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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.48 MB, 844x1155, 7yx9k5qu1zw41-4057662909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10570629 No.10570629 [Reply] [Original]

Alright chumps, it's that time again. Discuss the games and hardware you had and played with, as well as the ones you salivated over.

Not gonna lie, this rag had me hyped. I was on a 466 MHz Celeron at the time, and I couldn't believe we were already reaching the gigahertz. Kinda funny, though, that when I did get a 1.6 GHz Pentium 4, I mostly just played Starcraft.

>> No.10570639

i bought an alienware pc with a credit card in 2003 :3

>> No.10570643

Where is the Palm IIIc games threads?

>> No.10570814

Fuck I had that magazine

>> No.10571009
File: 10 KB, 420x280, b1c5029ed4147b731e8c855de1cd5057-650-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, I'm guessing? Wasn't this fucker like $3500?

>> No.10571025

Why would you WANT to install FOUR OSes?

>> No.10571036

did you play halo PC on it?

>> No.10571042

how retarded am i for thinking about getting a tandy-1000 to play dos games even though there is literally no reason to

>> No.10571046

In 2000? Just taking a stab at it, but maybe Windows 2000 for general work stuff since it was more stable, Windows 98 for multimedia, gayming and DOS compatibility, some flavor of Loonix if you were a developer, and that's all I can think of to be honest, maybe some other obscure OS for something super niche.

>> No.10571108

yep, it was that case but black with silver eyes
i played black and white, max payne 1 and 2, unreal tournament 2003, doom 3, painkiller. during this time i played far more on xbox. i played halo 2 online for years and years and continued with halo 3 until i got burnt out on it. nowadays i play primarily on pc

>> No.10571107

I was born in '92, and PC gaming was the most magical thing I could've imagined growing up with. My brother is a huge nerd and he's 10 years older than me, so I always got to play the cool shit by proxy. We had Win 95 and 98 PCs and a Mac at the house. We played Durandal, DOOM 2, Quake 2, Half-Life, Deus Ex, Myst and a bunch of weird shit I can't even recall. Then around 2001, we got a Sony Vaio desktop, and that was the golden age. We played a lot of Quake 3, Diablo 2 and StarCraft, Command & Conquer: Renegade and emulated a bunch of SNES games. He got us into the Ragnarok Online iRO beta in 2002; I'll never forget playing that for the first time and being awestruck at this huge world filled with other real people. I had experienced online games before, but nothing that felt like a living world in the way that RO did. Being 10 years old and seeing something like that right at the start, it had a profound impact on me. Those days seemed so much brighter and more hopeful, even though I didn't know it at the time. It saddens me that children today will never get to have those kind of experiences, but man, I'm glad I did.

>> No.10571141

i have a copy of patched madou monogatari 1 and i want to upload it somewhere because the patch on romhacking and github come with the most fucking obtuse instructions and patchy98 is a nightmare to use. where can i upload this?

>> No.10571197

pretty retarded

>> No.10571404
File: 1.25 MB, 2896x1426, Pentium II PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have many retro PCs but this is my favorite. I even installed fans with twist ties to make sure it lasts 26 more years.

>> No.10571424

Hardware that old isn't really a good idea to get a hold of nowadays unless you're really into 80's PCs as a hobby and have the skill and know-how to maintain them, not to mention the money. A Tandy 1000 is only worthwhile if you want the best 4.77 MHz 8088 to play all those early-to-mid 80's games that don't run properly on anything else, but let's face it, those games are so rudimentary you've got to really have strong nostalgia for them and the hardware of the time period to go through the trouble.

>> No.10571437

If you have to ask, don't get one
You can emulate that specific machine in 86Box which is very accurate

>> No.10571630

inb4 >emulate

>> No.10572547

haha you're so old

>> No.10572557
File: 124 KB, 1306x835, 76wuavaq5w5c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 year ago we could barely play PS2 games for 200$
>In one month it will be possible.

>> No.10573290

How well does that work?

>> No.10573319

Why not put it on Github?

>> No.10573326

This ain't the handheld thread, retard.

>> No.10574174
File: 484 KB, 1276x1706, SU2TG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switching between Voodoo 3 and TnT Ultra like a boss.
For mere $3500 ($6200 now).

>> No.10574308
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>> No.10574451

dissected an old laptop and it has a pentium iii mobile 1066mhz cpu, kind of want to do a win98 build with it but I have a feeling there's some kind of limitations of being a mobile cpu that's going to bite me in the ass

>> No.10574512

Mobile pentiums used a different socket from the desktop cpus so you'd have to use a mobile mobo. I have no clue but I would assume a laptop mobo from that era would be horribly castrated.

