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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10562737 No.10562737 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2024 and there are still people out there who unironically believe that the Genesis version of Aladdin is superior to the SNES version.

>> No.10562740

Never played either, qrd on the arguments both camps make

>> No.10562786

Snes emulation is ass. Thats the only reason why when there are 2 versions available always pick genesis. Same reason you pick gamecube version over ps2. Emulates better

>> No.10562801

>First Aladdin vs Aladdin thread for 2024
Nice. I'd just like to point out one thing, Virgin Interactive went bust in 1998, but Capcom remains one of the biggest game developers around.

>> No.10562803

>Snes emulation is ass
2000 called, he wants his ZSNES back

>> No.10562804

>Snes emulation is ass
Dude shut up and quit being retarded.
>Same reason you pick gamecube version over ps2.
Use nightlys, stable versions of both dolphin and pcsx2 are wildly outdated.

Nice to know this shit board is going to continue its fucktard spiral for another year. Here's hoping you'll realize this place is worse than /v/

>> No.10562805

The saddest part is that there are Disney fans who grew up in that time period and haven't played either yet

>> No.10562812

>snes had mode 7 which is infamously difficult to emulate
>ps2 had difficult cpu architecture which made even developing games for difficult, let alone emulating
how is this not true? are you developer? do you know anything you talking about before you open your retarded mouth?

>> No.10562814

>>snes had mode 7 which is infamously difficult to emulate

>> No.10562817

>snes had mode 7 which is infamously difficult to emulate
Which SNES emulators in the past 20 years have mode 7 issues, aside from something like snemulds?

>> No.10562818

Snes9x on PSP

>> No.10562824
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>> No.10562828 [DELETED] 
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Literally only Sega fanboys and normiefags

SNES Aladdin looks a lot more like the movie and plays like an actually decent platformer with good flow. Sega Aladdin isn't a real platformer but almost more of a shitty beat em up

>> No.10562830

No one "believes" the genesis version is superior. It IS superior. Belief has nothing to do with it.

>> No.10562831 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, aladdin camera uncenters.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Genesis game is shit by default doing no-go shit like the camere getting uncentered when jumping

>> No.10562834 [DELETED] 

you have to be a certified shit eater to put up with this

>> No.10562839


>> No.10562840

>It's 2024 and there are still people out there who unironically believe that the Genesis version of Aladdin is superior to the SNES version.
Because they have good opinions?

>> No.10562850

Literally all the Virgin Genesis has over the Chadcom SNES version is the fluid animations. Besides that, it's messy bongjank level design where you crouch and stab every ten seconds. SNESladdin is an actual platformer that's faithful to the movie, so it's the better game.

>> No.10562852 [DELETED] 
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reminder that gen aladdin isn't actually an aladdin game but an archetype critic taking place in a post apocalyptic wasteland. only uncultured swine take the aladdin theme literally

>> No.10562862

right is snes

>> No.10562867 [DELETED] 

right is random nonsense that makes no sense. it's ovbiously cliffs. my post is about left

>> No.10562871 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 665x355, Tiresome-research.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one makes threads like this. Try being a bit more subtle

This thread is 100% either a
1) falseflag thread made by a Sega fanboy to make fans of the SNES version look obnoxious or
2) /vr/ janny trying to stir up shit for traffic. He knows these threads fill up
Or 3) both

>> No.10562879

>snes had mode 7 which is infamously difficult to emulate
Works fine in SNES9x for the last 15 years. Quit being a dumbfuck.
>ps2 had difficult cpu architecture which made even developing games for difficult, let alone emulating
Again, upgrade to nightly.

Please never open your dumb nigger yap again.

>> No.10562913

LOL, I'm certain Aladdin on SNES's inferior reputation is due to bad Mode 7 emulation on PSP.
Which games suffer from this, anyway? Chrono Trigger's Mode 7 scenes run without bugs.

>> No.10562915

>faithful to the movie
I don't really care about that cause I don't like Disney; I'm here for the game

>> No.10562935

yoshis island literally unplayable on psp. people for longest time had to use gba port if they wanted yoshis island on psp

>> No.10562940

Youknow on /pol there 1pbtid and filters and stuff to avoid these spams. I am notcing retro games in general seems to have the same threads posted over and over. I still get a sense there's a little more human engagement here.

>> No.10562960

That has nothing to do with Mode 7, nor is SuperFX emulation on PSP why people think Aladdin is better on Sega

>> No.10562967

Aladdin is post apocalyptic.

