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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 220x274, Doom3box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10608997 No.10608997 [Reply] [Original]

this is not doom

>> No.10609003

No, this is Patrick.

>> No.10609105

Clearly it is. It says so on the box.

>> No.10609114

Yeah, it's not Doom, it's Doom3, it's says so on the cover.

>> No.10609116

>this is too similar to Doom 1 and 2. We want something more like Half-Life.
>this is too similar to Half-Life. We want something more like Doom 1 and 2.

>> No.10609117

It is and it's underrated

>> No.10609132

Actually Doom^3

>> No.10609160
File: 5 KB, 262x192, doomcubed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Doom cubed.

>> No.10609164

Is it cause it's not shitty 2d images?

>> No.10609170

all video games are shitty 2d images

>> No.10609171

Doom Cube: Hypersoulcube

>> No.10609183
File: 2.34 MB, 1440x1080, Homer3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10609518

Doom 3 is great, my favourite Doom game.

>> No.10609558

Why do you hate the Doom series?

>> No.10609565

what? i like the doom series

>> No.10609571


>> No.10609573

And that's a good thing!

>> No.10609586


Needs a remake

>> No.10609592

i liked it.
and, besides, it's engine was used to make "the dark mod." and the first "prey."
and it was better than hl2.
so it wasn't all that bad.

>> No.10609598

Yes it is, it says right there, you donut.

>> No.10609602

Doom 3 feels like being immersed in a 90s horror scifi film. It has the perfect balance of mystery, exposition and atmosphere.

>> No.10609604


>> No.10609670

it's doom 3

>> No.10609815

I like how it is almost a horror game, but is still at its core an action game. Do the haters really believe that iD would have released a classic style boomer shooter in 2003?

>> No.10609830

thats the problem, a lot of post 2010 retro hipsters seethe at Doom 3 for not being exactly the same as 1 and 2.
When the idea was to improve graphic tech not stagnate.
Their opinions are of enthusiasts of a particular subgenre.

>> No.10609849

It's not but it's good, this is the missing link between Half-Life and Bioshock

>> No.10609857

Doom 3 came out 4 months after Painkiller. People hoped Doom 3 would play much more like Painkiller rather than what we got.

>> No.10609867

Dr. Betruger was so fun. It's kinda of a shame he doesn't really appear all that often in game.

>> No.10609871

I wish it had more actual survival horror elements instead of just being Doom 2+Half-Life but with screwy combat and lighting.

>> No.10609881

the only thing wrong with Doom 3 as a big fan of the game is arguably the final boss.
Though there is a mod to let you fight it normally

>> No.10609883

I remember early levels running out of ammo a lot.

>> No.10609885

It's like that Hellraiser movie that takes place in space

>> No.10609895

I would live a hard sci fi story about a mankind just embarking out in space fighting against literal Hell. Is there anything that comes close besides The Salvation War?

>> No.10609929
File: 41 KB, 299x289, koolaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great graphics
>cool monster designs
>dogshit gameplay
>annoying sounds
>bullet holes are horrid looking black splats
>crappiest looking explosions ever
>camera goes haywire when you get hit
>monsters feel like they are made of paper
>gibbing humans with pistol (whats with all them falling brains)
they got many things right in the alpha and then fucked up everything in the final version
graphics and engine wise it's outstanding but people in charge of game design didn't deliver

>> No.10609934

There was an annoying youtuber who I shit on during one of his live-streams while he was reading comments because he disliked Doom 3. I think he stopped making videos shortly afterwards.

>> No.10610013

I meant actual mechanics from survival horror games like inventory management, route planning, and enemies behaving differently depending on how they're dismembered or if your flashlight is on or off. I never bought the low ammo qualifier since these kinds of games tend to give you more than enough anyway.

>> No.10610045

I liked it but it was very repetitive and I never ended up finishing it because I got bored. Maybe i'll try it again sometime, I haven't played it since like a year after it came out and my PC was pretty shit at the time

>> No.10610209

Of course it isn't.
It's fucking Doom3

>> No.10610637

It's one of my top fps games of all time along with Unreal 1 and Marathon.

>> No.10610693


you should have said "This is not Doom 3. This is a doom remake"

And with that being said, it's a great remake.