>> No.10574541

Then why arent there more good win95/xp emulators for phones now

>> No.10574560
File: 8 KB, 216x233, 1691125059605503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collect pc hardware like crazy as a teenager
>mostly used but all in perfect condition that I got for dirt cheap because it was a few years old and therefore archaic
>plastic container full of motherboards, graphics cards, sound cards, memory, etc... from the late 90s/early 00s
>store it in parents' garage when I go off to college
>go looking for it a few years later
>"oh they came around collecting e-waste so we gave it to them"
>literally tens of thousands of dollars of retro components by modern ebay prices
I think about it a lot

>> No.10574576

>anon we got rid of that ugly heavy 17'' crt and replaced it with the massive 19'' 1280x1024 lcd! look how light it is!

>> No.10574620

E-waste collection was invented to trick dumb parents into giving away their kids' retirement funds

>> No.10575329

I saw a s370 PC in a e-waste bin at a hardware store today
If it's still there on Monday I'll grab it

>> No.10575449

I get that sometimes some parents are just disrespectful assholes who see everything in their house as part of their domain to do as they see fit without giving a shit as to what their children think, but other times I feel there's just a lack of clear communication as to what should and shouldn't be touched. My mom knew better than to give away or throw away my old things without my permission, outside of shit like really old and torn clothes or perhaps old school notebooks, and even the latter she stopped doing after a while.

>> No.10575652


Did you communicate to them that it was not old junk there in the garage?
Think about it from their perspective: What ever wanders into the garage is never seen again. Always the same play, "Might need it later" - you NEVER do.
So to them it looked like
>"Junk, old canisters of paint, hey, this mixer has been defective ever since 1999 - and hey look, Anons old computer electronic stuff, pretty heavy so he never got to carry it to the dump so he put it in here! We REALLY need to throw it out finally."

>> No.10576061

I had a Tandy 1000tx. It had no gaems.
I think a Pentium 3 or 4 system with a soundblaster compatible and for bonus points a voodoo 3/4/5 card is the sweet spot for retro PC gaming. It should be able to play anything from early DOS to Windows 2000 games.

>> No.10576862
File: 2.24 MB, 4080x2296, IMG_20230725_061823433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my build. It's the family PC we had from around 2003 until 2007 and it originally ran Windows XP with a 633mhz Celeron and shit-tier integrated video with 256MB of RAM, needless to say it couldn't run anything worth a damn.

Since then I've upgraded it to a Pentium III 1GHZ, 512MB of RAM, added a DVD drive, and gave it a Soundblaster Live along with a GeForce 4 MX 4000 which was a shittastic card in its time but it can play Quake III Arena and UT99 like a champ which is good enough for me. Also runs Halo 1 and UT2K4 fairly well all things considered.

>> No.10576879

Yeah, the GeForce 4 MX gets a pretty bad rap, but mostly because of the GF4 branding. Now that it's more or less as obsolete as its contemporaries, it's actually quite a nice card for most of the good retro stuff. DOS compatibility is quite excellent, it has very sharp output, and best of all, it's still cheap.

>> No.10576932
File: 67 KB, 699x485, 1678700753256250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know guy in high school who collects pc hardware
>wait for him to go to college
>show up at his parents' house claiming to be e-waste collections
>"oh, my son has some boxes of stuff in the garage but I think he wants to keep it"
>"ma'am, when was the last time he used any of it? you know how fast computers are advancing, it's old junk, he'd be happy if you got rid of it for him"
>"you're right, I'll open the garage and you can haul it away"
>take it home and store it to sell on ebay 20 years later

>> No.10577091


>> No.10577108


That's the spirit.

>> No.10577430
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x800, 2024-01-06_15-00-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got myself an xp laptop a few months ago. What other games should I get for it?

>> No.10577438

xp is pointless, any game for xp will run better on a modern pc

install 98 on it

>> No.10577445

I have a separate 98 one, but that one's too much of a headache for my zoomer brain. Only got vice city and some obscure polish game on it

>> No.10577482

Yep, as much as I'd love to have a Voodoo card from that era they're ungodly expensive most of the time now and this old beater does at-least as well as a Voodoo 3 for a fraction of the price.

