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10623942 No.10623942 [Reply] [Original]

This has to be one of the longest running franchises I never see anyone talk about. Is it worth getting into? What makes it fun?

>> No.10623976

It wasn't good until the revival era for the series where they remade YsI&II with analog control bump combat, then did Ys6.

They good games are pretty good.

Play these ones:

YsI&II Chronicles
Ys Oath in Felghana (remake of Ys3)
Ys Memories of Celceta (remake of the two different versions of Ys4 in the style of Ys Seven which came before it)
skip Ys5 until they remake it, it was horribly mediocre and almost killed the series.
Ys6 (it was made before Oath in Felghana, same kind of game, solo character action rpg)
Ys Seven (first of its type, action rpg with a party where you can swap between characters freely and use their weapon type strength to attack enemy weaknesses)
Ys 8 (also like Ys Seven as are the ones after it)
Ys 9
Ys 10

Avoid the old pre-late 90s games and the jank Japan-only PS2 remakes. Some faggots may claim the very slow plodding 4 directional bump combat of the original bump combat games is good, but it's not. The series almost died because of the aggressively shitty/mediocre games.

>> No.10624390

Play I&II Chronicles
Then Oath
Then stop

>> No.10624458

>What makes it fun?
Interesting action combat that feels one step above mindless arpg's + a Classic feel without the sensation you're just playing JRPG -the game- + fantastic music
People shit on bump combat but if you have any love of ALttP, it's fun

>> No.10624863

>People shit on bump combat but if you have any love of ALttP, it's fun

ALttP doesn't have bump combat though?

>> No.10624880
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I love the pacing, music, and gameplay. They also are some very beautiful games that was artfully crafted for the hardware. I really like that the games are pretty concentrated and doesn't take too long to fully experience. One of my most favorite series.

>> No.10624912

Bump combat is archaic and retarded.

>> No.10624983

Don't listen to the haters; play Ys Books I&II for TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM.

Best OST. Best janky bump combat. Great game.

>> No.10625040

I would stay clear from the following entries:
Ys 5 and Ys 5 Expert, unless you really like generic super famicom JRPGs. I've played it and finished it for all of our sins. We do not need more sacrifices.
Versions of Ys I&II that came before Chronicles, unless you have a specific interest in a certain port's aesthetic. The TG-CD version is often recommended, but honestly even the PC-88 is kinda fun. Do not that the Famicom versions are very different.
Wanderers from Ys III: the SNES version. The hitboxes are fucked. Also, if you intend to play Oath in Felghana (remake of III), you might want to skip it to avoid spoilers.
Ys Origins should not be played before I&II.
Ys 9 should not be allowed to exist.

A good starting point is honestly Ys 8 or Ys: Oath in Felghana, which represents two different Ys formulas really well. If you are intrigued by the Bump system, do I&II Chronicles. If you want a sidescroller, Wanderers from Ys III on the mega drive (or TG-CD if you can tolerate the framerate) is your only option.

>> No.10625067

1 and 2 on Turbo CD are dated but fun and charming enough to play through. Great presentation and soundtrack. 3 is weird. Check out 4 on Turbo CD if you really enjoyed 1 and 2.

Thats all you need the rest are not good and the newest ones are just bottom of the barrel low budget anime slop games.

>> No.10625092

Ignore this post, Ys I and II are kind of weirdly paced and disjointed in their original ports but still fun. Ys Book I&II for PCE CD cleans things up a lot and is kino. Great OST too.
III is good for MD and PCE but not at the same level. Still good music.

>> No.10625242

The only people who hate bump combat are those with poor motor skills who can’t figure out how to hit the enemies in the right spot.
Also, diagonal movement makes bump combat too easy because you can just run into them at angle instead of having to aim. That’s why the Turbo CD version of Ys I & II is still the best.

>> No.10625495


I don't agree with this post entirely but it has good points.
It is a great series. Bump combat is great!
Question is what do you want to do? Play some games or get into the series?
If you want to get in to it just play the latest remakes.
Yes some earlier versions are good, but it gets confusing and they added new story.