>> No.10610728

I don't think 3 is as good as the originals, but I still like it. For the most part the entire Doom series is pretty good.

>> No.10610734 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.10611118

Says Doom on the cover. I guess you're wrong.

You're being too autistic.

>> No.10611171
File: 242 KB, 654x527, 1682666134705149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hype became disappointment within minutes

>> No.10611179

I just now realized that his name is Homer because he's always home, with his family

>> No.10611194

felt like it was just trying to be half-life

>> No.10611267

It's very different than Doom 1 and 2 but it's still good. It's my favorite Doom.

NuDoom is worse. Piss filter, instakill melee, weapon upgrades, etc.

>> No.10611269

Eternal sucked but 2016 was fun.

>> No.10611273

Painkiller is bad though

>> No.10611382

Painkiller is not Doom, and this kind of revisionism comes mainly from how the new Doom games play more like Painkiller than they do Doom.

>> No.10611412

Painkiller fucking sucked though, and more people remember Doom 3 than it, so you're wrong, basically. Doom 3 also sold better too.

>> No.10611415

When it came out, I bought it on release and thought it was one of the most revolutionary titles I had ever played, even more-so than Halo or Half-Life. The environments were so detailed and extravagent and the graphics were the best that had ever been seen before by human eyes. Even the gameplay felt immersive and unique with the touchpad computers and lockers, and interacting with stuff.

Then a few years later a bunch of retarded zoomer faggots started preaching about what the latest E-celeb was saying about how it "wasn't like Doom 1 or 2", completely missing the point of it, and now we're here.

>> No.10611427

Except for when he is at work or at Moe's, which is often. Are you retarded?

>> No.10611431

Yeah I like 2016 too. I think the only flaw is really the maximum amount if enemies which can be on screen at once.

>> No.10611464 [DELETED] 

You posted the wrong picture, that's not Doom eternal.

>> No.10611514 [DELETED] 

If you played eternal you are too young to be here

>> No.10611567

It's better.
It's the prototype for Dead Space

>> No.10611573

What is "Doom" according to you?
the E1M1 midi?, shitty level design like in Doom 2?, cut enemies, scary ambience, shitty controls like in Doom 64 (original hardware)? retarded power fantasy DnD shit like in Eternal?

>> No.10611659

>great graphics
I do not understand this meme to this day. It looks like shit. Everything looks plastic. It looked awful back in the day, too. HL2 blew this game out of the water graphically, and while fairly boring, it was also less boring than Doom 3.

>> No.10611675

Painkiller isn't Doom, but neither is Doom 3.
Both games came out around the same time. Painkiller was pretty cool, Doom 3 sucked balls. Not sure why you're confused that people compare them.

>> No.10611970

they hate started early on because of retarded casual ign game journalists complaining about the darkness being too scary

Kinda suspicious but ign has done hit pieces on multiple horror fps over the years, for being too hard and scary.
They really got to stop letting faggots work there.

>> No.10611997

Not the faggot OP, but you vex my tism.

>shitty level design like in Doom 2?
Doom 2's level design is weaker across the board, but it has many very good levels. O' Of Destruction, Refueling Base, Tricks & Traps, The Living End, The Crusher, Barrels O' Fun, etc. The new enemies also does a lot to make the gameplay more fun and varied overall.

>cut enemies, scary ambience, shitty controls like in Doom 64 (original hardware)?
Blame Nintendo for betting on the cartridge horse for some of the best enemies being gone, but the devs did the most they could to work within their hardware limitations, and they did an impressive job, all in all. They also did all new graphics with all new levels, so it wasn't just some rushed cashgrab port, it was fairly ambitious for what it was.
I'll admit that I don't exactly love the ambient 'music' though, it has extremely little variety compared to the original games.

For controls, try (pirate) the new port, or get Doom64EX, you can play with a mouse and keyboard or another kind of gamepad that way.

>> No.10612002

My man, IGN has been renowned as faggots for the past 20 years, why would you expect improvement?

>> No.10612035

>doom cubed
>is actually 3d and can display cubes

>> No.10612042

Yeah, but have you ever heard someone call him Homer at those places? Didn't think so. Because his name changes depending on where he's at.

