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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10630664 No.10630664 [Reply] [Original]

>Dad texts me saying a guy he's painting a house for has a bunch of old game stuff
>epic win
>he sends me pictures
>turbografx and master system, atari, dreamcast in box (just bought one like a month ago), model 1 genesis, famicom
>he tells me he paid $500 for the entire lot of stuff
should i be disappointed in my father for this. obviously two of these consoles (you know the ones) have no good games to their name. guy seemed mostly to buy racing and plane slop.

>> No.10630670

Yeah you should totally be disappointed in your dad working hard on top of buying games and trying to share in the hobby with you, fucking faggot

>> No.10630672

Getting just the consoles pictured standalone on ebay or even through local acquisition (facebook, craigslist) would probably cost more than 500 dollars, in this age.

>> No.10630681

retarded dad
retarded dad defender

>> No.10630693
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$500 for all of it sounds alright considering the current market, also all of those consoles have good video games to play in their libraries, stop being entitled despite your dad working hard to not only make money, but still buy you stuff out of love, you have a cool dad, be grateful and be sure to appreciate him, while you still can, so you have no regrets in the future. OP sucks cocks.

>> No.10630704

>$500usd cash
I know it's hard to break from that mindset
but it's literally literally not a lot of money not anymore
it's about to become worth even less

heres a QRD:
tg16 complete with all parts/covers around $240
master system $100+
dreamcast $100ish
atari 2600 4 switch $60-100

assuming you got even a handful of games you are still net positive
got systems/titles that were adult owned and stored in a bug free environment

try being grateful

>> No.10630721

kill yourself faggot blogposting OP

>> No.10630738

That's not true anon: the Famicom and Genesis have a few good games.

>> No.10630748

I'll take them off your hands if you don't want them. Not even kidding. Follow up and I'll make a temp email so we can communicate.

>> No.10630752

>guy seemed mostly to buy racing and plane slop
Yeah dad games, he's not playing little anime girls shit

>> No.10630754

retarded 4chan /vr/ poster with no heart

>> No.10630759

probably the same dude who posted >>10630681

>> No.10630763

You’re gross

>> No.10630803

You should absolutely be disappointed in your dad for raising his spawn to be such a colossal faggot.

>> No.10630850

the consoles alone are worth it you retarded faggot

>> No.10630976

looks like there's a tengen in there. What games? The fact that you'd be disappointed in him for not knowing about video games is puzzling. Was he buying the games for you or what?

>> No.10630980

if you get 100 for a dreamcast it better be fucking mint loose, same with master system.

>> No.10630981
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no he's like gonna sell them at a flea market he said. i looked over all the games today cuz he asked me to. tengens are pacman and super sprint

>> No.10630991

well at least tell him to throw them up on ebay if you don't want anything to do with them. Probably better prices that way. I guess you could run into paypal shenanigans tho, so idk

>> No.10630995

he's 64 so he'd either ask me to do it or more likely just get impatient and take them to the flea market anyway

he is keeping like one or two things from it, gave my brother the famicom. figured he was gonna get all this stuff for free cuz the guy didnt even want it but he offered 500 so he wants to make it back. i just find it odd.

>> No.10630998

Is your dad autistic, by chance?

>> No.10631001

no he's just from rhode island i think

>> No.10631008

overpaid by 10x

>> No.10631187

Be happy your dad found a cool thing to relate to you with. I'm surprised he would know enough to think they are worth more than $50.
Sounds like a troll thought since you said 2 beloved consoles had no good games which is super wrong.

Be prepared to have tons of people offer $10 for each console. I think about $500 is what its worth, he probably break even but a good deal if you didn't have any of those systems.

>> No.10631203

you get one controller for each and one psu (original)
i hate to say it but market value is going nowhere but up & the usd is going nowhere but down
unless the feds stop overprinting money like retards
& start pretending for once in their lives to exercise even a shred of fiscal responsibility

>> No.10631297

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree anon, nice to know you come from a family of retards. BWHAHAHHH

>> No.10631298

He's not going to make that, you left out ebay fees/shipping/time wasted. And that's if you get the good price.

>> No.10631376
File: 398 KB, 904x606, ruri-dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Master System
>Super Mario Bros. 2
>Hogan's Alley (requires the right kind of TV, admittedly)
>Altered Beast
... and that's just what I can see, and all for $500. Not bad tbhfam, not bad at all.
Based on your description and picture, this isn't like the steal of the century or anything, but your dad got a pretty decent price on the lot, you'd easily go way past $500 if you were to try to buy just each of these individual systems online, without the included games.

2600 games are a bit too 'understated' for my own tastes, but there's tons of good shit on the others which I can vouch for. Some flashcarts and some burnable discs and you have over a decade of entertainment right there. Just dust these things off and hook them up.

Wasn't a lot of money a decade ago, but some people insist they're still entitled to buy this kind of stuff for pennies, simply because you could back in 1999 and the market wasn't supposed to change, dammit!
The speculator bubble aside, this shit was never going to remain dirt cheap forever, that's just not how the world works.

Pac-Man's another good one, the NES port is basically arcade perfect. I'd ask for the TurboGfx-16 or Genesis if you don't have one of those already.

