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10563219 No.10563219 [Reply] [Original]

If you played the fan translation of Policenauts then you didnt really play the game but a fanfiction.
The translation isnt really a translation, more like a rewrite.

>> No.10563224
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Look at this shit, this is what you would expect from Vic Ireland and Jeremy Blaustein.
Garbage, and its not even the worst offense.

>> No.10563226

It's actually on my backlogs. How's the change? If at least there's an effort to at least respect how a character would/not say and keep the major lore intact I'd still enjoy it to some degree. If it's censored dialogue/graphic to fit today's standard that'd suck, but not to an extent it'll stop me from enjoying it. It's not I'm gonna pay for both the game and trabslation anyway.

>> No.10563227

So a fan fiction of a fan fiction of Lethal Weapon

>> No.10563246

Care to provide some evidence along with the japanese original script? And please, contextualize all examples, don't just post random single lines.

>> No.10563252

Oh no! terminally online, mentally ill anon tells me I had fake fun! how can I recover?

>> No.10563261

Even the most barebones dialogue is completely changed for no reason

Fan Troonlation dialogue
>“Do you have any idea what time it is?“

Japanese original
Probably something like
>“Are you still sleeping?“
The word “nemuri“ is mentioned which means sleep.
This is curiously missing in the fan troonlation


Fan Troonlation
>“So this is what you have been doing all these years“

Japanese Original
The word “sanjuunen“ which means “30 years“ is used
Once again the fan troonlation curiously omits this for some reason

Never trust fan trannylations
Most of them suck and have only gotten worse with time

>> No.10563270

Just dont pretend you played the game but that you played a fanfiction version of it

>> No.10563274

>Hey anon, did you play Policenauts?
>No, you see, I THOUGHT I played Policenauts but then another anon corrected me and told me I was playing a fan-fiction because the translation was... wait, where are you going?

>> No.10563276

If you have even the most cursory knowledge of Japanese and Japanese/Anime culture you will immediately notice that its way off

Just look at shit like this >>10563224
This kind of expression doesnt even exist in Japanese
Its clearly aping shitty official localizations of the 90s which pandered to white trash
Pandering to the same retards who cream their pants over the bad voice acting and translation of Symphony of the Night

See also >>10563261 for a few lines which demonstrate how lines are rewritten to where anybody with a knowledge of a little Japanese here and there will easily be able to tell that its a bullshit rewrite

>> No.10563281

Isn't the game entirely a visual novel? The text is the most important part.

>> No.10563285

>Hey anon, did you play Policenauts?
>No, I never played the real thing. I only played that shitty rewrite from romhacking.net.
There, easy

>> No.10563286

>Isn't the game entirely a visual novel?
Most of it idd is a visual novel with some gun sections inbetween like Snatcher

>> No.10563289

>“Do you have any idea what time it is?“
Is whoever is addressing Jonathan mildly frustrated at him? Cause if so, it's not a bad translation. Trading a more literal translation for one that puts more emotional emphasis and clarifies the tone, is a fair choice.

>“So this is what you have been doing all these years“
This is also not a bad translation if it has been made clear before that 30 years have gone by. It's called avoiding information repetition.

>> No.10563296

Which one? PS1 or Saturn? Or both?

>> No.10563301

can you give an example that affected the story

>> No.10563306

There's a difference between being "way off", and making trade-offs and equivalences. Making speech flow freely to the target language is key to what makes a good translation work.

If you stick too close to the source, you get stiff and confusing text. My impression is that Japanese is a way more blunt and direct language than English, which is why so many early video game translations sounds just like that.

I would, however, remove the "sugar tits" line, because it's just borderline offensive by today's standards, unless you REALLY want to portray the character as a creep.

>> No.10563308

The sugar tits thing is a direct reference to Mel Gibson so I kind of get it. Honestly, nowadays I would rather play something that is more along the lines of a Blaustein/Woolsley translation than something more technically correct but rigid.