>> No.10612083
File: 851 KB, 1920x1080, This is DOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10612092
File: 285 KB, 220x220, bewildered Michael Jordan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but yeah, Marge calls him Homie, Smithers and Burns call him Homer Simpson or simply Simpson, sometimes Burns calls him the wrong name because it's a gag in the show, all his buddies and acquaintances call him Homer, most other people call him Mr. Simpson, Abe calls him son, his kids call him dad, sometimes Bart calls him Homer. The character's name is Homer J. Simpson, don't know what the J stands for but it's in there.

>> No.10612095
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1080, doom3r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just too empty/easy, never throws a real challenge your way.

>> No.10612117

Watch out for that Imp behind you.

>> No.10612384

No, his dad was called Homer. All the main characters were named after his family

>> No.10612413

Play on nightmare.

>> No.10612420

Doom 3 should have had the subtitle "Look out behind you" with how often enemies with spawn from behind.

>> No.10612543 [DELETED] 
File: 766 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240118_195459_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny, I really and truly want you to an hero.

>> No.10612569
File: 179 KB, 1920x1080, 16577952899301113856_screenshots_2015-09-15_00086[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the problem anon, you took a picture when nothing was happening. Try taking a picture when something is happening, it makes it more exciting.

>> No.10612751

>don't know what the J stands for but it's in there
_________________ Jay

>> No.10612761

You're out of touch. It has really good looking environments, lighting is superb, and you were most definitely in the minority if you thought it looked awful in 2004. Also, how the hell is it boring? Monsters jump out at you every three steps you take.

>> No.10612874

They aren't fun to fight, so the game is pretty boring. I haven't played this game since 2005, so I don't exactly have fresh memories. Just being really bored of imps teleporting behind me every room and the gun feedback being weak. And sorry man, the 7th gen "everything is made of plastic" look sucks ass. Is it as ugly as Unreal 3 games? No, but its got the same vibe.

>> No.10613018

same fagging homo, painkiller is fun

>> No.10613069
File: 515 KB, 846x576, Archvile3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did my nigga archvile dirty... All the other monsters, cept the cacodemon, have kick ass intro cutscenes. But not archvile. He just walks into view from across a giant ass room. Still made me shit my paints the first time it happened though.

>> No.10613182

Casuals don't understand the game, it's a horror adventure first person game. It just so happens the story is fighting demons and you do it through fps. The fps is basic but the first true 3d Doom game. You want a different experience? mod it faggot.
that describes doom 64

>> No.10613228

Doom 3 looks like a 90s pre-rendered adventure game but in real time.
It appeals to people who lived through the 90s.
It also bares a resemblance to the story board animations for the movie Final Fantasy the spirits within. It would be possible to remake Doom 3 with current day graphics and then you'd be amazed like people were back then.
Imagine the pov of people back then finally seeing cgi movies in real time and playable.

>> No.10613263
File: 615 KB, 2048x1536, FTKGjloXwA85kae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10613271

at least doom 3 is a real game
doom 1 and 2 are just level editors

>> No.10613274

why is everyone with a shit opinion also a /co/ fag

>> No.10613294

Go to bed, Hugo.

>> No.10613386

You know, I love Carl Barks's stories and think they're the best works ever made out of Disney properties, I remember them with great fondness (along with Don Rosa's), but there's something a bit depressing about that image.
Why's he's gotta have that attitude?

Hah. The original iD levels are overall very solid, which is part of their big appeal, and Final Doom was an excellent example of how much potential Doom 2's gameplay truly had (Doom 2 itself didn't explore its monsters quite enough), prompting years of fruitful mapping autism.

>> No.10614541

his name was homer because he was blind and if he went out he would get lost and get eaten by mountain lions

>> No.10614935

lol no one said that back then, you little fagot. All everyone said was that it was too slow, too story driven, and too NOT LIKE DOOM. But you can’t remember this, kid, because you walked under the table in those years.

>> No.10615213

It would have been better if it was either more like Quake 2 (horror edition) or more like System Shock 2.

>> No.10615559

How many were filtered by flashlight?

>> No.10615657

Doom 64 is Doom 3.

>> No.10615847

Nice try, faggot, but they did. They described it as a corridor crawl, blasting mosnters and zombies non-stop. I read all of the big reviews at the time and they all said that. Greg Kasavin, for example, literally said the gameplay is derivative of the original Doom games.

