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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10630605 No.10630605 [Reply] [Original]

I know this might seem like a random topic, but I need to vent a little I guess. I loved beat 'em ups as a kid, growing up with Streets of Rage 2 helps out a lot I must say, and to this day I still enjoy a lot of them, with friends on couch cooperative it really sums up what video games are all about to me, I had fun in recent years with a lot of modern revivals of the genre, and some classics too... but I never actually beat one, cooperative or alone, I mean, sort of... my dad says we beat Streets of Rage 2 when I was a kid, but I don't remember, I have the feeling that I should, though my dad has no reason to lie about this, so I don't know really.

Anyways, in recent years I've been getting back into retro video games, actually trying to go and finish all of the stuff I had and loved as a kid, but couldn't get too far in, since I always sucked at it, it's nothing new, but while I've been able to beat a lot of stuff, beat 'em ups are the genre I try to get far in and never make it, even with settings in my favor. What really messes me up is that all of the beat 'em ups I've played from the SNES and Genesis era send you back to the title screen if you die to much, and have no passwords, on only have some after you made a ton of progress, not giving them all that often, which I struggle with.

I mean, I can beat video games with limited lives and continues, it's all about trial and error, and as you keep playing you learn, get better and beat it eventually... but beat 'em ups seem to be the one genre where I'm incapable of doing that, it's like I don't learn, I keep playing and I keep failing, even if I make it further, it's not much, and often I'll do worse than in previous sessions. It sucks because it's a genre I find fun to play even alone, and a lot of my favorite IPs had beat 'em ups in the 90's, I really want to get into the genre more and start to actually win from time to time, but I suck, I just suck so bad it's not even funny, or maybe it is...

>> No.10630635

The first stages often have weak enemies you can just walk to and spam attacks with your brain off but that changes in later stages. You have to keep in mind that you have to start being careful and study enemy behavior, etc

>> No.10630824

You understand that beatem ups are different that shootem ups, right? It's shootem ups that are the game of your people. And if you can't learn to not blog on 4chan how do you imagine you'll even learn to git gud at games?

>> No.10631125

don't worry your bf will beat them for you
>It's shootem ups that are the game of your people

>> No.10631245

I suggest street of rage 1 for your training, it's super basic and the ramp up in difficulty is smooth (play Blaze).
The alternative is to just find something you find cool for whatever reason and play that (don't do it for final fight 1, it's very hard)

>> No.10631289

I suck at games in general and I beat River City Ransom. Try that.

>> No.10631295

people actually 1cc beat em ups? i thought they were artificially difficult cheese made to literally steal quarters

>> No.10631398

Beu are even less pop than shmups so there is less autism around it, but the principle it's the same.
I did it for street of rage 1 in normal to hardest and 2 for normal. Maybe they are the exception because they are console titles.

>> No.10631559

Are beat em ups less popular than shoot em ups? I always figured they were more popular.

>> No.10631572

That's what you get for being an avifag.

>> No.10631834

Beat em ups were always more popular, it’s just that shmup fans got very loud in the last decade

>> No.10631976

First and foremost: make sure you're playing a beat'em up you're actually having fun with. If you're playing any moderately hard game and not having fun with it, then you probably won't put enough effort to get good. Besides, hobbies are meant to be fun; wasting time is dumb.

Provided you are having fun, but still can't finish the beat'em up, let's take baby steps: learn how to safely approach enemies. Just start doing that. Vary the angle or pattern of approach, play with jumps or bait the AI, for each enemy in each game. See how to better get closer to your foes, without risking to take damage.

>> No.10632013

Remember to grab and throw enemies into other enemies, also for SoR make sure to use the special when you get surrounded or grabbed, it works even when you're stunned and it's better to lose a tiny bit of health over half of it.

>> No.10632015

Now that I think of it you are both right, beu are more popular than shmups for the simple fact that normies play them so ofc they will sell more (tnmt, sor4, rival girls etc).
The real problem is autism of "shmup players" (not who play shmups but who dubs himself like that), cuphead, Isaac and even nuclear throne/gungeon can be categorized as shmups but for "shmup players" we need to play vertical, bullet hell, auto scrolling games

>> No.10633848
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I know, and it's usually when I hate the most fun, I try to study enemy behavior in later stages, as I understand that simply punching and hoping for the best won't cut it anymore, but often in later stages beat 'em ups throw a bunch of enemies at once with different behaviors and in tight areas, I suck at multitasking and paying attention to this stuff all at once, so I often get lost and take hits.