>> No.10563325

Calm down sugar tits. There's nothing wrong with that line since it's set in the future 1980s which is like 50 years ago but not.

>> No.10563328

>This kind of expression doesnt even exist in Japanese
are you gay?

>> No.10563331

Yeah but the people who are playing the game will certainly not think so. Identifying your target audience and other potential aspects is very important to ensure your translation can remain fresh and up-to-date for a long time, and for a broader public. This line wasn't good when the game was fan-translated and it isn't good now.

>> No.10563341

It is a bad translation

It goes on
OG Japanese
Basically means I have missed you, or long time no see or its been a while

>“Oh man I dont believe this“

This is the Saturn translation

The PSX fan translation from the same group seems to be more correct from what I see which is insane, in 7 years they made the translation worse
PSX fan troonlation
>“No way anyones tired this early“
This is much more correct since the Japanese uses the words “inemuri“(sleeping on the job) and “hayai ze“(hayai = fast, quick) are used

The rest is the same bullshit as the recent Saturn translation but that line is more accurate to the original Japanese
Its insane that in 7 years they actually managed to make the translation worse

>> No.10563345

>This is also not a bad translation if it has been made clear before that 30 years have gone by. It's called avoiding information repetition.
No this is bullshit
Translation =/= Editing
If the original was written that way then translate it the same way
There may even sometimes be intention behind emphasizing certain key words on part of the original creator

>> No.10563360

I wouldn't consider any of these to be incorrect, because again, the chosen English expressions match the emotional tone much better and sounds more natural.

>Translation =/= Editing
>If the original was written that way then translate it the same way

This is entirely incorrect. Professional translation work involves a lot of editing as well, and the two are in large part inseparable, especially when it comes to audiovisuals. If you want purely literal translations, you're much better off learning the source language and enjoying the original as is. Don't complain about perfectly adequate translation work if you don't understand how and why some decisions are made.

>> No.10563362 [DELETED] 

>If you stick too close to the source, you get stiff and confusing text.
This is what every single one of you troonlation defenders say.
The truth is that troonlators go out of their way to rewrite even the most basic sentences which is usually 90% of the text in most japanese games.
Americans are childish retards who cannot stand realistic bland vanilla dialogue and want to add “flavor“ to every sentence.

>> No.10563364

Saturn version is the same version as the PS1 version but they managed to make some lines even worse >>10563341

>> No.10563367

That's it? THESE are the changes you're fucking griping over? I thought it'd be fucking plot rewrites, feminism, amogus memes, and epic gabagool clapbacks.
What a fucking waste of my time, and yours. You're too autistic for your own good.


He cannot, otherwise that would have been his first example.

>Translation =/= Editing
To a degree, it actually is. Not related to any of these examples, but sometimes you may need to tweak things or approximate them because they won't work properly in the language you're translating to.

>> No.10563368 [DELETED] 

Take your SJW crusade to resetera
The issue has nothing to do with it being offensive
The issue is that a japanese character wont talk like some white trash american

>> No.10563371

To me it really sounds like you're extrapolating based on some actually bad translation work going around. Again, feel free to learn Japanese and enjoy the originals if the quality of modern translations bothers you so much. Just don't come and complain here, because not only it isn't productive, but no one will be paying any further attention to what you have to say.

>> No.10563372

The whole script is affected

>> No.10563374

>The issue is that a japanese character wont talk like some white trash american

>> No.10563384

Dont lump in Woolsey with Blaustein
Fuck right off
Even at his worst Woolsey was never as cancerous as that kike
And also Woolsey had good writing ability and was able to make dialogue sound great with the storage limitations he had

Blaustein and Ireland were cancer
Woolsey was a localizer but actually respected the games he worked on and pulled off miracles in short 1-2 months timeframes he was given

Woolsey also admitted that his translations werent and couldnt have been perfect while Blaustein seethed that his garbage SOTN translation was ignored by Konami in the recent remasters

>> No.10563392
File: 68 KB, 900x900, 1684181357625503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP claims the translation changes the story
>the changes are used to avoid information repetition, a common thing in linguistics that avoids one sounding like a single digit retard
>OP claims american ways of speech shouldn't be used
>MC is american
The only retard here is the OP, likely started studying japanese a few months ago and already thinks he's fluent because he understands the plot of a shonen episode.