>> No.10615861

nope, its doom 3, i still had fun with it

>> No.10615865

that movie was kinda kino to be honest

>> No.10615876
File: 200 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_7540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh wow, the Source engine looks great
>we should drastically revamp our engine before Source overtakes idTech entirely
It’s a tech demo. Ironically, nobody ever used Source or idTech because taking a percentage of profits in a notoriously cutthroat industry was never going to fly.

>> No.10615927

Me, it was such a retarded mechanic in the game. i'm glad they fixed this issue on the BFG edition, it really improved my experience with the game for good.

>> No.10615947

not me, i would know in which direction to shoot by the sounds of the monsters, and i beat the game on nightmare mode

>> No.10615996

idtech engines were almost always open sourced shortly after release, source was so mod-friendly and cheap to license it might as well be open source, and many games used it including Sin Episodes, E.Y.E. and Titanfall. Id software never saw much business from licensing their engine, that was never their focus like Epic megagays.

>> No.10616556

Well, now go suck and lick the anal of your beloved Greg Kasavin. I'm not really interested in his opinion. If he said so, then he is fundamentally WRONG. The original Doom is a hurricane action with a large number of enemies at the same time. Doom 3 is a slow and dark corridor shooter where there aren't many enemies at once.

This is a completely different game in mood and dynamics. And EVERYONE was talking about it then. Because it was obvious. If you don't understand this, you're either an idiot or you don't have eyes.

Now go stick your tongue in Greg’s anal one more time.

>> No.10616558 [DELETED] 

Thank god we've all evolved beyond believing Half Life was good

>> No.10616564

why? i've played other games where you have to pull out a light source and it makes perfect sense
>le tape the flashlight to the gun.
Then you'd have to tape the flashlight to every gun.
You didn't even need to use the flashlight to complete the game funny enough.

>> No.10616574

What the hell was that flashlight made out of? Because last time I checked it did a shocking amount of damage when you whacked shit with it.

>> No.10616581

eh i never ironically used it for that, i hardly used the thing at all.
Theres literally one part in the game that makes you use it and thats the tutorial part at the beginning.
>whats it made out of

>> No.10616645 [DELETED] 

Doom 1/2 = Reddit
Doom 3 = 4chan

>> No.10616646
File: 292 KB, 512x384, Maledict.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maledict is one of the coolest enemies in the series and I'm sad it didn't get carried over into nuDoom like the D3 Hell Knights did.

>> No.10616668

you are a sped, if you make Doom 3d its going to be like Doom 3
I find it ironic that Doom modders have started adding raytracing and other modern graphics but the enemies are still 2d sprites. Makes no fucking sense.

>> No.10616673

People have said this game is amazing in vr. Well ahead of its time considering that.

>> No.10616697

What you wrote makes no sense. What does Doom 3d have to do with it? You should stop calling names and admit that you are wrong and grasping at straws. But I won't let you do this.

Doom 3 is COMPLETELY different from the original Doom and Doom 2. And everyone who saw it at the time recognized this.

Moreover, I will say that ID never cared about the uniform style of their games at all. Just look at the Quakes.

>> No.10616743

original Doom isn't 3d you idiot. It uses 2d sprites and you can't even look up.
Doom 3 is more like the successor to Quake. Quake is the successor to Doom 2.

>> No.10616793

Don't you even understand what I'm telling you, nigga?

Did you remember to take your pills? Show me the place where I write that doom is made in 3D?

>Doom 3 is more like the successor to Quake

No, that's obviously not the case. But in any case, you shut your mouth right and stopped crap about the fact that Doom 3 is similar to D1 and D2.

>> No.10616820 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.10616825 [DELETED] 

True. Just shit.

>> No.10616828 [DELETED] 

A lot of your post reeks of someone who doesn’t really play games and just sticks them on easy, blitzes through them as quickly as possible to just complain on the internet. Doom^3 has its issues but this is just hyperbole. When’s the last time you actually DID enjoy an fps you fat fuck?

