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File: 104 KB, 553x448, oh no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10564543 No.10564543 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, today I played Super Mario Bros World for SNES on the Snes X9 emulator for PC and when Yoshi ate one of the berries or fruit. The berry or furta acquired a gray color. But that only happened in one game because the rest happened normally.Does anyone know why that happened? It is very interesting, I attach an image.

>> No.10564547

It's called Berry Relocation. It's a known glitch that you can purposefully trigger pretty easily.

>> No.10564553
File: 2.94 MB, 488x420, Donut-Secret-2-Glitch-2X.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Known and documented glitch.

There's a lot to peruse, it's fun.

>> No.10564572

Amazing, I thought it was a rom with a virus but hey now that I know it's a bug I can continue in peace.

>> No.10564573

EAD1 were gods at fitting a game into a small ROM size (eg. SM64 fits in 8MB) but they were also sloppy as fuck and no game they programmed lacks interesting and strange bugs.

>> No.10564583

SMW is full of glitches. You'd think it was programmed by new hires but it was the same people from SMB3. I guess they rushed.

>> No.10564621

>a rom with a virus
Really bro?

>> No.10564657

SMW is fairly complex, it's only natural that some nasty bugs wouldn't be caught in time. And from my experience watching TAS videos, great majority of games are full of insane edge case bugs that you just never come across.

>> No.10565125

>he doesn't know

>> No.10565375
File: 157 KB, 1007x540, SMWScore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SMW is full of glitches. You'd think it was programmed by new hires but it was the same people from SMB3. I guess they rushed.
You don't even know half of it. Super Mario World might just be the most poorly programmed game Nintendo ever coded.

>> No.10565378
File: 129 KB, 946x325, SMWScore2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technical explaination.

>> No.10565383
File: 46 KB, 332x524, screamingyoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10565385

does that mean there are more areas with slowdown in this scenario?

>> No.10565396

Based, thanks for sharing. I often re-read the FF wiki's extensive list of glitches from the various games. Never even thought about checking out Mario so yeah, I will enjoy this probably. Here's your (You).

>> No.10565398

In fairness they didn't exactly know what the fuck the hardware was going to be by the time they finished. SMW is a Famicom port of Mario3 with whatever knobs a combination of Miyamoto's fever dreams and the hardware teams concoctions could be grafted on while still hitting the 1990 release date.
There was no guarantee the Super Famicom was going to have a 65816 at first. There was also supposed to be a real multiply and divide instruction and a DSP. God only knows how much of SMW had to be upended every other week as the rules changed. An inefficient score routine was likely the least of their concerns.

>> No.10566981 [DELETED] 

Probably, though I haven't tested it myself.

>> No.10566984

Probably, though I haven't tested it myself.

>> No.10567093
File: 110 KB, 1200x800, 1681845940236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snes X9 emulator

>> No.10567109

>poorly programmed game
Except it isn't. You, shitty-diapered little Java coder that you are, are not aware of what exactly went into writing games for classic hardware and the level of optimization that needed to be achieved in 99.9% of areas. A few gotchas slipping through the veritable minefield is not a "poorly programmed game".

>> No.10567402

this has to be bait

>> No.10567439

>There was also supposed to be a real multiply and divide instruction and
There was. The standard 65816 lacked a multiplier/divider so they just grafted one onto the CPU core.

>> No.10567443

Still better than ZSNES, SNESticle, and Lakka.

>> No.10567459

Considering they fit 72 levels plus background layers plus Mode 7 effects into 4 megabits of ROM and also didn't use the low color mode like most 4 megabit games that's still pretty fucking impressive.

>> No.10567983

The game doesn't save scores, so they reset after powering off, and nobody is going to reach that score in normal play.
Literal nothing burger.

>> No.10568386

kek. I remember finding this glitch on my own replaying the game in the early 2000s. I posted about it on GameFAQs and was told to quit making shit up and fuck off. Faggots.

>> No.10568543

Oh shit, I did this as a kid, by complete fluke. I never understood what happened, because I was a retarded kid.

>> No.10568553

>here's this hyper specific set of things that have to happen for the game to do something odd
>no, you'd never encounter this during even the most extended play sessions
>it's only something that you'd encounter if you deliberately went out of your way to achieve, after reading the game code
This was never something known or talked about, anon. This is only something that you've been pushing recently. I'd bet it came from all the Nintendo decompilations that have been happening lately.