>> No.10577487

you have to shop local, modern ebay caters exclusively to collectorfags with more money than sense

>> No.10577489

hearts of iron 2, europa universalis 3

>> No.10577521

>you have to shop local
Problem is all the "local" shops and randos do a google search and assume it's worth whatever the max it ever sold for on ebay is

>> No.10577528
File: 2.26 MB, 2592x1936, 1699897827165949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably 100 functioning high end CRT monitors in existence for every person actually interested in buying one
>everyone still thinks the 12'' that came with their Best Buy prebuilt Compaq is worth $400 USD + tip

>> No.10578829

Pretty sure at this point there's less CRT monitors than that. Unlike TVs, monitors were typically small enough that even grandma could typically take hers out to the curb. The LCD transition also began earlier, especially in places like offices and schools, which got rid of their CRT monitors en masse. They also took longer than TVs to become desirable retro displays outside a few top-end models like the FW900.

>> No.10579709
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 1688364243173872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going through attic
>find dozens of boxes for awesome dos/win9x era motherboards, soundcards, and graphics cards
>no hardware

>> No.10579778

>all these youtube videos of people sperging over 4'' monochrome crt televisions
has supply really dried up to this point?

>> No.10579791

It's worse, they check for the current ongoing highest price instead. (Which obviously will never sell)

>> No.10579807
File: 242 KB, 654x527, 1678281690709822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. I have everything for an Audigy 2 ZS except for the card itself.

>> No.10580715

I wouldn't mind having a small monochrome monitor, but it'd have to be one of the green or amber-colored ones. And honestly, in either case it'd mostly be for the novelty of it. I don't see myself seriously using it for long.

>> No.10581876


>> No.10583520

nevermind, someone grabbed it already
they left the I/O shield at least, I always need those

>> No.10584134
File: 203 KB, 1200x1106, pavillion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a vintage Pavillion ZD7000 monster desktop replacement (like pic I found) and I love the craziness of it: regular desktop Pentium 4 Prescott at fucking 3.0 GHz shoehorned into a laptop (like having a nuclear reactor in your lap, but it does vent the heat well so lots of fan action), massive 17in screen. Cost thousands in 2003-2004 ish, topped out benchmarks for portables. Weights 10 pounds. Like 120+ watt psu. Full size keyboard, num pad and all.

Still browses the web on Firefox pretty respectably and shit. I love the clunky aesthetic of such a strange machine. Found there was even a forum for them back then , at www.zd7000forums.com but the archive.org crawl doesn't seem very good which makes me sad.

Era review: https://books.google.com/books?id=OgIAAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA70&lpg=PA70&dq=hp+zd7000&source=bl&ots=g0HEHmxWks&sig=ACfU3U3SIzSxOTfWxaVENRwtltzWuM0HQA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkmvyA-8KDAxVnGVkFHSkuD_U4PBDoAXoECAMQAw#v=onepage&q=hp%20zd7000&f=false

>> No.10584427


>> No.10584434

What the heck you guys? I posted my PC a few months ago and you all said there's no reason to own it. Now I see a thread dedicated to retro PCs.

>> No.10584470
File: 701 KB, 2048x1369, DSC_0614-1-2059557292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have that issue still somewhere, and i had that processor but i gave it to a dude for helping me change a clutch in my car.

>> No.10584624


>> No.10584663
File: 600 KB, 1348x769, maxpc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it always gets me how expensive RAM and HDDs were back then
Imagine if V2 was still cheaper than a 128MB stick of RAM

>> No.10586278

Voodoo2 was a year old by 99 So its a discounted price

>> No.10586345

Sometimes there were price hikes on storage and RAM because there were problems at a factory somewhere or whatever, so there was that, too. I can't recall if that was the case precisely in 1999, though.

>> No.10586513

I guess it's some mid 1999? RAM sure was expensive in the 90s but most games in 1999 were still perfectly fine with 32 Mb.

Also was V3 3500 really worth additional $67 over V3 3000? If I had 200 dollars to spend on a video card in 1999, I'd rather add some 30 bucks more and get TnT2 Ultra.

>> No.10586537

>Now bunding GameSpy

>> No.10586545


>> No.10586585

it's from the magazine in the OP, May 2000
the whole thing is here

>> No.10586597

the most outrageous for me is that a Rage Pro(launched in 1997) is 2$ more than a Savage4

>> No.10586947

Know what I had at that time? A fucking 8MB Real3D Starfighter. It was good enough to run FFVII PC, at least.

>> No.10587193

I had a TNT2 M64 16MB. By 2001 it was getting BTFO pretty badly by the latest games.

