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10585514 No.10585514 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Older RE fans absolutely hate RE4?

>> No.10585532

>Why did Older RE fans absolutely hate RE4?
But I probably beat REmake 6 times before RE4 came out and I still loved RE4

>> No.10585547

Why do stupid people use the "why did [highly adversarial and false framing of an uninteresting issue]?" format more than any other when making threads on this site?

>> No.10585551

Bait gets more (You)

>> No.10585570

Because it's different. Most older RE fans loved RE4 as far as I can tell. But there's always a subset of older fans that reject change to a series, because a change to the formula won't necessarily have what originally attracted them to the games.

You see it all the time though. FFVII was widely loved by FF fans, but some of them didn't like the transition to 3D and complained about things like having only 3 party members.

>> No.10585572

most people liked it though, survival horror was very stale

>> No.10585616

RE4 didn't take resident evil seriously. It was intentional horror-comedy instead of bad movie pastiche that was funny on accident like old re

>> No.10585637

i thought the formula was stale by re3 so i loved re4

>> No.10585823 [DELETED] 
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They didn't though it was universally loved. You're mistaking the ranting of a few very vocal autistic transsexuals for general consensus. This goes being RE4 obviously and is in fact the poison that is killing the industry, not to mention Western society

>> No.10585861 [DELETED] 

I don't, I didn't. I enjoyed it when it released. then when I played 5 onwards I thought, Oh God... is this the new 'standard' now? replayed 4 recently and it was overly long and bored me after a few hours. I can blast through the originals however and they're still great.
I hate 'rent free' but can you stop talking about troons for 2 seconds m8?

>> No.10585903

When it came out I didn't know anybody that disliked it. Most of the hate for it that I'm aware of came after RE5 and 6 came out, as RE4 was blamed for where the series went.

>> No.10585965


>> No.10585982
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>Because it's different.
It's not that it's different, it's TOO different. And I don't mean that in an angry fanboy who hates change kind of way, I mean that in a "I have a sneaking suspicion that someone at Capcom took a different project they were working on, changed some names, tossed in some coy references to the previous games and then slapped a 4 at the end." By all accounts the game is very good in most regards, but tell me they couldn't have used it to create a new franchise. It has no real connection to the previous games established set up, Leon is for all intents a completely different character and if you removed the shit about Wesker and had Ada report to literally anyone else, you could straight up just call the game anything and BOOM new IP. Hell in some ways the was probably held back by needing to be a resident evil title.

>> No.10586063

They didn't. GTA was out and so was multi-player fps pc games so majority were playing that instead. At least they were where I was

They used to have subscription services for servers to join games for these too (similar to Xbox live)

>> No.10586592

Because it essentially turned into a 3rd person action game, even if Resident Evil 3 was already turning the franchise into that anyway.

>> No.10586602

lmao I love this cope

>> No.10586670

Same reason why older Castlevania fans hate Sotn and anything after that
Did it work?

>> No.10586681


>> No.10586734

The first three games all have an interconnected story and 4 just feels disconnected from them. It has Leon and Ada in it, and it mentions Umbrella and Racoon City once in the opening but other than that it doesn't really feel like it's a part of the series.

>> No.10586816

because most of the people whining about modern RE just want the PS1 games at the end of the day which nobody but them actually wants.

>By all accounts the game is very good in most regards, but tell me they couldn't have used it to create a new franchise
given the fact that devil may cry and haunting grounds were originally earlier versions of resident evil 4 i'm more inclined to believe that the plan was to always stray away from the classic RE formula otherwise the RE4 we got would've been turned into it's own thing too.

i mean the airship & hooked man versions probably have more in common with silent hill than what people expected from resident evil.

>> No.10586828

i'd probably like metroidvanias alot more if they played more like the bonus richter or juilus modes instead of the backtracking simulators the base games are.

>> No.10586868
File: 24 KB, 260x320, new_coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did fans of the taste of Coca Cola complain when New Coke came out and they stopped making Coca Cola? Simple: entitlement! Fuck toxic fans, they should be happy with what they're given!

