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10588906 No.10588906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did Sony manage to shit dumpster Nintendo in the 5th gen with their first attempt at a video game console with inferior hardware?

>> No.10588913

Good controller.

>> No.10588917
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Good games

>> No.10588935

They put the games .. on a CD!

>> No.10588939

revolutionary... literally

>> No.10588940

all important factors

>> No.10588941

also discs are cheap to make/sell
you could buy 2-4 ps1 games per one heavy hitter n64 cart
n64 only had greatest tits sales or shovelware carts for $24.99 each

also sony can afford to hemorrhage financial loss in order to posture in/gain marketshare
it worked up until ps3 era when they thought they could just shit out any old garbage and people would lap it up

>> No.10588948

kids toy image vs badass boundary pushing future machine

>> No.10588951

>kids toy image
N64 followed the SNES, and SNES had a good reputation as an "all-rounder" machine, definitely not a kids toy then, and I don't think N64 had the kids image at that point either. It wasn't until the GC that solidified Nintendo as the baby console maker.

>> No.10588961

>So, you wanna make games for our hot new N64 console?
>each devkit requires a $5,000 SGI Indy workstation
>the license to make a game on our console costs over $10,000
>we are the sole producers of the cartridges, so you need to produce your games through us
>meaning you need to order a large enough batch to make it worthwhile for us to make them, and we'll charge you for the carts
>It costs us a lot for the cartridges, so $30 of your final price will go to us for that alone
>So, you wanna make games for our hot new PSX?
>a devkit console is about $1,000, or you can get the third party PC card devkit for about $500
>the license to make a game is $10, but we'll accept a 6-pack of beer
>we licensed our CD producing technology to everyone, so take your pick of CD producer
>go as big or as small as the producer you pick will allow you
>it will cost you $1 for each CD pressed, a nickle of your final price will go to us for the license fee from the producer
Simple as. Nintendo required a large investment to get started, Sony development could be done by the smallest studios without breaking their budget. It was highly attractive to the large devs too, thanks to the cost difference. Why make a $70 game you only kept $40 of per copy, when you could make a $60 game and keep $59?

>> No.10588973

Nah, Nintendo's "for everyone" approach to design, and marketing with Mario everywhere was definitely a less mature contrast to Sony's promotion and brand which was still highly respectable at the time.
It didn't help that they were slow out of the gates in 96 with a wafer thin lineup dependant on SM64.

>> No.10588984

n64 was at mcdonalds all over the usa
the ps1 in gaymen mags was seen as even edgier and more badass than sega
had tiddie games & real 3d cutscenes+cd audio

all my older cousins made fun of nintendo and said it was faggy
console wars were real at recess in that era
and the exclusives actually mattered back then
now all the systems are the same and basically run the same ports across the board

>> No.10588990

based cousins

>> No.10588992

Playstation games were easy to pirate, this made sure Playstation became extremely successful in the third world. Im sure that if you compare sales in first world countries the sales gap is much smaller between the two consoles.
t. rich third worlder who owned an N64

>> No.10589000

it was obvious to everyone who didnt wear mario pajamas that the ps1 was the real successor to the snes. everything about the n64 screamed secondary console:
>gimmick controller that felt great for a few games, but bad for general gaming
>lack of third party support
>no final fantasy

>> No.10589024

Billions of dollars and dozens of excellent developers. Microsoft tried something similar but had the lingering stigma of their own brand, so the Xbox didn't see widespread success until the 360.

>> No.10589054

We just had a thread on /v/ a out this, but basically Sony had more money than Nintendo and essentially bruteforced their way into the market with exclusivity deals and low dev costs.

>> No.10589065

It was easy to crack. Games were almost free.

>> No.10589182

Trips of basedstation cope.
>gimmick controller
The N64 controller is one of the best ever made, simply because of the perfectly positioned Z-trigger.
Great idea, we didnt have to deal with load times.
>lack of third party support
Do you mean lack of shovelware? The N64 had all the good/great 3rd party games from that generation.
>no final fantasy
Thats actually a bonus, a console without incel games.
Now tell me how good was the 4 people multiplayer in the Basedstation, then go kyd yourself.

>> No.10589224

>cheap to develop for
>cheap to publish for
>practically subsidized marketing
>enormous library of good and fun games in pretty much all genres
>all these games and the console were all dirt cheap too
it would've been weird if it had been anything but a success. It basically made console gaming mainstream thing in Europe

>> No.10589231

Sony was a hardware juggernaut in a variety of other electronics/media sectors and could afford to go all-out with the PS1. Meanwhile nintendo were complacent and acted like entitled primadonnas.

>> No.10589243

Sony also payed for exclusivity AND sold the console at a loss in the beginning. If not for that, the Saturn would have been just as successful as the PSX

>> No.10589248

>>It costs us a lot for the cartridges, so $30 of your final price will go to us for that alone
So Nintendo really asked for about 50% for the cartridge profits alone? lol, no developer would forget that.

