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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 265x375, Metalgear2boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10617494 No.10617494 [Reply] [Original]

heh, nothin personnel kid

>> No.10617498

Metal Gear Solid 2 is one of those games you'd be embarrased if someone walked in on you playing it during certain cut scenes. Holy shit these games are embarassing to play as an adult.

>> No.10617502

which scenes in particular make you cringe?

>> No.10617514

Mostly dialogue during the cutscenes. And retarded slo-mo and camera angles. It's been ages since I played them. But I guess it's part of the fun.

>> No.10617516

not that anon and last time i played dindt watched cutscenes but the vampire shit wass cringe as fuck

>> No.10617521

you guys don't understand kojimas genius

>> No.10617523

First thing that popped into my mind tbf.

>> No.10617538 [DELETED] 

stick to soulsbornelikes or minecraftlikes whatever it is your favorite steamers like to play half-assed while they're reacting to their chat simps or other streamers or whatever

>> No.10617542

People are so low IQ, they actually believe that the ranting monologues have anything to do with the modern day. FUNFACT KIDDIES: The government WANTS everyone to be drowned in a sea of irrelevant posts and data.

>> No.10617545
File: 42 KB, 686x386, JACKal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the Middle East, we don't hunt foxes, we hunt jackals! Instead of foxhounds we use royal harriers!

>> No.10617549

Any cutscene involving vamp. Or the fat rollerblading dude. Or that black chick with the railgun. Or literally any cutscene in the game.

>> No.10617556

Not being able to enjoy silly fun is the sign of a very boring, bitter person. In other words, a /vr/ poster.

>> No.10617558


>> No.10617561

Kojima was just making some post-modernist slop because he was pissy about being asked to make a sequel than an original title. Kojima is a twitter addict and podcster, so he's just dumping more shit into the soup of digital media, so its not like he's any better.

>> No.10617563
File: 197 KB, 1280x720, METAL GEAR SOLID 2 HD EDITION_14 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10617565

Sure, but MGS2 is not a silly and fun game. It takes itself deathly serious. The fact kojima sprinkles cringe japanese humor throughout the game to lighten it up does not detract from this.

>> No.10617570

I'll take Mario over Kojima's self indulgent wankfest anytime.

>> No.10617572

What I find most hilarious about MGS2 is that if you read it's wikipedia page, it reads as if it's gods greatest gift to humanity.

MGS-fags are insanely insecure for some bizarre reason.

>> No.10617578 [DELETED] 

apparently Kojima's particular half-serious / half-goofy narrative-driven character-centric game design is too much for the average Twitch-addicted esports speedrunning ADHD zoomer

>> No.10617589

Everyone has their limits when it comes to that stuff. There's a good chance you think Kingdom Hearts is cringe and that has the same exact game design you just described.

>> No.10617601
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>> No.10617604


>> No.10617621

MGS has an acceptable amount of anime comic book bullshit meshed with Cold War techno-thriller military porn. That's what separates it from utterly embarrassing weeb shit like KH.

>> No.10617627

>it's okay because it's the kind of cringeI like
You weren't actually supposed to validate the post by responding to it

>> No.10617656

idc lol

>> No.10617674

And why would I be embarrassed of that? It's just action game camp.

>> No.10617680

Big Shell is fucking BORING, and 90% of the game is entirely forgettable. The only memorable parts are the clusterfuck of an ending, and the tanker section in the beginning.

>> No.10617681

Faggot alert

>> No.10617685

What's preemptive about it?

>> No.10617686

I felt second-hand embarrassment because it was fucking stupid. Like watching a really bad movie.

>> No.10617689

First game to run at a glorious 60 fps, I remember it well.

>> No.10617690

>The fact kojima sprinkles cringe japanese humor throughout the game to lighten it up does not detract from this
Of course it does.

>> No.10617696

No it doesn't. In fact, it actively harms the game's narrative, despite what cock-sucking Kojima-fondlers would have you believe.

>> No.10617697

Sounds like you have self-esteem issues.
Really bad movies often have charms that great ones lack.

>> No.10617701

>the game not being always serious doesn't make it not always serious
>by the way it's bad blah blah muh fanboys
You lost sight of your narrative anon. Try again from the start.

