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File: 33 KB, 500x375, castlevania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10619474 No.10619474 [Reply] [Original]

every 3D castlevania is bad

>> No.10619479 [DELETED] 

Who told you that? Your favorite e-celeb?

>> No.10619480 [DELETED] 

>tubetard says thing so it must be true
zoom zoom

>> No.10619483

>getting filtered by the nitro
couldn't be me

>> No.10619494

I only watch cute japanese girls reacting to Filthy Frank shouting kimoi . I know they suck because I played them

>> No.10619498

3D Castlevanias are maybe legitimately some of the most underrated games.
It's just one of those series that got caught in that mire of negativity for a while, when the 3D ones failed to live up to the 2D ones.
3D castlevania is probably better than 3D Sonic or 3D Megaman on the whole. People have gradually come around to liking Megaman Legends, but the 3D Castlevania games are probably better and less fucky to play than Megaman Legends is, on the whole.
The 64 games are a tad rough, but they've got a lot of cool stuff, and are actually fun to play if you're willing to work with them. Lament of Innocence is straight up just a good PS2 game. There's very little negative to say about it.

>> No.10619503

>Lament of Innocence There's very little negative to say about it.
Those ugly copy paste hallways. Terrible looking enemies. Underweighted combat

>> No.10619504

Just not true. Disagree. Try write a more engaging post next time. And try not to be wrong next time.

>> No.10619530

Okay I will try
It was just on my mind. I saw a video of Lament of Innocence and it was so shitty it reminded me of when I tried to play it and I got mad thinking about it

>> No.10619553

I only played the first N64 one. I didn't think it was especially good, but I don't know that I'd call it bad either

>> No.10619568
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>> No.10619572
File: 2.14 MB, 939x1896, Castlevania 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10619589
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>> No.10619598
File: 2.72 MB, 640x480, CVLoD_skipfight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10619603
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, CV64_Special2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10619605
File: 2.60 MB, 640x480, CV64_BOOOOM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10619606
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>> No.10619607

I remember the other weapons were so rare and hard to get they were basically not even worth it. And killing enemies was pointless anyway since they didn't have any drops and the maps were designed so you could just run around them.

>> No.10619649

unlike our favorite plumber, castlevania had a ruff transition to 3d

>> No.10619916
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Yeah but these guys are top tier design

>> No.10620080
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>> No.10620082

Just imagine how much better (and less kiddy) these would have been if they were on the PlayStation.

>> No.10620473

Lament of Innocence had a lot of drops including some relics that you could only get by drops. Only had one main weapon (the whip) and the extra elemental whip types came from bosses in out of the way/hard to reach areas.

>> No.10620702

Dark Souls 2 is the best 3D castlevania, fite me

>> No.10620713

Kek pretty much

>> No.10620715

N64vania was kino, the PS2 ones however were insultingly bad.

Given how terribly Gungage handles platforming and movement as a whole, it's no wonder KCE Tokyo didn't bother with 3D Castlevania at the time.

>> No.10621380

>N64vania was kino, the PS2 ones however were insultingly bad.
go jump off a bridge contrarian faggot
CV64 was and will always be garbage

>> No.10621461

Fuck off, liking 64 is not contrarian. AVGN rotted your brain

>> No.10621478

Being a cv64 fan is contrarian. You got too accustomed to thinking contrarian is an insult. Maybe think of something better?

>> No.10621480

no one cares about what your favorite e-celeb says you faggot
CV64 is garbage and mogged not only by the PS2 games but even by the terrible Lord Of Shadows games

>> No.10621661

Like beautiful atmosphere

>> No.10621667


>> No.10621706

It was N64's answer to King's Field

>> No.10621709


>> No.10621741


>> No.10621747
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>> No.10621779

They're probably the weakest and least consistent in the series but I couldn't call them genuinely bad.

