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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10584771 No.10584771 [Reply] [Original]

>emulates n64 almost flawlessly
>can't use shaders


>> No.10584774

>can't use shaders
Then use Mupen64Plus-Next with ParaLLEl-RDP in Retroarch

>> No.10584783

Use the n64 switch controller for n64 emulation but I've never been able to get in working properly in retroarch, where as with simple 64 it just works

>> No.10584784

what is reshade

>> No.10584789

>Use the n64 switch controller
why would you use that piece of shit?

>> No.10584795

It's a first party wireless replica of a n64 controller, duh

>> No.10584808

Yeah, and it's a complete dogshit replica, just like N64 emulation on switch in general.

>> No.10584832

>emulates n64 almost flawlessly
lol, all the people saying this have never even experienced a real n64

>> No.10585194

And all the people making posts like yours think N64 emulation is in the same state as 10 years ago

>> No.10585241


what emu?

>> No.10585274

how is it any worse than the original

>> No.10585290

At this point I almost wanna say the Ares N64 core is better, and that does have some shaders, though nowhere near as many as RetroArch.
simple64, a fork of Mupen64Plus that is heavily modified for increased accuracy.

>> No.10585297

Emulation is lame.

The ideal way to play an old video game is to have the box, instruction manual, game, and playing it on a CRT.

That's the best way. Authentic, fun, with the artwork to enjoy, and just enough information from the instruction manual to be able to play the game.

The cardboard box is expensive, and so is the manual, so I usually skip those, but ideally I would have them. I buy the game loose and play it on a CRT.

It's still fun, and I can look up the instruction manual since most of them are scanned online in PDF form.

Video games are an entertainment experience. They're different from a movie.

That's why I don't like emulation. A movie I can download and then watch to consume. That's it. You watch the movie. So I don't care about movie piracy, that is the same experience as owning the movie.

But video games are different. Emulation is nothing like the original experience. It's massively inferior. You're not even really playing the game.

>> No.10585309

It doesn't even look like an N64. Gets the textures all wrong.

>> No.10585313

It uses ParaLLEl-RDP, which is a pixel-perfect low-level renderer. How does it get textures wrong?

>> No.10585324
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1. No one asked. If you just want to talk garbage about emulation then make a thread, this thread is meant to discuss a specific emulation topic, if you clicked on it, then talk about the actual topic.

2. Yes, we're really playing the same video games you are, we're just don't brag about spending the ridiculous amounts of money the market asks for nowadays to own old and rotting electronic toys.

3. If you used a PDF scan of the manual and/or if you don't own the box art, then you're not really playing it... do you realize how retarded that is? I hope you do, because it's how you sound to me.

>> No.10585363

>Gets the textures all wrong
A decade ago yes. Now good emulators like Ares use the correct 3-point filtering

>> No.10585401 [DELETED] 

you're the same indian guy from the retroarch thread
you're pretty funny

>> No.10585826 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10586186 [DELETED] 

Ahaha nice troll post fellow indian anon

>> No.10586252
File: 1.07 MB, 963x853, rmg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer RMG, I can't play romhacks with simple64

>> No.10586258

>I can't play romhacks with simple64

>> No.10586371

>wanted to play Pokemon Snap
>download RMG
>the game is completely broken
>download simple64
>everything works perfectly fine

>fast forward a few days, wanted to play Portal 64
>completely broken in simple64
>try RMG
>works perfectly fine

It sucks having to use two different emulators depending on what I want to play, but as long as the games work fine in the emulator that supports them I can live with it.

>> No.10586432

NTA, but simple64 is more accurate, and some (particularly older) ROM hacks don't play nice with more accurate emulators and plugins, as many of them were made with Project64 and Jabo/Glide64 in mind.

>> No.10586438

Yeah, that's the catch, although Pokemon Snap being broken in RMG is news to me. Is that using the ParaLLEl plugins or that piece of shit GLideN64? As for Portal 64, I'm guessing it relies on some timing nuances that are not fully implemented in simple64, whereas RMG, which retains all the old Mupen code, probably has hacks still in place that allow it to at least work. Just a guess, though.

>> No.10586709
File: 398 KB, 962x854, 1Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it works for me, what part of the game is broken?