I've barely play shoot 'em ups, only did it a bit as a kid because I had some, and when you're a kid you play what you have, I had some fun with few of them, but it's never been one of my favorites.

I have a GF, not a BF, and she's not very good at video games, not retro ones at least, she's more into whatever new video game's trending, or the stuff you can get for iOS to waste a few minutes.

I grew up with Streets of Rage 2, so I suppose it feels appropriate to tackle the 1st one to get my grips with the genre. I really need to find a beat 'em up with unlimited continues, as getting sent back is what messes me the most, I tried doing this method of playing one that interests me, both Maximum Carnage and Separation Anxiety for SNES, as I really like Spider-Man and Venom.

I was completely beat up by both, I did get a bit further in SA since it at has a password system, even made it to the last level, but then it had a boss rush with always a couple at the same time.

I just can't deal with having to multitask and the need to deal with multiple enemies with variety in their behaviors, since I need to think, and as I think, the other enemy's beating me up aswell.

I've seen it before and it always looked good to me, but I had forgotten about it, perhaps it's the time to finally check it out I guess. Thanks for the recommendation, anon. I hope I can play it well.

I mean, you can say that about any arcade title, not all difficulty is cheap by desing, it does vary.

>> No.10633869
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I'm not though, it's not like I'm using a specific character to give myself a sort of identity, I just use images that feel appropriate considering the text associated with them in my post, that's all. I made an OP that's way more personal, a vent, as opposed to a full on technical discussion, so an image that conveys emotion well, in this case the emotion of being tired and fed up, feels right.

Indeed, they're way more popular, I have a few friends from college that are not all that into the retro video game scene, video games in general, and yet the last few times I went to their place with my GF, we played Castle Crashers and also that newest TMNT beat 'em up, and it was fun! I didn't even know they were into these types of video games, and yet they owned and played it.

I'm doing my best to only play what I have a true interest in, so I got that covered. I'm in this tough spot where I'm getting frustrated at its difficulty, since most beat 'em ups are arcade hard, due to it being where they came from, but I enjoy it, it's just that, as I mentioned in the OP, I suck at them and can't take on later levels properly when the enemies start getting more complex all at once.

I guess it's like any other video game where you get sent back, you just keep replaying until you get better at it, and I do feel that I improve, just not enough to beat one, which really sucks.

It's the only genre I can think of where I've got into a bunch of them, loved a bunch of them, and yet have never managed to finish any, there's like a dozen that I really like and I can't beat them.

I feel that I tend to waste my specials a bit, I need to work on my judgement of when it's better to use them, or when to save them for sections that I know I'll need them in... I can improve on this.

One thing about grabbing is that it can be a pain to do when there are too many enemies at once.

>> No.10633916

first reply on 4chan

>> No.10634084

>grab enemy
>push jump
>push attack
I love beat em ups!

>> No.10634419

>I've barely play shoot 'em ups
Well there's yer problem. Slip on a pair of programming socks and live your truth.

>> No.10635271
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Welcome, anon.



>> No.10635421

>I really need to find a beat 'em up with unlimited continues, as getting sent back is what messes me the most
Use save states and rewind. Take them as additional wheels to take off before trying a 1cc.
Consider that the major part of arcade games have some bullshit on purpose to take money from you, so don't get too stressed if you get fucked over. It's like a rigged carny game

>> No.10636572

I know that's an option, but I've always disliked using it, and prefer to stick with things built in like passwords or proper saves, it's just me being autistic though.

>> No.10636927

Beat em ups are truly excellent games.
I love the constant dance of death you are in, the constant danger. A good beat em up feels more like an actual fight than most alternatives.

Keeping track of the different enemies on screen, the different enemy types and thier behaviours, and trying to deal with them in all the varied combinations, its great.