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10618764 No.10618764 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10618770

Yep I'm thinking based

>> No.10618771
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>> No.10618773
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>> No.10618785
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>> No.10618793

Last console that looked high quality and not brittle.

>> No.10618796

In my opinion they were trying to make it cheap and that's why it's a cube. The famicom had the eject lever that costed a penny to add and the gamecube has a handle. Something fun cheap and useful to add. Even though the lever and handle were useless in most situations

>> No.10618801

A squared circle

>> No.10618819

This thing was a joke, Instead of learning their lesson with the n64 they once again made a controller for retards.

>> No.10618839

N64>Gamecube>Snes>Nes>Wii>Switch. Haven't played the Wii-U.

>> No.10618851

The mini disc was a way to try and curb piracy. Piracy ended up being a much smaller issue than most people imagined since it didn't affect the installed player base.

It was a mistake, but Nintendo was just following industry standards.

They believed that with a solid anti piracy regime they would attract software houses base to their environment. It didn't play out like this. In the end, given how the console marker was segmented, what third parties wanted was a large consumer market, not a potentially safe one.

>> No.10618860

Did the Gamecube have a multiple dis game? I think it only had 2.2 gigs of storage, as opposed to the DVD's 4.7. Maybe it was enough.

>> No.10618863

Wii U Pro Controller is the comfiest controller I've ever held and has a battery life like you wouldn't believe. It's a shame the Switch Pro is complete garbage in comparison.

>> No.10618864

Yeah tales of symphonia was one

>> No.10618867

It does. Twin Snakes, for example, is a two discer.

>> No.10618916

quite a few, actually.
>every RE except for the ports of 2 and 3
>Twin Snakes
>Skies of Arcadia Legends
>Tales of Symphonia
>Enter the Matrix
>Baten Kaitos
>Baten Kaitos Origins
>Killer 7
>Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 and 2005

>> No.10618928

They were thinking, fuck, Sony just ate our lunch and now we have to deal with Microsoft as well.

>> No.10619027

You were supposed to bring it to your friends house to play smash.

>> No.10619034
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They weren't thinking outside the box.

>> No.10619135

I want to make something people will enjoy

>> No.10619154

I really never understood why so many people hated the handle with such malice.
Clearly they were thinking people would take it to their friends house to play multiplayer games together and things like that, which I did many times, and yes I carried it by the handle when I did.

>> No.10619171

I liked it

>> No.10619175

>I really never understood why so many people hated the handle with such malice.
hate is a bit of an extreme feeling to have towards the handle, but many people do make fun of it at least
>Clearly they were thinking people would take it to their friends house to play multiplayer games together and things like that
My guess is that carrying around a cube is slightly harder and more cumbersome than a cuboid, so the handle was added

>> No.10619178

No one was gonna carry all the cables, too. It was dumb.

>> No.10619205

Nintendo shitcube.

>> No.10619441

Or the games and extra controllers. You're gonna need the backpack either way.

>> No.10619874

rectangle cost more?

>> No.10619879

majority of games using DVD on ps2 used less than 2.2gb anyway. Usually in the 1-2gb range. It made sense to just use multi disc for the few larger titles.

>> No.10619894

good console one of my favorites

>> No.10619973

>maybe that'll get Square to come back

>> No.10620474
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it was nice to carry around

>> No.10620475

Copy ps2 add fzero,


>> No.10620520

is there ANY game on the gamecube worth playing? like, I have a jailbroken wii, I can literally download any gamecube game I want and play it on actual hardware and even force 480p output, but there's nothing in the library that looks even remotely interesting

>> No.10620551

time is a flat circle

>> No.10621035

Melee, Kirby's Air Ride, Wario Ware, Custom Robo, Gotcha Force

>> No.10621214

>Skies of Arcadia Legends
Only came in ome and It's why it has shitty compressed sound

>> No.10621220
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Time is a cube.