>> No.10562985

First time here in like eight years, my bad.

>> No.10563058

i prefer original fm synthesis vs stolen samples. how about that for a reason

>> No.10563169

I like both versions, a lot.
Fuck off. Gave it a lot of thought actually.

>> No.10563201

>SNES game directed by Shinji Mikami, developed by Capcom
>Genesis game directed by Dave Perry, developed by Virgin USA
I mean, obviously the SNES game is going to be better.

>> No.10563204

Now that the dust has settled, who is retarded, and why is it you OP?

>> No.10563259

it's 2024 and there are still people out there that unironically brainwashed themselves into religious brand loyalty because of a couple of games they played as kids

>> No.10563268 [DELETED] 


>> No.10563280

That's the thing about the world, anon. You need to understand this. It's no different to some people believing niggers are better than whites. They are retards and subhumans for believing this.

>> No.10563282

japformer vs bongformer, guess which is better...

>> No.10563310

Segoy delusion tells me the latter

>> No.10563504

SNES has you jump on enemies, Genesis has a fucking sword.
SNES looks like a video game, Genesis looks like the film.
SNES is easy and even has passwords, Genesis is difficult and rewarding.

We don't "believe" that the Genesis version is better, it simply is.

>> No.10563512

I think it's funny that the biggest game on the super nintendo is licensed shovelware you can beat in 20 minutes.

>> No.10563529


>> No.10563562
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>licensed shovelware you can beat in 20 minutes.
You just summed up Genesis' library.

>> No.10563565

Genesis also uses all the major tracks from the movie while SNES only uses Friend Like Me.
SNES levels are overly simplistic and only scroll in 1 direction at the same time.

The one thing SNES legitimately does better is the boss fights. Genesis kind of lacks in that department.

>> No.10563567

This translates as they made a fun action game with lots of enemies for the Sega version and the Nintendo one was turned into a bany platformer to appeal to Mario kids.

>> No.10563580

the final boss being slow down city really deflated it for me, I can't believe it's the hill snesfags die on but I've seen it since before /vr/ existed. They fucking love this mediocre game.

>> No.10563590
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A few years back it was a lot more common to see Mega Drive fans being all cocky about how their version was superior or something, now I'm seeing a shift and often SNES fans go on about how their version is so obviously better. I didn't grow up with either version, tried both in 2023. SNES is more polished and flows better, also feels more like Aladdin, collectables add replay value, it just feels better... but Mega Drive looks just like the film, the sword is just too cool, and its arcade styled difficulty gives it a more lasting impression overall. It's a tough choice really.

I think both sets of fans need to stop this whole attitude that one version is obviously superior or something, both excel at something the other doesn't, which makes both worth playing, and it'll all come down to what sort of video game you'd prefer, the direction that they chose to go for.

At first I adored SNES way more, it flowed well and felt like a fast and more responsive Prince of Persia, but I finished it on my 1st sitting, and the Red Gems weren't tough either, but Mega Drive... I took days just to finish it on default difficulty, and that settled it for me, I often play this one.

>> No.10563601

Get with the times grandpa, SNES don't have slowdowns anymore, modders fixed everything.
I bet you still use passwords like a caveman too.

>> No.10563605

>using save states instead of passwords
you didn't beat the game

>> No.10563610

I didn't say anything about save states you absolute retard

>> No.10563623

It's funny because both versions speak to the general audiences of the consoles. Sega's is more an action arcade style game, SNES is morebof a platforming collecting game. But for some reason even now, they want to fight endlessly over someone else not preferring the same kind of game they do.

>> No.10563641

You summed it up perfectly.

>> No.10563642


The two Aladdins really are the gift that keeps on giving for thread topics aren't they?

Anyway: Both are good. They are different games with different focus and different mechanics. Play both. SNES is typical top tier Capcom work, eye candy with focus on linear levels with Al using his acrobatic abilities. Also uses the SNEs capabilities for an epic fincal boss fight against Jafar riding him as giant snake.
MD/G has maze like levels, surrounding graphics are not as good but beautiful animations of characters drawn by Disney animators themselves. Aladdin besides apples has sword. Sword cool. Some people like to cry about it not being as movie accurate but it still cool. The game with its winded levels is also longer. Lame final boss fight though, stand next to Jafar barely being bigger than you and spam apples until he dies from vitamin overdose. Still a good game, and very different from the SNES one
Play both.