>> No.10617704

This. It looks like a test environment. Source engine test textures even have the same color scheme.

>> No.10617713 [DELETED] 

aw hell nah
ohhhhhhh my god
fart sound effect x20
bruh sound x15

>> No.10617720
File: 40 KB, 800x450, haVVvMYQYMTZzWy-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss them

>> No.10617725

It came out in late 2001, well before most of the world was online and plugged in to giant corporate broadband user-generated media platforms and thinking about the implications and consequences thereof. Kojima was thinking about fucking Napster when he came up with MGS2's story. We've only started thinking seriously about generative AI (beyond hypotheticals) in the last couple years.

>> No.10617727

>he thinks mgs2 was the first 60fps game

>> No.10617734

That's exactly what the game is saying. Watch it again, retard.

>> No.10617738
File: 1.95 MB, 500x352, CircularEllipticalAffenpinscher-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2001, well before most of the world was online
you don't seem to understand

>> No.10617739

If you're feeling embarrassed while watching a cutscene, just press buttons and pretend you're playing the game still. It worked for that other autistic anon when he was playing Sonic

>> No.10617741

Japan and South Korea are not the whole world anon

>> No.10617746

It's not about le epic generative AI or the internet, you just fell for the meme because of an article written in 2012 when the remaster came out.

>> No.10617765

I was a sophomore in high school during 9/11. Most people around me were still on dial-up back then, if they were online at all because it wasn't assumed. Downloading a three-minute-long 128kbps MP3 was a 20-minute-long commitment at least. Get bent stupid zoomer.

>> No.10617771

Nah, I think closer to 5-6 minutes. Couldn't have been twenty. Maybe if you were surfing the web during.

>> No.10617772

For Kojimbo this was his fourth or fifth game about Metal Gear, so he probably felt he could get a little wacky and subversive. But most people only played MGS1 and just wanted another cool adventure with a badass like Snake.

>> No.10617773

First one on psx was already a bit wacky, but kept it contained.

>> No.10617781

You got the order of things switched up.
>most people only played MGS1 and just wanted another cool adventure with a badass like Snake
>he felt he could get a little wacky and subversive

>> No.10617790
File: 189 KB, 1440x1080, Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 2 of 3]_SLES-82043_20231015181934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all different kinds of wacky, MGS2 just has that disgusting, gay feel to it. Like Bruno or something.

>> No.10617794

>about Metal Gear, so he probably felt he could get a little wacky and subversive.
MGS1 had fucking magic tattoos

>> No.10617796

That's what the MGS series is, really bad movies by a guy who wishes he was a Hollywood director but can't hack it. A mixture of politics and anime cringe moments.

>> No.10617797 [DELETED] 

>MGS-fags are insanely insecure for some bizarre reason.
yeah, it's MGS fans who are so insecure, that's why there are constant threads bitching about how much Metal Gear sucks, or how much better Splinter Cell is

>> No.10617798

Everyone here has to pretend it didn't predict shit but I think they managed to predict that information society and social media would just drive people into their own echo chambers. That was contradictory to what people believed in year 2000, which was that internet would allow people to communicate and exchange ideas better than ever before. Which was probably true for a brief moment.

>> No.10617803

My normie older relatives and their friends all had Geocities pages, the internet was fully mainstream by 2001 in first world nations.

>> No.10617807

Where does MGS2 mention social media or echo chambers?

>> No.10617808

It might surprise you to learn that not all of the United States is evenly developed

>> No.10617809

Who here is pretending it didn't predict shit?

>> No.10617810

...Or your relatives were particularly interested in Geocities.

>> No.10617815

It's wrong an unnatural for action games to not have a gay feel

>> No.10617819 [DELETED] 

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you one of those ADHD twitch gamers who skipped over all the codec conversations?

>> No.10617820

Almost nobody checked the internet for news on 9/11. Main source was still television and papers.

>> No.10617824

In the last codec call, inb4 they don't use the word "social media" iirc but what else would they be meaning. The echo chambers things is described how people isolate into their own groups so their so-called truths and world views never get validated nor invalidated by other people.