>> No.10621868

Megaman Legends completely shits on Castlevania 64. It's no contest

>> No.10622012


>> No.10622627

in Castlevania 64 you and the enemies slide around on ground like ice and they keep spawning and go down in 1/2 hits and you just keep pushing forward doing nonsense puzzles, it feels meaningless to play. Megaman legends at least has precise game play and meaningful progression where the devs actually tried to make a logical game world

>> No.10622638

Legends is so clunky it would be irredeemable, if the game wasn't otherwise filled with personality and charm. It flat out plays badly.

>> No.10622640

>It flat out plays badly.
It's pretty fun to strafe around enemies, jumping on ledges and seeking cover as you get shots in. Works on my machine

>> No.10622659

Side note the sound design and enemy design is elite in that game. Everything is so feral and insectoid

>> No.10622684

Everybody has always shitted on N64 Castlevania…and I get it, but it’s almost one of those games that’s so bad that it’s good. I loved the fact that it was absurdly difficult but not like Ghosts n Goblins difficult where after a while you’re just simply not enjoying the game. I suggest playing as Carrie Fernandez since her powers/weapons are better and I feel like I can control her better than Reinhardt. There’s also a few other things that come along with that character that I don’t want to spoil for those who have never played it. Use an emulator if anything; one that has a rewind feature so you can at least enjoy the visual aesthetics of the game, which are nice.

P.S. It’s really more immersive if you play it with a white noise rain and thunder softly playing in the background.

>> No.10622715

I'm playing it on my everdrive rn and carrie does make it easier, the thing about her is just you want to stay away from enemies and always charge that homing energy blast. It makes the side arms and melee irrelevant
I like the violin intro reminds me of the violin and flute guys in the illusion world in shadow tower

>> No.10622727

The homing power balls are also good for orientating yourself if you’re not sure where the next enemy is. Really helps in the fog.

>> No.10623821

I really wouldn't recommend Carrie on a first playthrough. Her non powered up attack is super weak and the auto-lock capabilities can make the game seem worse than it is when it locks on an enemy that's not in front of you.

>> No.10623862 [DELETED] 

Stop sameposting and being retardedly wrong, sperg.

>> No.10623874

Stop sameposting and being retardedly wrong, sperg.

It doesn't get brought up enough, but Castlevania on N64 has ridiculously good and technically impressive sound design.

>> No.10623887

Lament of Innocence is okay. Not amazing, but a decent effort.

>> No.10623909

Such decent effort with all these copy pasted flat rooms and corridors with nearly zero platforming, poor camera placement and the dumbest story possible. Lament and Curse are frankly embarrassing and low ambition games and more like Gauntlet games than Castlevania.

>> No.10624317
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>> No.10624328

Ring a round a cunny
A licky on the tummy

>> No.10624359
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>> No.10624459

I was thinking of titling it "I've got a bone(er) to pick with you" but I didn't want to possibly derail the thread.

>> No.10624665

Anyone try curse of darkness? I was thinking of trying it out after watching this video but don't want to waste my time if it's just mediocre.

>> No.10626090

Curse is atrocious aside from a few combat side upgrades from Lament and some slick music. People who genuinely like the gameplay loop of that game or consider it the best 3D Castlevania have no standards at all.

Do try it out and form your own opinion, though.

>> No.10626220

It needed better balancing and area design. Everything shit about Lament of Innocence's copypasted hallways was worse. Cool concept with the Innocent Devils but no balancing and it was largely an obscene grind to make them worth much other than utility.

>> No.10626612

I played it many years ago and I barely remember anything from that video. All I remember is samey bland looking environments and the crafting system. But I liked it.

>> No.10627158
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Castlevania 64 was my first Castlevania game last year
coming from it as an old school RE fan, the smidge of survival horror elements to it, namely the mansion area made it the most appealing of the games to me, but i plan to get around to playing some of the 2d ones soon.

>> No.10627475
File: 334 KB, 864x864, Takeo Yakushiji GamePro_US_112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you had fun with the game, Anon. Make sure to try out Carrie too (she has three different stages, the latter two being really good) and also play Legacy with the CV64 characters; Reinhardt in LoD plays so much better with all the QoL shit it isn't even funny, but most people don't even bother with them and don't realize this.

