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File: 1.17 MB, 966x720, banjoisheresmash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10573382 No.10573382 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10573415

Interesting change, Persona 5 stage got reskinned into a Jack Bros. (Virtual Boy) stage.

>> No.10573435

Why. Even when they fucked up with Conker, I genuinely thought they recovered. But nope. Let's add another shitty meme character that we're supposed to pretend to like.
And it's a shame too, because I genuinely liked the mod, even with Conker fucking it up.

>> No.10573436

Oh, well that's good. At least they're trying to get rid of the worst anachronisms.

>> No.10573451

Just don't fucking use him. It's actually a double edged sword, because you can beat the fuck out of banjo and conker at the same time. Perfect for you.

>> No.10573456

Conker and Banjo are some of the most influential characters in video games, let alone on the n64, so their inclusion on the roster is just an obvious choice

>> No.10573467

If Banjo and Conker were so influential, then where are the 3D platformers that take after those two?

>> No.10573474

They're all over the place it's not even worth mentioning since it's so easy

>> No.10573489

Call me when they add Brian from Quest 64.
It's good that they actually have some focus now, to make it a celebration of the N64. Too bad about Dark Samus, though.

>> No.10573492

kill yourself retard

>> No.10573498

Why? Because I'm not jerking off a shitty meme character which was never good that we're supposed to pretend to like?

>> No.10573501
File: 2.98 MB, 2048x1563, chrome_screenshot_1704418594109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You the same fag crying on /v/? Banjo is key 64 core.

>> No.10573503

Because you're being a contrarian faggot about a romhack. If you don't like the hack then don't fucking play it. The shittiest meme character in the game is fucking Marina, Banjo and Conker fit right in.

>> No.10573507

Anybody can make a photoshop.
Mischief Makers was also an N64 game you retard.

>> No.10573509

It's the N64 dumbass having banjo in the smash mod is like having big tits in tomb raider. It's just a natural fit to the point that no one even thinks to complain about it. So when you're reacting the way that you are, people find that confusing.

>> No.10573513
File: 96 KB, 640x531, odd-mario-and-banjo-dual-pack-from-toy-wiz-with-2-karts-and-v0-zcob1tpaqi8a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant.

>> No.10573514

It was a shit game, should they add Charlie Blast and Bad Mr. Frosty too?

>> No.10573521
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I guess I should used Ebisumaru or Dragon King for the image.

>> No.10573524

Man, AI has gotten so advanced nowadays.
You only think it's shit because it looks like anime. I bet you want Nintendo to become a western focused company as well, because you think you'll be getting more scrimblo games when in reality Nintendo would make movie games about how Peach is a strong independent woman who don't need no man.

>> No.10573525
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>You only think it's shit because it looks like anime.
Yeah nigga, you got me. I definitely hate anime. For fucking sure. Once again, kill yourself.

>> No.10573527

Was that a virtual boy stage I spied? Shit looked tight!

>> No.10573530

Yeah, sorry about that.
Alright. At least you're not like nearly every other Banjofag who has terminal animephobia. Still retarded, but that's par for the course of a Banjofag.

>> No.10573531

Up until now, Smash Remix had a Persona 5 stage for some godforsaken reason. They finally reskinned it into a virtual boy stage. (after Jack Bros, one of the only three Virtual Boy games anyone cares about)

>> No.10573534

And yet you're just like every banjo-hater. A massive faggot who can't make an actual argument other than "i don't like it" and pepper it with projections.

>> No.10573541

I didn’t realize that glad they reskinned it, looks pretty fucking cool. I know I’m in the minority here but I actually had a lot of fun w my virtual boy back in the day. What was it, red alarm or something the flight game, the Wario game was absolute tits love it, and even the basic Mario game was fun to me. I had the boxing game too but didn’t play that one much. Man I dig it. Yeah why the hell was Persona included at all? I’m only casually aware of the series because I sold copies for the ps2 when I worked at GameStop, but beyond that I know nothing about it. Is it a series from before ps2 lol?

>> No.10573545


>> No.10573559
File: 64 KB, 1080x1088, 1698302570341869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STILL no C-Stick attacks as far as I can tell, so I still can't play it...

>> No.10573562

Persona is a spin-off of an RPG series called (Shin) Megami Tensei, based off a Japanese light novel, that's been going since the Famicom days. Persona's been around since the PSX era, but didn't really have a clear identity until the PS2 games. They lean much more heavily into the urban fantasy side of the franchise and the later ones have time management "dating sim" elements.

Jack Bros on the Virtual Boy was also a Shin Megami Tensei spin-off, which is where the link between the two comes from.

>> No.10573563

the N64 doesn't have a C-stick, the C buttons are for jumping.

>> No.10573569
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No, I know, I just wish they could find some kind of work around for modern controllers, or even have an option to just do 4-way Smash/tilts with them.

>> No.10573570

>Yeah why the hell was Persona included at all?
The stage is a decent layout and they copypasted it from Smash Ultimate, IIRC it got added to Smash Remix in the first update after the Joker DLC for Ultimate came out.

>> No.10573605

>should they add Charlie Blast and Bad Mr. Frosty too?
Yes to both.

>> No.10573616
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>> No.10573667
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Why tf they added the guy that makes nu-Yoshi games? Lol

>> No.10573681
File: 1.57 MB, 498x479, 1636912991790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they got rid of the Persona 5 stage
Told you faggotz they were getting around to it, just like the Unova Pokemon League stage getting reskinned to a new Pokemon Stadium stage.

Now shut the fuck and enjoy pure Smash kino that isn't boring hall of fame slop or a billion Sonic ocs for once

>> No.10573684

Wake me up when they do something about Dark Samus and Lucas.

>> No.10573690

I will check it out eventually. I missed the last few updates. Banjo being in kind of makes this officially better than Ultimate for me to be desu

>> No.10573693

Thank god they finally got rid of that shit

>> No.10573712

It was copypasted from ultimate and I believe was actually carried over from a prior version of the hack before the whole team was in place and before it was called Smash Remix, so the N64 focus wasn't there yet. Pretty sure that's where Dark Samus and the like came from too. That DNA is slowly getting scrubbed away thankfully.

