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File: 174 KB, 300x298, Crash_Bandicoot_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10573490 No.10573490 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10573494

Ok. Then go play something else instead of shit posting about something you didn't even like.

>> No.10573564

delete it then?
fucking rent free

>> No.10573730
File: 229 KB, 1232x668, Crash 1 done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ. While the platforming is rather simplistic and somewhat stiff, I like the laid-back pace and methodical gameplay. Gems are a pain, but mostly just the first time through, and are a fair test for mastering the game. The secrets are adequately telegraphed, not completely obvious, but always marked in some way. The save system is moronic, but it's a non-issue once you get the basic hang of the game.

Graphics and sound are top notch for ps1. I like sharp look, and the music perfectly complements every level. The best part about the game are the environments. The levels are thematically more coherent as you progress through the game. The first island is your classic lush jungle theme. You start out on the beach, then go into the jungle, native villages, rivers, more jungles and villages, and finally you break out of the native's fortress.

Making it to the second island now means you're in the DEEP, unexplored areas. So the lush jungle gets replaced with a darker palette and ominous music. The levels are ancient temples, murky swamps, broken bridges... all the natives are long gone here and you're wading through the remnants of a lost civilization.

The third island, being the one Cortex owns, is dominated almost entirely by man-made levels: heavy industrial zones and castles. Everything is dingy and polluted, with the bright green sludge really standing out. Your enemies are gangsters, machines, and lab assistants. The music is techno inspired. The levels alternate between very dark and bright, but with this stark, unnatural lighting. Everything is about how Cortex has corrupted every facet of this place. In the final battle with Cortex, the game shows you a satisfying mark of all your work up to that point: his tower is burning in the background as a result of all the battles. No need for extensive cutscenes or dialogue. Everything in the game fits together nicely, because of how well the environments work.

tl;dr it's breddy gud

>> No.10573737

>Coco not playable

>> No.10573750

i'll give them a pass on that, just because she wasn't yet conceptualized. though she is playable in the NST version of Crash 1.

>> No.10574581

Coco didn't even exist in that game.

>> No.10575676

Why has it become trendy to dislike Crash 1? It's always been my favourite ever since I was a kid and I played them all. Is this people just playing the N Sane version with the wonky physics, or is it speedrun/completionist troons getting cranky over the admittedly obtuse 100% completion? The game gives you so many fucking lives that I'm not sure why people sperg over its "difficulty"

>> No.10575696

I wonder if I would still love Crash Bandicoot as much as I do, if it didn't hold a special place in my memory as one of the first games I played on that demo disc that came with my very first game console? How much of my pleasure playing this game comes from the game itself, and not just the happy feelings when I am reminded of that scorching hot summer in 1997 sat next to my dad on the living room floor?

The truth is it doesn't actually matter either way. It simply does not matter.

>> No.10575706


Speedtroons hate it because it's one of those games where the speedrun involves just actually playing the game really well and consistently. It's one of the very few games that it's actually fun to watch a speedrun of.

They don't like that, they only like games where you can pull some retarded glitch gimmick to skip 90% of the game and learn how to do it by rote memorisation instead of skill, and then beg for money from their twitch paypigs.

>> No.10575834

This game is actually way better than people give it credit for, and I say it as someone who played it for the first time just recently. It’s a solid platformer that actually takes skill and doesn’t have any unnecessary gimmicks

>> No.10575836


>> No.10575919
File: 881 KB, 1203x730, bish wtf u doin here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's that much hated at all. It's a bit rough around the edges, and the one life rule for gems does get on people's nerves, but overall it's a solidly built game that is very easy to go back to.

My guess is that 4 out of 5 of these lazy looking anti-Crash 1 threads are actually made by someone who likes the game, and has figured out this a cheap, quick way for a Crash 1 thread to get some traction. But I don't mind one bit. The only time I really raged was when doing the Fumbling in the Dark gem the first time. Now that was some bullshit, making me get those fucking mask crates in the beginning over and over again. But even on my second playthrough I was already looking forward to it.

>> No.10575938

It really is. I never like Crash nor Spyro. What’s funny is all the Sony fags on this board is rage shitting in their britches over this thread.

>> No.10575950

I can play through Crash 1 over and over and over again. Crash 2 is OK but the gems are retarded and the gimmick levels are meh, and 3 doubles down on all that. Crash 1 is one of the greatest platformers of all time. It's pure, simple fun.

But yes, the save system is retarded.

>> No.10576381

Still soulless

>> No.10576382

based op btfo

>> No.10576465


For the same reason it's trendy to hate on the classic Sonic trilogy, if it isn't a major Nintendo IP, the classic and safe platform title, then it's bad I guess.

>> No.10576795

It's like the first pancake you make: shit and a total throwaway. Crash 2 was when they perfected the formula and Crash 3 was a blatant rehash of 2 with added worlds and shitty gimmicky weapons/moves.

>> No.10576857

Crash 2 has very ugly, repetitive levels and the warp room is an objective downgrade from the island adventure map. Really have no idea why people like it more than 1, genuinely.

Crash 2 fans, why?

>> No.10576926
File: 216 KB, 1384x940, hang eight platform mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you mean about the look being a downgrade. I prefer the darker, more realistic style of the original over the cartoony look of 2. But I don't think 2 looks that bad by any means. Warp rooms I didn't mind too much.

>things that I liked
The movement and addition of the slide jump were my favorite things. Also having analog was really nice. The gems are much less frustrating, but they still kept some of the challenge with a few of those backtrack/death route gems in Cold Hard Crash, Diggin' It, and Piston It Away. On that note, the secrets were pretty well done overall.
A few other minor things
>Crash Dance
>Good voice acting
>Great SFX
>Iconic OST
>Funny deaths (but novelty wears off real fast)
>No time trial bullshit
To me it felt like a really smooth playing game.
And I didn't hate the jetpack (that much).

>> No.10577307


I love Crash 1 but Crash 2 just edges out for me. Crash 3 is where I fell out of love with the series.

It's just a lot of little improvements that add up, I think. It has more character in its animations, little stuff like how Crash falls forward from the impact when the boulder gets blocked, his eyebrow waggle before he jumps on the bear, all that. It tightened the controls, and with the addition of the slide and slide jump the platforming got just the bit of extra skill depth it needed. And the music, I mean come on man, the music. Non stop jams.


Crash 1 was like a nice juicy and perfectly cooked steak that just lacked a little seasoning, Crash 2 gave it the seasoning.

>> No.10577340

I always called it Crash the Bandicoot.

>> No.10577642
File: 54 KB, 434x327, 015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will OP ever recover from this?

>> No.10577651

How is this thread not saged? I've been banned for much much less.
Fucking jannies need to die.

>> No.10577658

Try the sequels OP. Lots more to do in them and you can actually save at any time. If you don't like those, maybe Spyro or Ape Escape

>> No.10577706

>crash music


>> No.10578157

it's just a standard
>x game bad
these are only bannable if x is a popular first-party nintendo game. At least half of all Crash threads start this way, but it's not a problem, because there are enough people here who have played through all of it that are not triggered by mild differences in opinion (or bait). So the threads tend to normalize fairly quickly.

>> No.10578165

I'm sorry that difficult games aren't for you.