>> No.10621226

Nintendo has been a hyperniche brand ever since they went full retard and alienated third party devs. If you don't like Nintendo's first party stuff which is the same shit every generation there's no point in owning one of their consoles.

>> No.10621436

it looks like a fucking.... chocolate chip..... cookie

>> No.10621439

The handle was so you could smack your parents with it for buying you such dumb ass shit.

>> No.10621465

when I was 9 my brother threw our Gamecube into the ocean.

>> No.10621502
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>the Switch Pro

>> No.10621532

...controller, yes.

>> No.10621543

Hopefully he weighted it down with a car battery.

>> No.10621847
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my bad, I don't know why but my brain thought it was two discs

>> No.10622142

>FINE here's a disc drive, it's a weird pigmy DVD drive but it's HERE, okay?!
Beyond that and some controller missteps (tiny polio stricken dpad and a single, crummy Z button) it was pretty well designed. It had to deal with N64's stink and Sony being everyone's darling. Probably would have had a better library if it wasn't for these things, but it has plenty of classics.

>> No.10622154

Switch sold 132 million units sucka

>> No.10622176

Nintendo is a backwards company led by retards that has some of the best IP's and developers in the business.

They don't think much about any console. Because all their consoles get destroyed by the competition, only due to their games do they survive.

Hopefully the Switch 2 is good, but if it is it's purely down to technological innovation, the fact game graphics is severely stalling, and Nvidia.
(I.E it's going to be weak hardware with tricks, but shit hasn't really changed graphically in like a decade so Nintendo will finally have a good comparative system)

>> No.10622230

Nintendo hasn't developed anything good in-house in almost a decade.

>> No.10622240

>let's make one of the greatest consoles of all time

>> No.10623013
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Oh yeah, we're all real impressed that it didn't even manage to beat a foreign console that had zero presence on their own home turf.

>> No.10623147
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>> No.10624463


>> No.10624524

No it isn't, and the music isn't compressed very much. The issue is that Sega had to include a new audio engine into the game for the GCN port and didn't want to pay for Bink Audio or one of the other middleware tools they could have licensed, so they slapped the audio engine together themselves in house. On Dreamcast, it can just play music using CD audio playback so no code was required to play the music.

>> No.10624536

Still outsold the Dreamcast. Shame it has an inferior d-pad compared to both the SFC/SNES and the N64.

>> No.10624539

Nah it also lowers the seek time. That and the audio ram cache kept loading times low.

>> No.10624565

Lowers read times though.

>> No.10624576

>it didn't even manage to beat a foreign console
Xbox was a heavily subsidized console that lost billions of dollars. Any strange decision that would throw money away and gain two customers was taken by Microsoft. It was like those youtubers who would try to gain viewers through giveaways instead of making something worth watching. They dug such a deep pit of debt that the xbox division didn't pay it back until something like 2015 or 16, that's why Microsoft's investors kept telling Microsoft to sell xbox off until the whole Gamepass bullshit placated them.

>> No.10624604


Will still go down in history as outselling the GameCube despite having no Japanese presence. By that argument we can't crown the PS2 as the highest selling console in history because it was also sold at a loss.

>> No.10624613

They were thinking so far outside the box that they BECAME the box

>> No.10624626

I didn't write any excuses, I pointed out that any system will do well if everything on it is heavily subsidized.

>By that argument we can't crown the PS2 as the highest selling console in history because it was also sold at a loss.
No it wasn't, retard, it was sold at a loss at first. Every individual PS2 sold after the first year or so was profitable. Also that was just the console, nothing else on SCE was losing money. EVERYTHING with the xbox was sold at a loss. The games, the online infrastructure, even the original controller before the S model showed up. When Microsoft would come up with a marketing plan, the plan was just to create marketshare, not make marketshare and then make a profit from that marketshare like Sony was doing.

The original xbox famously lost about a billion dollars per year, they were just throwing money away for years so people would consider buying it.