>> No.10573719

I love shitting on mods for no good reason, but the people who make this are really talented.

>> No.10573721
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Like what? Replacing them with even more boring counterparts? Do you actually want Ninten or some shit? A literal reskin where the most unique thing he can do is hitting harder and terrible movement?
At least the stage were too fucking modern to stay in a Nintendo 64 mod focusing on nostalgia, but imagine settingly for less at all.

>> No.10573723

If that's copypaste, that's a lot of pasting.

>> No.10573724

Oh no, I'm IESLB. It's fucking over.

>> No.10573729

IMO Lucas is fine because of Earthbound 64. The only one who really needs to go is Dark Samus.

It was always called Smash Remix, I've actually still got old versions of the rom that are pre-Dark Samus. The reason they added characters like Lucas, Dark Samus, Falco, Dr. Mario, etc. is because clones were the easiest thing to add when they were first starting development because most of the moveset data was already there. Then they worked on recreating characters from Melee onwards, because again, they had preexisting movesets to work with as a base. The choices definitely could've been better when it comes to the initial set of clones (like excluding the post-N64 characters) but that's just how these types of mods tend to work. Akaneia Build basically did the same thing for their Melee mod, but it just takes them way longer to release an update because they're working on Gamecube stuff instead of N64 stuff, and they have a smaller team.

>> No.10573735

They could maybe get away with altering Nigger Samus into a Super Metroid looking space pirate.

>> No.10573746
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1000, Dragon Ball Super Turtle-Crane Reunion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there a decent modding tutorial that isn't a text document of fucking nothing?

I just want to mod in Blastoise, at least doing the fun part, via Blender, before changing all the boring parameters and stuff in the game.

>> No.10573753
File: 29 KB, 500x359, [Disgusted Sigh].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10573756

looks great
why is sonic in the roster though

>> No.10573758

I'd honestly be fine with Dark Samus if they took her off the character screen and turned her into Samus' boss variant. I get that there's really nothing you can reskin Dark Samus into that would make sense, but putting her as a "secret character" at least acknowledges that she's really just there just there because they don't want to remove a character.

>> No.10573776

Reskinned as SA-X would make more historical sense since id imagine Fusion was in development in some form during the original smash launch.

>> No.10573786
File: 708 KB, 1920x1080, smash_remix-018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip bojo

>> No.10573787

Hot damn this mod keeps on improving. Have they added a toggle for Luigi's voice yet? Its super minor but I'd much rather hear his voice from the International version of MK64 instead of chipmunk Mario.

>> No.10573791

Anon, Smash 64 came out in 1998. Fusion came out in 2002. Games weren't in development for that long back in the day.

>> No.10573802

Also they're absolute based for adding Ebisumaru.

>> No.10573817

I don't mind Ebisumaru, I just think if they were going to add him then he should've been added in the same update as Goemon. Especially when the setup for his reveal was the exact same as Goemon's.

>> No.10573870

>to add him

>> No.10573932
File: 52 KB, 221x209, it's banjover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, i wish this version of Banjo was in current Smash.

>> No.10573938

Nobody actually cares about SA-X aside "muh ice beam moveset" faggots.

>> No.10573957

Using Samus' beta design for Fusion could work for a Melee mod by following the same logic as Roy.

For Smash 64... Maybe modify the Zeta or Omega Metroids from Metroid 2 to reference Dark Samus' status as the reincarnation of Metroid Prime?

>> No.10573965

did you really migrate over here from the /v/ thread you butthurt baby

>> No.10573995

Since they're adding characters from multiple new franchises, how about my boy Teran (aka, Blockman) from Mischief Makers?

Also, since they added some "voice switch" options (such as choosing whether the Pokemon announcer's voice is from Stadium or from Stadium 2), I hope they add a general Japanese/English voice switch option (so that you can hear Marina's USA voice, Jigglypuff's (Purin's) Japanese voice, or Bowser's (Koopa's) select screen name, if you want), especially since they are trying to add as many cool features from Melee into this as possible.

Also, it would be kinda cool to see "Z-Cancel" acknowledged in-game by its official term, "Smooth Landing", too, in some capacity.

>> No.10574001

they added a feature to map the dpad for either tilts or smash attacks, if you're playing on an emulator you can map the n64 dpad to a 2nd analog.

>> No.10574013

oh ok, thanks for the heads up.

>> No.10574018
File: 10 KB, 231x218, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they are not above generic mooks as fighters, i feel a space pirate could easily be applied to an edited Dark.

>> No.10574021

Would still be awesome to get James Bond w an alternate skin that changes him into Joanna Dark. That would send this shit off the rails. But yeah, this thing is dooopppee shit.

>> No.10574041

While dark sam is retarded and lucas really should be closer to his eb64 depiction, i do think, for the original era, Sonic being in smash 64 isnt completely out of the realm of possibility. Sega was already branching out a bit in partnerships with GBC games, Sakura Wars Pikachu lcd pets and they were always down for profitable cross promos. I could see back in the day how big a deal it would have been to have him show up for the first time in a game where he fights mario and other Nintendo nigs or see it as a special event or experiment like the Olympic games stuff later.

>> No.10574063

i really dislike rareware characters and it really feels like this is the final update, unless they make the CSS even smaller
i still want geno

>> No.10574085

Masterpiece of a fangame, can't wait to play with irl friends.

>> No.10574091

Marinas design translated pretty nice to 3d tho, and the moveset isn't so bad either, what do you find bad with her inclusion anon?

>> No.10574096

Sakurai said himself he tried to get Sonic into Melee the second he heard the news about SEGA but it was too far in development, had they gone third party a short while earlier it's something that could've happened, so him being there has never bothered me.

>> No.10574107
File: 330 KB, 619x701, 1693307232265600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sbk bros we are fucking feasting

>> No.10574123

NTA, but giving her her Japanese voice over her iconic English one, without an option to switch between them, wasn't the best choice.