I fucking love RE4 for the record

>> No.10586873

They didn't... all the people I knew who were into the earlier games first thought 4 was awesome.

>> No.10586898

Mind you I like both classic and nu-RE, but it's pretty easy to see why. Imagine somebody took your favorite game series, changed everything about the gameplay from the ground up, it gets insanely well recieved, and you know that's the direction of the series from now on. Kinda sucks if you liked the original formula that is now gone. Of course, there were still some games that came out that tried to spice up that old formula, gained a cult following, but still ultimately failed.

>> No.10587234

I didn't at the time but now I do considering how many faggots it has attracted to the series.

>> No.10587295

I don't doubt they were going to make something new, I can even agree with the argument it might have been needed, but they basically invented something so new that it might have been better off as something else entirely just like DMC and HG were.

>> No.10587302
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It's basically a whole different game

>> No.10587435

It is clearly horror comedy, not comically executed horror like old re

>> No.10587489

Low quality bait thread. OP is an idiot

>> No.10587597

>that reject change to a series
change isn't the problem. It is fine in my eyes that Mikami wanted to build A game around the evolution of the series' tablenk control shooting. the problem is that this change is really more of a permanent trend, you change once and then are locked in permanently.
>what about re7 and 2make
yes 14 years later these were a positive step back away from action, quibbles with them aside, but given the direction the series took since it's easy to label them both one off gimmicks before returning to more linear action.

>> No.10587639

It's not linked to the other three games and is more action than survival horror. Not saying it's a bad game but resident evil was like a playable zombie horror film then it became a brand name for anything horror related to appear.

>> No.10587747

That's simply not true, what you get here is a bunch of tryhard retards who love to pretend they were even born when this came out. By the time RE4 came out most people were sick of the old RE formula, including fans of the series. That's what trash like code veronica and 0 did.

>> No.10587782

>someone at Capcom
Yes. Shinji Mikami you dumb fucking spic. Immediately after this he created another game with an original premise using the same ideas.

Miguel, run off to wikipedia and tell me what Mikami made after RE4.

>> No.10587810

They didn't, RE4 was literally one of the biggest and most popular games ever when it came out and the previous game released was I think RE0 which is a mixed bag at best. People only started disliking it later, when it was clear oldschool RE was never coming back.
This historical revisionism that "oldschool fans always hated RE4" is complete bullshit, and no, to the person who is about to reply to me, you personally hating it back in the day does not change that your opinion was drowned out 100 times over by the other fans of the series who loved it.

>> No.10587815

There were multiple games that were on the table to become RE4 and like the other guy said, considering the others became their own games, odds are RE4 would've become something else if it wasn't chosen.

>> No.10587818

But that's different, that was literally a marketing gimmick so that everyone would want the old coke back and so they'd make bank when they brought it back.

>> No.10587819

>the ammo part
fucking bullshit, you have enough ammo to kill basically every enemy in old RE. Especially since that's Jill from Nemesis who showers you with guns and ammo whenever you kill him.

>> No.10587823

Only on /vr/ can people claim that literally one of the most beloved and critically acclaimed games with some of the tightest gameplay in the history of videogames, is in fact shit and no one likes it.

>> No.10587857

they made it actually fun for once

>> No.10587868

Because of the abrupt way 4 terminates the Umbrella conspiracy story continuity, never doing much of anything to finally officially resolve the outstanding plot points that were just left hanging in the air. Also, the game had too much unoriginal shit that was just copied and pasted from other IPs. The old monsters had a lot more charm and all of it was just thrown away like yesterday's garbage. Capcom essentially eliminated everything that made RE what it was. Their later attempts to fix this were laughable.

>> No.10587957

Frankly as much as I don't like that 4 just completely handwaved all the umbrella story away I also kind of feel like that plot was getting too big for it's own good and the series really needed to be more smaller scale and just about survivors trying to get out of a situation that over their head. Umbrella should not be a comic book supervillain group they should have all been greedy assholes killed by their own creation. Of course for as much as 4 completely disregarded it 5 went way to hard on exactly what I just said with Wesker basically just being a cheap Dr Doom when he was just a greedy asshole to start with.