>> No.10616836 [DELETED] 

>being a retarded newfaggot

>> No.10616841

The goods of Doom 3:
>feel of the science base environment, and feel of it all going south after demon invasion
>hell knight and pinky design
>lighting tech
>interactive panels (god I love those)
The bads of Doom 3:
>absolutely disgusting character models
>bad textures and plastic shine on everything
>most of the game is confined to hallways and small rooms, which both limits how many enemies (and which enemies) you can put here and there without fucking breaking everything, and how you approach fighting them (sidestep projectiles, slowly backaway as you shoot down the hallway)

Doom 3 is a niche game that does some things nice, but others, not so much. Reasons it failed, outside of game's own quality, are:
>Serious Sam and Painkiller both were great games that did plenty of things people would expect from Doom, and then Doom itself took radically different approach
>HL2 looked better overall, was less demanding on the hardware, and had an actually unique and fun gimmick (physics, which Doom 3's own addon copied later on, VALVE SUE THIS MAN)
>Chronicles of Riddick game looked better too, while doing most things Doom 3 did, while being a console port
>2004-2005 was fucking packed with great games of various genres, you couldn't just be "competent" to stand out

Although I understand that it's business and you can't just go ahead and dump all your work and start again without going bankrupt, I think Doom 3 would be better if they took a year or two to rethink the game in some major way, be it playing more into it's strengths or trying to return to form by redoing most of the levels to be more spacious and packed with enemies, at the expense of horror feel.

>> No.10616842

In a way, it's the only true Doom sequel.
2 is a glorified expansion, and the newer ones are meme games. 3 is the one that actually tried to stick to the original concept of Doom being a scary, serious game, and carry that forward.

>> No.10616848

>original concept of Doom being a scary, serious game
yeah, quite an original concept, since the original game was never like this

>> No.10616849

>In a way, it's the only true Doom sequel.
uh yeah, no, that would be DOOM 64.

>> No.10616851
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1619719105198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, look, everybody... it's a "doom 3 isn't really part of the doom franchise because it's not like doom 1 or 2" thread.

we've never had one of these threads ever on 4chan.
not even once.
i think this is the very first one.

congrats, anon. you've created a thread that absolutely, positively, no one has ever created ever in the entire history of 4chan.

here's your +1.

>> No.10616852 [DELETED] 

>frogposter responds to obvious bait with redditspaced, sarcastic armchair intellectual drivel
back to /adv/, roastie

>> No.10616870

Well, 3 is the sequel to 64

>> No.10616871 [DELETED] 

Doom 3 should be called "Shit 2" because it's a sequel to shit

>> No.10616883 [DELETED] 

>You just hated it because it wasn't DOOM 1+2
>Stop hating innovation
So you would've groveled before DOOM 4 being a CoD clone which was the original plan you fucking retards

>> No.10616969

It pronounced "Doom Cubed".

>> No.10616972 [DELETED] 

Kys id cuck

>> No.10616981 [DELETED] 

>can't answer a simple question
Fat and stupid, got it.

>> No.10617010 [DELETED] 

>newfaggot still doesn't realize he's responding to ancient pasta
>calling anyone else fat and stupid

>> No.10618259 [DELETED] 

why can't you non-white fags learn to stfu.
You are an idiot nigger, You really think Id would be still selling 2d sprite games after Quake?
You really think anyone at Id gave a shit about doom 1 and 2 gameplay when they were in the graphics business

You "people" are not only mentally ill you are stupid.

>> No.10618270 [DELETED] 

what was the original game reddit? was it pixel bunnies and candy colours.
Dumbass faggot

>> No.10618640

It's a boss, not an enemy, and you only get to fight it in the expansion pack. Hell Knights were a common enemy.

>> No.10618648

Yet you can't show a single example. Sad.

>> No.10619443

Stfu nigga. You have already lost the discussion (it was hopeless for you from the very beginning).

>> No.10619643 [DELETED] 

because you ran to the jannies like a bitch when you lost the argument

>> No.10619968

I'll always be a Doom II guy but the lighting in that game was gigakino. I've always wanted to make a map with that engine.

>> No.10621014

Seethe harder, Stu.

>> No.10621017 [DELETED] 

>can't stop crying to hotpockets

>> No.10621324

you complete bitch nigger

>> No.10621507

make the game like serious sam is a retarded retroactive take

>> No.10621556



The reason why it wasn't received favorably was always the same. Doom/Quake was always about multiplayer/deathmatch and those games were almost exclusively played by that crowd many many years after release (even to this day).

