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10589151 No.10589151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Brutal Doom hated?

>> No.10589175

It's more about the reception and less about the mod itself. You can look on zdoom forums and find mods that are way shittier than BD. There are ones which are less faithful to the original's gameplay. The thing is that BD players are annoying and don't want to respect the original which old players take issue with. So it has a stigma of being the reddit of doom mods.

>> No.10589227

didn't the creator get canceled because he's a white supremacist with a literal gore/snuff fetish?

>> No.10589228

I for instance hated it's old versions since they would often freeze GZDoom on my old PC. Lately BD version also seems to push for realism, but that boring shit can be easily weeded out with SLADE.

>> No.10589230

That just sounds like edgy retard soup.

>> No.10589302

just what i had heard. i never really looked in to it until now.

>> No.10589342


The creator isn't gay and that is basically the same thing as denying the holocaust and misgendering gender people

>> No.10589367

who the fuck cares, BD is great and this is a stupid thread. Wheat Supreme is a smear invented by your enemies that only reflects a fraction of the people involved in that sphere anyways

>> No.10589372

You shouldn't believe everything you read.

>> No.10589389

Not really, he was just a young, edgy asshole on forums back then, and it got him banned from some places. He's mellowed out since then and is pretty civil these days.

>> No.10589408

i imagine partially due to gatekeeping purists thinking it ruined doom and brought in a bunch of new kiddies even though it makes the game 10x more fun and engaging

and the rest due to sgt mark being an edgelord

>> No.10589415

The creator is/was a /pol/-tier edgelord who's a little too passionate about gore for a lot a people's tastes, and in the past didn't credit the assets he used in the mod causing a lot of people to accuse him of asset theft. He also got himself banned from a lot of Doom-related forums for starting shit with other modders in addition to the aforementioned "quirks". From what I've read he's gotten a lot more mature and tolerable over the years, but his earlier behavior has become part of the mod's legacy.

>> No.10589418

jesus christ how the mightly have fallen

>> No.10589431

Because legions of stupid children tried to run Brutal Doom with everything and then bitch endlessly when two different gameplay mods don't work right.
The other problem is people endlessly asking "Why is Brutal Doom hated?"

>> No.10589432

I don't hate it only basedboy pussies hate it. My only problem is the gameplay gets kind of boring and it's a resource hog for lower end pc's. It would have been awesome if brutal doom improved the sandbox of the game at all, but honestly I think the doom engine is so limited there's only so much you can make for doom.

I would love if an indie game took the brutal doom concept and ran with it and it became it's own game entirely instead of a Mish mash of random ass doom resources

>> No.10589434

having dozens of people ask to make your mod compatible with DECORATE spaghetti might be a bit frustrating

>> No.10589463

because it's popular

>> No.10589481

>didnt the creator get cancell-
And thats the moment I realized you were in your early 20s.

>> No.10589489

It basically made it so zoomers can't play classic doom without fuck loads of gore and shit. They claim to like classic doom, but then you give them doom without Brutal doom, and they get bored and say "I hate this!".
Also this

>> No.10589514

>didn't credit the assets he used in the mod
wasn't it discovered those assets were literally pictures of real corpses and gore?

>> No.10590132

I think the wanting to use actual photos of gore/death thing was separate from the uncredited assets incident.

>> No.10590135

>White supremecist

>> No.10590149
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>Poodle broom
Go take a poop, you're straining too hard

>> No.10590152

Last I checked, he's actually been unbanned from Doomworld

>> No.10590162

>>10590152 (me)

>> No.10590169
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Because the nerds here hate fun.

>> No.10590174

I see Brutal Doom as a gateway mod to other Doom mods out there, so let me put down some personal recommendations:

Doom Roguelike Arsenal
High Noon Drifter
Project MSX
Corruption Cards (pair this one with something above)
Treasure Tech
Golden Souls Redux
Golden Souls 2

>> No.10590260

>Brutal Doom
Because it mogs every other Doom mod.
There really is no better way to Doom than Brutal Doom.
If you're gonna Doom, Doom Brutally.
Brutal Doom

>> No.10590281
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>There really is no better way to Doom than Brutal Doom
Eh, I can think of one more.