>> No.10624636

>I pointed out that any system will do well if everything on it is heavily subsidized.

Is that why anything MS did after the 360 is a joke?

Or why the PS3 barely tied with the 360 while the Wii which was not subsidized blew past both of those?

>No it wasn't, retard, it was sold at a loss at first. Every individual PS2 sold after the first year or so was profitable.

You mean what EVERYONE other than Nintendo does? Shocker.

>Also that was just the console, nothing else on SCE was losing money. EVERYTHING with the xbox was sold at a loss.

It's almost as if like Sony, MS is not just their gaming division.

You are trying really really REALLY hard to fanboy for a 25 year old Nintendo console and refuse to admit the Xbox outsold it.

>"B-b-but it doesn't count because!"

It counts, it's written in every statistic about console sale history, cope and seethe.

>> No.10624645

Time is not linear by itself, though, nor is it a flat line.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! How so, Smart alec cuntbag?

>> No.10624682

>You mean what EVERYONE other than Nintendo does? Shocker.
No they don't? Did you know the xbox, xbox 360, PS2, PS3, and Wii U are the only consoles that were ever sold at a loss? Nobody sells at a loss anymore. Also you're ignoring my point, of the list of consoles I just wrote down, ONLY the original xbox was ALWAYS sold at a loss. During its entire lifetime. Nobody would have bought it if xbox was ever intended to turn a profit because the price would have to have been much higher. They were buying marketshare with billions of dollars, anyone would do well in sales if you do that.

>It's almost as if like Sony, MS is not just their gaming division.
Is this supposed to mean something? No, tard, you aren't going to rewrite the fact that I said this:
>Also that was just the console, nothing else on SCE was losing money. EVERYTHING with the xbox was sold at a loss.
Sony and Microsoft are different. It doesn't matter if Sony is a larger company, if SCE itself was a distinct company coming off of the PSX, that company still could have released the PS2 like it was released and ultimately turned out profitable. They weren't throwing money away, they were trying to release a product that people would want and would buy.

>> No.10624706

Different anon here, but didn't the Atari 5200, Jaguar, Virtual Boy, 3DO, along with the RCA studio II, NEC/Hudson TG-16 (AKA The North American PC Engine), N-Gage, Pippin and Sega 32X sell at a loss as well?

>> No.10624717

>Nobody sells at a loss anymore

I see I am arguing with an idiot, I should have known.


>Sony's chief financial officer, Hiroki Totoki, has this week confirmed that the company's $499 PS5 console is no longer selling at a loss.


>PlayStation 4 hardware will make a loss at launch, but Sony expects to immediately recoup the costs when a typical user also buys a PlayStation Plus subscription and games.

Not sure why I am attempting to use logic towards someone who is clearly delusional though.

>Is this supposed to mean something?
Yes? Do you have no reading comprehension either?

>No, tard, you aren't going to rewrite the fact that I said this
Oh, I am going to re-write them easily, just like I re-wrote your "nobody sells at a loss anymore" retardation.

>nothing else on SCE was losing money. EVERYTHING with the xbox was sold at a loss
I believe I already covered this with how it's no different from other divisions of MS making money. You realize MS has PC gaming too, right?

>Sony and Microsoft are different. It doesn't matter if Sony is a larger company, if SCE itself was a distinct company
Except they're not

You done yet, tard?

>> No.10624719

I dunno about some of those, like the RCA, but the rest of those either weren't sold at a loss, like the Virtual Boy, or weren't intended to be sold at a loss and ended up being sold at a loss as part of their market failure, like the Jaguar. It's understood when people talk about selling consoles at a loss that we're talking about doing it intentionally, as part of the "sell the razor for cheap so you make money on the blades" marketing strategy.

I know for a fact the N-Gage wasn't sold at a loss, in order to buy it you had to sign a two year contract, eventually you'd get it for "free" by signing the contract.

>> No.10624732

Mind must see a time cube that eyes cannot comprehend.

