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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10604635 No.10604635 [Reply] [Original]

there's nothing wrong with this

>> No.10604637

Who said there was?

>> No.10604639

Coomlectors, scalpers etc.

>> No.10604645

What'd they say?

>> No.10604646

That price tag is something very wrong with it.

>> No.10604652

oh my god sorry you have to pay people for their hard work!

>> No.10604664

hi Krikzz
Thanks for your hard work but I will gladly use the Chink alternative that's a fourth of the price and does the same thing kek

>> No.10604665

>wipes your save after you forget to press reset

>> No.10604671

>hi Krikzz
yeah i don't know who that is

>> No.10604676

Do you know how to look at the OP image?

>> No.10604685

yeah i posted it

>> No.10604692

>Forget to press reset
What kind of retard would do that?

>> No.10604708

someone who never used flash carts

>> No.10604749

Poor people.

>> No.10604754

>Games can be upwards of $100+ a cart
>this is every game for $150

>> No.10604761

>Has to press reset to save the game
Kek, poor people are really something

>> No.10604789

I don't even care if they'd rather save a few bucks and do shit like that or lose some small compatibility, it's the fact that they feel such a vendetta against the people that don't mind spending more than them that's embarrassing. It's never "this is good enough for me" it's "how DARE this not be good enough for YOU!"

>> No.10604801

Go buy an ad, Krikzz

>> No.10604804

That's not what happened in this exchange, though.

>> No.10604815

I have a V3 that I bought like 3 or 4 years ago and that didn't even require you to hit reset to save

>> No.10604819

Yes, the v3 is the older version of the x7 but it's essentially the same with minor differences

>> No.10604873

See how defensive you get?

>> No.10604916
File: 1.18 MB, 1600x1120, s-l1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that it's a bit overpriced.

>> No.10604954

It's good, but expensive. IMO N64 has so few truly worthwhile games that it's cheaper to get them all as individual carts, either authentic Japanese releases if you can understand the language well or if the game is light on text and plot or as pirate copies of US releases from AliExpress otherwise. One valid use case of Everdrive 64 X7 is playing Mario 64 romhacks on real hardware, but I personally never cared much about those.

>> No.10604961

It is though, but in a snarky way from both sides.
The Krikzz carts cost more, but offer some additional features not found elsewhere.
If you can live without those and don't want to pay the Krikzz price then good for you.
At the same time these are one time purchases that last a very long time, so no issue if it costs more.

>> No.10604994

>you're STEALING
(from the people who made/published the games and no longer even print the games in question or even make any money off of them)

>> No.10605030

weak b8

>> No.10605071

The only Krikzz cartridges that are worth getting are the ones with features that the chink clones don't have.
Which basically means only the Turbo Everdrive and Mega Everdrive are worth getting.

>> No.10605074

Too blurry

Only 3 - 4 games that are fun

I can't think of over 5 games I need for that system so why get an overdrive for it?

>> No.10605258

Is there a cheaper alternative ? I just want to backup my save files so everdrive seems like an overkill. Same for the sanni cart reader that is even more expensive and anyway out of stock.

>> No.10605271

of course

>> No.10605431

It's fine, just an acceptance of soullessness in exchange for practicality.

>> No.10606137

Summercart 64 is better than the x7, open source, and half the price

>> No.10606203
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, Katsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Can it let me play online in Morita Shogi 64? Checkmate.

>> No.10606230
File: 928 KB, 683x896, SanniCartReader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>you're STEALING
>(from the people who made/published the games and no longer even print the games in question or even make any money off of them)

Nope, those are my ROMs.

>> No.10606253

Even if they weren't, the original developers/publishers aren't interesting in keeping them available so the only possible people who make money off the physical media sales now are speculators/scalpers/coomlectors.

>> No.10606308

Pretty much. I don't see how financially buying used is different from pirating the game. Maybe if it's a current game you can argue they lose our on DLC sales or other microtransactions, and if somehow the pirated copy works online (most won't) they are now supporting additional copies for free. But for games long out of print? Other than "It's IP infringement" when copyright laws are laughably broken I don't see how it's any different.

>> No.10606661

This. I want to play puzzle bubble 3 but I refuse to pay 45$ + shipping. And I can also play some cool games

>> No.10606671

Nobody says that?
(Voices in your head do not count)

>> No.10606875


coomlectors need to kys themselves. just play the god damn games instead of fetishizing the fucking media it came on.