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File: 27 KB, 256x327, Wrathofcortex_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10563981 No.10563981 [Reply] [Original]

>crash bandicoot if he desperately rushed eurojank after the original developer left
What's the verdict?

>> No.10563997
File: 32 KB, 150x150, crashrun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Load times FUCKIN SUCK
The cutscenes FUCKIN SUCK

Pretty good voice cast though.

>> No.10564026


>> No.10564030

It's not that bad. Fix the loading times and it's just 3 but worse. People hated it back then because it didn't improve upon the previous entries despite coming out for a more powerful system. But if you judge it for what it is and not what you want it to be it's just a mediocre platformer that doesn't do anything particularly good but it's not terrible either. The kind of game you beat once when you don't have anything else to play then forget about it and move on to the next thing in your list.

>> No.10564038

This is just a worse Crash 3.
Ignore it. Holy shit.

>> No.10564049
File: 3.92 MB, 640x444, crash4-greatesthits-load.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Load times FUCKIN SUCK
Play the greatest hits release

>> No.10564052

Or play anything that isn't the first issue PS2 version. It's the most rushed version.

>> No.10564104
File: 25 KB, 460x345, arctic antics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a game that I was sorely disappointed with when it came for a lot reasons. Biggest issue was the 2-3 minute load times, but also
>floaty jumping physics
>atrocious water levels
>crappy vehicles
>rolling levels
>coco's gimped move set
>the retardedly slow hanging movement
Plus, the overall pervasive feeling that you were playing an inferior version of Warped. To me it was the game that confirmed Bash was no accident and Crash's best days were long behind him. I wouldn't have said it at the time of course, but this was one of the earliest examples where I could tell from the missing animation detail (compared to ps1 crash) that the SOVL was lacking.

However, out of all the post-ND, this one I have improved my opinion the most on after replaying, mostly because I did so on the Greatest Hits where the load times were now at least tolerable. The physics I'm still not a huge fan of, but they are precise enough. The platforming levels are pretty adequate and fun honestly. The vehicles still suck, but they also sucked in warped. maybe not as much, but enough for me to give TWoC a pass as well. I also got a bit better at the rolling levels, so they bothered me less. Would I replay it again? Very likely. Even just for the music. It's a different vibe from the ps1 games, but I liked those tracks just as much if not more. And I really liked the cool transparency effects it had. It's not a bad looking game at all imo (except on GC).

So yeah, it rightfully flopped when it came out, but if you liked the first 3 games and want just more of that, it has more good than bad in that regard. you'll have a good time, if you're willing to be more patient and forgiving at times. I had more fun with it than that modern title usurping game, if anything.

>> No.10564146

It's kinda amazing comparing Jak and Daxter, the actual ND successor to Crash, to this. I played both as a kid, and nowhere else could you so clearly witness The Leap that just had been taken

>> No.10564219
File: 89 KB, 638x544, Cortex Vortex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more good than bad
just to be a bit more precise, I looked over the list of levels and I would only say that
>Sea Shell Shenanigans (underwater)
>H2 Oh No (underwater)
>Coral Canyon (underwater)
>Smokey and the Bandicoot (jeep race)
>Droid Void (mech suit + hanging)
>Force of Nature (Snowboard)
are the only ones that are irredeemably bad. All other levels I would call at least ok. The marble rolling ones I still kind of hate, but not nearly as much as when first playing them.
Favorite level is probably Crash and Burn, followed by Cortex Vortex. Can't go wrong with a platforming one for the most part. One random thing I thought was hilarious was his tip-top power-up in pic related. I don't know why everyone complains about it. Yeah, it's a complete gimmick, but so what? It looks funny as shit. If anything I got more fun out of it than the super belly flop.

I know there are a few TWoC fans here, just wondering what you consider to be the lowest/highest points of the game.

>> No.10564653
File: 255 KB, 584x812, TWoC OPM review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jak and daxter was my first ps2 game (after demo discs) and completely blew me away at the title screen. it set the bar impossibly high for wrath of cortex, which was my second game. In hindsight, the timing of release was a big problem for WoC. It came out in late 2001, when a lot of other major PlayStation games were getting incredible PS2 debuts:
>Twisted Metal: Black
>Klonoa 2
were the one's I best remember. The expectation was that Crash would have a similar type of next-gen debut.

Pic related is an early review right before release. I remember reading it, getting bummed about the score, and hoping that they had underrated it, but it turned out to be spot on.

>> No.10564670

Its shittiness is exaggerated but it's still not good.

>> No.10565359

>voice cast
that was unexpected, but a nice bonus. really strange to hear r. lee ermey in the game, though I would've had him voice the fire mask instead of the water one.

>> No.10565374

people love being hyperbolic

>> No.10565402


>> No.10565495
File: 1.54 MB, 1435x1414, Crashbashbox_webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong pic

>> No.10566472

Why the hate for Crash Bash?

I think it's a pretty fun party game

>> No.10566532
File: 108 KB, 300x225, you fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's one of those half empty, half full games. it has a few really fun stages and multiplayer was pretty good. most of the hate comes from people trying to complete the adventure mode. I think it fits
>crash bandicoot if he desperately rushed eurojank after the original developer left
even better than wrath of cortex, becuase
1. it was definitely rushed (copy/paste levels with minimal playtesting)
2. developed by eurocom
3. first game after Naughty Dog left

>> No.10567694

the xbox and gc versions are even shorter I think.
I didn't know until just now, but the gamecube version loads in only about 10-15 seconds, which is good news for what is otherwise the worst version (has missing graphical effects and performs worse than ps2).

>> No.10567718

GC is not but Xbox depends on the circumstances. Because this is a CD based game it reads insanely fast in PS2s (3.6MB/s.) If the Xbox is loading from cache it basically matches this as it's reading from the HDD and filling the RAM.

>> No.10567720

I liked it. I guess some people don't like the vehicles or the character models but beyond that it's basically what you'd expect. Bonus points for having a great soundtrack and some nice lighting + particle effects in areas. Will always be the real Crash 4 to me

>> No.10568224

The music slaps though.

>> No.10569238
File: 409 KB, 480x361, 1702348483845303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traveller's Tales were a good developer and only put out something this mediocre because of the awful conditions they had, having to build it from scratch in a single year, considering this they did quite well actually, it's a lesser Crash 3, it's fine...

Crash's downfall happened because, while he was Sony's mascot, he wasn't owned by them, he was 3rd party, and Universal screwed it all up.

>> No.10571058
File: 86 KB, 205x242, Rillaroo_webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better question is why the hate for Rilla Roo