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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1056487 No.1056487 [Reply] [Original]

God damn I hate these idiots.

I offered 20$, and I'm awaiting a response.

Also, Craigslist Thread.

>> No.1056506

people from georgia are retarded, holy shit

>> No.1056508
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>that horrific grammar

>> No.1056513 [DELETED] 
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Since when are GCN games worth that much!?

>> No.1056515

I bet he went on to Amazon and saw someone selling it for this:

>> No.1056521

>comic sans

>> No.1056523


epic just epic

>> No.1056529

>additional $25 for testing

>> No.1056545

Wait, is he selling a Genesis, a PS3, an Atari, controllers for all three, and like 30 games?

Might be worth $100, though the stupid-ass "The price goes up for $25 for each game we test" thing is fucking bonkers.

>> No.1056543

You probably wont get a good response with an offer like that poorfag

>> No.1056546


>> No.1056556

>test each one and the price goes up $25
Ok, why do CL sellers like to pretend they're fucking PT Barnum?

>> No.1056558

Time is money.

>> No.1056561

OP should go test out the consoles and then not buy any of them.

>> No.1056562


That's originally what I wanted to do. I just wan to go over there, then when he asks for money, I leave.

>> No.1056564

Steal a couple games while youre at it. You know, just to be a complete piece of shit.

>> No.1056607


>should take, at absolute maximum, fifteen minutes to test each system
>this faggot thinks his time is worth $100/hr

Jesus Christ.

>> No.1056618

>these will go fast

Ya, just like the guy I've seen trying to sell the same SNES bundle w/ 5-6 shitty games for $120 for the last year in my area on craigslist.

>> No.1056619

Think they just don't work and he's trying to hide it?

Or is he just a massive faggot?

>> No.1056639


Comic Sans Anon?

In my state?

>> No.1056641
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Seriously though, I'm sure at least a couple of them don't work and he's just banking on people taking the risk to save the $25.

>> No.1056645

What if you test one and it doesn't work? Do you still have to pay the $25? Call him and ask.

>> No.1056647


I think that's NC, judging from the area code.

But yes, Georgia is full retard when it comes to /vr/ stuff.

>> No.1056650

I just messaged a guy cause he had a copy of Sonic 1 for sale. I wanted a complete copy so I asked him if his $5 copy was complete. He said it was just the cart and that a complete copy is worth $20. He wanted $5 for his cart of SONIC 1.

I have bought 4 copies of Sonic 1 for a dollar or less each this summer alone. I don't know where people are pulling this retarded figures from

>> No.1056659


because just like when you want to save money when buying something some people want to make some money when selling something.

would YOU sell me one of your $1 sonics for .50 cents?

>> No.1056670
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>Old games and systems

That fucking PS3

>> No.1056674


No because I already gave the other 3 away to my friends for free

>> No.1056672

It is. Fayetteville is fully of retards. Dont ever go to their flea markets. You have to pay just to get in there and everyone thinks their NHL snes games are hagane.

>> No.1056696


If it was the regular version and not the "NOT FOR RESALE" cart, then $5 is perfectly reasonable.

>> No.1056697

No sonic game is ever worth more than $1

>> No.1056698


What about CD or Knuckles Chaotix?

I don't even like Sanic games that much...

>> No.1056703


A regular version is worth about a dollar more. They're only slightly, and I do mean slightly, less common than NFRs.

>> No.1056706


$5 seems pretty reasonable compared to the "RARE!!! SONIC TEH HEDGEHOG ORIGINAL FOR GENESIS $50" shit that you see on craigslist

>> No.1056723

Teach this asshole a lesson. Email him from a different number or text him using a Google number.

Go to his house and test each console and takes tons of time to do it then leave without paying a dime. What is he going to do? Call the police on you?

>> No.1056753

people on craigslist can be insufferable assholes

i saw a guy post a pinball machine from the late 40s that was in pretty decent condition and said "make me an offer"

i consulted several sources which told me that particular machine goes for $150 almost every time it pops up on ebay or on pin trader websites. Older pins go for poor money, they dont age like antiques

So I offered $150. I got a very lengthy email back about how they were offended I would lowball them that much on their precious antique

A few weeks later the same ad was still on craigslist, but with the price changed to $2000

They thought somebody was going to pay them the same as an 80s or 90s machine. You could get a beat up Medieval Madness for $2000

>> No.1057034


People are stupid and assume that older = more valuable.

>> No.1057150

I hate when I look at craigslist in my area for garage sales, and they never really give me enough info.
Sometimes they won't say what day the sale is on (that's a big one). Sometimes they won't say what times they're open. Sometimes they don't even give an address. Sometimes a combination of these.

I also hate when they post about the sale on the day of the damn thing. Put it a day in advance or something, it's not that hard.

>> No.1057163

Please post the e-mail, it sounds funny

>> No.1057329
File: 14 KB, 895x291, laf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna see if he replies. Last time I did this I got the some dude to travel 30 miles south from where he was to a Wal-Mart. I never showed up.