>> No.10574170

dark samus is at least somewhat justified as being from a nintendo property, i'll take her over random personaslop because some fucker likes boring ass visual novels disguised as jrpgs

>> No.10574212

I would have killed for Diddy Kong Racing toys as a child

>> No.10574215

her usa lines suck dick though and they didnt do that for characters like fox so if anything it fits more

>> No.10574218

How was DK64 not influenced by the Banjo collectathon?

>> No.10574224

Not that anon, idk if that counts since it was technically done by the same team. They are some of my favorite games for sure but he does have a point, the genre kind of disappeared after the N64

>> No.10574242

Yeah, it's clear Sakurai did not give a solitary shit about Banjo
>Let's just give him the same B-up as Sonic and Mega Man
>Side B? Just some charging attack fuck you gaijin

>> No.10574334
File: 1.83 MB, 320x240, nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like this might be the last update for this mod so I must say this is one of the greats, every addition bursts with passion and care and while I might not agree with some of the roster choices I still admire the work they put into them.

Bravo Team 64 Remix.

>> No.10574339
File: 1.14 MB, 2161x1375, Screenshot 2024-01-05 032146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have faith in further updates even if they're minor considering one of the recently added features is explicitly stated to be in beta

>> No.10574341

When are they going to add James Bond or Joanna Dark?


>> No.10574395

That's the vibe I got from the trailer at least, though future updates could just be features and fixes.

>> No.10574445

Ther is no official word on this being the final update. Sure, the last bit of the trailer might give that vibe, but I'm pretty sure they would be upfront about something like that.

>> No.10574467

Heads up, I tried removing them myself and it's not that hard. The difficulty lies on removing all the other stuff that's iffy like songs and stages. Glad they got Mementos and the Ultimate Battlefield out this update, though.
I find this agreeable, since there's nothing (character, music, or stage) newer than the Wii/DS now and they are all retro anyways

>> No.10574614

I don't even like banjo but I'm ok with them adding actual N64 characters instead of tourney fag characters that are in ever other smash game.

Though i would have preferred another newcomer like they did with Goemon

>> No.10574625

Conker is not influential at all but it is iconic to the n64.
There's a difference between influential and iconic.
Dark samus doesn't belong. Never appeared until gamecube.
Mischief makers is a cool addition. They should focus on making s64 uniquely N64 instead of just a shittier version of smash 4 which you seem to want

>> No.10574627

Yeah it would be cool to make it a 3 button fighter. Make c buttons tilt attacks, which is how i set it up in the new games, or even just make a single button light attack, that you use in combination with directions

>> No.10574636

They did do it with Sonic though, so it's inconsistent in general. Hopefully the end game here is just having a Z switch for every character with region-specific voices.

>> No.10574671

My picks:
Custom Robo
Red Mage (Final Fantasy)
Ark (Terranigma)
Mega Man Volnutt (Legends/MM64)
Zero (Mega Man X)
Replace Dark Samus with Turrican
Adol (Ys)

>> No.10574736

>her usa lines suck dick
So you're a faggot that hasn't played Mischief Makers.
>they didnt do that for characters like fox
But they should, good idea.
>so if anything it fits more

>> No.10574771

They could repurpose Dark Samus as SA-X. Keep the moveset but change the sprites so she'll use the ice beam. Still a long shot but at least Metroid Fusion was released around the time when the N64 was discontinued. Lucas would require reworking the character from scratch to match his EB64 proportions.

>> No.10574776

Mention just one.

>> No.10574783

Fusion was made in a few months its based off the wario 4 engine ironically

>> No.10574785

Fuck you faggots Ebisu is a great addition

>> No.10574790

His side special was straight up an obnoxious version of PM Wario's Shoulder Dash but stupid feathers attached in hopes to keep it levelheaded.

>> No.10574802
File: 388 KB, 1000x1000, suitless_samus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these faggots recommending the mook from diet Other M
Uh hello, the retro Meno Uno Suit Samus?

>> No.10574806

the dev team is, unironicly, sex negative mcs aside the guy that makes the trailers.
don't ask me how i know tho.

>> No.10574808


>> No.10574815
File: 680 KB, 784x1019, Marina_SR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the time they removed Marina's boobs. (like every fanmade model do for some reason.)

>> No.10574817

You can just say that they use Discord.

>> No.10574821

I dont think this is the final update, some remix updates seemed to be the last ones but they updated the game regardless.
Plus, 100% sure they eventually are gonna add every promised character from that smash overload kickstarter scam.

>> No.10574851
File: 368 KB, 727x704, 20240105_092938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Smash 1 and 2 guys also use Discord and they're a little more sensible.
In fact, that nostalgic version of ZSS is literally in the next coming update of Smash 1.

>> No.10574852

Sweet, thanks for posting OP. I played the last version with some friends over New Years and had a great time.

>> No.10574859
File: 268 KB, 480x480, Woman DESTROYS Watermelon Between Her Legs [TubeRipper.com].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10574860

don't post rekt stuff outside /b/, bro.

>> No.10574865
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>> No.10574924
File: 3.20 MB, 498x337, top kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized, they still haven't added Ridley yet. Don't tell me he's really 2big to be anything but a tiny sprite.

>> No.10574948

Smash 1 and 2?

>> No.10574950

Which would be?
No. It should be Turrican.

>> No.10574962

Bomberman and Rayman

>> No.10574994

>pretend to like
hello /v/eddit

>> No.10575019

Apparently it is a mod of Brawl inspired by 64, though imo that kind of defeats the purpose

>> No.10575024

basically aesthetic mods that actually brings over the previous games to PM/Brawl. (or Melee, if we're talking about Melee 64)
It's also what people had at the time before Smash 64/Melee modding became more accessible.

the Smash 2 people pretty much moved on to Melee modding now via Akaneia and a sister mod, but they're still working on Smash 1 Wave 2 Lite after getting temporarily cancelled.

>> No.10575053

that's rad, good choice

>> No.10575061

Lucas is fine

>> No.10575080

This comes off as the last roster update. I don’t see how they can add any other characters after Dragon King. He gives off a final unlockable character vibe. Any updates after this are definitely going to be on polish or a few extra features.