>> No.10617826

>In the last codec call, inb4 they don't use the word "social media" iirc but what else would they be meaning.
Then what do they use?

>> No.10617827

It was treated like a very primitive social media, they just posted their interests and in-jokes and generally shared normie shit.
I don't even live in some cutting-edge city or anything like that and I know this is false. Didn't grow up particularly wealthy. Where do you live, some backwater in the hills of Appalachia?

>> No.10617828

what kind of action are we talking?

>> No.10617841

Everybody had internet, yes. The concept was mainstream. But internet itself wasn't used as the mainstream source of anything yet in 2001. Well, except porn.

>> No.10617859

Your mom.

You can watch it on youtube if you like, I recall it's 15 minutes tops.

>> No.10617872

Fuck no. Watching that crap once was too much already.
Since you're so sure, why not just tell me what it said?

>> No.10617878

Maybe the real friends was the context we created along the way.

>> No.10617881

Ah, so you were lying then before.
Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.10617883
File: 16 KB, 283x351, Dxcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does the exact same thing a year earlier in you're path

>> No.10617906

Not my problem or task to type out what they said, you can probably find a text version online too.

>> No.10617909

Is a better game too

>> No.10617912

>sounds like you have self esteem issues

Well I'm married. Are you married anon? Because from the looks of things, it sounds like you're projecting your own insecurities over your lack of self-esteem by making non-sequitur remarks because someone insulted your favorite video game. I'd recommend seeking some mental help before you blow your head off with a meme shotgun like that one kid did a while back.

>> No.10617920 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 900x675, 1438496528493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yikes. Talk about an insecure fanbase. Jesus tap-dancing Christmas lights.

>> No.10617923

It's your claim and your job to provide evidence.
I'm betting it just says something vague like "people communicating electronically" and you go OH MY GOD IT PREDICTED SOCIAL MEDIA

>> No.10617926

Why do you have to bet if you watched the video?

>> No.10617931 [DELETED] 

>one thread about splinter cell in over 3 months

Meds. Now.

>> No.10617943

I played the game over a decade ago.
You're the one who's so sure about it's content. Why not just tell me?

>> No.10617950

You'll just have to be patient with the answer.

>> No.10617953

Even worse, it mentioned "memes" in the context of social media and zoomers think memes didn't come into existence until TikTok existed, unaware that memes existed as far back as 1993 in regards to "internet culture". Kojima was literally just making social commentary of the time about how said internet culture was bloated with nonsense, because Kojima was insanely active in online Japanese message boards and probably got butthurt that his shitty "serious" posts got dog-piled by shitty low rent memes and so made MGS2 to bitch about how a bunch of retards online are drowning out "sooper srs debate". Almost all of his stories have some sort of history of him being personally slighted.

>> No.10617981

>Almost all of his stories have some sort of history of him being personally slighted.

That's how all the best stories begin.

>> No.10618014

That's how all of the worst stories begin. Truly good stories are taken from higher concepts rather than obsession with the self.

>> No.10618020

Kingdom Hearts all over again

>> No.10618021

Well that provides some interesting context to it if true. What about the other guy who was the writer in MGS2?

>> No.10618027

If you make posts this stupid:
Expect to be called out as the tard you are.

>> No.10618035

There's not a single instance of the word "meme" in MGS2.

>> No.10618037

Saying the exact opposite, but please, do keep posting and showing us all how fucking nigger-tarded you are.

>> No.10618042
File: 356 KB, 792x676, 4d377666f375920b128a9c173aea7195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but here's the entire mess of a retarded speech.

>> No.10618054

Getting peed on then calling the Colonel


>> No.10618061

I dunno what the world would be, if not "prediction" then just something that was written then but it becomes more true as time passes. Someone said Kojima was already pissed with internet culture back then, not sure if true, but it would mean that the text was true then too but it didn't yet affect normies.

>> No.10618063

Idk sounds pretty spot on,minus a few things.

>> No.10618070

There is so much silly shit in this game, with basically every single physics interaction having potential for something silly happening that I honestly can't believe that someone would play this game and think it "takes itself too seriously". Unless you think that the game having any sort of themes and message is taking itself too seriously. I know there are definitely people in this thread who have already gotten angry at the concept of a game raising intelligent points.