>> No.1057331



>go to garage sale
>it's just an xbox

>> No.1057353

honestly fuck those people

"estate sale"
> its literally like 3 things laid out on their driveway

>> No.1057356

XD anonymous is legion

>> No.1057378

I got the following for $50 on CL:

Nintendo Gamecube console
Zelda: twilight princess (gc)
Super Smash Bros Melee
Twin Snakes
mario sunshine

and a few others....what a dumbass, with 10 mins worth of research he could have made more than twice as much!

>> No.1057385

My favorite was
>Tons of stuff
>Video games

>Be one of the first ten through the door at 7:30am.
>Sum total of all the video games at the yard sale:

One copy of Hannah Montana for the DS.

>> No.1057932
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This thread reminds me of a CL listing in my area.
I swear it was previously listed with it stating "I do not want to separate this, so buy all or nothing!" though it may have been a different one. Now it sounds kinda tempting.

>> No.1057986
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I do that every year at my yard sale and all i have is old madden gamesfor the ps2.

>> No.1058101
File: 160 KB, 793x635, Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 9.42.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1058107

>Friday & Saturday, fishing poles, Longaberger baskets, gas stove, screen door, outdoor chairs, kitchen table, movies, dvds, Blu-ray, box sets, adult. Video games for most systems, beer signs, neon signs, metal and mirrored beer signs. Pictures, lots of nice stuff. Saturday we will also have a Pepsi wall mount pop machine, couch and love seat plus lots of stuff added hourly. Multiple family sale. Also we have a few fresh brown eggs for sale.

Like many of you would have been, I was skeptical. Also, the ad was posted at like 9pm Friday night but I still hauled my ass out there at 8am. Turns out the guy had a video game store that went out of business. I bought over 50 PS1/2 & Xbox games for less than $1 each. My only regret is not being diligent enough to have seen the first time it was posted, the local reseller got all his cartridge based stuff for $600 total. I guess it was a whole truck load. I would have loved to cherry pick that, too.

>> No.1058147
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>all of my sides
>all of my rage

...I just...what the fuck

>> No.1058153

I think he probably wants $45.00 but that's equally ludicrous.

>> No.1058161
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Here is, I assume, his other lot.

>> No.1058158

isn't there some way you can flag that post on CL as a scam?

>> No.1058182

they dont care

i flag posts of people selling CDs full of roms and emulators as illegal yet theyre never taken down

just take solace in the fact that nobody is going to give that guy 4500 for that zelda game

>> No.1058208

lolwat. At least it sounds like he enjoyed the game, most resellers give fucks all about the stuff they sell and/or have 0 idea what they have

I'm sad to know that this isn't true, Anon. There ARE people out there, otherwise Ebay prices wouldn't be a thing

>> No.1058235

Read him his rights, fun police

>> No.1059586
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>> No.1059631

3 copies of smb/dh for only $400! what a steal

>> No.1059761

>search for SNES
>literally every single result is a spammy ad for someones shitty game store

>> No.1059765


No, that's a PS3.

>> No.1059773

It's weird; every now and then I see that "Not for resale" sticker (And it's always a sticker and not part of the label itself like Sonic 2) on Sonic & Knuckles, but I'm pretty sure it was never a pack-in title.

>> No.1059793

it came bundled with the genesis model 2 i got

>> No.1059795

I'd like to see that faggot try to collect for his "time" after each one doesn't work.

>> No.1059803

Guys, /v/ is leaking again.

>> No.1059826

Last week I tried...tried to sell a Genesis and some games on CL. $50 for the original wide console, Sonic 1,2,3 and Knuckles, Streets Of Rage 1 and 2, Beyond Oasis and a couple of sports games. I would say that's an ok price, right? Fart. I got about 20 replies in a day. After filtering through the 5 that wanted me to ship it or meet them 30 miles away, I replied to the others. First guy showed up and tried to talk me down to $20 because of some scratches on the games. NOPE. Next guy doesn't show up. Next guy decides he just wants the sonic games. NOPE. Next guy shows up, takes a look and says he will be back. Didn't happen. Thank goodness someone finally bought it...three days later. It's my own damn fault for thinking I could make an easy 50 bucks.

>> No.1059858

this is true. today i met with a guy who said he was selling his lot of genesis stuff and in the picture he had a boxed sega cd with the rest of it so i thought it was included. I show up and no fuckin' CD for me. Just a genesis with no controllers and some all right CIB games. I feel violated...

>> No.1061993


>n64 for 65$
>cbfd for 95$ in any plane of exsistance

Dear lord this man is killing me

>> No.1062083
File: 96 KB, 1001x607, Screen shot 2013-09-10 at 10.56.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the club, fellow /vr/trooper

>> No.1062289

Lol I wonder what the condition of that Mario kart 64 to be in for HIM to sell it for 18$

Even The Exchange doesn't price up this bad

>> No.1062375


Probably this. Especially the playstation 3.

>> No.1062385


Yet if you list a gun that shit gets taken down fast. Also hookers.