Only issues I have with the roster are Dr. Mario, Dark Samus, and Lucas. The first two should be d-pad select characters, like Mad Piano or Peppy & Slippy. Lucas should be based off his N64 development look, but it’s not that big of an issue compared to the first two for me.

For wishlist characters, I can’t think of any glaring omissions except for James Bond, Geno, and Peach. I can understand them not being in, just my thoughts coming out.

>> No.10575353

dude nintendo loves to just blantantly steal shit from mods. they did it with ultimate from pm (and even pm remix), and they did it with tears of the kingdom and relics of the past.

>> No.10575492

>Dr. Mario
Why do people put him with Lucas and Dark Samus, he has a N64 game for Pete's sake.

>> No.10575510

>complains about Dr. Mario, who has an N64 game
>muh Geno

>> No.10575542

The problem isn't that Doc doesn't fit, but that he's just a Mario clone. Which is probably a holdover from them learning by porting over clones. Even Young Link in Remix plays significantly differently from Link and uses different items.

Also the fact that he takes up a "slot" instead of just being an alt.

>> No.10575549

I hope that they move the literal clones to be d pad variants... But seeing as Falco and Falcon have dpad variants it probably won't work

>> No.10575560
File: 438 KB, 1000x1000, SQ_N64_Bomberman64-517510526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomberman better fucking make it in... I'm still mad.

>> No.10575562

what would his moves even be lmao. hed be so generic and zoney

>> No.10575675

i forgot what a clunky piece of shit smash 64 was
how do people even play it competitvely

>> No.10575684

git gud

>> No.10575691

I think perhaps the idea is to show people that they can mod anything into the game if they want. Though I agree Bomberman and Rayman would both be excellent and fitting additions

>> No.10575713

At this point, would we need to start replacing characters, or is there still room for some more characters on the cartridge

>> No.10575731

Fuck off back to /v/ stevefag zoomer

>> No.10576282
File: 178 KB, 1202x880, heroes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spiderman modder managed to add more slots.

>> No.10576307

>Still no Waluigi
What the fuck?

>> No.10576313

seeing the css its jarring how some of the icons are just renders with a filter, and others are like hand drawn
the original used original renders as the basis and painted over them
bowser, conker, banjo, dedede and goemon all look like low res versions of official renders

>> No.10576706

>where's mr.bingbinhwahoo #225
who cares ?

>> No.10576994

I will now play your mod

>> No.10577005

That's good

>> No.10577056


>> No.10577067

Either Gay or Zoomer

>> No.10577131

>youtube account terminated
uuuuh bros?

>> No.10577181

t. pseud as fuck gibberish


Good picks, especially Custom Robo and Rayman.

>James Bond, Geno, and Peach
Good picks. Also, >>10574021 is a cool idea.

Never canon. It was an end-game joke.


Interesting idea. Wario's "Mario Party" voice, too, then.

>> No.10577185

Explains the attention-seeking weeb crap of only using the VERY niche voice for Marina that nearly none of the playerbase of this hack has nostalgia for.

>> No.10577273

Groomer or trans

>> No.10577332

Some fag on /vr/ can easily restore this and host it on ModdingHaven

>> No.10577369

D-pad characters dont take up less data, it’s just a different way to choose a character. D-pad characters dont have balance taken into consideration while the ‘normal’ characters are meant to be balanced and are the legal characters for any tournaments the team hosts.

Hope we at least get some stages for him or something.

>> No.10577426

i kinda figured they were ever since i saw her tits removed, what is it with these large scale mods and its creators either being trannies or obnoxious puritans

>> No.10577431

its not for copyright apparently but for "harmful content"

>> No.10577671

Copyright trolls are something else
Anyways, this isn't the first time Smash mods got hit by Youtube bans.

We might be getting another wave very soon in fact.

>> No.10577730

Someone thankfully uploaded a video with a the recent update prepatched.

>> No.10577765

zoomers love degeneracy, even if they pretend otherwise
Degenerate groups are full of them

>> No.10577816

DK is literally his DKC render.

>> No.10577818

yeah, they're just really hypocrite about it
>sperg over bombshells and fanservice all the time
>man asses or "thicc" bitches? GYATT

>> No.10578127
File: 101 KB, 941x1055, ES22R5UUEAIId3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should have been this mods Mr. Game&Watch.

>> No.10578192
File: 90 KB, 470x800, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go ahead and say it, because memes

>> No.10578373

>anon seethed so much he reported the video
The cope is real

>> No.10578380

Stuff like this is why they're IDing porn now

>> No.10578383

>I'll go ahead and say it
That you're no better than the Waddle Dee posters on /v/? No need to say.

>> No.10578425
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>> No.10578431
File: 63 KB, 456x386, superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems the Smash Remix youtube channel was taken down because of people mass reporting the video because of Ebisumaru, normally I wouldn't care about this but there was clearly a lot of work put into those trailers.
Waddle Dee could be neat if they give him his moveset from Kirby Fighters 2.

>> No.10578461

If a plant got in then Waddle dee should too

>> No.10578485

What’s wrong with Conker?

>> No.10578494

>harmful content
I seriously cannot believe Youtube is somehow still alive in 2024.

>> No.10578497

Invidious, Bitcute, Vidlii, Peertube, and Odysee it is then. SPREAD THE WORD.

>> No.10578521
File: 8 KB, 160x190, ebisumaru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems the Smash Remix youtube channel was taken down because of people mass reporting the video because of Ebisumaru, normally I wouldn't care about this but there was clearly a lot of work put into those trailers.
Holy shit I get that 80% of smash remix's fanbase are underage south americans that want to play smash bros as sans, shadow and freddy fazbear on their phones but jeez.

>> No.10578595

It's gonna be absolutely paradise once the decentralized alternatives fucking kills YouTube

>> No.10578597

"Sword Banjo bad"

>> No.10578761
File: 53 KB, 612x612, 1466318819999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you shitting me? are rosterfaggots that petty?
now i hope they add yae and sasuke just to spite them

>> No.10578819

It seems like the team wasted time on shit like Ebisumaru, Mad Piano, Sheik, Marth, not sure why.