>> No.10587985

Finally someone gets it.

>> No.10587997

replaying RE4 on professional, is the TMP redundant if I want to shoot for a fully upgraded pistol? I just met the merchant and am trying to decide between the TMP or Rifle, am leaning towards rifle just for the raw stopping power.

>> No.10588010

>i'd like [thing] if it wasn't [thing]


>> No.10588942

You're a retard. Tyrant from Resident Evil 2 drops ammo, not Nemesis. Try and kill every enemy AND Nemesis in Resident Evil 3, I dare you.

>> No.10588991

if they made RE4 into it's own thing then i imagine that people would've been alot more kind to it's sequels, RE5 & RE6 especially the later of the two.

at the same time without that change resident evil as a series would probably be rotting in "capcom vs" purgatory along side captain commando, lost planet, darkstalkers and everything made by clover.

>> No.10588998
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, angelashley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience, the RE4 hate was very much retrospective, after RE5 and especially 6 came out, perpetuated by fucking nerds online who act like the survival horror genre wasn't getting stale and overdone as shit before RE4 revitalized it. I feel that Amnesia: The Dark Descent and the enshittification of horror movies played a big role too. Bunch of loud hippies decided only slow, atmospheric horror was heckin' valid and shooting zombies and making heads explode was 'not muh horror.' Maybe a few people disliked RE4 from the get-go but its current 'contested' status is very much rewritten history. At the time most everyone agreed it was great.

The rife is a far better weapon for firepower and instakills. It's as powerful as a magnum really.
I played RE4 both Normal and Professional this year. On Normal I would sell my handguns at the first opportunity and buy the TMP so I could be lazy and pump enemies full of bullets quickly. On Professional, I recommend sticking with the punisher. Its ability to penetrate 2/3 bodies at once is an absolute godsend.

>> No.10589017

>surely the amount of ridiculous one-liners couldn't have been intentional

>> No.10589979

I started with 7 and I hate 4

>> No.10590012

A lot of mongoloids that cared about the story in old RE were immediately butthurt by RE4 at release. But most people treated RE story like a fighting game story, i.e. just some stupid nonsense that doesn't matter but that ought to be there for mood and structure.

>> No.10590046
File: 1.33 MB, 1317x1080, Jill from Resident Evil 2 (Kendo's Gun Shop) .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated it for ruining the classic series. Nowadays I've accepted that PS1 trilogy was perfect and there was no need to ask for more.
RE4 is not canon as far as I care, but, I think it's still an awesome game.
(The original RE4. The remake can suck my dick)

>> No.10590208

>RE4 was literally one of the biggest and most popular games ever when it came out
I like 4, but this just isn't true. It was moderately successful at release and took a long time and many ports and rereleases to rack up really big numbers. 5 was the one that was a record breaking smash hit from the start.

>> No.10590225

>This historical revisionism that "oldschool fans always hated RE4" is complete bullshit
Nah, I remember a lot of people on GameFAQs and some smaller forums I frequented being little fags about it.

Unlike now though we mostly just ignored them.

>> No.10590454

Yeah the ammo part is just not true at all except in RE1

>> No.10590470

> you have enough ammo to kill basically every enemy in old RE
Not 0 or outbreak

>> No.10590484

It went weeb shit in 4

>> No.10590514

what I've found is that inventory stress only really comes into play when you're trying for no death, and obviously speed running you need to be optimized to a script. When I have a viable run going, I am up my ass thinking about the safest/most efficient possible loadout for any given route, debating over power weapons for emergencies. when I'm just playing casually yeah, I run light and it's nothing, games drowns you in ink ribbons worst case scenario.

>> No.10590524

which I suppose is still dumb because if anything is going to kill you in the first 3 games it's going to a hunter 1 hit, which is basically independent of your inventory.

