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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 174 KB, 256x362, Animal_Crossing_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10566208 No.10566208 [Reply] [Original]

>a game taking place in real time
>that Blockbuster deal
Just randomly remembered how awesome that was

Doesn't the same game basically exist on N64, though? How did they do the time thing on N64?

>> No.10566213

RTC battery in the cartridge

>> No.10566365
File: 92 KB, 768x768, Pokemon-Gold-Version---Game-Boy-Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a game taking place in real time
I remember how cool this was as a concept when the game first came out. It was even in the advertising, saying how something happens every day, whether you're playing or not.

But now I know a group of people, early 20-somethings that I absolutely refuse to even talk about this series with because they look at it and think, "Oh, this HAS to be like Rune Factory/Stardew Valley." and then got angry that it didn't play like those games. One even said to me, "Next Animal Crossing game, they should ask if you wanna play in real-time and you can be like, 'yeah', or 'nah'." Another talked about the game "timegating" her and she immediately started time traveling. Pisses me off how they couldn't appreciate the unique gimmick of the game and want all games to play exactly the same. (Doesn't even make sense that they expected it to be another version of Rune Factory/Harvest Moon.)
>Doesn't the same game basically exist on N64, though? How did they do the time thing on N64?
Same way this did it.

>> No.10568365

Send her my way

>> No.10568367

>Doesn't the same game basically exist on N64
we used to try to have animal crossing threads on here due to that technicality pre- gen 6 opening up, but a faggot mod kept deleting the threads

>> No.10568372

Animal Crossing is for children, who can psychologically afford to wait for time-based content
As an adult you lose patience for all timewasting gatekeeps to content

>> No.10568571

NTA but what are you implying you'd do
Not necessarily true, it tracks with ho wmuch time an adult might have to play. Like 20-30 m a day is reasonable

>> No.10568585

I had the same experience you did but with showing Animal Crossing to an early Millennial (I'm a '91 Millennial, this guy is an '81 Millennial), who got upset that it wasn't like Harvest Moon and that it was always nighttime when he got home to play it after work (until I told him how to timewarp).

He was also a smoker and easily enraged, as well as a PlayStation fanboy.

>> No.10568898

>NTA but what are you implying you'd do
Get her preggers

>> No.10568915

adults have way better attention spans and have learned the value of waiting for things to come, or at least that used to be the case, zoomies are probably fucked up by tiktok videos

>> No.10568942

>He was also a smoker

>> No.10568953

anon i..

>> No.10569005

Facebook post

>> No.10569024

nta but there's truth to the tiktok shit. I have nieces and nephews. They're all addicted to short form video spam on the internet. tiktoks, youtube shorts, etc.
I don't think they're capable of paying attention to anything longer than 10 seconds.

>> No.10569259

Yeah, but every kid I knew even back then would cheat at vidya, rewind system clock, etc. tiktok shit appeals to kids because they have low attention spans, not necessarily the other way around.

>> No.10569319
File: 544 KB, 640x480, 1581titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 game is very similar but a little different, it's missing a lot of features like the museum, also has the worst keyboard system in the series. It's kind of useful if you can't emulate GameCube for whatever reason but also kind of pointless when you can just emulate Wild World instead

>> No.10569423

Attention spans have nothing to do with it. When you have an hour-odd for video games after work, as opposed to 8 or more after school, your appreciation for 80-hour RPGs tanks. Maybe if you're a NEET it won't.

>> No.10569425

Nta and im definitely a tiktok hater, but acting like kids having short attention span is anything new is facebook tier. that post reeked of
>my generation was the best!
also, i know a lot of adults who also have a tiktok attention spans

>> No.10569914

Just do a romhack

>> No.10569916

>Itoi: "Here's your Mother 4 bro."

>> No.10569919

One look at the Animal Crossing subreddit would prove you wrong

>> No.10569923

It's not that useful if you can't speak Japanese, not fully translated and will crash after paying off the first Tom Nook loan. Which is a shame, otherwise you could play Animal Crossing on a toaster.

>> No.10570036
File: 318 KB, 1920x1080, DfhMQwcW4AYn11-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original AC has such a strong atmosphere
I hate that it's been sacrificed at the altar of normie white women on twitter in exchange for the blandest design and atmosphere imaginable in New Horizons

>> No.10570069

OG Animal Crossing was one of my favorite games of all time. Such a chill game, great atmosphere, the residents had actual personality instead of being Disneyfied, and a ton of things to do.

>> No.10571425
File: 27 KB, 400x299, gulliver-artifact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always knew seagulls were agents of giygas

>> No.10571465

I agree. I miss the grid-like map, the secrets (not spoiled by the internet) and the unlockable NES games.

>> No.10571592

He ruined my games I lent him with it (Animal Crossing's case had that nostalgic Blockbuster scent in it, but now it smells like nicotene and dryer cloths). That was the last straw for that faggot. He still always wants to talk to me, even though every conversation ends up with him getting extremely mad.