>> No.10578886

>why is the N64 character in an N64 themed romhack

>> No.10579029 [DELETED] 

To be fair I've also seen a lot players loving him and Goemon with Remix being their introduction to the character. Some good news, this doesn't seem to the last update despite the trailer giving it that vibe.

>> No.10579159

I mean it is kind of dumb to make a big reveal to a semi clone of Goemon, when their main public, latinamericans and kids, didn't react well to in the first place

>> No.10579160

>instant decline
That is bullshit, man.
Over Ebisumaru?! What a bunch of ass clowns.

>> No.10579236

>just to spite them
Plus they are the coolest characters in that series, of course.

>> No.10579339

I assume the devs still have the trailers somewhere, but are there backups of them anywhere else on Youtube?

>> No.10579347

There's three character reveals in the trailer you tard. The only bad thing about the Ebisumaru reveal is that it's so similar to the Goemon reveal, to the point that you might think you got linked the wrong video or something until Ebisumaru actually gets revealed.

>> No.10580049

By the time the furfag and Dragon King got revealed I can assure the kids and angry latinamericans reported the channel

>> No.10580098

Oh yeah the update is always on github, was just very strange and sudden to have their account terminated without warning (and an automatic appeals rejection! Cool shit yootub.)

>> No.10580424

Apparently people can't have fun with the stuff the community is making, never mind any other bullshit.
Look what happened to Flash 2, they were having fun adding whatever anime character oc and video game character that could fit with the fan game.

Nowadays, aside Fraymakers, they're just remaking existing characters from newer game and adding in total rosterfag clique choices.
All the shonen characters are also streamlined, it seems like Luffy is possibly the last one they'll ever add, so forget seeing Rock Lee, Vegeta, or Zoro making into Flash 2.

and there was a leaked list of characters showing they were planning to add a bunch of Sonic characters and some waifu bias pick nobody seen coming.

>> No.10580431

>some waifu bias pick nobody seen coming
who was it?

>> No.10580436
File: 6 KB, 140x239, 140px-Kumatora_M3_Sprite_Upscaled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was supposed to fill for Lucas.

>> No.10580450

Just add Waluigi, Rayman, Crash, Spyro, and Mew. That’s all we need

>> No.10580456
File: 7 KB, 267x168, boo yikes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mother 1 Giygas, who could be the most unique PSI user ever
>Porky, who rides a giant spider machine
>Poo, who's basically Ness with Iaijitsu
>Jeff, who could spotlight a character that doesn't use PSI at all/relying on a limited use of items
>even Masked Man, a giant fan favorite to Mother 3 requested since Brawl

>let's add Lucas for twords and waifufags, who doesn't have anything interesting beyond fistfighting and PK Ground
>let's also cut the main protagonist of the game despite bringing back older characters
Flash 2 really has gone down hill

>> No.10580460
File: 21 KB, 500x375, Smug Ridley Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what we need is a random shitmon
afraid of HIM, huh?

>> No.10580474

Fortunately, there was talk that the leaked list was outdated and most of the decision they had on there were rolled back.
I don't think we're seeing her, Bass, or all those Sonic characters any time soon.

>> No.10580484

Don't tell me it's because they wanted someone more red...

>> No.10580491

I don't have a problem with Bass, but him alone would cause some seething from all fronts.
Mega Man fans really rather it be some total over done shit like Zero or Roll.

>> No.10580505

Roll isn't overdone

>> No.10580609

She's been in as much Vs. Capcom games as Zero is

>> No.10580716

nintendo obviously ordered the channel to be taken down as to not overshadow the official release of SSB64 for NSO as for the Smash bros. 25th anniversary celebration.

>> No.10580728


your picks suck ass, and that CAN NOT be the reason. specially since the yt automated service actually is refusing to answer or appeal to their questions.

it was nintendo disneying it up again because of the 25th anniversary.

>> No.10580729

She's never playable in the megaman series, unlike Zero

>> No.10580757

A Hat in Time

>> No.10580791

so this means we'll get a 1.5.0 with Spider-Man included plus potential extra characters?

>> No.10580803

I'll also go ahead and point out that all the hatred for this character stems from Stevefags redirecting their hate to a new proper target since Banjo ended up getting in.

I don't give a shit about Geno either way, for the record. I'll play him if he's included, I won't lose any sleep if he isn't.

>> No.10580805

the spiderman modder already updated his custom build to include spidey iirc.

>> No.10580815

I know people are probably sick of Mario characters, but I would like to see Paper Mario in the game, if more characters were to be added. Could be fun if the focus is on using his hammer and maybe one or two partner assist attacks.
Majora Skull Kid mite b cool too. I remember playing a Brawl mod that had a cool moveset for him.

Regardless i'm fine if this is the last update. The game feels feature complete at this point.

>> No.10580842

sir, your Powered Up?

>> No.10580847

Retarded theory considering there's no copyright claim in the original upload.

>> No.10580849

>Skull Kid
i rather Ganon

>> No.10580853

>i rather Ganon
You mean his Pig form? I guess it could work similarly to Giga Bowser.

>> No.10580854

Geno has a hate following, like any jerked Smash character, since Brawl. That's just you being a zoomer.

>> No.10580864

Geno has been largely irrelevant for decades. Most people don't even know who he is (that's probably changed now with the SMRPG Switch port)
>That's just you being a zoomer.
I'm 30.

>> No.10580865

>I guess it could work similarly to Giga Bowser.
Why? Because he's big or is it because you're really uncreative?

>> No.10580872

>Because he's big
Yeah. He would need to be big, otherwise it wouldn't look right. Especially if he's dwarfed by Giga Bowser who's already in the game.
He could use his double swords for most of his attacks.