>> No.10590552

Ammo's not a problem in any of the games but it FEELS like a problem in the first one on your first playthrough.

>> No.10590605

It went down that path long before 4.

>> No.10590608

>In my experience, the RE4 hate was very much retrospective, after RE5 and especially 6 came out
Agreed. I think people also forget that there was something of a backlash to tank controls in the early 2000s and the later REs (Code: Veronica, REmake, 0) all got criticized for still using them.

>> No.10590618

RE4 was unanimously regarded as one of the greatest games of all time for 10+ years after it came out. the people hating on it are retarded 23 year olds and a choice few 50+ aged men that make up a vocal minority because they hate fun and worship nostalgia.

>> No.10590623

tbf, 0 is also kinda shit

>that cared about the story in old RE
How in god's name did ANYONE continue caring about RE's story after CV?

>> No.10590625

But REmake let you turn off tank controls

>> No.10590689

That was only added in the later HD version wasn't it? It's been a while since I played the GC version so I might be wrong.

>> No.10590836

It was the best blend of the old and the new. I guess you could argue it was too out of left field in terms of story and gameplay. It made no sense how old fans hated it yet when asked about the awful Resident Evil Code Nemesis they shit themselves talking about how kewl Nemesis was. As if getting chased and not exploring anything with no interesting story is somehow fun. The gameplay for Code Nemesis was good but way too easy. Resident Evil 3 Code Veronica is pretty good though it's less action focused and a filter for normal fags that suck at videogames.

>> No.10590947

Fuck I think you're right, I think free stick movement wasn't added until HD. I've played HD over the original release for so long that I forgot it was added later.

>> No.10590953

>It's not that it's different, it's TOO different. And I don't mean that in an angry fanboy who hates change kind of way, I mean that in a "I have a sneaking suspicion that someone at Capcom took a different project they were working on, changed some names, tossed in some coy references to the previous games and then slapped a 4 at the end."
Did you forget the part where everyone working on Resident Evil at the time was getting burn out from making the same thing over and over again, not including the burn out from remaking RE4 over and over again.

>> No.10592090
File: 74 KB, 659x1090, 9f760bea002866b1448d9fc953538442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine described Resident evil 4 as being survival horror for your enemies, not for the protagonist and it does make a lot of sense

>> No.10592175


>> No.10592179

Basically Doom: The Rail Arcade

>> No.10592206

That's not Resident Evil, it's Lord of the Rings. That's a fucking cave troll right there. The damage that LotR movies have done to the video games industry cannot be understated.

>> No.10592208

It was this for me personally, especially after the cliffhanger for CVX that was wiped out in five minutes for a brand new title. It felt like a slap to the face. Also, being younger at the time too, I kinda got what older FF fans were saying about the nuFF fans that came in with VII. RE4 fanbase was doing what the FFVII fanbase apparently did in the late 90s with the constant dunking on older titles because being the newer wave of normies missed out on them and lashed out over it like normies usually do when they miss the current fad. RE4 was huge when it came out, it was the first time I had seen a similar positive reaction since the release of OOT and FFVII.

>> No.10592212

Forgot to add, I like the game nowadays and enjoy it as it's own thing. But it was definitely a letdown for me when I was younger when I got something completely different. I'm glad it exists nowadays.

>> No.10592327
File: 104 KB, 750x600, _original__leon_and_ashley_by_snowyprincessoftime_d2abi34-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image is largely disingenuous bait but I have to discuss the Health and Ammo part because that's the one hipster retards crow about the most: the only way managing your health and ammo is hard in the RE games (apart from CV, due to it having some bullshit moments where damage is unavoidable) is if you fucking suck at video games. The only time it was applicable was when RE1 first came out because it was back when the very thing you did in video games was kill every enemy and conserving your ammo was unheard of, so it threw people off. If you're even mediocre at video games, like I am, the problem in the classic REs isn't limited resources, it's too much resources that you keep leaving behind
and triggering your OCD because the stupid fucking inventory has only like 2 slots.

