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10620281 No.10620281 [Reply] [Original]

Everything after the Mother Brain fight is shit. And you can tell how the made the rest of the game shorter for the sake of that garbage at the end.

>> No.10620283

I fucking hate it when some schizo makes it their personal mission to make a game undiscussable.

>> No.10620290

The game it was remaking was already short as fuck. ZM expanded everything before Mother Brain about as much as was practical while still staying faithful to the original map.

Also, the stealth section was good. I'll fight anyone who disagrees.

>> No.10620297

this is a schizo post

>> No.10620302

we literally had another retarded bait thread about this game the other day

>> No.10620305

my complaints with it are more aesthetic. going to the space pirate base on the same exact planet and then mecha ridley being goofy. the stealth wasn't great but I won't throw a fit over a brief novelty.

>> No.10620338
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The sneaking should have been an optional post-game mission or placed in the main game somewhere since they were messing with it already anyway, but putting it AFTER the climax was just horrible. It's not "yay more game" but "JUST LET ME FINISH THE GAME" BS.

>> No.10620341
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>Good thing was ackshually.. LE BAD!

>> No.10620346

lets not overcorrect to say that only positive discussion is good. whats not good is some faggot spamming about something he doesnt like to stir up controversy

>> No.10620348

It has some really good parts in the main game, the end is just bad

>> No.10620397

>nintendo dev in 2003: Hey wouldn't it be cool if we added a stealth section? Yeah sounds cool, go for it.
>spergs who can't legt go in 2024:

>> No.10620408

Is there a romhack which removes the stealth section and maybe cleans up the rest of the game to compensate for stuff which requires the power bombs and other postgame items? Seems like a nobrainer.

>> No.10620459

Was this written by someone who constantly causes strife

>> No.10620484

maybe there's something on https://metroidconstruction.com/index.php

>> No.10620485

I never realized the stealth section was so hated, it’s not even that long

>> No.10620492
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somebody thought this looked cool enough to put it in the game

>> No.10620574

The point seems to be to deliberately use an uglier ship that gets blown up so she upgrades to something better

>> No.10620660

I guess for me the zero suit samus stuff is just a bonus dlc at the end. It's really short and something extra to do. I never thought about complaints. I guess I probably would have issues if it wore out its welcome

>> No.10620767

the stealth section sucks, if even for happening at the end of the game.

>> No.10620778

>Also, the stealth section was good. I'll fight anyone who disagrees.
You can't fight anyone, you're doing the stealth segment.

>> No.10622212

My zoomer gf can't get into Metroid, "too confusing" she says, but she keeps trying because she likes Samus and the setting, graphics and music.
I thought girls liked metroidvanias?

>> No.10622241

>Everything after the Mother Brain fight is shit. And you can tell how the made the rest of the game shorter for the sake of that garbage at the end.

Sort of true. It feels like after they fight against mother brain, the people of nintendo lost all or at least most ideas and made the last part of the game rushed.

>> No.10622259

Today I started to wonder if they made the game feel too short by streamlining it so much, so they had to add something on at the end. Or maybe Sakamoto just wanted to try out some ideas with stealth.

>> No.10624761

I still like Metroid II on the original GB the best.
Confused as to why people struggle with it so much.

>> No.10624817

same, it’s great

>> No.10626268
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You don't need to play it after Mother Brain, that's where the original game ends after all.
Not only is it short but it's also quite easy because you'll have at least a few energy tanks, save points are plentiful and regenerate health.

>> No.10626305

I want a 20-something gf that talks about games with me. Where'd you meet her?