Yeah, it's a bunch of legwork and time to make it really worth to flip. If he's lucky he could MAYBE get $700 out of this stuff in total, but that may take time via fleamarkets. I'd say just clean the stuff up and keep it, videogames are for enjoying.

tl;dr tell your dad that this is a pretty good score for just having this stuff, but that this could be a bother to make it truly worth it as a business transaction.

>> No.10631385
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OP, you're a retarded nerd bitch.

>> No.10631386

Yep, OP is a dork, as in a whale's cock.

>> No.10632179

Thank your Dad you ungrateful bitch.

>> No.10632273

Okay everyone so I looked through what I have so far and I take back what I said because there's Dragon's Curse for the TG, Castlevania Adventure in box, and he might get more things from the guy. I apologized for cussing him out last night over this and we've made up. We're going out for pancakes now once I wash my pants. Glad everything worked out, so thanks for the advice I guess.

>> No.10632290

Your dad is a good man, you're an ungrateful fat fuck. Luckily, diabetes will take you soon.

>> No.10632296 [DELETED] 

OP here, I also decided to tell him that I want to live my life as a woman now.
That didn’t go well :/

>> No.10632325

what does your dad charge for a house painting?

>> No.10632387

Offer's still open.

>> No.10632473

I already threw this trash out dude give it up

>> No.10632526

If you really threw this out you're a fucking retard

>> No.10632537

there's no one to sell it to near me and i'm not shipping it anywhere so im not just gonna sit on shit i wont use for half a year

>> No.10632548

Why the fuck not ship it somewhere? You have an interested prospective buyer. I can't believe your dad spent 500 bucks on a cool gift for you and you just trash it. I seriously hope he cuts you off

>> No.10632560

Got scammed.
No normal person just having games laying around from 40 years ago thinks "oh this is worth 500$ for sure"

Hustled your father

>> No.10632645

Yeah retarded dad. I mean it's cool if you bond over this but he clearly knew you were into this shit so he should have consulted you over the price. Sounds like he crumbles under pressure and raises insecure blogposting faggots.

>> No.10632689
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>he was gonna get all this stuff for free cuz the guy didnt even want it but he offered 500 so he wants to make it back
I diagnose your father with abyssal mental retardation

>> No.10634459

NES Pac-Man isn't arcade-perfect at all tf are you talking about
It's so much slower than the arcade version and doesn't look nearly as good.

>> No.10634467

>obviously two of these consoles (you know the ones) have no good games to their name
I dont see a PS1 or N64 in the pictures though?

>> No.10634471

Gr8 B8

>> No.10634475

Honestly not a bad deal, and you can flip the Dreamcast since you already have one.

I'm sorry you've never been loved.

>> No.10634637

in the eyes of NEET, $500 might as well be $10,000

>> No.10634702

A Dreamcast in box could easily go for $500 on its own. Your dad did well.

>> No.10634728

You never had a loving dad.

>> No.10634981

It's been a long while admittedly, but it felt so good compared to the 2600 port I got to play before that. Which was playable, but didn't look anywhere as nice.

>> No.10635006

>painting a house
>gonna sell them at a flea market
holy shit how mexican are you

>> No.10635009

he didnt buy it for him. he bought it to pawn it off at a flea market.

>> No.10635667

What people forget about the model 1 Genesis is that it could only play Altered Beast and Alex Kidd, the latter only at half speed. So glad that Sega made the model 2 actually play games.

>> No.10635698

What bullshit is this

>> No.10635706

Anon is probably just having a fun time shit posting. Don't read too much into it.

>> No.10635708

Your dad got ripped off, HARD. I wouldn't pay more than 250 for the lot.

>> No.10635957

sounds like an OK deal. just get a flash cart for each system and quit bitching

>> No.10635996

>I know it's hard to break from that mindset
>but it's literally literally not a lot of money not anymore
It's true, unfortunately, especially when it comes to goods with perceived eventually resale value. Even basic commodities are going up, but the idea of putting money into something which can be easily resold and which will likely go up in value at a rate which exceeds inflation is extremely appealing, and is why even borderline normalfags have no problem throwing down hundred in old games.

>> No.10636238
File: 13 KB, 199x200, 5BBA3D52-FF47-456A-838A-D49051CD05F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP calls everything slop on this board i dont know what the fuck he wants and why he tells stories all day long

>> No.10636247

OP is 15

>> No.10636273

>Dad buys son some video games
>"Glawhd, my dad is such a fucking idiot and I hate him!"
I take it you are an ungrateful manchild in every regard?

>> No.10637174

So this is what painters do? No respect for privacy?

>> No.10637183

He is either not OP or coping because he didn’t read the thread before acting.

>> No.10637195

qrd on the voltron toy?

>> No.10637693

>So this is what zoomers do? No respect for self?
Yup. They're just stupid children perpetually throwing tantrums.
Go back . Now.

>> No.10637778

your dad sounds like a scalper nigger, good thing you are never gonna make that back lol

>> No.10638298

i always found it silly that the master system has a kind of schematic printed on top for how to connect all the parts together