>> No.10593082 [DELETED] 

4chan is run by pedos

>> No.10593190

Because it's not a true Resident Evil game. It feels out of place and you can tell by where it takes, how the enemies look(dressing like people from the 1700's) and how the locations were designed(nothing modern). It could have easily been a Devil May Cry game instead, but I guess Crapcom thought it would sell more if it were a Resident Evil title and features a few characters from RE2(Leon, Ada).

The game play was fine, that was never a problem. The problem was always the story, enemy/location designs and that it's not a traditional RE game(should look modern and it should have zombies). Instead we get spanish speaking villagers attacking you with weapons and we get stupid gay ass QTE sequences.

>> No.10593207

Let's put it another way...

OG RE(1, 2, 3, CV) = Tim Burton Batman movies
RE4 and beyond = Joel Schumacher Batman movies

>> No.10593219

>and conserving your ammo was unheard of,
People knew to conserve their ammo since Doom.

>> No.10594229

Fairly accurate comparison.

>> No.10595262

It's really weird to see people acting like the fixed camera RE games were some kind of hardcore niche games too. They were huge high profile games that everyone played. I really don't remember anyone ever talking about how hard they were or anything like that. It was mostly the cool death animations, the jump scares, the CGI scenes starting with 2, stuff like that. There was also the one kid who insisted you could get a secret laser rifle from a glowing cabinet in RE1 because it was set in the future.

>> No.10595392

RE2 on PS1 was very popular. One of the best selling games on PS1, sold more than RE4 on PS2 and GC combined. People like to imagine their likes as niche to make themselves feel special.

>> No.10595414

Movies aren't Vidya.

>> No.10595597

I agree with you that these games weren't hard, anybody could pick up and play them, they weren't an rts or 4x. I feel it's more so they had a certain pacing/style that got washed out of the industry.

>> No.10595606

batman 2 sucks

>> No.10595679


Not the point of the comparison. The point was that it goes from a masterpiece to stupid shit.

Batman Returns is the best Christmas movie of all time.

>> No.10595778

And ironically that's a game you're not supposed to do it in because it has the "kill all monsters" rating for a reason. The only "conserving" it has is shit like don't waste rockets on imps when a shotgun works fine.

>> No.10596528

RE was always dumb bullshit.

>> No.10596919

Because it's trash and not a RE game?

>> No.10597141

I would speculate that English is not their first language. The way the question is structured would imply as much with syntaxes errors and other notables being present in their "arguments". I further speculate it is a data mining attempt to train an "AI" pattern recognition program so it can be used to automate slide threads and other disruptive trash to shit up the catalog on various boards. Why? Mad they aren't white.

>> No.10597273

Not really.

>> No.10597561


>> No.10599191


>> No.10599215

I don't hate RE4, I think the game itself is great and one of the best of its era. At the same time, I was always a fan of 1-CV, and Capcom making 4 basically meant that we'd never get an actual Resident Evil game again, and I'd want more classic RE games even if 4 was the best game ever made.
>everyone working on Resident Evil at the time was getting burn out from making the same thing over and over again
And so they started making an even more generic series of games that are even less distinguishable from other contemporary games?

>> No.10599228

>And so they started making an even more generic series of games that are even less distinguishable from other contemporary games?
the final incarnation of resident evil 4 was conceived in 2003, a competent console tps was still a pretty novel thing at that time, certainly nothing the RE devs had yet done. besides when you are the actual dev working on a game, the trend of the industry isn't your lived experience.

>> No.10599317

its a complex argument sure. 4 was harsh of a change but the formula WAS getting stale up to that point. the concepting phase needed to stew in the pot longer. 3.5 had this nice sweet spot between old and new that i feel would have been a healthy evolutionary step in the series at least gameplay wise- over the shoulder aiming, fixed camera elsewhere. preserving the cinematic horror and mood while introducing free aiming and finding weak spot strategy. it even had BOTH old AND new aiming style options. but the reason they changed it is clear: there would have been nothing stopping the player from abusing the feature and spamming aim to always see the enemy, destroying any reason to have classic camera.
im in the new ip group, put real resident evil on hiatus that way this new series could flourish without debate and we could maybe get occasional PROPER remakes or new entries of resident evil sparingly and not oversaturate. i liked re4 but by calling THAT re4 put the series in a state worse then a hiatus as other anons said, we now cant even get new releases in the original style now. i want a timeline where both games exist. re4/5/6- simpler and addicting 1 man army games, re1-2-3 more puzzler/thinker strategy games


>> No.10599323

Ashley is very sexy.