>> No.10580889

Geno fans, or at least the ones after that Cloud DLC, had been riding on that bet that he could get added into Smash the same way Ridley and K.Rool got in eventually. Legacy, demand, etc etc
Mfs don't know those two, along with Banjo and S*ra, got picked over the semi-rigged ballot, meaning all their effort are for nothing.
Now Geno went from pure demand to sole expectation and a relevancy™ choice like all those nu-Nintendo characters people are eying for at the moment. Which is kinda sad when you look into it, considering people only give a fuck about it deal due to a unity remake of a SNES game.

Watch how people are going to drop that and start asking for Crono for Smash in a few years and you know why. Just watch.

>> No.10580912

Patched ROM where?

>> No.10580913

My guy, if you think he needs to be the same size as Giga Bowser, that's on you for mostly playing 3D Zelda slop where he's a fucking giant boar half of the time.

>> No.10580914

>Patched ROM where?

>> No.10580921

Latest one on there is 1.4

>> No.10580943

The funny thing is that a lot of smashfags that never played mario rpg found geno insanely boring as a character and preferred mallow over him.

>> No.10580950

Just find any Smash 64 rom and just patch it on their GitHub webpage

You can also find one on CDRomance too.

>> No.10580954

I forget

>> No.10580964

It's a PSP remake not everyone played, so it's not your fault.

>> No.10581083

It's an N64 game, and OoT was THE flagship game for the console. If Nintendo were to put Ganon in Smash Bros 64 they'd use the most recent version of him.

>> No.10581147

>It's an N64 game,
Not an excuse. No Smash project plan is limited to what's being released on the current console it's on, or there wouldn't be any references to Mother 2, any DKC game, and the first F-Zero.
>OoT was THE flagship game
OoT wasn't even finish at the time, they barely even got Hyrule Castle done during Smash's development so they went with what they saw.
>If Nintendo were to put Ganon in Smash Bros 64 they'd use the most recent version of him.
More headcanon, if they were EVER obligated to do that, they would simply take after whatever he was despicted before whatever is currently made.

And to top it off, this is community driven mod, so someone has that freedom to make a mod of Ganon based of any version of him, but preferably his most iconic appearance too.

>> No.10581160

Wow dude that's a lot of evidence you got there regarding this and you sure are not talking out of your ass

>> No.10581167
File: 341 KB, 2633x1542, m36k59nopht31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That being said, while i prefer Ganon in his most superior LttP and Oracles appearances, I'd be also game for a D-Pad boss character based on OoT Ganon.

I'm still not sure why you think his size and what's promoted is an issue for this hack?

>> No.10581172

>zoomers and alphas prefer mallow
Unironically, its probably because people have been spreading info that he is trans since his body color is the same hue as all the female cloud people.

>> No.10581178

He's halftruthing, there's actually some zooms, who did got to play the remake, going out on social media claiming Mallow > Geno.
But it's mostly them being contrarian or taking the piss.

>> No.10581180

i saw zoomers say mallow is cooler because he's cute and cries (zomg literally me guise)

>> No.10581181

Is that fucking ganon as an animal crossing character?

>> No.10581193

Mallow and Geno should be a duo fighter like the ick climbers and recent xenowhores. Could have some fun stuff like geno in his cannon mode while mallow is wielding him with his long stretchy arms. Its also a nice combo of the cool, collected geno and the crybaby, but wants to be brave mallow.

>> No.10581195
File: 248 KB, 1203x418, DD-Zelda-Characters-Animal-Crossing-Villagers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, amiibo exclusive stuff.
He's pretty adorable, for an evil bastard.

>> No.10581196

yes, wolf link and midna also show up.

>> No.10581207
File: 211 KB, 540x691, literallywhohasanopinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw it on Twitter and some /v/ rosterfag threads, pic related being the most infamous one.
Nah they prefer Mallow more because of stuff like this: >>10581193
Twitteritas prefer wholesome/sentimental characters more over "cool/edgy" ones.

>> No.10581210

thats not a smashfag, thats just a pathetic small e celeb

>> No.10581220

>OoT wasn't even finish at the time
Not an excuse. Smash Remix isn't limited to what was released during Smash 64's development. OoT Link, OoT Sheik and OoT Ganondorf are already on the roster. Having non-OoT Ganon would be inconsistent.

>but preferably his most iconic appearance too.
So the OoT version then. It was easily the most popular Zelda game until BotW came out. People would be the most familiar with that one.
>More headcanon
You mean like the rest of the mod? That's kind of the point. Reimagining Smash 64 as if Nintendo had the same resources and budget for it that they gave Ultimate. It's why so many anons get bent out of shape about shit like Dark Samus and Mementos.
>they would simply take after whatever he was despicted before whatever is currently made.
Nintendo didn't do that with Link. He very closely resembles his OoT model over any other design.

But if the "official" Smash Remix community is really hanging up their hats and this is the final update, their design philosophy won't apply to whoever shows up after to add onto it, like the Spider-Man guy, so I guess LttP Ganon is just as possible as anyone else at this point. I do hope we get more "unofficial" addons at the same quality as Spider-Man. I'll never complain about having more characters, even if I'm not personally excited for them. Nothing wrong with adding additional content to a game, so any form of Ganon would be nice at the end of the day.

>> No.10581228

Holy shit, I had that green and purple cart toy as a kid as well as the Mario pipe frame cart and I never had any idea where it came from. It never crossed my mind that they might have come from the same pack. I never played a lot of DKR so I guess that's why I didn't recognize it.

>> No.10581235

You're one of their shills damage controlling every decision they make, if not one of the devs themselves.

>No Diddy Kong
In the trash it goes.

