there are games where you can go into space now. And if you want a game where you can be a shit and murder people, you can play modded Bethesda games, and do infinitely more perverse stuff. And if you want a crime drama, you can play Yakuza, which is a better crime drama.

>> No.10634636
File: 72 KB, 555x647, RJJiSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTA is fun and immersive while whatever gay anime storyfag shit you love isn't

>> No.10634638

It's not immersive at all. It never feels like you're in the real world, because the people around you are all just bags of ketchup, and there's no real consequence for anything.
What's immersive is when you play an RPG, and you genuinely put thought into a dialogue choice, because you don't want to jeopardise your relationship with a character you've come to like.

GTA is the world's most boring toybox.
>oh, dude, you can like get two cars and crash them together!
So what? It doesn't mean anything. It has no gameplay significance or narrative weight.

>> No.10634648 [DELETED] 

Oh, so you're a golem, you can't comprehend immersion. How do you get past captchas btw?

>> No.10634656 [DELETED] 

Immersion is when I actually refrain from doing bad things in a game, because I have come to care about the stakes and consequences. Immersion is when one of my guys dies in X-Com, and I feel genuine sadness.
"I'm going to murder everyone for a laugh" is anti-immersion.

>> No.10634659 [DELETED] 

Yeah but how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?

>> No.10634661 [DELETED] 

>pulling that shit on me while you're defending THE wigger game, and I'm talking about X-Com
You understand, you're beneath me, yeah?

>> No.10634675 [DELETED] 

Your mother never loved you

>> No.10634692

how about you blow OP in the water, instead

>> No.10634701

6 is fucking boring i dont get how people say this one is the best, it cant be the gameplay, is the same as the previous two ff games

>> No.10634703

By ops logic, 6 would be considered a whole different series.
You're both faggots.

>> No.10635182

>but didn't it behave as 3D essentially