>> No.10599324

> but the formula WAS getting stale up to that point
No it wasn't. In fact the games that got the lowest reviews, 0 and CV, were the ones trying to make changes to the gameplay.

>> No.10599330

but they couldnt just keep redoing the same thing. trying to change it up was a healthy decision. they just didnt make the best choices. theres no classic resident evil i straight up hate or even dislike and i can play all of them and enjoy but yeah some were weaker. they could have delved further into dual aiming from cv and multi character of zero in a future release- maybe mid game non linear character zapping. also again we didnt need new resident evils as frequent as we were getting them either. perhaps new entries per new console like a main mario title.

>> No.10599354 [DELETED] 

>re1-2-3 more puzzler/thinker strategy games
the AA model fell out. niche stuff that still requires some pretty hefty vfx just is not something cutthroats like capcom are really willing to entertain. if re4 hadn't taken up the moniker resident evil would just be left in the vault.

>> No.10599357

>but they couldnt just keep redoing the same thing
Of course they could. RE was a popular series and people enjoyed them.

Also, we're talking about 3 games on the playstation that all did very well, a remake on the gamecube that released to endless praise, CV that also sold well but was screwed by being released first on the dreamcast, and 0 that most agree just had bad game design. There wasn't some huge wave of Resident Evil games coming out and making everyone sick. The games kept adding new features without changing the core gameplay, and you never heard people at the time complaining they they were getting stale. People were excited for every new RE game coming out, with the expectation that they would have that particular gameplay.

>> No.10599516

it was casualized for a new audience and focused on action rather than survival horror

>> No.10599523

If RE4babbies weren't so rabid and treating it as the second coming of Christ nobody would feel the need to counter as hard.

>> No.10599559
File: 862 KB, 1133x1600, cdddf1c0de9a3b1318338c5dd015bfc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RE4 should have been a new IP

anybody got any ideas about what this new IP could have looked like? just for funsies?

>> No.10599580

>>RE4 should have been a new IP
the only person that thinks this is a handwringing nerd twenty years after the fact. they weren't just gonna dump resident evil's iconography because the game pruned exploration.

>> No.10599647

I think you don't know about or are forgetting about all the other RE games like survivor, dead aim, gaiden, and so forth. They were constantly making games that deviated from the conventional RE style, and they did poorly. What this shows that what real gamers already know: japs hate success and will sabotage themselves at the first opportunity. 4 was a case of this, unfortunately for them it was successful, so they kept trying until they made 6.

>> No.10599892

RE4 should have been a new IP all together, rather than having RE slapped on the title. Sadly Capcom was stupid enough to put RE in the title, tweak some changes to this non-RE game and cause a divide between classic fans and nu-fans.

>> No.10599942

During the development of 4 they did that several times, one was devil may cry, another was haunting grounds, but they were determined to cuck og RE fans with an action game that they could trick RE fans into buying on the GameCube.

>> No.10599957

Makes sense.

>> No.10600120

Resident Evil was targeted at the casual mainstream audience from the start.