>> No.10581317
File: 489 KB, 1920x1717, anderson-gaston-pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smash Remix isn't limited to what was released during Smash 64's development.
True, they're also don't care about the release date, which is fine as long they're adding more nostalgic choices and getting the help for it.
>Having non-OoT Ganon would be inconsistent.
Then complain why Young Link was upgraded to affit to his appearance in Majora Mask. That game didn't even release until the 2000s.
>the OoT version
Ganon's ALttP appearance, literally the one with the Trident, had the most reoccuraces in Zelda and is the most popular version. Even his OoT appearance is a nod to his most notable appearance as his swords are 3-pronged like his trident.
His OoT version, the one that uses swords, only comes around out of the convenience of OoT Ganondorf. It's not really the one people prefer or mostly know about.
>It was easily the most popular Zelda game until BotW came out
1. TP was the other more popular and most-selling 3D Zelda before BotW
2. Whatever game that was popular doesn't equate what version of the character is more popular.
>You mean like the rest of the mod?
I thought you were talking in perspective of what the official Smash team was doing.
Even then, what the Smash Remix community is doing doesn't favor much as somebody might be doing a custom character mod of Ganon and rather want to do one based on his most prior appearance.
>Nintendo didn't do that with Link.
and the most recent Smash has a Zelda based on her LttP appearances.
don't get me started on how the handled the cast in Smash 4
>the "official" Smash Remix community is really hanging up their hats and this is the final update
I doubt this is their final update, as there's still a ton of MBs left to push in more content and that one "beta" feature they added as a multiplayer option.
But i can tell they might be in the verge of disbanding as they put it so much, they rather other dedicated modders just take the wheel ala Legacy XP.

>> No.10581324

>>No Diddy Kong
Because you're unironicly getting DK Jr. soon.

>> No.10581337

>Legacy XP
ah fuck it, doesn't even matter. Those motherfuckers don't wanna even add the rest of the forbidden characters.

>> No.10581380
File: 140 KB, 486x399, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that there are only 5 years between SSB64 and Dark Samus' formal debut (not counting her earlier appareance in MP1) and that this year she will be 20 years old (older than most posters here), you complaining about the character is autistic purism and won't change the fact the she's in the game and has been receiving changes every update, meaning she's here to stay.

>> No.10581392

>Then complain why Young Link was upgraded to affit to his appearance in Majora Mask.
I don't feel the need to complain. They used an N64 rendition of the character for an N64 game. I'm okay with it since it fits the general timeframe over the exact timeframe.
>It's not really the one people prefer or mostly know about.
OoT is one of the highest rated games of all time. I guarantee you more people have played it over LttP at this point, especially since the 3DS port introduced the game to a whole new generation of players.
>1. TP was the other more popular and most-selling 3D Zelda before BotW
True, but I think people would get pissy over adding another Gamecube character into Smash Remix.
>2. Whatever game that was popular doesn't equate what version of the character is more popular.
It certainly does if significantly more people played that game over the others. OoT is almost always featured in a top games of all time list.
>Even then, what the Smash Remix community is doing doesn't favor much as somebody might be doing a custom character mod of Ganon and rather want to do one based on his most prior appearance.
I agree, that's what I was saying here >>10581220
>their design philosophy won't apply to whoever shows up after to add onto it, like the Spider-Man guy, so I guess LttP Ganon is just as possible as anyone else at this point. I do hope we get more "unofficial" addons at the same quality as Spider-Man
>and the most recent Smash has a Zelda based on her LttP appearances.
>don't get me started on how the handled the cast in Smash 4
I can see your point, but all the characters in Smash 64 use their most recent character appearances.
>I doubt this is their final update, as there's still a ton of MBs left to push in more content and that one "beta" feature they added as a multiplayer option.
I hope you're right anon, but the trailer has the "this is the final one" feeling to it. Their channel getting deleted certainly doesn't help things either.

>> No.10581405

desu I believe they're gonna officially add Ryu and Ken to the mod at some point and add whats left of that Smash kickstarter scam thingie (Rayman and Bomberman).
Maybe Bond/Jo too since they're growing more in popularity for this mod.

>> No.10581449

>Realistic Tier
Diddy Kong
DKR rep
Another Pokemon rep
Waluigi because memes
Jet Force Gemini duo
>What I Want Tier
Castlevania 64 rep
Brian from Quest 64
>Probably Won't Happen But Would Be Cool Tier
Duke Nukem (Zero Hour, 64)
Johanna Dark (Perfect Dark)
Mega Man Voulnutt (64/Legends)

>> No.10581509 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 410x160, Subspace_Emissary_Logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... Can we get this in Smash Remix?

>> No.10581589

>OoT is one of the highest rated games of all time.
So? That doesn't mean it has the most popular or most officially reused designs in the series.
In fact, for example, argubly one of the most popular designs for Impa come from the Koei spinoffs.
>all the characters in Smash 64 use their most recent character appearances.
Which is really out of their convenience.
Meanwhile, i don't see them using Dedede's Crystal Shards appearance in Smash 64 officially, that didn't come out prior 2000 like Majora's Mask. Thankfully SR didn't just take his Super Star and K64 appearances and call it a day, would suck immensely if they ignored one other design.

>> No.10581592

Lame, only contrarins want that and no surprise the team are leaning towards snowflake picks in order to be 'unique'.

>> No.10581593

None of the levels in SSE are good.
I rather just get Adventure Mode or Smash Run but in 64 or something entirely original.

>> No.10581613

hopefully no, either a smash run or melee adventure mode would be better than that trash fanfic.

>> No.10581631
File: 39 KB, 1080x182, Screenshot_20240107_191124_My Files.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the cutscenes and kirby styled levels are gonna be kind to the remaining space bro.
This is the what they maximized it to since 1.4.0, who knows what's actually left.

>> No.10581651

>just be happy with a dumb addition someone made
No thanks. I would have more respect if they just said they didnt give a shit, instead of clearly cock-teasing people trying to act like they want to make a definitive 64 era game with choices based around that era.

>> No.10581656

Dark Samus is actually cool

>> No.10581707

>Nintendo Picks
Prince of Sable (The Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls)
Lip (Panel de Pon)
Takamaru (The Mysterious Murasame Castle)
Heracross (Gen 2 rep)
Another Fire Emblem Rep but not a sword user.
Black Shadow or another F-Zero rep
Ray MK II (Custom Robo)
Villager (AC was the last Nintendo N64 Game in Japan)
James Bond
Joanna Dark
Saki (Sin and Punishment)
Paper Mario
>3rd Party picks
Reinhardt Schneider or another Belmont
Magnus Gallant from Ogre Battle 6
>Character who will probably be added once they can fix their dress animation killing the N64

>> No.10581796

>>Character who will probably be added once they can fix their dress animation killing the N64
Why are Smash fans are still grasping to terrible runors again?