>> No.10587290

>Yeah, the GeForce 4 MX gets a pretty bad rap, but mostly because of the GF4 branding.
No, the GeForce 4 Ti was a decent card for the era. The GeForce 4 MX didn't have hardware texture and lighting, no pixel shader. So even if your computer met all the specs on paper, there were some games that would just refuse to run. V:tM Bloodlines was one in particular I remember not running. And you didn't know the game needed that particular feature until after you installed it and it shit out on you. If you were a pirate back then like I was, it was merely wasted time. If you were buying games, that was software you couldn't return or use.
If it wasn't for that GeForce 4 MX, my old P4 system would have been a real WinXP powerhouse. 3Ghz, 4GBs of RAM, it had everything it needed but a video card with a fucking pixel shader.

>> No.10587323

I'm still psyched I managed to get a NIB Dell CRT monitor from my cousin. He got it with his pre-built years ago, but already had a larger monitor, so he stuck the box on a shelf in his garage and forgot about it. Shit is fucking mint condition, and has years ahead of it.

Win7 seems a bit heavy for a computer with only 3GBs of RAM. I'd recommend TinyXP for maximum speed.

>> No.10587395

Geforce4 MX does have transform and lighting(T&L)

>> No.10587465

Seems like that's the case for just about every generation of cards, even the top-end ones. By year three, they're already struggling, and by year four or five there's already games that straight-up don't support them, period.

>> No.10587596

Put it on the web archive like a lot of other romsets.

>> No.10587931

There was a fire that burned down a factory that made the plastic for memory chip packages in the 90s that triggered a massive shortage and price hikes.

>> No.10588709
File: 318 KB, 749x621, MEM CP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be comfy enough for a 386, right? I don't like EMM386, for some reason it breaks compatibility with some of the games, so I only turn it on when a specific game needs that EMS. Meanwhile, with the aftermarket solutions I can have this much conventional memory, why would I ever need more?

>> No.10588784

>IDE caching program
Is there any point in using one when emulating?

>> No.10588797

It's the real hardware, but I'm still not sure if it does anything on a CF card

>> No.10588845

Does your BIOS support EMS directly? If so, you can get EMS without using EMM386. Often it's not EMM386 or EMS the games are complaining about, but being forced into Virtual mode by EMM386. If your BIOS supports EMS, then you can get the additional RAM without having to switch over to Virtual mode.
There are other UMB providers besides EMM386. but they all require switching over to Protected mode, so they'll have the same compatibility issues.

>> No.10589287

You can also use a custom boot menu so that it loads only the drivers you need when booting into DOS, as well as load only conventional memory if needed.

>> No.10589428

That's what I'm doing, I found out that there's no config to rule them all. But it's basically either this, or rhis with EMS and stuff getting loaded into UMBs.
Yeah, I've already found out that it's the source of my problem, but other UMB providers seem to be chipset-reliant and they refused to run on my cheapo PC-Chips mobo, so I've decided to roll with what I have. I guess that's what I would've done back then (except for the lack of the aftermarket drivers)

>> No.10589574

I also had a desktop replacement with a 3Ghz P4. By Acer. What a load of shit. Overheated on more demanding titles, ran like shit because of horrible mobile GPU and drivers.
That machine drove me away from Laptops for a decade and forever off the thought of having a laptop as a main computer.

>> No.10589617

I've just discovered a UMB provider that keeps the CPU in real mode. EMM286. Try giving that a shot, and you might not need multiple configs or a boot menu.

>> No.10590195
File: 1.32 MB, 2651x1198, Gravis-UltraSound-MAX-v2.1-401883030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a GUS or modern-day clone worth getting nowadays, or is it mostly a meme? I never experienced it back in the day.

>> No.10590846
File: 213 KB, 631x513, 1675782852785147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pentium 4 3.0ghz
>Sound Blaster Audigy
>GeForce FX 5900
Win9x games fear me. Just need to find a better storage solution than antique IDE HDDs that could fail at any second.

>> No.10590864

Fun story about Acer: had a notebook from them that would crash randomly. Sent it in for repairs, tech support for Europe was in the Czech Republic at the time. They sent it back claiming that they replaced the entire motherboard. Ok, cool. Same shit though, nothing was fixed. So I took it apart, marked the main board with a black marker, took shitloads of pictures for photo documentation, sent it back in again. They send me a supposedly fixed laptop with the same note, "motherboard replaced", still crapping up constantly. Take it apart, sure enough it's the same fucking board. Went to one of these customer protection organisations with the whole documentation, they sent Acer a strong worded email citing specific customer right laws etc. - got my money back. Never bought anything from them again, fuck Acer.