>> No.10600151 [DELETED] 

There are not many good remakes out there, and for a very long time REmake 1 remained the gold standard for remakes (I like both RE1 and REmake 1, for the record), but now that REmake 4 is out, the original can be completely ignored and put into the garbage can of history. The control scheme alone makes the original 4 a pile of shit, and I thank God everyday that the remake of 4 exists and actually feels good to play mechanically. The level of precision in movement and aiming is phenomenal, the stealth kills are fun, and the parrying + pistol gameplay makes me feel like John Wick. I've finished the game 3 times on hardcore, once on professional, and am now doing my second run on professional. After years of hating the original for writing off Umbrella in the opening scene, I can finally say that I like the remake of 4. I'm still a little mad about the series moving away from zombies and more classic horror and fixed angles, but at the end of the day, the remake is fun as fuck. The original may have been the only shooter in existence to play worse with mouse and keyboard than a controller, and now that it plays great with mouse and keyboard, I can't stop playing it. I think once I have had my fill of this I will play the original Super Mario RPG, but that is for another thread.

>> No.10600258

>not including the burn out from remaking RE4 over and over again.
There was also the clusterfuck of RE2's development. I never bought the story that the whole team was super enthusiastic and thrilled to start over from scratch. That shit has to be demoralizing.

>> No.10600262

>Most older RE fans loved RE4 as far as I can tell.
RE4 is now a 19 year old game, so what defines as 'older' could even easily be mistaken for those who got into the series with RE5/6. But as someone who used to go to plenty of gaming forums in HS in early-mid 2000s, yes there was a big fraction of RE fans who were dismayed that RE4 changed the formula and stopped being survival horror and more action horror. And in that faction was another faction not fawned of REmake removing tank controls.

>> No.10600274

If they did that, the game wouldn't have sold as well, esp on the gamecube.

>> No.10600327

>And in that faction was another faction not fawned of REmake removing tank controls.
Zoomer poser detected.

>> No.10600332

REmake had tank controls though. Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.10600359

did Leon infect her with his las plagitos?

>> No.10600725

>perpetuated by fucking nerds online who act like the survival horror genre wasn't getting stale and overdone as shit before RE4 revitalized it
This is the revisionist take. Nobody at the time thought this. When RE4 was announced, you will find nobody who said "oh great, here comes another one." Everyone was excited for more classic RE and speculating about it until the game eventually came out and was much different than even the previews suggested. It's only because what did come out happened to be a good game in its own right that people started making up this "the series was getting stale" defense in support of their new favorite game.

>> No.10600825

Even from the earliest previews it was obvious 4 was going to be something completely different from its predecessors.

>> No.10600937

The "hook man" videos had people thinking it was going to be like another Nemesis/RE2 tyrant pursuer enemy if not just a brief nightmare section. Aside from the supernatural enemies and the camera change when aiming (but still not free-aim) at the hook man, it looked otherwise like a classic RE game. If there was any groans about it, it was from people who thought the atmosphere was too Silent Hill.

>> No.10601069

I'm glad that the hook man iteration was shit canned, the "it's all in your head" thing has never been interesting or scary/fun.

>> No.10601302

We didn't. We had 6 games and a shitload of also-rans in the old formula and something, anything, had to change.

>> No.10601303

for classic res the enjoyment came down to the replay value

+alt paths
+2 characters
+alt endings
+rocket launcher
+rerelease enhancements

+4 scenarios
+2 extra character modes
+alt costumes either change animations or gives new gun
+rocket launcher
+gatling gun
+rerelease enhancements
+literally 1 ups all post game from the first game
+winner of most post content
-short campaign

+alt paths again
+shit ton of findables for replay value
+wide costume selection and new area
+mercs with new characters
+gatling gun
+epilogues for all characters-each successive replay gives a new one
-less interactivity with costumes the prior game had
-no character selection
-very little rerelease enhancements

+battle mode with wesker
+launcher thing
-thats it?
-still 1 character path
-alt costumes completely reverted to their basic state
-NO rerelease enhancements (X just changes cutscenes no?)

all from original
+invisible zombies
+stalker zombie
+hardcore mode
+barrys handgun
+most creative post content
-less branching paths

+post game fetch quest
+machine gun
+rocket launcher
+rerelease wesker
-once again basic bitch costumes
-1 linear story again
-underwhelming post content

the removal of character options hurt replay value the most. would have been nice to have a post game barry mode in 3 or steve maybe even rodrigo mode in cv.
they should have continued to evolve with how the alt costumes changed up gameplay in 2 for future installments. double it up with the armor idea they wanted to do in 1.5. maybe some costumes increase defense maybe some reduce?
remake aside the replay value went down with every future instalment after 3 singling out cv and 0. coincidence that they both are the most disliked?

