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10562315 No.10562315 [Reply] [Original]

Bring your repair/mod discussions and technical questions here. What are you working on?

Don't forget to add your knowledge to the wiki!

Many common problems can be remedied by cleaning the console, games, or controllers. Check out the cleaning guide before trying anything too drastic:

>Useful links

Previous thread: >>9038327

>> No.10562329

I want to 3d print a new front for a p2 famicom controller that includes start and select like p1 has. But I have zero fucking clue what to do about the metallic faceplate for it. It might just not be cost effective to get a metallic sticker or some sort of brass faceplate made for it.

>> No.10562367

eh idk if this is relevant, but you may want to look into pcbways printing services, they have da good printers.

>> No.10562802

If you have no clue then you don't have the knowledge, skills, or tools to do it. You'll want to find someone who does and get a price.

>> No.10562978
File: 633 KB, 1494x2656, xstation_20230321_022324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a xStation in a thread a bit back, it's amazing, loving it for 9 months now.
have a fuckin multimeter for connection continuity, a magnifying glass helps too, ama

>> No.10563009

Modding the cxa series chips by Sony seems interesting. Update to a cxa2075 which apparently has a wider color palette. Not sure if that would ruin the graphical look, Nintendo consoles used a similar chip to Playstation and Sega with different pinout. Most issues I have had seem to be the clock trim capacitor with ntsc clean output. Could probably use a sop to dip adapter for the Nintendo and just rewire pins

>> No.10563017

My buddy gave me his 7000 model ps1 from a garage sale find , I was gonna do an xstation on it but turns out the thing had a mod chip installed and after lubricating the spindle motor and cleaning the lenses it runs everything perfectly . maybe if this laser burns out or they come finally release mstation for a decent price

>> No.10563020

> Modding Sony
funny story, i had a PS1 9000 series model i got from a flea market in like 2008 for like a dollar or some dumb shit, but it's not the right one for the xStation.
i had to find a 5500x, went to local video express retro store joint they had the damn console in a pile of untesteds, paid 1.5 halves of a dollar for it, and before i gutted it w the xStation i put the 9000 spindle / CD mech whatever into the 5500x and it ran super fast and it was the thing.
my console is a high hour unit, the video is dark, but man does this thing spit out crash banjokazot and fine the thinggs

>> No.10563023

i'd crank that lazor pot up like 1/16ths of a turn, maybe 1/32s, it's a serious amount. for a skill issue that you don't have, unless you have a skill issue faggot. don't fry the thing fucko

>> No.10563027

I have a 9000 series, just run freepsx softmod off it and burnt cds. Runs fine. I had a 1000 series, tried to install dual oscillators but didn't have a 3.3v chip. So plugged in a 5v, smoked it. The cxa's are in all early consoles up to 5th gen. Not sure about 6th gen, Nintendo does it's usual weirdness by obscurity and puts BF series Chips that do the same thing but pins are different. Apparently you can swap them out with cxa2075's for much cleaner visuals on composite and s-video. Not sure about scart. But it might change color palette.

>> No.10563029
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My brother's clearing out a lot of consoles he has (gave me back my dreamcast and megadrive lol) and is offering me his playstation, and I've been looking into how to play games without the disks; How much work is this mod? Any regerts or 'It's great but...' ?

>> No.10563042

Just put some lithium grease on the rails and trim the laser pot. It's a lot harder on a ps2, I hate the ps2 out of all consoles to work on as it is full of ribbon cables that break as soon as you look at them. It has 2 pots and you need calibration software or an oscilloscope to get them right, easy to burn the diodes. For ps2, just get a harddrive and throw a 27ohm resistor on the fan cable as it runs full speed when the hard drive adapter is present. Not really a console I like, I think by yrj gen you are almost better going to PC as consoles lose uniqueness and just become underpowered pcs

>> No.10563045

6th gen

>> No.10563063

xstation is incompatible with 7000, I thought, or at least certain motherboard revisions that appear in 7000s.

>> No.10563070

You can get a PSIO from ali express but it is probably easier to just softmod the ps1 with freepsx and use burnt discs. PSIO works on 7000 series and below but I like my 9000 with it's revised, updated hardware and I play my older 4th and 3rd gen consoles more

>> No.10563148

The 2075 has wider bandwidth. Palette is a different thing. You shouldn't see any difference unless your connecting it to a source where it can make a difference. In reality, you'll probably see a noticeable difference, of lower quality, because you're following retarded instructions that do it wrong. It's also not quite the drop in replacement many make it out to be. Not a fun way to learn that there are many people on the internet pretending to understand things they really don't.
But it's a nice part, very easy to use, and is reliable and produces good results when used correctly.
I'll be sure to let the guy to meant to reply to know. lol

>> No.10563175

Thanks, I thought it might help my Mega Drive s-video mod but it seems like a waste of time outside of having no need for an external luma transistor. Talking about that, I removed the 75ohm impedance matching resistor and it seems to have improved the chroma signal. Pretty happy with it really, there's always scart if needed but it is nice to have an alternative for Sega that is not composite. I don't really care about the dithering effects, I just want to see the color bleeding gone.

>> No.10563189

>I'll be sure to let the guy to meant to reply to know. lol
thx bro. it's this guy:

>> No.10563618

Yeah that's the hard part. I can do all of the electronics and plastic, it's just the damn decal that's tripping me up. It looks like I would have to have them made in bulk and sell the remainder on ebay in some form. I wish I could go down to home depot and melt down some pennies in a machine and have it spit out a custom famicom faceplate

>> No.10563738

>Previous thread: >>9038327(Dead)
Crazy that the previous thread was 2 years ago. Wild. And checking the archive, most of these threads died after 2018. Insane it's been 6 years without repair culture.

>> No.10563751

I'm putting some weird version of N64rgb into a N64 this week. Some open source version by borti that some guy is selling. Also the N64 "turns on but has no video" so I'll probably be cleaning the fuck out of the pins. Then I have two broken controllers coming in that are gross as fuck to restore

>> No.10563850

Nothing wrong with using the part, as long as the mod is done right. The main problem is so many mods are shit. They insist on placing the chip on the board so use all sorts of half assed wiring and ignore the fact that the part uses massively more power potentially causing other problems. And often the end result is lower quality so I don't even know why they bother. Well, I do. Youtube.
A lot depends on the level of autism/authenticity/quality you want. Also on whether you can take the measurements and do the design. You can literally go down to home depot and pick up a sheet of brushed brash finish aluminum laminate. Cutting it will be your problem. You could also try vinyl, also available in brushed brash finish. You don't need a "giant laser" for that. Any shop with a vinyl cutter can cut that shit. There are also hobbyists who have all that shit in their garage.

>> No.10564579

if the console reads discs without skipping during FMVs just use a ps2 to flash a mem card with freepsxboot and burn games. xstations are tedious to install especially if you dont know how to solder.