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File: 128 KB, 1280x800, 1696859483197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10585129 No.10585129 [Reply] [Original]

Just like the developers intended

>> No.10585138

it's fascinating how a modern western fan "remaster" resembles western game aesthetics from the 90s & 2000s so heavily

>> No.10585142

Finding a new way to enjoy a game again is always a good thing in my book. Even if it’s making the game look silly. I’ll laugh my way to the Northern Crater.

>> No.10585141

What do you mean? This mod is based off official art from the 90s.

>> No.10585149

yet the rendering style screams western. the outlines & shading on the hands pop out to me in particular

>> No.10585156


>> No.10585174

That looks cool to be honest

>> No.10585207

is more cartoonish tol fit thhe low poly, plus the texture looks like a 3dfx rendered game on idtech 3

>> No.10585213

I'm more bothered by the upscaled backgrounds than the models

>> No.10585219

First generation ESRGAN will always be terrible and the reason of why upscaling became a meme.

>> No.10585350

looks like SHIT.

>> No.10585749

God, that looks so much gayer.

>> No.10585751

you sound like an EXPERT

>> No.10585753

Looks Japanese as fuck dude, who are you kidding? looks like it was ripped straight out of a Toriyama etching for Dragon Quest.

>> No.10585956
File: 184 KB, 1157x868, xC4Ly00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like this mod, it's not quite as soulful as the originals but it doesn't really clash either. It's a valid attempt at a different chibi style. Those full size ones that are completely off scale with the backgrounds are peak FF7 LOOKIN' GOOD though.

>> No.10586158

Got any screenshots with Tifa?

>> No.10586179

what the hell

>> No.10586192

The chibi style was a last ditch measure. The enviroments are rendered to scale with the battle models.

>> No.10586251

youre fucking retarded, you dont get it. remasters like this arent how the games are supposed to be enhanced. shit like this is akin to changing clouds skin color

>> No.10586262

change the anime face and it's perfect

>> No.10586265

They're most certainly not, you can drop the battle models over the field models easily but nobody does because they clip through everything and no one fits in a doorway anymore. They look ridiculous. Most of the FMVs are chibi too, remember, so they'd need to match up. I don't think you have the slightest clue what a 'last ditch measure' is.

>> No.10586267

>remasters like this arent how the games are supposed to be enhanced
It's a mod, who gives a fuck? The fuck are you upset about? Stop taking OP's clear bait line seriously retard, this isn't a 'remaster' or an 'enhancement', it's just some mod somebody made.

>> No.10586272


>> No.10586306
File: 1.51 MB, 2560x1440, 39140_20230930004423_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, if you just do something retarded like that, of course it'll look stupid. The non-chibi Ninostyle models with more realistic proportions look decent however.

>> No.10586321

Cloud looking like a damn PNG someone pasted in there lmao

>> No.10586363

Looks interesting, but it looks like the npcs are totally untouched.

>> No.10586373


>> No.10586379

How does one acquire this?

>> No.10586397
File: 2.29 MB, 1157x868, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not ripping the FFR models to improve the original

>> No.10586469
File: 962 KB, 2560x1440, mods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of the FMVs are chibi too, remember, so they'd need to match up

NPCs are totally redone. Some (especially the fat dudes) retain a more exaggerated style though. You can get a better idea here, although the dude has some hideous Reshade filter applied making everything oversaturated:

The 7th Heaven mod manager. The models are the Ninostyle ones. There's one pack for chibis and one for not. There are also other remodelling mods, though I prefer the Ninostyle ones as they seek to emulate the style of the original 2D artwork. Others are based on things like Remake. Pic related is what I use.

>> No.10586479

This looks horrible.

>> No.10586486

So don't use it. Go play the PS1 version on a 14-inch CRT like nature intended. Nobody's stopping you.

>> No.10586493

But I am, I can still call something shitty.

>> No.10586561

Nude Tifa?

>> No.10586694


>> No.10586707

A man of culture

>> No.10586731

i wouldn't even really say these look bad in a vacuum, though something about the colors/brightness on the models in the first one is off, and the bulkiness makes everything feel a bit cramped. on the other hand, the second one kind of feels like i'm looking at characters from a drab graphic adventure game like syberia or some shit. maybe it's that cloud and barret are so heavily stylized and the others just look like middle-grade npcs. which is what they are, but that disparity only really works with simple models or sprites. like, the first picture is more uniform in that regard, so i guess i prefer it. god i hate the text boxes in every mod/remaster of a game though, just leave that shit alone

>> No.10586971

So what happens when the SD FMVs come on?

>> No.10586979

Why would you need a 32-bit console RPG to be in 60FPS?

>> No.10587138

nintendo fire this ma'am

>> No.10587220

Looks great

>> No.10587238

Have you played FFIX on original hardware?

>> No.10587268
File: 3.88 MB, 3840x2160, sywv5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10587328

FMV models as the in-game models is kinda cool

>> No.10587348


>> No.10588738



>> No.10588739
File: 15 KB, 207x213, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit like this is akin to changing clouds skin color

>> No.10588853

Now that looks decent.

>> No.10588867

Then you know it sucks shit on original hardware

>> No.10588883

Literally never noticed lol


>> No.10589963

It looks great. I hate the software you have to use to get this working. It hates when you use a pirated copy and the files are literally 20+ GB
I'd love to put this one a pendrive and have it work when I plug it in. But it's super finnicky

>> No.10589975

>It hates when you use a pirated copy.
Ah, shit. Is this on purpose or not? Any workarounds?

>> No.10589985

Looks like a hypothetical FFVII port on the Dreamcast, reminds me visually of stuff like Skies of Arcadia, Grandia II and Evolution.

>> No.10590001
File: 2.05 MB, 1280x1676, psm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I kinda agree with >>10585149, this mod makes Cloud look pretty western to me. Kinda reminds me of the art American magazines would draw.

>> No.10590019
File: 84 KB, 774x583, biw8x8lo05y41-3354066661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks too much like Dragon Ball to me. Which is funny when you consider pic related.

>> No.10590021

I still got it working even with a pirated copy but it crashes a lot. It was really unstable for me, and you can't ask them for help cause they're all in on the Squareenix cock-sucking
Honestly I doubt having a legit copy would've made my experience any better. It's just a really finnicky software, hates any slight directory changes. I just want a portable version because getting the whole thing set-up sucks and I don't want it permanently installed on my pc either

>> No.10590049

I hope modding the other FF games won't be as difficult, then.

>> No.10590230

>This mod is based off official art from the 90s.
There actually is a mod for that, and it looks almost exactly like the art.

>> No.10591019
