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10566670 No.10566670 [Reply] [Original]

>forced marriage and timeskip
Are you fucking kidding me?
So the best caster just fucks off and I get stuck with the subpar hybrid bitch?

>> No.10566708

>So the best caster just fucks off and I get stuck with the subpar hybrid bitch?
That's marriage for you.

>> No.10566793
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Maxim is a dipshit anyway. When Tia fell down a hole, he didn't want to jump after her, but when the same happened to Selan, he didn't hesistate at all. He was already cheating on Tia, and his death is well deserved. Unfortunately his offspring survived, proving that there is no justice in the world of Lufia either.

>> No.10566796

T. Tia.

>> No.10566838

Selan is a better caster than Tia. Treat her as a mage that can use elemental weapons instead of a fighter that can cast.

>> No.10566846

Why the fuck was Maxim incapable of casting fire magic, anyway?

>> No.10566864
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Because he is EVIL. This is why he also cannot learn light magic.

>> No.10568397
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>> No.10569098
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a hoochie wrote this

>> No.10569273
File: 162 KB, 351x287, daos-reveal-the-truth-about-lufia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His son got cucked so I guess the Sinistrals were the good guys.

>> No.10569304

Classic Tia defined my taste in women.

>> No.10569308

I always thought the Maxim/Selan/Tia love triangle was one of the most realistic parts of the game. Tia simps for Maxim but he's either completely oblivious to it or he's too nice to tell her to buzz off. He meets Selan who is this hot, confident amazon who is much more his type and falls for her.
Tia realizes what's going on and excuses herself from the story. She doesn't get killed, she doesn't have a heroic sacrifice, she doesn't cope with her heartbreak by becoming evil herself...she just goes home. It's very restrained for a jayrpg

>> No.10569350

it also serves to illustrate just how special the main characters are. they are WARRIORS. tia is just some desperate housewife. she doesnt have a place among them, just like all of the other civilians. they are out of her league. yes, magic might be a thing in their world, but its not enough.

>> No.10569445

>So the best caster just fucks off
how is this a bad thing? fuck tia, and fuck tiafags. literally the worst character of the game. selan is a better caster btw.

>> No.10569453

Friendly reminder that Lufia posting raises your popularity with women worldwide. Women love Lufiachads

>> No.10569456


>> No.10569716

>his son got cucked
Wait what? I don't remember this.

>> No.10570280

My recollection is Selen becomes pretty much objectively better than Tia across the board. Tia is an early game character and there is a reason she doesn't go saving the world.

>> No.10570407
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>they are WARRIORS
Yet Tia fights as equal and she is a shop owner first. How pathetic are these "warriors"?

>> No.10570436

Because it didn't

>> No.10570620

Not really a true cucking but his gf left him for the bad guys.

>> No.10570796

>fights as equal
she's dogshit in a dress. her stats are trash and she basically only offers magic, which is her desperate crutch of contribution. and yes, she is a shop owner. JUST a shop owner. she doesnt have what it takes to keep up as the adventure progresses. she's part of the party that gets blasted by gades, and does not go with them to defeat him because she doesnt have what it takes. selan outclasses her as a competent woman and thats why maxim marries her. selen keeps up. in the end, she's still a woman and dies about it, but she was always a fighter and capable. tia was a crybaby bitch the whole way through. she didnt have the fortitude to handle the adventure. selen wouldnt take no for an answer. tia does not fight as equal at all, and bows out before the monsters and enemies get too tough/extreme. "but she IS a playable member of the party" is not an argument, especially considering the journey so far.

>> No.10571996

There should have been a choice
Dq5 already came out, copy it you retards

>> No.10572087

Tia has a hime cut?

>> No.10572112

>During the quest, she eventually discovers she is truly Erim, one of the four Sinistrals, and temporarily joins them. However, before the heroes defeat the Sinistrals once and for all, she returns to the Hero's side and helps in the battle against Guard Daos.
There is no definition of "cucking" where it applies to the above.

What the fuck?

>Erim firstly appears as the third Sinistral boss battle at Doom Island. It is revealed that she was actually Lufia herself, though she was not able to remember her past because she suffered from amnesia. Eventually, the other Sinistrals were able to recover her memory, but she later rebelled against her BROTHERS and defeated them along with the hero and his friends at the cost of permanently losing all of her memories and her ability to use magic.

What kind of coomer decided this was cucking, again? Fucking weeb brainrot.

>> No.10573421

the ending of lufia 2 was already the beginning of lufia 1. literally the only reason selan has the useless "light" spell.

>> No.10573437

They both canonically survive

>> No.10574503


>> No.10574525

The remake explicitly shows it

>> No.10574536

>the remake
>a complete reimagining
>"its canon!"
kill yourself.

>> No.10574556

It's a remake with a different battle system not a "reimagining", and yes, it is canon. You now have my permission to ACK yourself.

>> No.10574592

>Lexis and Maxim have already met and actively sail the seas with the ship Exelion.
>Iris is not a playable character, but she does travel in the main party.
>Tia's appearance has changed. She is now a redhead who carries a large suitcase and is now a mechanic.
>Dekar has pink hair instead of blue. He also looks less muscular compared to his original appearance.
>Prince Alex is now a child to better illustrate his reckless nature.
>Lexis is no longer a playable character.
>Tia and Dekar can be used past their "ends" in Lufia II. They also become involved in a relationship after Maxim marries Selan.
>Selan uses chakrams.
>Artea uses guns.
>Dekar can equip any weapon in the game save for the Dual Blade.
>The Sinistrals appear at the beginning of the game instead of being revealed halfway through.
>Technology has advanced to the point where energy cores (like the type of energy that the Sinistrals are made of, and the energy that the Dual Blade magnifies) are commonplace. One such example is each village being powered and protected by personal energy cores.
>After beating the game, you unlock a Retry Mode like in the original Lufia II. If you beat the game in this mode, you get a different ending.

theres a whole lot changed. its a complete reimagining. currently i'd say that its arguably MORE changed than the ff7 remake (although we've only seen one part of it. they'll probably deviate more by the end).

>> No.10575591

Lufia I had a sadder ending

>> No.10576146
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>caring that much about the """plot""" in a computer game

>> No.10576154

Even in the remake you have to go through the game twice and do a bunch of retarded bullshit to get the hidden ending.

>> No.10576705

its like a fanfic written by somebody that cant handle neutral or tragic endings, and every character MUST have a happy ending. you get to use tia and dekar for the whole game, tia is somehow useful, tia and dekar get their own relationship with each other (everyone gets to fuck now!), maxim and selen dont die and get to go home. its fucking stupid. it takes away so much weight and meaning behind so many core events.