Doom 3 was a different thing altogether, it was essentially an atmospheric "adventure" game similar to HL2/DeusEx. It was never played as a deathmatch game and wasn't even designed that way. That's the reason it wasn't received well. It "subverted expectations".

>> No.10621752

why did this board get taken over by hipsters. You can tell they think retro is a narrow style. They are like posers.
Doom 3 had deathmatch. The problem is after UT and Q3, both dedicated mp games. Singleplayer games + mp (which had been a convention for ages at that point) didn't tend to do well in the mp popularity department.
Wheres the mp before Q3/UT was big the sp was even more important.
Doom 3 was a successor to Quake, Quake was a successor to Doom 2. It had less enemies and full 3d. We can see Doom 3 is a natural progression.
People complaining about Doom 3 and wanting Doom 1 are retroactively looking back at Doom 1 and 2

>> No.10621785

>Doom 3 was a successor to Quake, Quake was a successor to Doom 2. It had less enemies and full 3d. We can see Doom 3 is a natural progression.
It took me a few attempts to get through Quake 1's first few levels, mainly because the reduced enemy count just felt really off after playing Final Doom, like something was wrong.

>> No.10621797

Time to confess my sins, this is actually the first doom I ever played. I already got through duke and quake but for some reason I played classic doom only after 3.

>> No.10621798

There's an X, Y, and Z axis, most things have a defined width and height. You can't look up or down because that isn't a feature of the original engine, because the 3D doesn't do perspective correction.
When you want to do up and down looking with that kind of rendering, you can only really scroll the view up or down, which is what games like Duke Nukem 3D does, and which looks very distorted. iD opted to not do that.

>but the enemies are still 2d sprites
Because Doom's code is built around handling actors as sprites with frames, and the basic enemy behavior does not fit full 3D models well. Trying to sync articulated 3D models with motion that was originally a series of static 2D frames looks kind of awkward.

You kinda need to start over and make new behavior, which you could do with GzDoom, but the question then is if you want to jump through those kinds of hoops, or if you wanted to use a more modern engine which is better suited for using 3D models from the get go, and which can be multi threaded.
GzDoom is mainly built around Doom and Doom-like behavior, and while you can stray far from that if you want, it's probably a lot more effort than it's worth in 90% of cases.

You can play without and that's fine, but I don't think Doom 3's horror is particularly good, and the game is more fun when you can at least partially see better as to focus more on the combat.

Quake plays best on Hard or Nightmare (depending on who you ask), so that there's more monsters to fight.

>> No.10621813

it's more like why add that level of realism into a sprite game.
It'd be better to add it to Doom 3 then turn Doom 3 into your desired game.

>> No.10621897 [DELETED] 

Doom 4 being a CoD clone was the natural progression yes. Leaked art shows Doom 4 would have looked phenomenal too. Its a damn shame we didn't get it.
Doom 16 and especially Eternal are just weird directions for the series, they are appealing to a group that never existed, and turned the game into a fps Mario.

>> No.10621937 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 1127x1152, 1000020064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not Doom

>> No.10621971 [DELETED] 

seriously wtf is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_INKBQ3RPjw

this is the direct result of years of casual hipsters screeching at Doom 3

>> No.10622065

nightmare doesn't add more fights or enemies, which really it should considering the primary gimmick

>> No.10622210

It's more Doom than Zoom 2016/Eternal.

>> No.10622462
File: 9 KB, 1000x1240, 1677159039886344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the original game was never

>> No.10623847

heavily curated threads make for fake discussion

>> No.10624274


>> No.10624369

No, Greg, nobody said what you're saying back in the day.

>> No.10624614

accurate post.
Doom 3 is barely similar to a proper Quake game. By all rights, it shouldn't even exist. It's like they slapped the Doom name on Alien Vs Predator 10: The Shittening.

>> No.10624660

>walk into dark room
>screen turns red for a couple seconds
>two imps spawn in, one in front of me, one behind
>one in front takes two shotgun blasts to the face to kill
>one behind me gets a couple cheap hits in before dying the same way
>hear evil laugh
>click on a computer panel
>listen to some guy talk about his job for two minutes so I can get a passcode
>enter next room
>repeat for 10 hours
The Doom 3 experience