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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 45 KB, 480x270, apps.21303.65049759038650156.9c9f4a81-e21a-4dcb-b819-b75ab00b696e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10608489 No.10608489 [Reply] [Original]

They really should've just released this on the Gamecube, it was barely playable on the N64.

>> No.10608507

None cared about frame rate back then, youd know this if you werent a zoomer.

>> No.10608516

Yes we did, it's just people would tolerate a shitty framerate game if it was decent.

>> No.10608527

Perfect dark pushes n64 hardware a little bit too hard. Gamecube would have been better

>> No.10608537

Perfect Dark was playable if you didn't try to finish the game on Perfect Agent. If you did, then every flaw of design and coding would come to bite you in the ass. Multiple times.

>> No.10608542

Yes we did you retard.

>> No.10608550
File: 127 KB, 714x492, 1690307647694374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And are these "zoomurs" in the room with you right now?

>> No.10608563

It was a good challenge at least. I don't know that I ever beat it on that difficulty but damn did it have me sweating bullets.

>> No.10608567

Turn off high res mode. Impressive that 480i is on the 64 but it's not worth the performance

>> No.10608584

we did, we didn't complain because there was nothing to do

>> No.10608783

The XBLA version is the way to play the game.

Clear graphics, higher rez textures, two stick aiming, stable frame rate.

There are a few things that the N64 does arguably better, strafing and better weapon designs, but pretty negligible in the face of all the improvements.

>> No.10608789

Fear not Anon, they released it on Xbox with good performance.

>> No.10608798

the events of perfect dark took place last year

>> No.10608861

I kind of assume the PC port is the way to play the game

>> No.10608918

How did they remaster the audio for that version? I doubt HD archives of the audiofiles remained, given even the richest studios during the 5th gen did'nt do that good of a job backing up their files.

>> No.10609472
File: 3.17 MB, 1488x2160, Alien_PD_XBLA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The XBLA version looks like shit

>> No.10609481

You mean the XBOX?

>> No.10609606

>barely playable
and yet me friends and I played hundreds of hours of multiplayer

and the crappy multiplayer from Conker's

>> No.10609719

uh, no, sticks are hypersensitive, the n64 controller responds unironically better

>> No.10609802

Just getting to play the game was enough back then, and if you want to play it with a steady 60, that has been a viable thing for a long time.
GC Perfect Dark would have been cool though.

>> No.10609809

Mid 30s here. I recall playing The World is Not Enough on 64 with a friend and feel very nauseated. Frame rates have always mattered. Is it retarded autistic contrarianism to pretend otherwise.

>> No.10609821

CORRECTION: No "children" cared about framerate back then.

>> No.10609832

i never got nauseas playing n64 so it's really a case of works on my machine (god's glorious creation and gift to me (a wretched sinner))

>> No.10609837

I mean, Bloodborne has a pretty terrible fps, and everyone is okay with that.
General rule of thumb is if you like a game, you deal with it. Maybe some people are weird and physically can't handle anything below a solid 60 or 30, but that's never been most people.

>> No.10609846

dumb zoomer

>> No.10609852

It's not even 480i. It just raised the horizontal resolution from 320x240 to 512x240.

>> No.10609884


Not another one of these faggots.

>> No.10609886

this is true. i remember we would all just sit there playing this and be amazed at how good the graphics were. it was probably the best looking game on N64. we never really noticed or cared about any frame drops and controls were great at the time.

>> No.10609892
File: 2.81 MB, 300x225, 1701456292690495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The XBLA version is the way to play the game
Absolutely not. They completely butchered the game artistically. The PC port from the decomp is the definitive version of the game now

>> No.10610187

This is fucking true

Shut the fuck up crybaby

>> No.10610462

I agree and remakes of their best ones, nevermind they did that

>> No.10610495

That's not true at all. That thing was throttling HARD on the N64.

>> No.10610509

Just don't play in hd mode, and if they waited it would have never come out since Rare was purchased by Microsoft shortly after. They simply would not have had the time to rework the whole game into the next gen GC or even Xbox before a bunch of the talent left the company.

>> No.10610521
File: 43 KB, 473x436, 1541384942314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None cared about frame rate back then
If you were a child and only played console games, then yes I can see it not being a big deal. But me going from a beefy Pentium 3 machine with an Nvidia 256 playing Q3/UT anywhere between 25-40fps to PD on the N64 was a night and day difference. I loved Perfect Dark because of all the goofy customizing stuff Rare packed into it, but that game could turn into a slideshow at times under heavy stress in multiplayer.

>> No.10610567

>None cared about frame rate back then

fu op

>> No.10610576

The game sucks. Decompile some actual good game like the world is not enough.

>> No.10610582

Who's stopping you?

>> No.10610757

I remember renting that game and just not vibing with it. There was some serious magic and love with every aspect of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark that EA could never produce.
The biggest difference? The staff responsible for Goldeneye under Rare WANTED to make a 007 game meanwhile Eurocom was just tasked to make it by EA.

>> No.10610765

I would look outdated on N64. It looks like Deus ex prototype and Deus ex graphic wasn't impressive at all in 2000.

>> No.10611027

>it was probably the best looking game

>May 22, 2000
Doubtful. It looks the same as Half Life 1 released in 1998. It looks almsot the same as AVP1 and looks worse than AvP2 somehow.

>on N64
Not really an accomplishment considering the shit framerate.
That's like trying to run Half Life 1 on a N64.

>> No.10612904

This, at least if you were like me and were a kid playing console games like PD and Turok 3.

>> No.10612935

god damn this board is fucking cool.. i haven't thought about Perfect Dark in probably decades

>> No.10613001

its true, only weird gay faggots are saying you're wrong

>> No.10613013

This is only true of nintendroolers

>> No.10613080

PCheaters in absolute shambles

>> No.10613083

You know why they couldn't do that OP. Same deal for Banjo and Conker

>> No.10613408

Uh? I'm missing something? Have they already decompiled perfect dark? I thought those code nerds were busy finishing majoras mask.

>> No.10613420


>> No.10613428
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, needs more darks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, replay time!

>> No.10613642

its shit anyway. single player levels aren't fun and mulitplayer is only fun if you play goldeneye maps. does anyone seriously play maps like carpark? goldeneye is all you need

>> No.10613789

The fact that they didn't include Bunker as one of the classic maps will never not be a sin.