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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 44 KB, 640x345, Soaring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10616385 No.10616385 [Reply] [Original]

Majora's Mask has some of the most angular, striking visual design of 5th gen. It feels like the perfect game to close an era.

>> No.10616903

Nah. Conkurs bad fur day was the best game to close the 64 era.

Coming from a zelda fan who played them all including the cd-i games.

>> No.10616905


>> No.10616949
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>> No.10616958


>> No.10616965


>> No.10617069
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>> No.10617074 [DELETED] 

>Labia Majora
one of the top 3 worst zeldas if we don't count DS trash

>> No.10617082

how many zelda threads do we need

>> No.10617106 [DELETED] 

This is a Floigan-Halo-Zelda board and it isn't going to change.

>> No.10617118

>Why thing popular?!

>> No.10617119

I like Zelda threads

>> No.10617124

>popular thing means we have to spam the entire catalogue every day with tens of threads about the same subject

>> No.10617129

Shriek of the impotent and pathetic.
A single additional square on the catalog does not affect you. It does not kill your thread unless your thread had no activity on it anyway for multiple fucking hours.
Kill this gay qualifier forever.

>> No.10617138

Play more video games.

>> No.10617139

use filters

>> No.10617187

Not him but why do you talk like a huffy bitchy child?

>> No.10617194
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>> No.10617195

Personally I think it's a positive thing he mostly just spams Zelda, it at least makes him easier to avoid. God forbid he got obsessed with something good and we had to hear him blather retardedly about that instead.

>> No.10617218
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, i-frames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make these threads.
I merely don't mind them.
Or any other topic that gets discussed "too much" in my opinion.
Because it's so well within my power to ignore them.

>> No.10617224

OP here, I also make Sonic and DK threads, and participate in Contra, Goemon and general Konami or Capcom game discussion.
I identify as a retro Chad.

>> No.10617225

So you just meander about acting like an angry child? Great.

>> No.10617240

Uhhh, angry? lol

>> No.10617294

This one is about how angular it is though, whatever that means

>> No.10617318

yeah, you zelda posters are all cowards and use all kind of excuses to inject your obsession. Never a direct thread, but stuff like
>[pic of OoT] What game has the best grass and why is it OoT?
>[pic of Majora's] What game features the best night time and why is it Majora?
>[pic of WW] What game has the best oceans and why is it WW?
>[Artwork of Link's Awakening] What are some games that feel as special and nostalgic and fuzzy as this one?
etc. But you're not really interested in anons giving actual responses, so every time you try steering the convo back to zelda, to your familiar place.

Zelda fags don't play video games. They just play Zelda once in a while and that's all they do.

>> No.10617407
File: 16 KB, 339x468, asbh0a84jbl61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many posters seethe at zelda threads and why are golems?

>> No.10617415

you'll NEVER understand how angular majoras mask is

>> No.10617615

Because it's boring and like he pointed out the guy who makes them always steers back to talking about Zelda constantly. Like the thread last week or so ostensibly about games where you start as a kid and grow up, but of course was just the OP wanting to talk about how much he loves OoT. So when discussion turned to Dragon Quest 5 which is a game that does that very well he just started flooding the thread with vaguely sexual pictures of Link as a child until everyone got bored, left and it died. That's why, because he's so annoying that the whole series is tainted for discussion.

>> No.10618101
File: 2.23 MB, 498x381, majoras-mask-majora (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both Zelda and DQ.
Take the meds, touch the grass, have the sex

>> No.10618996

The Evangelion influence after 1997/1998 is palpable in most japanese media, even Zelda.

>> No.10619140
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even Zelda
even Kirby

>> No.10619163

I replayed conker recently. Gorgeous game but fuck is it ever a slog. That shit mountain section is so fucking bad.

>> No.10620546
File: 36 KB, 220x303, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it were a "Zelda Thread" I would agree with you, but it's actually a thread about retro video game graphics. you're obligated to post a different game and offer up a discussion in this thread, if that wasn't obvious.

>> No.10620980

>but it's actually a thread about retro video game graphics
>Opens with talking about [Zelda game]
>Pic is [Zelda game]

>> No.10621023

Zelda threads give me the hives

>> No.10621036

>Bumps thread

>> No.10621161

Are you seriously getting triggered about fucking Zelda? lol

>> No.10621598
File: 26 KB, 300x207, Kirby64_prerelease_swissarmy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder there were more direct EVA references that were cut

>> No.10621716

oh wow

>> No.10621735

Except it's a gay-ass FAQ-core time loop game. I wish it was less annoying to play, as it has a lot of good things going for it but fuck man...

>> No.10621746

Game needs a 60fps patch bad, not just for fluidity, but to cut down what feels like 8 years of input lag. Game feels so swimmy and bad. Yes it's still easy and playable at 30fps, but it could feel less like I'm 'ludes to play.

>> No.10621791

But the Earth is heavier than the Moon...

>> No.10623365

Nobody did an AMV with the cutscene of the moon crashing and Kömm, susser Tod?

>> No.10623429

An acute observation

>> No.10623458

>the fucking WWF cameo
Game ads were so great back in the day.

>> No.10623460

We all play way more video games than you do. You only pretend to play them and LARP about loving some contrarian shit you'd get a headache if you ever tried to play for real instead of lying to impress anonymous strangers on /vr/.

>> No.10624664

idk about you but having a guide up to check periodically is pretty fun, especially if you get a physical bound booklet.

>> No.10625170

I 100%d Majora's Mask and never had to use a guide. The schedule book pretty much lets you figure out on your own.
Try being more patient and observant next time you play. Don't feel intimidated by the time limit, rather think you're a god that can manipulate time, that's when the game gets really fun (kinda like the moment the guy from Groundhound's Day starts having fun, knowing everyone's schedules and events beforehand)

>> No.10625230

If I could play it as a kid who barely speaks english then you can too. Figuring things out and discovering new masks and interactions is supposed to be fun. You don't need to speedrun it like you're trying to complete some sort of book of games you've pwnt.

>> No.10626794

Definitive "turn of the millennium" game.

>> No.10627967

It's on the promo art too

>> No.10628783
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>> No.10628790

NTA, but you are wrong. Interesting threads get crowed out all the time by the same shit that is ensured to get responses. Like the Sonic bait guy who sits here and samefags the same sonic posts to the top of the board. That being said, I think they are wrong to whine about zelda threads anyway, there aren't even that many and its a popular retro game
First time on 4chan?