>> No.10628806
File: 45 KB, 189x186, 1701933038025940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D castlevania is probably better than 3D Sonic or 3D Megaman on the whole.
Nah, no 3D Castlevania does the series justice in the same way that Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations and Sonic Frontiers did for Sonic, those were all so excellent and genuinely translated the 2D classics into 3D in a satisfying manner, something no 3D Castlevania managed to do for me.

>> No.10628825

>Interview with a Vampire
mandela residue

>> No.10629059

>Colors, Generations
Unleashed had something good going on with its day stages and then Colors fucked it up, Generations refused to fix it and now retards like (you) consider those two some of the best Sonic games. Ridiculous.

The Japanese title is just "Interview with Vampire", the translator likely hosed up.

>> No.10629317

Zoomers will never be able to understand it.
Playing this thing at a store on one of those demo consoles, everytime you get there playing the first level, making it to the boss with the bike skeletons, finding the secrets, getting the upgrades and just getting HYPE for whatever is behind the gate in that castle...

>> No.10629321

It blows my mind when contraband want to pretend this is better than Zelda or that the 64 and ps2 games are in anyway different from the non retro 3d games. These games are trash.

>> No.10629770

Curse of Darkness is in my top 10 favorite games of all time.
The music, the Innocent Devils, the secrets, the chaining back-handsprings to get everywhere, the characters (PS. FUCK the Netflix anime for fucking-up Hector and Isaac), just all of it.
I could gush.

>> No.10629825
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I prefer the regular stages in Unleashed over what came later, but to deny that Color and Generations were more polished overall and, pretty much as a consequence of that, were much better received, is just denying reality. Colors and Generations are still good and I'm obviously not retarded for stating something most would agree, you're the retard for just getting so upset and worked up over someone daring to call titles you don't like good despite their excellent reception, so you can go fuck yourself hard, you autistic fucking retard.

>> No.10629972

Sorry I'm not into mediocre games and faux-3D Sonic games where massive chunks of the game is garbage 2D platforming done horribly; Frontiers and Dream Team are closer to what 3D Sonic should be more. Generations' stages follow the design principle of Colors, which was basically "separate 3D setpieces with tons of 2D sections that usually revolve around blocks and flat platforms because spergs like (you) thought Colors was good and more polished". If you want to make Sonic "justice in 3D", you should avoid terrible 2D sections entirely, otherwise people will immediately start to shit their pants about how the older games had better physics or how "it misses the point" of being 3D.

But it's hilarious you think these two incredibly mediocre games do Sonic "justice in 3D" and not the N64 Castlevania games, which are actually way more faithful to the classic games. Especially Generations which can't even make up its mind if it wanted to be a sub-par sidescroller or a dreadful behind-the-back trackrunning game, and only got by on nostalgia pandering. Boost Sonic is not Sonic logically translated into 3D, they are gotta go fast simulators with a Sonic skin, where instead you just spam boost and homing attack on-rails, instead of resorting to physics-based platforming with multiple ways to play. Sonic's movement needs to be fluid at all times instead of ridiculously stiff, which is ironically something both Sonic Team and KCE Kobe accomplished in 1998.

>> No.10630037
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No, they're not mediocre, stop trying to pretend that acclaimed video games are subpar because you think so, you don't matter. 2D sections were the weakest part, but didn't take from the whole experience and overall quality of the levels and mechanics, and these sections still function fine. Sonic's boost formula isn't a direct transition of 2D Sonic into 3D similar to what Adventure was, but it has similar principles, while there's less of platforming, the core of playing and replaying it until you get really good and manage to go fast with ease is still there, the exhilirating speed we had has been multiplied, but we still have a lot of alternate routes, especially on Generations, and replay value. It's a different take on Sonic, but a take that feels like the character and does it well.

