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File: 1012 KB, 1471x828, TR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10603994 No.10603994 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of the upcoming remastered Tomb Raider trilogy?

>> No.10604015

>left: boob
>right: booba

>> No.10604029

The face texture is extremely stiff, the trailer also showed that they have not finished animated textures like waterfalls.
Less than one month left and they haven't showed any new trailers or info, which is a big redflag.

>> No.10604031

I cannot wait for the le heckin souly soulful soibois to cry about it being completely ruined because a few textures have been improved

>> No.10604043
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same shit gameplay

>> No.10604046

Didn't they release one of those already? What the fuck?

>> No.10604059
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Original: creepy and scary

>> No.10604060
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Demake: lol

>> No.10604089

could be good, could be bad, probably bad though

>> No.10604090

Fuck that game and it's tank controls. Tried going back to reply the first one recently, got like 3 levels in to the level where there's a fast flowing stream you have to make several jumps over and anytime you miss you fall into the stream, get washed out of a waterfall and have to repeat the same 5 minutes of infuriating jumps all over again. Not touching this archaic bullshit again.

>> No.10604091

Im curious, been a long time since i played tomb raider. Just gonna wait till i read a few reviews.

>> No.10604107

>Press Triangle to holster your guns
>Hold R1 and walk to the edge of the platform
>Release R1
>Tap down on the d-pad to make a short step backwards
>Move forwards and press Square
>Hold Cross while you're in the air so Lara craps the edge of the platform and pulls up
Do this for every single jump in the game. It's not that hard. Just very tedious.
You didn't even get to the actually bad parts of the game. The combat against humans who all use hit-scanning guns.

>> No.10604121

he's vegan

>> No.10604138

thanks, tbf I did know about this technique but sometimes you get impatient and just run and go for it and the n the stupid bitch doesn't jump at the edge of the platform. It just takes so so long doing every little thing that after around 5 hours of gametime I got fed up and had an existential crisis wondering why I was wasting my evening on this lol.

>> No.10604160

TR3's shit level designs (esp london levels) will still be shit

>> No.10604345

Doesn't look like they're using the actual PS1 model for Laura in the left picture.

>> No.10604360


TR: Anniversary is the perfect TR. Just take that engine and put TR 2 and 3 in there. Super easy.

>> No.10604421

I hope its good and sells good, then maybe they'll drop the realistic Lara and go back to this style.

>> No.10604452

>TR: Anniversary is the perfect TR.
lmao that game is just hallway after hallway then a big room that you have to explore in a very specific order

>> No.10604505

That's not even the original, that's the TR2 version.

>> No.10604520

Wasn't the original trilogy already redone during the PS2 era?

>> No.10604524

Just the first game.

>> No.10604534

>not inside the cave

>> No.10604793

Feels bad. Resident Evil was closed off to zoomers until they remade a bunch of them, now we have to put up with them. Same thing will happen here

>> No.10604884

Better than Anniversary

>> No.10604886

>creepy and scary
it looks like a paper craft project lmfao stop slurping shit because of your nostalgia goggles.

>> No.10604887

Who the fuck is Laura?

>> No.10604914

>Breasts bigger
That's all a remaster needs to do, and they did it. Well done.

>> No.10604937

unironically looks like it was outsourced to indians like that cancelled PoP remake, don't know why some people are excited for this shit
also I dont think that model on the left is the TR1 model

>> No.10604970

ok now what does it ironically look like Einstein

>> No.10604990
File: 17 KB, 252x269, 1409391024351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lara literally teaches you this in her home training level...
Zoomers, you guys are the worst gamers, I swear. It must be the ADHD in the water.

>> No.10605001

>Bigger boobs
That was unexpected.

>> No.10605004

It was never inside the a cave. Unless you mean TR2

>> No.10605018

>unironically looks like it was outsourced to indians

>> No.10605028

Retards. The remake was on ps3

>> No.10605063

not /vr/. tomb raider originally released in 2013

>> No.10605103

You're thinking of the HD collection which wasn't the original games

>> No.10605763

Uh oh we got mr tough guy over here bet he watched Serbian Film with lights on

>> No.10605913

Apparently it was never inside the game just didn't have a skybox. I know I thought you were underground the whole time myself.

>> No.10605986

>caring about any of these if you could play TR4 custom levels

>> No.10606004

You hide in the cave and shoot him when he passes.

>> No.10606005

And it still looks better you fucking tranny.

>> No.10606092

They made the tits look like they always did in old promo material.

>> No.10606442

Giga slop and an another lmao reeeeemake lololol. The original looks better UNIRONICALLY.