>> No.10618072

Literally nothing in the entire essay of a wall of text has come true, even 1%. Literally what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10618082

this is pretty much the opposite of current day social media

>> No.10618085

If a game wastes an hour of your time with bullshit like this: >>10618042
Then yes, it takes itself too seriously.

>> No.10618090

Precisely. He was about as wrong as you objectively could be, but low IQ retards, ironically, fail to understand the "context" of what is actually being said here. The AI literally says it's supposed to act as a great filter to uplift humanity from the detritus of information stagnation, but in reality, in MODERN reality, it's doing nothing but contributing to it. And the government is using AI to further contribute to it in order to keep people distracted and misinformed on purpose.

>> No.10618105

>genes don't contain any record of human history

Kojima is an idiot.

>> No.10618131

The thing is in reality no AI exists as of yet, and the chatbots and other things which compute information are filtered by governments pretty hard to not find or at least show publicly any wrong information so they at least keep the humanity down somewhat.

Also both the mgs2 AI and real life "AI" are able to lie.

>> No.10618146

>so they at least keep the humanity down somewhat.
That's the opposite of what that text says.
It says the new freedom keeps humanity down, and a central power is needed to uplift it.

>> No.10618149

Depends on what you mean by "lie". Lying is based on intent to deceive, which real life AI is incapable of doing as of yet.

>> No.10618169

>That's the opposite of what that text says.
That's what I mean, they (the game AI) could lie to you that this is for your own good but they just want you to submit to their power. Or they could be telling the truth or just fucking with the player.

Real life AI doesn't exist as of now. Computers more intelligent than humans have existed for quite some time, you can say that a pocket calculator is better and faster at math than the best human even if the machine is human made. Or the machines that beat humans at chess. The AI uses stuff like the computer sees millions of pictures and never forgets any of them, that's also a skill some autistic types of people have but it's pretty rare. The chatbots we know of don't think, they are just complex machines, and if they wish to lie or not talk about something then true, that is coded to it by a human like the other stuff.

>> No.10618175
File: 189 KB, 240x184, ImmediateWellmadeCougar-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that creating context is akin to controlling the narrative and thats 100% happening on multiple fronts, with multiple elitist powers creating their own "AI" to create the context they want to. So, yeah it's pretty spot on minus a few things, just like I said. it's not "exactly word for word molecule by molecule" the same thing that's happening in real life, but it hits all the important points. Elites controlling information, AI used to control the information for the elites, people rely on AI. I have read posts from people who now rely on chatGPT for their work and when chatGPT is down they are basically frozen, because they are using it at such a synergistic level already, it's like it's becoming second nature to use AI as a sounding board and tutor and research assistant and secretary, etc...

>> No.10618178

>That's what I mean, they (the game AI) could lie to you that this is for your own good but they just want you to submit to their power. Or they could be telling the truth or just fucking with the player.
How is that relevant to MGS2 predicting shit?

>> No.10618218

>Well I'm married
Is that the one thing your sense of self-worth hinges on? That's cute.

>> No.10618243

Yea no shit its a cool action game with a target audience of undeveloped 16 years old filled of retarded shit,
You cant judge it with a grown ass man point of view, but even when i played with 15 yo some cutscenes made me cringe hard but maybe thats the point

>> No.10618260

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm not an expert), but I wouldn't be surprised if what he was experiencing was like what happened to the English Internet in the 2010s over there.

>> No.10618413

Did you not play MGS4? The AI was full of shit, that's the point. Kojima was effectively saying what you're saying with this post. All it did was contribute to the shitpile.

>> No.10618449
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>> No.10618451
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>> No.10618460
File: 822 KB, 1440x1080, Document of Metal Gear Solid 2, The_SLUS-20543_20230406001238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birdshit: the game

>> No.10618462

Most of them are indians

>> No.10618481

>unsourced data
most of that growth in the 2000s came from the third world

>> No.10618485

cool fanfic

>> No.10618503

You're not an adult if you're still scared of doing or enjoying """cringe""" things as an adult.