If you sum up the boost levels in both Colors and Generations as just spamming boost and rails, it really isn't any different from the people that go on about how 2D Sonic is just a matter of holding right and pressing down on slopes, we know it's a lot more than that and that the replay value, that desire to learn and go faster and faster, made it truly special, Colors and Generations have that.

I prefer the Adventure formula and something that feels closer to 2D Sonic in 3D, but these are acclaimed video games that were generally loved by fans of the franchise, unlike Castlevania N64, which has its fans and its merits, but it's nowhere near as beloved and/or acclaimed, and was really overshadowed by SotN on PS1 and Saturn, which did Castlevania a lot more justice on the whole.

>> No.10630278

>stop trying to pretend that acclaimed video games are subpar because you think so
Or maybe learn to use your brain and judge products on your own instead of following journalists and fans with low standards. Let me guess, you probably think The Adventure of Link is a black sheep or something dumb like that.

Not interested in engaging again with your Sonic strawman in a Castlevania thread. Legacy of Darkness and Castlevania 64 are great games and genuinely good Castlevanias.

>was really overshadowed by SotN on PS1 and Saturn, which did Castlevania a lot more justice on the whole.
SotN, the game with no platforming challenge whatsover and that places focus on 100% exploration through several hallways and RPG elements. Truly a satisfying transition from Classivania and making justice to what these games were about. Meanwhile Castlevania on N64 actually has level design, unlike Rondo and all these boring backtracking through hallways sims that IGA loved shitting out every year. Even Wonder Boy III is a better """Metroidvania""" game than KCE Tokyo's shite and that came out like a decade before SotN.

>> No.10630319
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Here's the thing, me considering both Colors and Generations to be good is a fact, and you finding them to be bad is also fact, there's are our very own perceptions and they're real to us, but we're having a discussion about their quality and need to eliminate the subjective component as much as possible for it to even go anywhere, of course it'll always be somewhat subjective anyways.

In my eyes, a video game being critically beloved and acclaimed by both critics, long time fans and more casual fans, at least the majority of all of these groups, is a sign that it's objectively good.

If you still don't like them, whatever, we don't have to like anything, I dislike and can't get into a lot of stuff I can still recognize the quality of, I'm just not clicking with it, and that's perfectly fine.

If you like Castlevania 64 and think it was a good adaptation into 3D, fair, it retains more elements from the 2D classics than any other 3D title that came after it, but I find them to be mediocre, and if we're talking about video games in general, I believe Colors and Generations were better for Sonic than Castlevania 64 was for Castlevania, I think you're free to disagree, but this is my view.

P.S. I apologize for being rude at first, I usually do my best to be chill, but you calling me a retard out of the blue for stating my thoughts rubbed me the wrong way, I'm more chill now, so cheers.

>> No.10630589
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The biggest issue with Castlevania on the 64 was the terrible first level, confusing similar looking areas with lots of insta death jumps well before the player has a chance to get used to the controls and camera. Legacy of Darkness fixed that to a degree and streamlined the forest area.
Because once you reach the manor you really start to appreciate the games atmosphere and there are very few insta death sections, it baffles me as to why they started with a difficulty spike very early in the game then the area that should have been the introduction area is after the forest and towers with bottomless pits and moving platforms.

>> No.10630734

Oh your bait was so so close to believable.

>> No.10630820

Skelly bikers madafacka

>> No.10630860

>bottom center

>> No.10630868

i never understood what the special were for, description only showed ????

>> No.10630870

Bonus outfits for replays, I think they both get two possible outfits to unlock.

>> No.10630880

I always loved everything about the skeletons of castlevania 64, the models, textures, animations, sound effects, ai, effects, atacks...

>> No.10630936

Works on my machine

>> No.10630952

well your n64 won the silicon lottery then

>> No.10630961

>still playing on real hardware and complaining about poor performance

>> No.10631070

Did LoD have the really bad lag in the lava area? The original did but I don't remember if it still was an issue in the follow up.

>> No.10631092

only on high res mode iirc