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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.83 MB, 1493x906, 1704113695115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10599641 No.10599641 [Reply] [Original]

Which one was better?

>> No.10599652
File: 3.45 MB, 1305x1584, Duke Nukem - Zero Hour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero Hour is the closest thing to a DN3D sequel, it's tons of fun

>> No.10599659
File: 2.22 MB, 960x1200, Duke Nukem - Time to Kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TTK is a great action oriented Tomb Raider clone and the jetpack is tons of fun to use, and it has some awesome levels. However the last 4-5 levels kinda suck and enemy variety is too low.

>> No.10599708

I just gave time to kill a shot out of curiosity.
I'm not crazy about 5th gen shoulderpad shooters but for the most part they were functional and made sense. hold the shoulder buttons to strafe, hit left and right on the dpad to turn and circle strafe.
time to kill makes your basic strafe a nearly uselessly slow sideways pace, to strafe with any kind of speed you must use a diagonal input which causes you to circle strafe except the circle is at such a sharp rotation that it's not really practical, this means you have to awkwardly jerk back and fourth from a run to a slow walk. just do it like everything else did christ.
It has a nice look to it and the way it handles verticle aiming is sensible enough but I'm not going to bother any farther if it makes final doom seem slick.

>> No.10599735

Did anybody played Land of babes?
Or because is a 2001 title on psx everybody moved to ps2, gba and xbox?

>> No.10599761
File: 2.20 MB, 960x1200, Duke Nukem - Land of the Babes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and I think it's disappointing. it's all about story and cool set pieces to the point that the core gameplay suffers from it. Combat could be good but the game is too laggy.

>> No.10599894

Zero Hour but mainly because of the controls. the presentation is better too

>> No.10600818

Both are good but ZH is better overall.

>> No.10600891

Played it at a schoolfriend's house quite a bit.

>> No.10601709

Zero Hour BY FAR.

>> No.10603423

Zero Hour, it's the one I can more easily replay and enjoy it.
It does get too repetitive and the levels are mostly flat planes and the one or two that are not are more annoying than a fun change of pace, still enjoyed it though.
I just played it last year, the first level does the game no favors, generic corridors and labs are not a good hook, then it goes for underwater levels and more generic level after that. Not till later does the game start to get better but the game feels too subdued for a Duke game most of the time. It's overall okay.

>> No.10603538

What would /vr/ think if NineDriver studios remade the games in their Kek engine? Full mouse controls, 60fps, could help. But the games feel a bit primative as TPS and 3D exploration titles. Might have to speed it up, ramp up the difficulty, and add more enmies?

>> No.10603542

I'd be all for it.

>> No.10603545


>> No.10603662

IDK about TTK or LOTB but Zero Hour runs on Build Engine. someone port it to Eduke 32 or RedNukem already...