>> No.10586741

N64 emulation was fine 20 years ago. My Voodoo card says hi!

>> No.10586743

Does the dot in the middle light up red when it goes over a Pokemon? If so, it's working fine. If not, then it's broken.

>> No.10586768

Oh yeah, that it's broken, also oak doesn't detect pokemon in the pictures at the end. You can still tell RMG to use the parallel plugin in that game

>> No.10586790

Yeah, I thought so. GLideN64 is the default plugin, right? Rosalie really needs to make it be ParaLLEl-RDP instead. GLideN64 may be an improvement over the ancient Glide64, but it's still a hacky piece of shit with constant regressions. Just look at this shit:
Apparently Pokemon Snap sometimes works, and sometimes it doesn't. Right now it seems like it doesn't. What a crock.

>> No.10586803
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1059, ra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In mupen64plus-next oak works, but the red dot doesn't

>> No.10586870

only if you play mario 64 and zelda

>> No.10587281

>wanted to play any game
>try Project64
>works perfectly fine
Simple as. I don't need your trannyware.

>> No.10587286


>> No.10587373

Literally just use Ares

>> No.10587380

I have used ares and RMG, RMG is like a better version of PJ64 in regards to UI and ease to use, while ares is better if you want something more close to console experience, havent tried simple64 yet.
I still mostly use mupen64plus on retroarch or my console with a flashcart.

>> No.10587382
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>any game
>works perfectly fine
RE2 literally locks up on this screen

>> No.10587413
File: 88 KB, 640x480, GLideN64_Resident_Evil_II_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but that game works on my PJ64 1.7 build

>> No.10587419

>have to use specific builds for different games

>> No.10587607

Which ones have pilotwings working with proper shadows? Because the two retroarch cores sure as fuck don’t.

>> No.10589276
File: 40 KB, 640x522, 1702961603212807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Video games are an entertainment experience. They're different from a movie.
Aren't movies ALSO an entertainment experience???

>> No.10589310

wouldn't even load a rom for me, what am I missing?

Pilotwings wouldn't even start properly with integrated graphics on an i5

>> No.10589336

>Emulation is lame.
>The ideal way to play an old video game is to have the box, instruction manual, game, and playing it on a CRT.
Enjoy missing out on multitude of games due to self-imposed archaic restrictions.
>A movie I can download and then watch to consume. That's it. You watch the movie. So I don't care about movie piracy, that is the same experience as owning the movie.
If you didn't experience the movie on cinema screen with surround audio without subtitles in perfect darkness then you just wasted eyes on peasant-tier slideshow, lmao.

>> No.10589348

>integrated graphics
That's most likely your problem. Both ares and simple64 use ParaLLEl-RDP, which requires a GPU with full Vulkan support, which only came to Intel graphics with Skylake, at least on Windows.

>> No.10589353

Damn, ah well. Project64 does the job anyway and Duke Nukem Zero Hour with a mouse is tremendous fun.

>> No.10591559
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Why does this shit matter?

>> No.10591651
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Those grapes are probably sour anyway!

>> No.10591746

I had already forgotten about that pasta. It should be used a bit more often.

>> No.10591763

>The ideal way to play an old video game is to have the box, instruction manual, game, and playing it on a CRT.
You can have every one of those and still be playing the game via emulation.

>> No.10591792

>>can't use shaders
n64 is already blurry enough, why would you want to make it even worse?

>> No.10591929

>opens Project64
>immediately hit with unskippable e-begging nag screen
>closes Project64

>> No.10591978

I'd recommend Rosalie's Project64 fork (called Better MM Installer or something like that), which installs a script that bypasses the nag screen and installs the best available plugins, but unfortunately it also installs the latest development version, and right now those are unstable as fuck. You could probably just replace the exe with the one from Project64 3.0.1, but if you have to jump through that many hoops just to make it borderline usable, I'd say you're better off looking elsewhere.

>> No.10591994

>have a modern PC that costs over 1000$
>emulate a game from a 28 year old console that cost 200$
>STILL can't get it right

This is the open secret of emulation. Anything after the PS1/N64 era is extremely hit or miss when it comes to emulation.