Ys 1 and 2 have original versions, PC Engine and Chronicles that's interesting.
Ys 3 have original, x68000, (maybe Genesis as well all 16 bit console versions are based on x68000), Oath in Felghana. PC Engine port is choppy it's just a worse port of x68000 version. Just listen the soundtrack of PC Engine version.
Ys 4 every version is a completely different game. Play Memories of Celceta. If you enjoyed PC Engine version of 1 and 2 play PC Engine. Super Famicom version is worse from what I've heard. PS2 remake is based on Super Famicom version.

>> No.10625506

Oh I've forgot. There is also Saturn remakes of 1 and 2, that I'd say interesting. Just play the latest remake first than you can play earlier ones if you're interested. PC Engine version is by far the best.

>> No.10626662

>it wasn't good until they made the shitty version of Ys I&II

>> No.10626684

anyone who described a franchise, a game designer, or anything as "legendary" deserves to be punches in the throat.

>> No.10626702

He's wrong, but you're bot not helping either.

>> No.10626764
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I only played the NES versions, and that version of 3 is quite underrated

>> No.10626770
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>> No.10626773
File: 133 KB, 768x1200, Ys III - Wanderers from Ys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10627764

I love the Ys series, but I'm starting not to love it because the modern games have unfortunately destroyed the very carefully balanced tough and excellent boss battle designs present in earlier entries. I haven't played Nordics yet, but I'm guessing it has made the problems with the series even more severe or just kept it the same.

They desperately need to fix Flash Guards and evading, but it feels like they've given up on trying to actually balance boss encounters to have normal, dodgable attacks through repositioning and instead just want you to chain Flash Guard to be invincible through unavoidable barrages of attacks.

>> No.10627786

I'm not wrong and all claims I'm wrong are just appeals to older game better because old, some dogshit about "soul" etc. The versions of I&II Eternal/Complete/Chronicles are just better than the originals in every way. They kept trying to ride off that style of game well until the mid 90s and it didn't work out for them.

>> No.10627870

One of my favorite franchises, love them all except Celceta.

>> No.10628367

It was good until remake niggers like >>10623976
came into being, now the whole series is just as bad as Kiseki

>> No.10628468

Always has been.

>> No.10628543
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Today I will remind them.

>> No.10628547

Lots of buzzwords for moving the goalposts and say you got filtered.

>> No.10628607

bloated story should be replace by remakes

>> No.10628632

>the games are piss easy and slow but you got filtered

>> No.10628652

Says more about you than the games.

>> No.10628668

No one talks about it because the people who played it back in the day were never impressed by it. It's a series of games that do nothing well made by a company that does nothing well, but zoomers seem to can't get enough of these disposable games.

>> No.10628960

Why is Napishtim not so well regarded? I bought it when it was released after a long decision between it and Shining Tears at the time, glad I chose Ys.

>> No.10628995

>made by a company that does nothing well

>> No.10629029
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>games can never ever be improved
>everything is perfect the way it is

>> No.10629045

I never said Eternal wasn't better, you dingus. I only called bullshit on you claiming the games weren't good to begin with.

>> No.10629651

Falcom has existed for 43 years and in that time the amount of good games they have released can be counted on one hand.

>> No.10629732

are you a zoom zoom who only played the remakes? Not only did they start the Action RPG genre with Dragon Slayer, they also made quite a lot of derivative RPGS like Brandish, Sorcerian, Lord of Monarch, Xanadu Romancia and sequels to most of these.

>> No.10631407

The turbografx version is the way to go

>> No.10633002

>Not only did they start the Action RPG genre
Zelda 2 did

>> No.10633023

ohhh shit....you did not just say that
swiggity swooty, someone is coming for that booty but not me because i want to see some nerd TNT go off

>> No.10633048

Series peaked in the Ark era. They leaned way too hard into RPG bullshit and Kiseki style tomfoolery after Origin.

>> No.10633342
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You could argue the very first signs of it started creeping in in Origin, but it reached a new level in Seven, then again in VIII, then took a massive leap beyond anything prior in IX. IX has the exact same macro- and micro-structure as a Kiseki game, except it takes place across parts of one city instead of a country and places focus on the worst aspects of VIII instead of its strong points.

I wonder what people will think about Ys X once it releases in the West. I've actually beaten it and it's... certainly a game that exists.