>> No.10563394

Agreed, Woolsey was a pretty good translator for the time, also taking into account the tools and means he had at his disposal. Moreover, many of the controversial changes he's nowadays infamous for, were actually revisions made by Nintendo of America staff.

And yes the SOTN translation is remarkably stiff and bad.

>> No.10563430

>I wouldn't consider any of these to be incorrect
It doesnt matter what you consider incorrect
Incorrect is incorrect
It is a rewrite not a translation

>Professional translation
More like professional troonlation
There is nothing professional about American video game translations

Editing and localizing is not translation, period.

>> No.10563438

Moron the whole game is rewritten

>> No.10563443

>OP taking issue with based Mel

>> No.10563445

Your examples do not convey that.

>> No.10563456

>To a degree, it actually is. Not related to any of these examples, but sometimes you may need to tweak things or approximate them because they won't work properly in the language you're translating to.
This is almost never the case.
What editing usually amounts to in American “translations“ is editing and rewriting the whole dialogue because most American “translators“ are failed wannabe writers who have huge egos and see translation as grunt work so they subject the audience to their nonsense.

Americans wont translate shit properly unless paid handsomely, and the only industry that does that is technical stuff like vehicle manuals and anything that is critical to security etc.

And as for fan translators, they are the same way. Wannabe writers.
Most of them dont know Japanese either.
At least some of them have the decency to file their shit as “improvement hacks“ but most of them present them as faithful translations.

>> No.10563468

The game is Japanese
It shouldnt be localized fanfiction when translated

>> No.10563469

I will do what I want
Stop pretending you have played games when you didnt

>> No.10563479 [DELETED] 

Troonlation defender
You will never be a woman

>> No.10563490

>Moreover, many of the controversial changes he's nowadays infamous for, were actually revisions made by Nintendo of America staff.
No, some of them were his fault(Grandleon being changed to Masamune, Mayonnay/Vinega/Basedsaw being changed Flea/Ozzie/Slash).
Some of them were game testers complaining(for example some game tester hated the name Tina with a passion so he convinced Woolsey to change it to so he changed it from Tina to Terra)

>> No.10563496

He was actually much better than the troonlators of nowadays who are unrestricted when it comes to memory space etc. and still fuck everything up.

I remember on /v/ some anon said that he knew a Japanese guy who quit his video game translation job because he would translate a whole entire section of a game correctly and then the tranny editor team would rewrite his stuff and make it into memey garbage. He got tired of that shit so he quit and then got a high paying serious translation job for legal documents or something like that.

>> No.10563501

They literally do and you are coping.
The translation is so bad that they made it even worse in the Saturn version.

>> No.10563768

>white trash
opinion discarded

>> No.10563958

>unless you REALLY want to portray the character as a creep
Can't speak for how good the translation is, but Jonathan is very much a creep.

>> No.10564183

>I would, however, remove the "sugar tits" line, because it's just borderline offensive by today's standards, unless you REALLY want to portray the character as a creep.
He says Sugar Tits because the character looks like Mel Gibson and this was not long after that famous incident of being pulled over by a cop and called her Sugar Tits, that's really all there is to it, a reference.

>> No.10564209

That isn't what he asked, he asked can you point to an example where it actually affects the plot. Where the player would play the game and be given misinformation through mistranslation. Does the translation say, tell you to cut the blue wire when in reality you have to cut the red wire? Does it fuck up the big reveal that the girl is Jonathan's daughter? Does it change Gates' primary motivation and thus Kojima's tiring speech at the end?

>> No.10564809

Totally agree with you, but translators think too highly of themselves (I know quite a few of them). They just can't accept doing a literal translation for many of the bullshit reasons you are seeing being parroted here.