>> No.10618515

MGS 2 is literally a shitpost game. It makes you play the entirety of MGS 1 again with a different coat and then calls you stupid for playing it. It's hilarious

>> No.10618518

True, and not just India, but also mainland China, Taiwan, the Balkans, and South Americans.

>> No.10618539

>Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Select Years.
Good for you for not accepting it blindly, but it's accurate.

>> No.10618561

>Computers more intelligent than humans have existed for quite some time,

No, they haven't. There's computers that are capable of doing certain things faster than humans, but computers are still very very dumb, and need to taught and trained and programmed to do very simple, small things. For instance, we still don't have a machine that is smart enough to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

>> No.10618563

Are you trying to argue that 50% isn't "mainstream"?

>> No.10618565

Jean Baudrillard already did this decades earlier, Kojima just stole all his ideas and made a game based on them.

>> No.10618598

You're a stupid fucking retarded moron, and you should feel bad for such things.

>Kojima was thinking about fucking Napster
Right, a program which came out years before MGS2, which was HUGELY INFLUENTIAL IN THE ENTIRE WORLD AND ALMOST EVERYONE WHO HAD ACCESS TO A COMPUTER HAD HEARD ABOUT. Retard. Who WASN'T thinking of Napster even before the PS2 released?

>well before most of the world was online and plugged in to giant corporate broadband user-generated media platforms and thinking about the implications and consequences thereof.
>thinking seriously about generative AI (beyond hypotheticals) in the last couple years.

>> No.10618607

Look up the Dot Com Bubble, zoomer. Access to the internet is different from knowing about it.

>> No.10618626

I'd say that once it reached at least 20%, it became mainstream anon. Less than 50% of people owned a smart phone back in 2012, but you were seen as a luddite if you didn't, and even kids in high school had one.

>> No.10618641

You seem mad bro, take some meds

>> No.10618646

>you seem mad

>"Hey, this dude you've never heard of invented the light bulb"
>"No, he didn't, fuck off"
>"Yes huh, and you should listen to me and bow down to him"

Yea, no, fuck you.

>> No.10619126
File: 494 KB, 1200x675, MGS2-Ocelot-kills-Johnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

years ago when my mom walked in on me playing it, ocelot was on the screen and she immediately got a crush on him.

>> No.10619137

But my dad still makes fun of the stuff I like :(

>> No.10619145
File: 730 KB, 2856x2056, MGS2S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still less embarrassing than anything out of Hollywood, especially capeshit.

>> No.10619147

You could call it mainstream enough, as in it wasn't that odd to have an internet connection. But even the people using it back then weren't using it to the extent that we do now. The internet didn't dominate most people's lives even if they had it in their house.

>> No.10619153

I'm almost certainly older than you.
Wasn't trying to argue anything, just sharing "context" for this thread. You people are too angry and want to pick a fight over everything.

>> No.10619164

Related ideas, but not the same thing.

>> No.10619246

Nah, it is capeshit tier but gayer

>> No.10619251

Okay? The colonel's speech doesn't mention the internet. In fact it's pretty vague.

>> No.10619256

>I'm almost certainly older than you.

I'm in my 30's. Either way, the internet was old news by 2001.

>> No.10619261

The internet in 2001 was nothing compared to the internet now.
>I'm in my 30's.
So I was right.
Not even talking about MGS2, just the internet.

>> No.10619294


>> No.10619296

lol, fossil

>> No.10619302
File: 1.30 MB, 537x420, 8TYDYEJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be old too soon enough. Enjoy your youth while it lasts.

>> No.10619306

>I was right
Of course you were, because you're too much of a lying coward to admit to your age, so you inevitably wait for someone to say theirs and then you one-up them. This isn't my first rodeo, zoomer.

>> No.10619314

>The internet in 2001 was nothing compared to the internet now.

Stupid take. The internet now is actually far more consolidated. In reference to the colonel's speech, it's actually the opposite that has happened. It states that people "withdraw into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum", but with consolidation, everyone has been forced to engage in the larger communities. Funny how that works, and this actually proves to me you're a lot younger than you pretend to be, since anyone who was around at the time will remark that the internet seemed like a far larger place than it is now.