>> No.10563656

Ah yes, who can forget Capcom and its known track record of not making crappy games.

Aside from Resident Evil and Street fighter reputations to live off, I simply can’t recall an actual good capcom game. Certainly was not SNES aladdin

>> No.10563742

Not that I disagree with your overall sentiment but I'm gonna be a little anal about your use of the word

There's very little arcade about the Sega one it's a Dave Perry maze explorer with great sprites, flashy visuals and outstanding animations, it's very much a methodical and difficult PC game, a stunning collaboration between professional artists and programmers. Capcom's is short but replayable, has uber linear levels with a focus on constant movement and bubblier, more abstract tone is a much better fit for Capcom, the kings of the 90s arcades imo, headed by Mikami. A better game for that comparison would be the excellent Zelda clone Goof Troop, now that's a game only the SNES could have produced.

Both have their audiences and there's nothing really wrong with either. I prefer Capcom's way of doing things and also the Sega-developed Disney games (Quackshot for life) but Dave Perry's games are a more refined and usually very pretty-looking form of what's refered to as "Euro jank" and the best of these labyrinthan western games from their generation. They're fine.

>> No.10563753

I was just about to say you don't see anybody saying it's current year very much anymore

>> No.10563781
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Yeah came to post this, "arcade" where? Dave Perry comes from the western school of maze games more common on PC, Capcom is the arcade company and their Aladdin is the more arcade one with more focus on actual action instead of maze navigation.

>> No.10563851

world's most based retard

>> No.10563871

It definitely has better sprites and animation. I recall I wasn't fond of the art direction for the SNES game. I've never beaten either of them and it's been so long I can't remember which one actually plays better. Small tangent but I really don't like Capcom's sound engine and samples on the SNES, nearly all of their licensed game have a tinny reverb for the music, and half of the sound effects are BRRRAP

>> No.10563886

Oh man that reminds me of when I tried to play Panel de Pon (and also Tetris Attack) on PSP emulators. Despite not using any special chips or graphical techniques, the game hits performance *hard* on PSP.

>> No.10563889

the genesis version is better but some sections of the snes game look really beautiful. The snes version is nice to pick up for only $15 so I will need to have both in my collection. I don't care about buying cib for snes because the cardboard boxes and manuals for snes games are always beat to crap and expensive. A loose snes cart is cheap and good enough for me. I'm a little more picky about cib games with the genesis. The genesis manual usually stay in good condition thanks to the gorgeous clamshell boxes which the snes lacks.

>> No.10563904

>Goof Troop
>Zelda clone
Aonuma really fucked Zelda hard, huh... the generation he raised doesn't even know what Zelda looks like...

>> No.10563928
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These threads really attract the worst kind of /v/-brand shit-flinging shitposting moron huh.

>> No.10563939
File: 69 KB, 480x360, what_year_is_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snes emulation is ass

>> No.10564018

The snes version of alladin isnt a bad game either. I've just been watching a playthough on YouTube. It's made by Capcom. Capcom is a game developer that doesnt make bad games. That being said, the genesis version is objectively better. But being "better" doesn't not mean that lesser games shouldnt be played. A lesser game can still be a very good game. This highlights whats at the root of the the whole sega genesis vs snes dichotomy. If you look at a game like super Mario it IS a better game than sonic the hedgehog. However, sonic the hedgehog as a series is a really fantastic thing to play. Just because a game is better than this (other) game doesn't completely nullify its relevance or remove it from existence. All of the games have the same purpose. They're meant to be played for the experience. When, you dont play a game you simply forfeit the experience.

The snes usually had better and higher quality games than genesis so its fun for the genesis fans we get a game that's better like alladin.

>> No.10564078

It's arcade in the sense that you get taken back to the title screen and there are no passwords to go back to where you were, like there are on Capcom's. It's the kind of thing that, to beat, you'll replay the earlier levels until you master them, and only then see the later levels, until you eventually master the whole thing, and then you'll finally beat it. I believe most people would beat the Capcom's version in their 1st sitting, while Virgin will take a few days trying and having to restart.

>> No.10564126

Fair point, slipped my mind because that's more of a console rental convention than about the game being the kind of thing you'd see in an arcade, there's tons of 16 bit licensed games with limited continues that don't exactly remind me of arcades.