>> No.10581940

Feel like Bomberman would actually fit really well in this. Still going to keep saying James Bond/Joanna Dark, just changed the skin like I said earlier, if u can come up w a cool move set which maybe hard to implement I have no idea but there are so many great moves u could take from their games it’s unreal. Proximity mines are already in the game lol!

>> No.10582387

the youtube channel is back!

>> No.10582646


>> No.10583141

Nice to hear. Might be petty about Banjo getting in and all, but even I wouldn't stoop so low to get the YT channel banned.

>> No.10583620

It's a mod, there are no set rules, Lucas has a design that didn't exist back then and Sonic is playable despite Sega still being a main console maker and competitor in 1999. You'll stop being angry as soon as you accept this.

>> No.10583631

>Sonic is playable despite Sega still being a main console maker and competitor in 1999.
Dreamcast got discontinued before the N64's last game release. Hell, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (February 20, 2002) was released on the Gamecube before the N64's last game release (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, August 20, 2002). Sonic being there isn't as anachronistic as it appears at first glance.

>> No.10583873

How much space is left to add stuff

>> No.10583895

On emulation? A lot. On hardware? Not a lot.

>> No.10584064

Ebisumaru culo

>> No.10585694

How do I make Marina say Shake Shake?

>> No.10585767

Shouldn't even have to ask this question. Had they used the expected and iconic voice instead of extremely niche attention-seeker voice, or given us a English-Japanese language switch option (a la Melee), this problem wouldn't exist.

>> No.10585967

>Removes her boobs
>Removes her voice
This always comes up in these threads so I don't want to start a timeloop but whoever was in charge of Marina for this mod did the whole thing for attention, they clearly didn't care about doing her justice at all. I hope she's fixed down the line.

>> No.10585968

She feels fun to play.

And this guy got the shake working somehow.. maybe we hold taunt to get it working like Peppy's secret barrel roll?

>> No.10585974

It's just weird that they used her japanese voice yet they used the english voices for sonic, peppy and slippy (even more so when the other star fox characters speak in japanese).

>> No.10587004

how SICK are rosterfags as to allegedly being behind some hacking campaign just because a MOD of a game doesnt have the character they want?

if they have this dedication, energy AND programming knowledge as to stage the destruction of the SR channel, something nintendo wouldnt be able to do. then they should use it to learn how to make characters for SR and Add their picks!... that is, if indeed thats what happened and angry rosterfags were the ones behind this.

>> No.10587078
File: 110 KB, 960x720, 1608456958625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its probably because people have been spreading info that he is trans since his body color is the same hue as all the female cloud people.
Total zoomer death couldn't come sooner.

>> No.10588310

I figured out how to do SHAKE SHAKE. Press taunt after turning around your opponent during a grab and then press B

>> No.10588809

>Devs are actively avoiding Geno just because he's popular

Yeah go ahead and put Marina in, that'll get people to play!

>> No.10588840

It's because Geno is too predictable, that's also why they added Conker before Banjo. I'd be shocked if Geno wasn't coming before the mod ended.

>> No.10588886

I want Ray Mk2 and Saki as fighters. Why is it too much to ask for?

>> No.10588893


>> No.10589009

As a Geno fan, I think Marina is awesome.
Ill play mischief makers after my e64 arrives

>> No.10589170


>> No.10589174

I went to their discord once, asked about Geno and everyone made fun of me.
I think they're anti genofags like most zoomiefags nowadays.
Which is weird because they have a whole ass Bowser's Keep stage and an original remix of Beware the Forest's Mushrooms.

>> No.10589198

By the time of smash 64, he would have been more relevant then earthbound or the last metroid title. If any game were going to have him, the first would have made the most sense.

>> No.10589206

said it once, said it a hundred times, said it a BILLION TIMES: JUST MAKE YOUR OWN CHARACTER!

fucking rosterfags, i swear to christ!

if a SR dev is by any chance reading this, which they probably wont: Tutorials fucking when?

>> No.10589316

>Adding Dark Samus over Ridley
>Lucas isn't his N64 design
>No tap jump toggle because we said so

>> No.10589959

Lucas' beta design was so generic

>> No.10590129

They both had titles being developed
Besides, those aren’t remix characters

>> No.10590130

Man, Genofags are so fucking weird

>> No.10590137

>Adding Dark Samus over Ridley
a clone character is a shitload easier to put in than someone as complex as Ridley

>> No.10590138

Honestly if this really was an N64 themed hack then they should remove not only Dark Samus but also regular Samus and Ness.

He's technically correct, since Super Mario RPG was more recent and performed better. Nevermind the fact that Mario (the biggest Nintendo franchise) and Pokemon (the new hot thing) were the only series that had more than two reps and this would put Mario at 3 reps (5 if you count Yoshi and DK, which you shouldn't), that's irrelevant trivia.

>> No.10590156

No he’s not
>remove samus and ness
Stop being a weirdo

>> No.10590248

>Honestly if this really was an N64 themed hack then they should remove not only Dark Samus but also regular Samus and Ness.
Maximum salty retard argument.

>> No.10590327

Dragon King kinda sucks

>> No.10590353

Bomberman like Goemon deserves it not to mention he has three games on N64, Bond or Dark also feel like must since multiplayer FPS were one of the defining things about the N64.

>> No.10590575

Banjos moveset here looks way better than his ultimate one. I hate the feather managing mechanic.

>> No.10590724

conker is the SINGLE decent character aside from peppy, what the fuck is wrong with you? I bet you're a wariofag, he's SHIT.

>> No.10590868

So gay they made hearing this so convoluted just because they are zoomer tryhards that never actually played the game.

>> No.10590879

Good picks.

People still want to see it, retard. Adds to the N64-prioritized feel of the hack.

>> No.10590957

>Tutorials fucking when?
From the Spiderman modder, he's also doing a Zero mod