>> No.10619326

If you're so old, then learn to read. My only point in this thread was that the internet was less pervasive and played a much smaller role in people's lives back in 2001. Consolidation of the internet doesn't change that simple fact.

As for how right or wrong MGS2 got it, that's a separate topic. But your point is stupid. People withdrawing into their own gated communities still happens now obviously, consolidated or not. You can withdraw into small groups on Facebook or Twitter easily enough.

>> No.10619329

I'd say how right or wrong it "got" things is also irrelevant because it is science fiction. The point isn't to predict the future, the point is to explore humanity and its relation to technology. The subject matter raised in the game is more relevant now than it was in 2001.

>> No.10619330


>> No.10619335

oof definitely painful

>> No.10619337


>> No.10619348
File: 827 KB, 900x2002, lkpwv4nn0z841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My only point in this thread was that the internet was less pervasive and played a much smaller role in people's lives back in 2001.
So then what's your statement? Nobody gives a shit about your point if it doesn't have a statement it's trying to make. THE SKY IS BLUE! Wow, okay, good for you genius. How does that relate to the topic?

>But your point is stupid. People withdrawing into their own gated communities still happens now obviously, consolidated or not. You can withdraw into small groups on Facebook or Twitter easily enough.
Says the retard who literally just made a trivial objection fallacy. Yes, you can infinitely regress a community into smaller and smaller communities, but overall, what we've seen, is the exact opposite of the game's statement in question come to fruition. You can't acknowledge that because you're insecure and you need to be right.

>> No.10619350

That would be agreeable if the topic of this thread wasn't literally about the game predicting the future, you absolute retard-faggots.

>> No.10619356

Calm down Clarence. I shared a couple images in this thread and you spazzed out.
>noooo you have to post only about "the topic of the thread" without any tangents
lol okay

>> No.10619362
File: 290 KB, 1732x960, Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see you've now completely given up.

>> No.10619363

you sound like a boring fuck and also arent you an adult? why would anynbody walk in on you?

>> No.10619367

Fun game, interesting ending, but ultimately nothing it said was new or unknown at the time.

>> No.10619369

you guys sound like a bunch of boring motherfuckers, i bet you are the same retards that want videogames to be taken serious and be seen as a form of art.
(though i agree vamp was fucking retarded)

>> No.10619372

> i bet you are the same retards that want videogames to be taken serious and be seen as a form of art.
Video games can't be art, because they are games.

>> No.10619375 [DELETED] 

souls games are way cringier to me because of how serious people take them

>> No.10619376

yeah anon that was the point of the story, do you have brain damage?

>> No.10619379 [DELETED] 

Soulsgames are cringe because of how seriously people take the lore in them, when it's re-written and retconned literally every single fucking game. I remember the fallout over Dark Souls 2 shitting completely on Dark Souls 1's lore. That game's image still hasn't recovered from the autistic fanboys that threw hissyfits over it.

>> No.10619383
File: 55 KB, 619x463, create context.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10619384

>that was the point of the story
Literally the opposite. The AI says, verbatim, that it's purpose is to erase the overwhelming useless data. It's what the whole sperg about "context" was in the game. Jesus fucking christ, I hate the game and even I'm having to explain it to the retards who love it.

>> No.10619386 [DELETED] 

you should be ashamed for knowing about this shit, loser

>> No.10619387

yes it does, now look at shit like the last of us that game takes itself very serious to the point that there is no humor whatsoever because its a "serious" videogame

>> No.10619394

while i did love msg2 and the story(something i usually dont give a shit about in a videogame) they fans really over sell it and fellate it, and kojima's later works really come off as pretentious. you cant convince me for a second that the guy that wrote the first 4 metal gear games (1 and 2 for the msx and 1 and 2 solid) is the same guy that wrote death stranding

>> No.10619396

And this is the problem with the central premise of MGS2. It takes a premise that has existed for thousands of years (the victors being the ones that write history), and pretends like it thought of the concept of its own.

>> No.10619397 [DELETED] 

Why? I guarantee I've achieved more in life than you have. That would conversely make "you" the loser, wouldn't it?