>> No.10564375

True, I meant more that it's got that trial and error, punishing and ruthless, nature to it, no passwords or saving system, it's all about trying to get to the end and still losing often until you learn everything to win, it's how most video games did it then due to the arcades being the reference, as it was what the consoles aimed to be.

>> No.10564469

Absolutely but see but that's a thing tons of games from the time did, from Trip World or Great Battle 4 to Contra Hard Corps and I'd only call the latter "arcade-like". Gens Aladdin is too deliberate and too much of a PC game for me to think about it like that, rather than Dave Perry wanting to craft an arcade-like experience it was because welp, every game was like that back then, specially Genesis ones. But you're correct in that, even if these Capcom Disney games technically had continues, they also had Password systems, which defeats the purpose, I don't recall Goof Troop even having score to lose after a Game Over but you can run out of continues and it'll punch a good password for you so you never have to go back to the beginning in a single play session.

>> No.10564552

Yeah, I get what you mean, I guess what I mean to say is that it was the style of the time, especially for SEGA consoles, which was at a time where arcades were still so common and inspired the whole scene, in the meantime SNES and Capcom, at that time, were already leaving the arcades for a direction nearing what we saw on PSX and N64. The Capcom version appeals a lot more to people into modern titles, but Virgin's is way more appealing to people who are into arcades and all.

>> No.10564734

SNES Aladdin is for kids, Genesis Aladdin is for teens.

>> No.10564737

Kicking guards on them chin while swinging is more violent than the way the enemies magically pop as if they were bubbles when you hit them with the sword on virgin's game

>> No.10565135

How about Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow of Mystara ?

>> No.10565180

The Genesis version is superior. Bigger sprites and a sword makes a huge difference!

>> No.10565249

Don't people usually complain about big sprites nowadays?
Anyway big sprites or not, capcom's game just has more polished hit detection

>> No.10565297

Aladdin 2024.


>> No.10565308

Probably, but big sprites are always a plus in my book.

>> No.10565341

Of course it's superior.

>Better art style
>Better animation
>Better level design


>> No.10565739
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Because you didn't play anything but Resident Evil and Street Fighter?

>> No.10565750
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SNES Aladdin is how comfyfags imagined Aladdin, Genesis is how little boys imagined Aladdin.

>playing romhacks
You didn't play the game

>> No.10565754

>You didn't play the game

>> No.10565763

I feel like I had this set when I was a kid, and I didn't even enjoy Disney movies all that much.

>> No.10565776
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>Virgin Interactive went bust in 1998
Nah. Capcom were still crawling on their knees to Virgin to publish their games in the 2000s

>> No.10565780


>> No.10565781

Mega Man X/Zero and Monster Hunter are objectively better than all of your favorite games. Don't reply to me. Just cope and seethe in solitude where you belong.

>> No.10565787

NTA, Capcom has probably more of my top favorite games than any other dev. Company drones/fanboys are still pathetic worms.

>> No.10565798

I typically gravitate towards Genesis over SNES but I dunno how the fuck anyone who played both versions could think that. The Genesis version had great presentation but as a platformer it was ass to play with wonky hit detection and platforming that required you to land precisely or else you'd fall through the platforms. Doesn't help that even with irrefutable proof some dinguses will still try to defend the turd. Sorry kids but if you disagree then you're in the camp of graphics>gameplay in that case heh there's a board fit for you and it ain't here.

>> No.10565805

how do i play mother 1 on nes emulator without romhack and without kmowing jap?

>> No.10565808

kill yourself until you're reborn japanese

>> No.10565994

When people see the Genesis version and the SNES version, by nature they will like the Genesis version.

>> No.10566003

When people play the Genesis version and the SNES version, by nature they will like the SNES version.

>> No.10566603

Bought the SNES cart for my kids, never played the sega version but I have played Virgin's lion king on sega. If it's anywhere near as obtuse as the lions king should be an easy victory for SNES. It's a B-A tier SNES platformer.

>> No.10568376

I just can't get into the SNES soundtrack, the OST sounds like cheap Casio keyboard covers. The gameplay for both versions are fun, but the music is just not as pleasant to listen to on the SNES.

That said you can easily mute the game and play your own music, so there. I'd say both versions are worth playing as they both offer different gameplay experiences.

>> No.10568881

I wish Mikami directed more platformers

>> No.10568949

i played the pc version and highly enjoyed it. it came together with the lion king and mowgli