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10627557 No.10627557 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else find this game extremely hard as a kid? I seriously never had any idea what to do in this game as a kid. I would turn the game on, a dog would start attacking me and I didn’t play for months after that because I was so scared. Then when I played later on I never knew how to get outside of clocktown so I would just walk around aimlessly for miles. One day my family friend showed me how to turn into real link to leave town. I never made it past the Deku Palace stuff. But the game was really aesthetic for its time. The scene with skull kid crying with the fairys was really sad. Hard game. Also some green dragons whooped my ass.

>> No.10627658

It's not friendly to people who aren't already familiar with OoT.
Its funny a lot of people want to play MM first since they heard it's the darkest Zelda game, but it's meant to be played after OoT.

>> No.10627685

MM was designed with the understanding that you played OoT first.
Kind of how like Super Mario Bros 2 was designed for those that already played the first and wanted more of a challenge.

>> No.10627693

no more mm spam plz

>> No.10627751

the game was so foreign, it's one of the first I can remember using a guide basically the entire way through. it wasn't hard in the colloquially sense, it was confusing to go at it as one of my first few game experiences.
everyone who thinks differently likely grew up playing NES and SNES and Genesis games and just kinda has that specific set of whatever, but if you could erase your experiences with games and this be like your first ten games, I imagine you would come away with a similar opinion.
it's not like Wind Waker or Twilight Princess require a guide at all.

>> No.10627819

Yeah. It was my first Zelda game and I hated it.
I would play for a bit and then the game would wipe my progress.
Can't remember if I turned back into Link - I think I did...
But I never knew about the Inverted Song of Time.

>> No.10627829

with Wind Waker it really helped to consult a guide when hunting the triforce pieces. with majora's mask it helps to have a guide when mask hunting, some of the masks are really esoteric to find.

>> No.10627853

I was like 5 or 6 and a retarded child when it came out so I didn't make it nearly as far as I did in OoT at the same time. OoT is simple enough you can fumble your way through a good portion of it without having a developed brain, I think the furthest I got until I was old enough to actually understand video games was the water temple, but Majora filtered me pretty hard. I only made it as far as the Deku Palace and got filtered by having to plant the magic bean.

Didn't stop me from basically living in that world though. I ended up stumbling upon a lot of the masks that you can just get around town and would always go hang out at the ranch when the boulder cleared on the third day and got the bunny hood there too and did dog races. Id just explore all the areas I could and sit and wonder what was beyond the roadblocks to the other 3 areas. Think it wasnt until I was like 9 or 10 when my brain turned on and I could actually start making progress in games like this. Have played them both a thousand times since. Majora especially planted the seeds for me to really love games like Chulip, Moon, Chibi Robo etc. since theyre really similar to Clocktown and the NPCs with sidequests.

>> No.10627889

It was hard in my mid twenties.

The developers worked even harder at training you how to turn that fucking power button right off and leaving it off. Fuck. that. game.

Nothing says Buy a PS1 like 5 minutes alone with that game.

>> No.10627906


>> No.10627919

When I think PS1 I think Crash Bandicoot. So I'm left wondering why you would play Majora's Mask for five minutes, and think "fuck I want to play Crash Bandicoot instead".

>> No.10628060

Because I don't think like you think cuz I don't f****** play crash bandicoot

>> No.10628062

One of these days I'll try to learn how to play this shit, but I haven't even beaten the other Zelda game on N64

>> No.10628181

but clearly you want to get a PS1, presumably to play Crash Bandicoot.

>> No.10628197

What's clear is I don't buy Nintendo 64 to play this mother fucker.

Moon in your face after 5 minutes. Wtf.

>> No.10628202


What's clear is
Nintendo 64 developers took the initiative to create the groundbreaking game Pokemon fucking snap.

Which made the Atari 2600 look like the fucking Mars rover.

Now, you were babbling about something?

>> No.10628371

Snap, groundbreaking??
could have at least said something like Hey you Pikachu, or Seaman.

>> No.10628616

I think pretty much every Zelda game I played had instances that required a guide unless you like walking in circles for hours untill you talk to the right NPC. Like finding Dampe's grave in OoT, the Holy arrows in AlttP, triforce shards in Wind Waker.

>> No.10628674

Are you LITERALLY retarded?

>> No.10628717

Majoras Mask is such an abundant stain upon the franchise that it mentally scarred an entire generation of children into hyping it up a decade later in order to help shoulder some of the emotional burden. MM becoming the original hipster game was a collective attempt to alleviate the unstoppable anguish seeping from the wounds it cut into countless vulnerable psyches. Shit game.

>> No.10628719


>> No.10628760

Are you

I don't care for the game.

May try some other time.
Wasn't interested in learning the game.

No harm in that. You disagree you can go fuck off.

>> No.10629043
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>my psyche is le emotionally scarred by a videogaem

>> No.10629953

>Like finding Dampe's grave in OoT
When you first turn into an adult, Sheik tells you that there's a treasure in Kakariko Village you will need to continue your quest.
When you first enter Kakariko, there's two NPC's playing catch. No matter who you speak to it engages them both in conversation, and that's where they tell you they saw Dampe descending into his grave!
So you enter the graveyard and check Dampe's Shack, and his journal informs you that he has a Springy Treasure, and to come and see him in the grave marked with flowers on the left side of the graveyard. There's only two graves with flowers too!

