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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10604691 No.10604691 [Reply] [Original]

So I absolutely adore classic Resident Evil style survival horror. The gameplay, the atmosphere, all of it. I don't know what it is, but something about them just activate my almonds.
I've played all the RE and Silent Hills, and Koudelka, Parasite Eve 1 and 2, Eternal Darkness, and Vampire Hunter D. Besides those, /vr/os, are there any good or great PSX/PS2/Xbox/Gamecube survival horrors worth playing? Or good modern spiritual successors?

>> No.10604703

Dino Crisis
Deep Fear
Chaos Break

>> No.10604707

You could always try Onimusha (and Genma Onimusha) but it's like Dino Crisis 2, it's an action game, not survival. It's still a great game.

The truth there just isn't that many good games in this genre. I've tried, I've searched, most things are subpar at best. Sorry to disappoint but outside of the big names, a game like Vampire Hunter D, which is good but not great, is the best you'll find.

>> No.10604723

you should play thief the dark project.

>> No.10604726
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If you're okay with First-Person survival horror - there's Call of Cthulhu.
It's on Xbox. But I'd recommend the PC version on GOG.
Playing with keyboard and mouse feels more immersive.

>> No.10604728

Alone in the Dark on Dreamcast, iirc it was also on Ps1

>> No.10604746

I tried Deep Fear, but couldn't get it to run in emulation. Granted this was back when I first got my 'eck so I may have fucked something up? Or is it known to have issues with emulation?
I'll look into Galerians, though, I remember hearing of that as a kid. And yeah, derp, I played Dino Crisis 1 and 2 a lot.

>> No.10604748
File: 77 KB, 1024x768, 1024full-fear-effect-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seriously haven't played this one?

but if you want the originators, the ones responsible for the whole shebang, you should probably play Alone in the Dark and Ecstatica.

>> No.10604772

Don't start a sentence with "so." It makes you sound like a faggot.

>> No.10604773

It's fine, though

>> No.10604796

No, it isn't fine

>> No.10604838


>> No.10604932

The only reason I played these is because of the level art. The mechanics of it aren't my favorite

>> No.10604993

So, answer the fucking question or fuck off you fat fucking cunt(s).

>> No.10605000

They did, THOUGH

>> No.10605053


>> No.10605067
File: 561 KB, 1440x1080, aD5hI8r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martian Gothic: Unification

>> No.10605069

The PS2 X-Files game. Not the PSX one, though, that's FMV.

>> No.10605129 [DELETED] 

Chud Niggerson

>> No.10605146

i finished deep fear on SSF with no issue. it probably works well on mednafen too.

>> No.10605214
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>> No.10605259

Also, OP try Vampire Hunter D for PS1 I heard it's like the games you mentioned

>> No.10606409

Depends on how low quality you want to go and how married you are to the PSX/PS2 systems.
On PC, before RE came out, you got Alone in the Dark, and Ecstatica. They're still very much survival horror games, but the way they look puts off a lot of people. And possibly because they can have pretty complex puzzles. The sequels are a mixed bag.
Getting further away from survival horror, the PC also had Bioforge, Dark Earth, Nocturne, and an unreleased port of Highlander: Last of the MacClouds.
Of varying quality on the systems you mentioned that weren't previously mentioned:
Countdown Vampires
The Crow: City of Angels
Men in Black: The Game
Nightmare Creatures
I'm not guaranteeing quality here, I'm guaranteeing that these will hit the same gameplay as RE.

>> No.10607034
File: 1.07 MB, 1311x6038, NEW SH PC Guide 9-2023 v4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a good thread to post pic related

>> No.10607341

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
oddly there’s a Europe-only PS2 port

>> No.10608568

you might like TRAG and Fear Effect. TRAG is like a really over the top anime Resident Evil.

>> No.10608676

PS2 and PC have shitty MIDI music while PS1 and Dreamcast have the music proper

>> No.10609136
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>> No.10609194
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You need to go back and play Alone in the Dark.