>> No.10606449


>> No.10606456


>> No.10606465

bob vagana

>> No.10606531

I'll reserve judgement until it comes out. Some of the screenshots look real janky. Like one of those crappy "HD texture" packs so many games get that just look off. High-res textures on the blocks in TR might just not work. I do appreciate how Lara actually looks like Lara instead of someone else, until every other game in the series since Legend.
I look forward to the flood of low IQ posters screaming about the controls. There's nothing like seeing another impatient fool complaining about the controls before immediately outing himself as an impatient fool. I suspect the new control scheme will not help anyone in the slightest.

>> No.10606546

Honestly looks kinda like DC tomb raider last revelations.

>> No.10606629
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he cute

>> No.10606909
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I hope the remastered death animations are good.

>> No.10606927
File: 168 KB, 1280x960, Tomb Raider The Last Revelation-201127-174558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I want 4 and 5 while we're at it remastered and since it's 99% not going to happen I hate it.

>> No.10606929
File: 46 KB, 480x270, 1705421892617980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I look forward to the flood of low IQ posters screaming about the controls.
Well you're going to be disappointed then.

>> No.10606974


>> No.10607000

controls are part of the experience but I think the much bigger thing is the level design, every time there's a tomb raider thread there's always some new blood realizing how incredible the levels are in this game. Usually once they get over the controls.

>> No.10607904

If someone has fun with it, good for them. I ain't buying it that's for sure.

>> No.10608030

How many here know about the 3148 TR4 custom levels that were made by fans and which are available for free?

>> No.10608184

It will happen
Source: trust me

>> No.10608185
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>a few textures have been improved

>> No.10608187
File: 120 KB, 1080x1082, 1692062307148459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10608189


>> No.10608237

The remaster adds non-tank controls. Also there's a toggle for graphics if you prefer the original style.

>> No.10608246

Just waiting to find out what they've censored.

>> No.10608247

It's more likely that people will screech about Lara's killing spree against animals rather than the controls, since it's now more controversial to kill heckin' pupperinos than humans in video games. Worse, I can see them adding one of those "This game has themes that are not politically correct, pls understand" at the start of the game.

>> No.10608252

the models are too high poly

>> No.10609431

you should check out FF13 you'd love it!
holy fucking filtered. maybe do the tutorial if you're that much of a shitter

>> No.10609450

Skill issue. You can make those jumps without stopping if you know what you're doing.

>> No.10609464

Save the game on every step.

>> No.10609514

i know that, but the headcanon of a biome developing deep inside a cave allowing prehistoric life to exist ala Journey to the Center of the Earth is far more charming than just slapping a T-Rex in a random jungle

>> No.10609529
File: 494 KB, 1516x1422, 1564166999164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I might as well ask this here.
I'm trying to play the TR Legend trilogy and despite the wonky controls on windows version (maybe its only in the main menu) it plays fine, but if i click in the game i cant alt tab whatsoever. im stuck in the game. tried everything

I tried it on rpcs3 and it just crashes on startup

I can play it on pcsx2, but i can only play native or else ghosting and other shit happens
Am i just stuck with ps2?

>> No.10609704

In an interview with the devs they said that the reason she kills animals was because they wanted to avoid controversy with murdering humans and it was unfortunate that it was pointed out to them later that all the animals she kills are on the endangered list. There was always people complaining and devs trying to avoid "problematic" content, all that's changed is what they care about.

>> No.10609768

You can switch between the new graphics and the old graphics. Literally what are you complaining about you relentless faggot?

>> No.10609773

If any game NEEDS a remaster, it's 5, especially if they clean up the bugs in the game and polish some of the levels a bit.

>> No.10609778

Some shots it looks terrible.
Some shots it looks great.

I've never beat 1/2/3 so I'm excited to play this.

>> No.10610031

just don't alt-tab bruh

>> No.10610061

Then why not just play the old game you retard?

>> No.10610668

I want updated graphics that are NOT SHIT. Literally all they had to do is take the original model, densify the mesh and model it with more detail, but instead we get tardosaur rex, surprised it doesn't have feathers and coos.

>> No.10612283
File: 73 KB, 493x455, 1673183320546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few textures have been improved
Emphasis on "a few", that's why people are mad
Now I don't have much interest in Tomb Raider, but I am a Spyrofaggot, and while my cheap date monkey brain was impressed by Reignited for a while, some people did make really fair points about how more detailed =/= improved. Remakes tend to
>wash out colors which fucks up the atmosphere of the level
>add so much detail it creates too much visual noise so it's harder to read what you're looking at or where to go (I guess the developers assume you played the original so you already know, but it's still bad practise)
>botch character designs because there's no technical limitations forcing you to be smart when designing anymore

>> No.10612293


>> No.10612757
File: 251 KB, 1024x992, spyro-color-theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory spyro photo

>> No.10613074

Because even with the classic graphics the new ones will run and look infinitely better? Geez, you Americans are dumb as fuck.

>> No.10613147

No they won't.