>> No.10624752

Anon, the PS5 was made during the pandemic. It cost more to make than expected. Your logic with the PS4 is flawed, because the price difference is so low that Sony still turns a profit as nobody would buy a PS4 without buying games or services. Does the NES count as being sold at a loss because it came bundled with two games that the new owner didn't need to buy? This is a far cry from the $900 PS3 being sold for $600 at launch.

>Yes? Do you have no reading comprehension either?
I can read what you're saying just fine, so far it's been nonsense from someone trying to dance around the fact that the xbox would have died a short while after release if Microsoft hadn't made the console, the peripherals, the development tools, the online features, etc all be sold or licensed at a loss for years on end. A normal video game company doesn't need to do that.

Oh, btw
>Oh, I am going to re-write them easily
This means you're wrong.

>> No.10624765

>No no no, those don't count because...
Nice goalpost moving, they are valid arguments that tear yours apart, cope and seethe.

>so far it's been nonsense
Yup, that describes every time you post pretty well, cope and seethe.

Xbox outsold GameCube, no buts or "It doesn't count because..." about it

Cope and seethe

>> No.10624778

Incredible, the only text you actually typed was greentext so you could try to stuff words into someone's mouth. The rest was just canned phrases you opened up.

Don't worry, I'll just sit here and keep repeating that the xbox's "success" was just unbelievable debt underwriting a product that couldn't be priced, developed, or produced profitably. You have a tiny ego so you'll scream otherwise, but all anyone reading this conversation is going to think is that what I'm saying is true.

>> No.10624783

Sounds more like a music album to me. Does the term "optical illusion" mean anything to you? Oh, and Auditory Hallucinations are also something to be.

>> No.10624818

Keep living in your delusion tendie, everyone in the world can see the truth. I see the cope and seethe really got to you.

>> No.10624823

More canned words.

Xbox would have been a failure without billions of dollars of losses.

>> No.10624975

It still sold more, cope.

>> No.10624981

Xbox would have been a failure without billions of dollars of losses.

>> No.10625135

24 > 21.74

>> No.10625159

Xbox would have been a failure without billions of dollars of losses.

>> No.10625180

Reduced to being a broken record I see

>> No.10625206

Xbox would have been a failure without billions of dollars of losses.

>> No.10625285

>what was Nintendo thinking
Disks good, piracy scary, buy a movie player if you want to watch movies, surely 3rd party devs will be willing to learn how to build their games in a way that takes advantage of the hardware even though it would harm their ability to have their game on another platform, handle is funny and makes moving it easier because children may want to take it to a different TV than it's usually connected to

>> No.10625591


>> No.10625756

God damn some of you guys are such faggots it’s unreal. This place becomes more depressing each passing year.

>> No.10625824

I cawl it .... the Nintyendoo ShitCyube .... because ....

>> No.10625854

>if my grandma had wheels
Before killing yourself, don't forget to donate your kidneys to Nintendo.

>> No.10625873

Sounds like nintendo should had sold their nintendo console at a loss and made up the difference with their nintendo games?
Or maybe people were tired of dealing with nintendo hardware/license restrictions? Maybe the nippon geriatrics failed to see what the market considers "kool" nowadays? Maybe all that lead to a console with barely any games AGAIN which would make a fucking retard to buy one after it obviously failed?
Nah, it was because MS sold at a loss unlike poor little not-greedy nintendo who couldn't afford to... act like a company and pay attention to their marketshare?

>> No.10625918

Pretty sure the main function of the 'handle' was to stop it getting smashed backwards against a wall and getting cords or lid/hinge damaged. That's my story because it must have felt supremely shit to hold even to Japanese sized hands.

>> No.10626151

>They won't handle the handle

>> No.10626928

Nta and ignoring the baitiness of that post it's true. The competition had built up businesses over decades but MS bought into the market and couldn't hope to recoup the whole outlay in one generation. But they were playing the long game and could afford this.