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File: 15 KB, 1920x1440, 4603632-Eus2iWFL_Rq9vclW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10586307 No.10586307 [Reply] [Original]

So is the purple really his hair or was Dobson just making d
shit up? These weird color choices Remind me to Yoshi's orange arms in mario world. Did they do it for better contrast?

>> No.10586320

you werent meant to notice it on crt

>> No.10586325 [DELETED] 

CRTs do nothing to hide it

>> No.10586351

who is dobson
anyway I always thought that was the bottom of his cap

>> No.10586359

he has purple hair because this is the cool rebel punk link with dyed hair that doesn't listen to his uncle

>> No.10586364

so he mellows out by LA?

>> No.10586386
File: 2 KB, 194x209, ltt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always what I saw

>> No.10586584

I hate Link's sprite in this game, because he starts the game sleeping in his bed my older brother would always be saying stuffs like "you're playing as a fag kid on his pajamas haha"

>> No.10586586

its his hat retards

>> No.10586854

Clearly it was a design choice. Sprite with yellow hair looked shite.

>> No.10586860

It's just a sprite color choice for CRTs and how it would blend, you don't even notice. Only in the crispness of emulation.

Dobson is mentally ill and needs to take his pills and have sex with a trannie

>> No.10586890

I noticed

>> No.10586901
File: 4 KB, 448x480, f6199d769cce2fb53540d6aa425219cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yoshi's orange arms in mario world.

>> No.10587553

In another universe there is a tard who broke a gamestop because Yoshi's arms aren't orange anymore

>> No.10587557

I ALWAYS noticed it, even via RF as a kid. I just thought it was part of his cap, it wasn't until much later that I found out that it was actually his hair.

>> No.10587602

>hurr durr you weren't meant to notice durrrrrr
were you all niggas blind as children or what

>> No.10587623

what are you on about?
people have been making fun of links pink hair since before you were born

>> No.10587627

imagine if he had seen earthbound

>> No.10587657

lol zoomers think CRTs are black and white i guess?
MAYBE on RF, or a dying tv it could get washed out enough. idk it would probably still look pinkish. its a really bright color when compared to the rest of the sprite. compared to the rest of the game for that matter

i can only guess it was done for higher contrast. zelda 1 had a terrible problem with exactly that. its sprites were basically unintelligible and always blended together. 2 was better, but link can still get kinda "lost" in the background of some palaces ime. i guess once they got to SNES and had access to way more colors they just decided to "over-correct"

>> No.10587673

It's easily noticed even via RF.

>> No.10587676

I would think it's the hat but why does it have sideburns?

>> No.10587678

THis, always thought it was the cap rim

>> No.10587745
File: 3.12 MB, 2560x3350, Super Play 2 - 070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty pink to me in these images from a magazine that took it's pictures on a CRT.

>> No.10587753

They used orange on the cap, but in the art its yellow

>> No.10587754

I think it was to keep the sprite standing out in all environments since the pink was not used in any environment.

>> No.10587837
File: 145 KB, 646x1025, zelda_manga_ranmaru_3_aol_vol2_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No mention of the 80's Zelda 1 and 2 manga series by Ran Maru where Link had purple hair.
Deepest lore.

>> No.10587848
File: 29 KB, 167x89, poop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10587937
File: 70 KB, 250x250, CAN I GET UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard it's so he stands out more, because of how shitty the average CRT of the time was

>> No.10587947

>tranime image
>wrong opinion

Sad, many such cases

>> No.10588356
File: 972 KB, 2064x2829, 2Q==(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off my board

>> No.10588378

>you don't even notice
Are you blind?

>> No.10588382

It's just the brim of his hat.
Never understood the whole pink air psyop.

>> No.10588394

Your brother sounds like a faggot

>> No.10588509

So what's the orange above the pink then?

>> No.10588514

What kind of fucking hat do you people think he's wearing ?

>> No.10588554

He loves earthbound, that's what pisses me off!

>> No.10588603

I just assumed his hair was like that and moved on

you guys have issues

>> No.10588630

It's the same color as the Rabbit to save memory.

>> No.10588637 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 451x498, dg5zjm3-a431ea43-e92a-4d99-994c-5ca652d044d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's clearly Hanna barbera

>> No.10589148

Nose too big to be anime

>> No.10589165
File: 189 KB, 1142x1388, vr_tranime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your containment website

>> No.10589181

Early anime is basically Hanna Barbera

>> No.10589225

I've heard it has to do with Link's bunny form. The palette is the same so the pink had to go somewhere.

>> No.10589972

Christine, now goes by Chris. Fucked her dad.

>> No.10590102

The Zelda series was always queer coded

>> No.10590163

I like that Zelda

>> No.10591318

Melting pot of friendship I kneel

>> No.10591342
File: 23 KB, 226x218, zeldacdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10591481


>> No.10591952

Link looks gay as hell in this

>> No.10591960

based brother

>> No.10592289
File: 137 KB, 711x1000, Cyborg 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just oldschool artwork was.

>> No.10593239

Its the hat. You can see two pixels of blonde/brownish hair sticking out on each side in front of the ears.

>> No.10593242

Hella gay looking

>> No.10593363

But the different tunics have the same color even though they have different hats.

>> No.10593368

>Duck Shoot

>> No.10593373

This doesn't look gay, but Link in pink leather does

>> No.10593391

And yet those boots allow him to walk on water like Jesus and those gloves let him break blocks.