OoT is one of the most telegraphed games, complete with Navi reminding you of things, and where your next destination arrives.
She will remind the player that Sheik said there was a treasure in Kakariko!!

>triforce shards in Wind Waker.
that's just a skill issue, the charts are MAPS.

>> No.10629959

go play Crash Bandicoot

>> No.10629965

can you put "majora" in the OP next time so my filter can catch it? thanks.

>> No.10629983

no can do

>> No.10630017

It's trash. You ARE crash bandicoot

>> No.10630093
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>mfw I was Crash Bandicoot all along
the Crash Bandicoot were the friends we made along the way, we each have an entry in that series inside of us.

>> No.10630106

When I first got the game, it took me like a week to figure out what to do at the start of the game, and then I had no problem doing anything else until I got to the stone tower and couldn't figure out how to get up the tower with the elegy of emptiness.

>> No.10630367

You figured it out on your own, didn't you.

>> No.10630376
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Good thing crash bandicoot didn't stick as a play station mascot.

>> No.10630383
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Spyro was better anyway.

>> No.10630394

I was stuck on Great Bay Temple for weeks and got part way through the last dungeon before I lost interest. I preferred the side quest anyways.

>> No.10630424

Meds. Now.

>> No.10630443

i only found the bosses hard because i was being stubborn about leaving every optional thing for the end and didnt explore so i got to the final boss with only 6 hearts so he killed me in two hits, everything else i figured it out on my own

>> No.10630449

a guide? the game literally gives you a guide telling you exactly where every single piece is

>> No.10630450

this game is made for children anon, are you saying you are more retarded than a kid? jesus i figured it out and i could barely read english back then
>inb4 ESL
cope faggot

>> No.10630638

Your ass. Disagree and reject your ridiculous message. Make me sick

>> No.10630646

Get a job.

>> No.10630651

>are you saying you are more retarded than a kid?
Anon, you're on 4chan

>> No.10630797

i know but wow more retarded than even an ESL 10 year old?

>> No.10630821

You fucking bitch ass California niggas.

You run your mouth and not a fucking article of what you spoke has anything to do with the initial post. If you want a gossip among yourselves go to the fucking discord chat. Now we all know why you don't have a fucking YouTube channel of your own cuz you're too fuckinf stupid and incompetent. Look at you. Crash bandicoot ass niggas make me SICK. Do better pos. Fucking cowards. Fuck meds. Lift weights. Pussies

>> No.10630848

I tried to play it as a grown ass man and was confused. I still respect the game for what it is though, incredibly unique atmosphere and gameplay.

>> No.10630967

did you not know how to read nigga?

>> No.10630973

It's still hard. I had an easier time with it in my recent playthrough but only because I played from an Everdrive that allowed me to circumvent the punishing save system.

>> No.10631064

played it when i was 11 i belive.
It fucking raped my brain back then.
I used a guide for the dungeons, had no major issues beating OoT.

>> No.10631095

so were you like 4 and didn't even know how to read?

>> No.10631180

>and to come and see him in the grave marked with flowers on the left side of the graveyard

Maybe in the 3ds version but in the n64 version you don't get any information about the location of the grave and there are like 20 of them. You also have to figure out that you have to pull the tombstones to open the graves instead of digging. Which doesn't make any sense.

>that's just a skill issue

Not saying this is hard once you got the charts. Just needlessly time consuming without a guide. Is there any info on which Island you need to visit to get the ghost ship chart or do you have to visit every single one of them untill you get lucky? That's where I needed a guide

>> No.10632374

There's only two stones with flowers. Due to the shape of the stones you can grab behind it and pull them. This seems silly to be hung up on for any length of time, it seems so obvious.
ESPECIALLY when you are told by the villagers, and informed by his diary to come find him IN his grave.

I sure there's a chart for the ghost ship. needing a guide for WIND WAKER is batshit insane.

>> No.10632507

Yeah there's a chart. You just aren't told that you need it and have to check every single island untill you find it. It's great if you have unlimited time and like to fuck around in the boat, but poorly designed for player who want to andvance in the story

>> No.10632542

There's those fish guys who mark your map, he tells you about them. The boat, and the chart.

>> No.10634718

I was 10 when the game came out and I couldn't figure out how to give the witch in the forest the red potion.

I would go up to her and press the c button the item was equipped to because that's how you did it in oot.
Thinking back now, I understand why they changed that machinic after oot, but at the time I just kept drinking the potion.

Took a few months off at that point.

>> No.10635762

I talked to her first, lol.

>> No.10635874

The first time I played this game, I went in mostly blind, knowing about the three-day time limit but not knowing that you would earn the ability to return to the first day shortly after starting the game. I remember ragequitting during my first play session because I thought you literally had to play through the entire game within the initial three days they gave you, and I felt like I was barely making progress.

>> No.10635876

Just say you don't like difficulty in your games.

>> No.10635941
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follow the comment chain, dude got filtered in five minutes of Majora's Mask, and wanted to resort to playing Crash Bandicoot.

>> No.10635945
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>> No.10635954

>Literally (Me)

>> No.10635993

It's not hard just confusing and obscure. Pretty cool game but it's not a classic like OoT. Too much stupid shit , why did termina bay need those banjoo jizzooie ass beavers? The physics seems slightly glitchy in places compared to OoT as well...

>> No.10636524

i used a guide for the triforce pieces because i was sick of sailing.