>> No.10601331

Anon you're literally admitting to engaging in petty contrarianism.

>> No.10601418

Have sex. My mom has a free schedule all week

>> No.10601424

They probably wanted more of the og game style they fell in love with, like how some RE4 didn't like RE5, some RE4/5 fans didn't like 6, and some third person RE fans didn't like the switch to first person, and how some classic and third person RE fans didn't like the remakes and so on. Would've been better if they did spin offs for all styles of RE so everyone's happy, instead of splitting the fanbase. There's some that like more than one RE style, or all of them, but it's definitely split.

>> No.10601869

the game's sales say otherwise. RE2 saold 5 million on PS1. The other games sold nowhere near that.

>> No.10602052

did i use some cringe vocabulary? maybe. was my post correct? yes

>> No.10603369

i'd say it's more burton's batman vs BTAS/DCAU. since one branched off from the other and ended up becoming bigger than what it's branched off from.

>> No.10603417

Dude, i wish i was younger. Im turning 35 in 4 months, i do not look forward to the fact that im halfway to 40.

>> No.10603451

Not dismissing anything you posted, but 4's replay comes from the guns.
>1st run
>pistol only / knife only
>the tmp run
>the mine launcher run
>the bonus guns runs
All the guns, even each pistol, feel so different swapping really changes the game.

>> No.10603624

RE2 sold more than RE1. It's not because people were already sick of Resident Evil the moment the first game launched and then RE2 changed everything. RE2 was widely praised, plenty of people skipped the first game and just bought that, and not necessarily the lesser advertised sequels, which after 3 were also hampered by the transition of changing console generations.

>> No.10603814

What the hell are you talking about? Resident Evil 3 sold 3 million copies near the end of the console lifecycle. Meanwhile Resident Evil 4 barely sold as many on Gamecube and Playstation 2 combined.

>> No.10606163

Finally played Remake 4.
Leon doesn’t have the same charm or action movie lines, game isn’t as charming or humorous as the original so the stress and mood feel monotonous.
Some things were improved, but overall the game seems less fun and more serious. Leon, Luis, Ashley are more cold to eachother and talk like Netflix actors. Not a fan of the lurching slow physics as much as the original physics.

Still had a good time with remake, it just doesn’t replace the original. Graphics and art are great.

>> No.10606512

No I don't. I merely deny the notion that RE4 is the best game of all time, or the best RE game (because it isn't an RE game at all) or even the best game of its generation. And that is not contrarianism, but an objective perspective. For all its positives, there is enough you can find about it that makes it "pretty good" at most, if you are actually into that kind of stuff, or "slightly above average" if not.
I actually replayed it last year, so everything is still rather fresh.

>> No.10607597
File: 62 KB, 512x538, Weskerdissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG RE = Tim Burton duology
RE4, RE5 = Batman Forever
RE6 = Batman & Robin (franchise killer)
RE7 = Batman Begins (franchise reviver)
RE2make = The Dark Knight
RE3make = Batman v Superman
RE8 = Joker 2019
RE4 = The Batman

>> No.10607916

Not bad, I guess sweet home=batman 66
And alone in the dark =Beetlejuice

>> No.10607980

anyone with good taste hated this game. It marked the beginning of the end of the /vr/ era and the descent into over the shoulder cinematic slop of today

>> No.10608715

>And that is not contrarianism, but an objective perspective.
This fucking mindset is what I hate more than anything. The idea that someone's subjective opinion = objective fact and they're so up their own ass that they think it's even remotely true. It's never enough to say "I have different tastes" you have to be CORRECT about it too

>> No.10608769

RE4make and The Batman both suck. RE4make is censored and w***. The Batman is boring and w***.

>> No.10609674

The same reason you're on /vr/