>> No.10613203
File: 274 KB, 933x918, tombraideredition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retards. The remake was on ps3

The devs at Aspyr basically said that they are using (presumably) the source codes from the PC originals and basically adding new features from their. Thee are not remakes. Crystal Dynamics are basically the ones making all of the HD assets including the higher polygon Lara model. Someone said that Lara is based on CD's 'unified Lara Croft' model that is a combination of different Lara Croft designs. This is the first time that the original Tomb Raiders got a remaster. Also the first time the originals are on a Nintendo console officially.

>> No.10613208

i don't know, i never cared about this franchise. at first glance they respected the art direction i guess

>> No.10613230

>left: |>oo|>
>right: boob

>> No.10613231


>> No.10613248

How is AoD a reboot? It's literally a sequel to The Last Revelation.

>> No.10613256

>optimised for modern machines
>plug and play controller support
>4k res
>can choose between normal controls and the classic tank shit
yes they will

>> No.10613258

there are some programs that let you run every game in borderless window mode, that could help

>> No.10613289

All the games are shit, they got meme'd into fame because 11yo's didn't have access to porn at that time

>> No.10613295

I don't think you're wrong. I played them a lot as a kid, mostly just fucked around with the cheats. I tried playing the original TR recently and found it clunky as fuck. I'm buying the remasters because tank controls are optional, and nu-raider is garbage so I'd like to see the sales inflated more on classsic bimbo lara's games.

When I see webms of anons pulling off cool shit though, I can respect that. they used their autism well to get good at janky shit like tomb raider.

>> No.10613319

Tried that
It can go window mode, but still cant alt tab if i click in the game

>> No.10613368

>How is AoD a reboot? It's literally a sequel to The Last Revelation.

It counts as a re-imagining of the series, despite being a sequel.

>> No.10613382

>It counts as a re-imagining of the series

>> No.10613465

I've never had a good experience with an Aspyr product so I'm not touching this shit. It all looks a bit outsourced and Pajeet-like.

When its released, there will be a bunch of threads negatively comparing the remake to the original. Regardless it will sell well, and John Linneman will call it an "artistic triumph" despite being aesthetically far uglier.

>> No.10613480

yeah pretty much

>> No.10613590


> Takes the base idea for the game but the main aspects of the game are completely new. Namely gameplay. These may also reboot the franchise.

It is a complete re-imaging from the original grid-based/ tank control classic Tomb Raiders. Not necessarily a reboot. Perhaps a soft reboot.

>> No.10613609

it also continued the story and kept the basic themes and gameplay. you're retarded, it's not a reboot, just a bad continuation.

>> No.10614053
File: 134 KB, 1080x1080, a33[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might not be a zoomer but you certainly have the mindset of one.

>> No.10614072

if you say so, retard.

>> No.10614167

What are tank controls?

>> No.10614423

Well I'm playing 1 openlara on my 3ds so when I get this I'll start with two

>> No.10614586

>all the animals she kills are on the endangered list.
Lions and gorillas, yes.
Wolves, crocodiles, bears, bats, rats, no.
Raptors and T-rexes are extinct.

>> No.10614713

There are already source ports which do all that though. Though I'm not surprised the Eurotrash on this board can't be bothered to spend 10 seconds to check something.
You're not entirely right, but Tomb Raider was definitely a case of right time, right place. Cinematic platformers were only ever popular because of the nice animation rather than the gameplay. Hardcore precision platforming does not have mass appeal, which is ultimately what Tomb Raider is. When the failure point of your actions is 100% you, people tend to deflect blame.

>> No.10614743

It's when moving the joystick left makes you turn left instead of moving to the left side of the screen.

>> No.10614750

It looks like CGI Lara from the 90s. I like it

>> No.10614924
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, 1695938122272653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a retard or a pajeet, probably both

Go have your midnight snack of cow feces and urine, disgusting subrace

>> No.10615767

yeah except this isn't an AI pajeet remaster, it's the same games with updated assets and textures made by people who aren't brown.

dumb cunt

>> No.10615775

looking forward to playing it. I was filtered by tank controls in the original. And they didn't mess with her design so this should be good.

>> No.10615870
File: 618 KB, 2160x2160, 20240119_184050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaming is healing.

>> No.10615998

The virgin lara vs. the chad T-rex

>> No.10616004
File: 221 KB, 719x1172, Screenshot_2024-01-19-18-49-34-316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bratz doll
How does this look more lifeless than -

>> No.10616007
File: 2.45 MB, 480x360, 05b93f782e5a6b50e4b6d5ed172a1060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-this. I mean, the old render doesn't look great beauty wise in comparison, but she actually has facial expressions. This new glass eye barbie Laura is a bit uncanny valley

>> No.10616012

they literally look the same with a different poly count

>> No.10616017 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1919x1079, Tomb-Raider-classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... Naw, absolutely you have niggers for eyes.