>> No.10589376
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1. It came out 2 years before the N64, so it had an established user base way before N64 even had a chance to rival it properly.
2. SEGA completely blew it with the US Saturn launch and made things way easier for Sony.
3. It was relatively cheap for its time and compared to the competition.
4. It used CDs, so publishers and developers preferred it, with the major example of that being SquareSoft.
5. It had a familiar controller that worked for pretty much anything, especially with the DualShock a couple of years later.
6. It had the most widespread and diverse library from it's generation, almost feeling like a mid-90's NES.
7. Speaking of feeling like the NES and SNES, it felt more like a SNES successor than N64 did, and more like a Genesis successor than Saturn did, it had the software and variety people wanted.

>> No.10589406

Having more than 5 games worth playing might have something to do with it

>> No.10589451


>> No.10589472

that had a patent on CD. Same reason they succeeded with ps2 and DVD and failed with ps3 when blu-ray failed.

>> No.10589552

>muh 4 controllers
what games did you even do this on? goldeneye's multiplayer was always bad and gets worse the more players there are as your screen size shrinks to nothing. same with mario kart. most multiplayer games dont require more than 2 controllers. that includes the entire fighting game genre. the only party game i ever liked was worms, and you only needed 1 controller for a room full of people because you just passed it around.

>> No.10589632

>goldeneye's multiplayer
That was the shit. Playing with 3 friends.

>> No.10589640

>Came out sooner than 64
>had adult oriented games and marketing
>Used CD's which were much cheaper to produce and easier to program for and thus attracted 3rd party producers
>were new to the market so they were developer friendly as opposed to overlordy

>> No.10589648

Wcw/NWO world tour
Mario Kart

>> No.10589697

You didn't post the good ones

>> No.10589702

Sony had a great reputation for high quality electronics. Everyone and their dogs knew about the Walkman, their TVs, etc. It made the PlayStation seem like a more serious, mature device. The games were also cheaper, and of course easier to pirate.

>> No.10589704

Europoor and we have plays to:
Mario Kart
Turok 2
Duke Nukem 3D
Snowboard Kid
Mario Party
Mario Tennis
Chameleon Twist
Conker Bad Fur Day
Smash Bros
Diddy Kong Racing
Perfect Dark
Olympic Game Nagano

>> No.10589770
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>an actual nintoddler showed up in this thread

>> No.10590172

>ps1 was the real successor to the snes
Yeah, the openness of the platform lead to a lot of garbage, but also a lot of gold, much like the SNES. It had a sense of freedom, creativity and experimentation that the N64 lacked.

>> No.10590181
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>simply because of the perfectly positioned Z-trigger.
Yeah maybe if it was a fishing pole

>> No.10590184
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>The N64 controller is one of the best ever made, simply because of the perfectly positioned Z-trigger.
>Great idea, we didnt have to deal with load times.
The one gud thing
>Do you mean lack of shovelware? The N64 had all the good/great 3rd party games from that generation.
N64 had at most 10 gud games
>Thats actually a bonus, a console without incel games.
Trololol, it's actually a gud thing that N64 didn't have one of the biggest series ever made because reasons
I thought you guys were kidding when you said Nintoddlers were retarded but here we see the retardation and cope in full force.

>> No.10590284

>when they thought they could just shit out any old garbage and people would lap it up
I mean, looking at the sales of the PS4 and PS5, they weren't wrong. Just early.

>> No.10590303

games didnt look like they were smeared with vaseline and had adult themes like resident evil (near launch)

>> No.10590340

Its the console controller that most closely approximated the trigger of a real gun. I thought you adult gamers wouldve liked that.
THPS series, Turok series, Star Wars games, DOOM64, Wipeout, RE2, MK Trilogy and MK4, Fighters Destiny, Bomberman games, Snowboard Kids games, all the Rare games... the list goes on. None of these are first party.

>> No.10590413
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>How did Sony manage to shit dumpster Nintendo in the 5th gen
By not being selfish, egoist and egocentric like Nintendo?
By not restricting and suppressing the third party developers?
By giving a capable console with CD format so the developers could output whatever game ideas they had and also making gaming development easier?
By not looking like a cheap toy?
By having the best controller design and also aesthetically appealing like the first DualShock?

>> No.10590431
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>Good controller (especially after the DualShock)
>Good aesthetics and marketing
>Simple, yet capable hardware architecture that was relatively easy to develop for
>Sony made their own audio and video chips
>Sony co-invented CDs, owned the patents and had their own factories
>Cheap licensing fees and dirt cheap game manufacturing costs
>Undercut Sega and beat Nintendo to the market by 2 years
>Bought a well known publisher

There was basically nothing bad about the PlayStation from a product standpoint.

>Terrible architecture that was overly expensive and complicated
>Typically produced worse results than the PlayStation
>Lack of killer apps
>Terrible marketing

>Launched late
>Expensive cartridges with limited storage space
>Terrible licensing costs
>Theoretically good hardware that ended up being bottlenecked to hell and back

>> No.10590807

Can you call the 360 a success when sales were driven by failed units and banned consoles?

>> No.10591089

it's this really. nintendo were stupid when everyone moved to cd. including square soft