>> No.10590873

acer a shit
bought a gaming monitor a few years back, barely went a year before caps started bursting, replaced them, worked for about 6 months then the psu or something went out

I literally have monitors 80s and 90s including lcds that function like new despite never having any maintenance

>> No.10590903
File: 39 KB, 540x400, 1678512475332591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an Pavilion N5495. Spent a retarded amount of '00 bucks on it for college but the thing was so loud I was embarrassed to turn it on in class so it basically turned into a portable anime machine for breaks.

>> No.10590919

If you really like Jazz Jackrabbit or Epic Pinball

>> No.10590995

You can build one out of an rpi or some shit these days. Someone should make a DIY Voodoo3+...

>> No.10591012

why stop there? with modern off the shelf parts you could build some kind of insane omni-gpu that emulates all the era-appropriate gpus but with 100x the performance

>> No.10591061

do it

>> No.10591137

Or just dosbox it. There's no reason behind this hobby, only desire. I, for one, embrace my dark urges.

>> No.10591241

confirmed never played DOS games on real hardware

not a meme like with NES emulation, the difference between real and emulation here is tangible

>> No.10591639

Care to elaborate?

>> No.10591717

>individual CD-ROM headers for differing standards
Thank fuck for ATAPI.

>> No.10593103

I believe by the time I was old enough to open up computers and work on them, ATAPI was already the standard, so it wasn't until much later that I found out about all those other headers. I think it was when I got ahold of an old 486 with a CD-ROM drive, and I opened it up to check out the parts, and IIRC it had the smaller Sony connector, and I was like wtf is this shit?

>> No.10593204

I'm just thankful Gravis was kind enough to actually label which was which. Nothing like seeing a mystery pin connector that just says "CD".

>> No.10593427

>Just need to find a better storage solution than antique IDE HDDs that could fail at any second.
some later chipsets support win9x and have sata ports

>> No.10593443

Not very well. Just use Duckstation with a modern PC if you want to emulate PS1.

>> No.10593452

There's also CF adapters, no?

>> No.10593458

like ide to flashcards? yeah, but you're still limited to ide speeds with those, they're an option if you need an ide drive though

>> No.10593461

Well yeah, the concern was that IDE drives are old and unreliable, so a flash card with an adapter would make sense in that case.

>> No.10593464

bragging about his build so I figured he'd want a high end solution option, win98 on a sata ssd is a gamechanger, almost eliminates the hitching and shit as games load in assets from disk

>> No.10593527
File: 1.96 MB, 600x600, 1688400688659270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salvaged pentium
>every single pin is bent
>bend them back
>doesn't fit into the holes

>> No.10593529

you're probably not going to eyeball every pin back into place, 3d print a guide or something

>> No.10593563

Just used a knife to line the pins up then pushed it in once it was close enough

>> No.10593632

I may be misremembering, but I recall SATA support being a bit dodgy prior to 7 (or was it Vista? Never used Vista). WinXP installer asked you to insert a diskette with a 3rd party SATA driver during set-up, if you wanted to make a SATA HDD your system drive.

>> No.10593746

bios issue, intel 865 mobos work perfectly with sata in win98

>> No.10593987

I noticed my old mobo only has 3 pin fan connectors. I guess that means no PWM? So the fans just go full throttle all the time or...?

>> No.10594286

even without pwm the mobo can still adjust fan speed by changing how much voltage it provides

>> No.10596020
File: 2.60 MB, 2016x1512, Hot_air_goes_where.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first used those Radio Shack Tandy computers with the cool green buttons (power and/or 3/5" floppy eject) of my cousin's as my first PC experience. It was probably some 8086 that did CGA and Tandy colors where I played some cat game, 4x4, Wheel of Fortune, and Bird vs. Magic (before Jordan vs. Bird). It pretty much made me familiar enough in DOS when I started with my own PC, a 286-12 that got upgraded to a 386DX-40. I remember the case of that Tandy computer being quite beautiful. Most of the computers I had were put together from separate parts, but I will admit some prebuilts had pretty cases.

>> No.10596345

>9800 GT
Recently pulled one out of storage and every single cap had burst

>> No.10596368
File: 890 KB, 305x320, 1677345492401300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had to order some weird capacitors for an old mobo
>find a kit on amazon
>3-4 weeks shipping

>> No.10598169
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>> No.10599315

me on the couch

>> No.10600461
File: 2 KB, 320x200, Alley_Cat_screenshot-568273032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some cat game
Alley Cat? That game was ubiquitous.