>> No.10616028 [DELETED] 

Funny, her eyes don't even animate. Really soulful stuff there

>> No.10616034

>There are already source ports
Where? The PC versions are literally unplayable with contemporary hardware and require either patches like TombMain. Hell, even those are hit or miss with TR3/4/5 and are missing some features like gamepad support.

>> No.10616043

They don't, just look at them. New-nu-laura looks like she has a kim Kardashian filter. You have sphincter vision, sir.

>> No.10616049

OpenLara seems to be popular

>> No.10616059

What?? Lara has always been a bimbo, that's literally the entire point of her character

>> No.10616067

She's a badass and sexy antiquarian, who is not just some dumb bimbo. She's extremely intelligent and is everything a bimbo is not. Her looks are something she has at her advantage, but if she was just some stupid Kim Kardashian cunt who only knows how to blow foot ball players and inject camel humps into her backside, it wouldn't have the same appeal to men or women... Ya fuckin mook.

>> No.10616202

you're talking about HD textures but some in the remaster are LOWER RES look at the red base of the plinth

>> No.10616684

the retard is getting filtered by OG tomb raider

>> No.10618623
File: 27 KB, 631x485, 2581733_orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who can't into tank controls have an underdeveloped portion of their brain that handles spatial reasoning. It has been studied, they literally can't handle abstract movement or 'imagine' spatial elements that they cannot see. They only understand relative control (press left on controller, object moves left on the screen relative to the viewer).

They also struggle with other similar abstract spatial reasoning tasks, like driving a remote control car through an obstacle course, or flying a drone. They also have an extremely difficult time with spatial reasoning exercises like you see in IQ tests (pic related is an example).

> tl;dr - people who can't figure out tank controls are literally brain damaged

>> No.10618629

There’s no reason for it when OpenLara exists

>> No.10618639

It's a reboot in both gameplay and style. You have obviously never actually played it or you would know this.

The series went from the same plucky adventurer gameplay from 1-4 to a le grimdark gritty 'realistic' game with hub areas, strength upgrades, an NPC conversation system, a second playable character with a different play style, etc.

>> No.10618651

OpenLara is unfinished, you could play TR1X but these remasters are probably fine

>> No.10618838

>OpenLara is unfinished, you could play TR1X but these remasters are probably fine

OpenLara is still pretty inaccurate when compared to the original games. It's a nice rebuild of the Tomb Raider engine, but still feels off at times. Aspyr says that they are using the 'original' source codes. But I have my doubts that they are the PS1 source codes. Since Aspyr ported the PC games to Mac back in the day, and those ones are based on the 'gold' edition PC versions. hence why these ports come with the additional PC content, like Unfinished Business, Golden Masks, and The Lost Artifacts.

>> No.10619310

You mean the saturn source codes?

>> No.10619319

its probably gonna be shit like every remaster but it would be cool if im wrong

>> No.10619321

you are not fooling anyone you are a zoomer that tried it for the first time and got filtered

>> No.10619459

There's something I can't quite put my finger on with this, a spark that's missing. It looks like what the gays and gals of tombraiderforums would come up with, which is probably why they love it so much, but it lacks grit.

>> No.10621593

>You mean the saturn source codes?

Only the first Tomb Raider was ever ported to the Saturn. The Saturn game was actually the lead development system for Tomb Raider 1, due to the weirdness of the Saturn hardware. Sony money hatted console exclusivity for the numbered sequels for Tomb Raider 2 and Tomb Raider 3. Those two games only appeared on the PS1 and PC, back in the day.

>> No.10621596

Unironically low iq, most likely under 25.

>> No.10621664


Taken from the Playstation developer blogs:

> Aspyr & Lara go way back
A burgeoning video game company, Aspyr, launches Tomb Raider II on Macintosh computers. Aspyr continued with the Tomb Raider franchise until 2003, launching Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider III, Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider: Chronicles, and Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness.
>We’ve always wanted to revisit these titles, but we always debated the right approach. For years, we worked through the right balance of preservation and modernization. And once we felt we nailed it, we got in touch with our friends at Crystal Dynamics.

Aspyr has been around since the late 90's, and they really started out as a Windows/ DOS to MacOS port team. Basically porting games from Windows to Mac. They ported the Windows versions of Tomb Raider 1,2,3, Revelations, Chronicles and AOD to Mac for Eidos back in the day. It is highly likely that they still have old archived copies of the PC source codes for these games, or they are using some sort of Mac derivative.

>> No.10621970

I'm gonna do what I did back in the day and leave the raptors and rex alive.

>> No.10623612

good. i want soulless remakes to fail. no exception

>> No.10623615


>> No.10623982

Spyro's motion sickness is far from a good example of good color theory. But they butched the designs in the remake they look like these ugly smite designs

>> No.10624009

She was a psycho bimbo now they've turned her into a psycho bitch