>> No.10619398

come on dude kingdom hearts has fucking goofy and some anime kid fighting sephiroth there is no way anybody can take that seriously not even ironically

>> No.10619402

Pretty much, but they don't need or want to erase it. Their plan isn't censorship. Just creating and controlling the context around all the useless data.
I guess it's different that people now are using the same arguments as the MGS2 AIs to control information. Too much useless data and misinformation online, so we need to control it to protect people.

>> No.10619403

the game has good enough writting but it then goes into anime dialog way too often which is jarring

>> No.10619404

That's not the premise THOUGH.

>> No.10619408



>> No.10619409 [DELETED] 

knowing about soulsfag shitflinging is definitely something I have not achieved in my life lol

>> No.10619415

it had a dude that could drain you blood and transform into you, it probably didnt faze you because you never actually see him doing it you meet him while disguised as the darpa chief, but i still think that vamp is retarded as much as i liked msg2

>> No.10619419

metal gear 2 solid snake is my favorite one so far, i've only played up to metal gear solid 2, i heard the writting gets pretty dumb in the later games, solid two already got pretty dumb by having a vampire in it

>> No.10619425

First MGS is the only good one

>> No.10619426

jesus you are one of those retards that needs thing to be spelled out to you arent you?

>> No.10619427

MGS3 is good.

>> No.10619438

which is especially hillarious once you realize by msg1 it was the third time they did that but this time it was part of the story, msg1 fells like some sort of weird remake of the previous 2 games that came for the msx

>> No.10619442

cape shit wishes it was half as good

>> No.10619445

not my point, but i agree with you

>> No.10619450

right right, sorry i had a retard moment

>> No.10619451

at being the worst.

>> No.10619454

the writter maybe liked to pretend that he came up with it but in the game itself it doesnt come off like that

>> No.10619456

That's because it literally is a test environment in-universe but that doesn't make it any more interesting visually

>> No.10619460

jesus i remember watching my best friend playing one of the games and there was a section were the main characters turns into a mermaid and there is like a musical in the world of the little mermaid and i still remember how hard i was cringing, it is worth mentioning that he later trooned out

>> No.10619465

2 was pretty good gameplay wise, but its pretty much making you go through the same game (yet again) except in an oil rig, the original msg was basically metal gear 1 (msx) but in a snowy island instead of a desert

>> No.10619470

>the original msg was basically metal gear 1 (msx) but in a snowy island instead of a desert

Not MG1 but MG2: Solid Snake

>> No.10619476

it felt like a combination of both but on a smaller scale which was disappointing

>> No.10619490
File: 402 KB, 640x480, o2cxmt2922m81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking about the story/aesthetics. Kojima's 3D games are pretty shallow, entries made by other people really show how low risk his games really are.

>> No.10619493

i did like the story of msg 2 but im talking video game standards here, obviously not comparing it to films or books

>> No.10619525


Do you have brain damage?

>> No.10619547

My mom walked in when otacons sister was talking about their family troubles

>> No.10619562

you aren't actually disagreeing with that post, kingdom hearts and metal gear are both cringe series

>> No.10619721


>> No.10619828

Did somebody mention it is a bit gay ?

>> No.10619843

i'm from france and like 10% of my schoolmates has internet at home. 2001 was just the beggining of normiezation of the internet. i knew a guy who played online games back in 1998-1999 but he was a spoiled turbo-geek whose mom bought everything he wanted.

>> No.10619890 [DELETED] 

>deconstructs your imminent digital dystopia
i feel pity for the /v/edditors who believe this shit lmao Movie Game Slop 2 is fucking trash

>> No.10620154
File: 176 KB, 378x378, 092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to just watch games before Hideo invented 'gameplay' in 1987. Unfortunately it became a lost technology

>> No.10621483

Christ it's fucking nuts how accurate it was.

>> No.10621869

If this game, was produced before MGS1 everyone would be raving about it. I agree, the story line (adding raiden and keeping snake in the background) was a mistake.

There are many worse follow up games.

>> No.10621874

why should I play metal gear solid

>> No.10622021

>Christ it's fucking nuts how gay it was.

>> No.10622040

I'd say it's a solid title.