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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 113 KB, 705x1000, Darkwatch NTSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10560509 No.10560509 [Reply] [Original]

>made in 2005
>Super detailed character models and large open environments
>In depth dismemberment system, can shoot individual limbs off and enemy will react uniquely dependent on limb
>Enemy AI will dodge certain weapons instead of mindlessly running at you
>Destructible environments when using explosive weapons
>Props such as lanterns react to your movement, swinging realistically when walked into
>between 15 - 20 enemies on screen during some battles whilst simultaneously not shitting the bed in framerates
for all intensive purposes this is a PS3 game running on PS2 hardware, it's pretty much the only game next to shadow of the colossus that should be impossible to run on the thing.

ITT: games that genuinely shouldn't be technically possible on their platforms.

>> No.10560517

Irregardless its the same difference and i literally could care less for all intensive purposes so you're point is mute per say

>> No.10560518

Lots of things that people declare as computationally expensive because they're frequently done on newer machines have cheaper, faster ways of being done and often aren't that expensive to do! Intelligently controlling for where resources are spent and knowing the capabilities of the machines they're running on can create environments that appear and feel very dynamic but are actually quite controlled.

>> No.10560523

either way it's still very impressive as a PS2 game, in certain ways it outperforms games released up to 2010

>> No.10560526

Escape from butcher bay, 2004

>> No.10560529

yeah, I was thinking about that one to.
draggable bodies with somewhat realistic physics was pretty mind blowing on the original xbox.

>> No.10560547

I agree, the era of shooters became all about more and more and while some games fumbled it (and darkwatch is not perfect) when it sticks the landing it sticks it well. Huge rooms with enemies in all corners and physics props littered all over is always a fun sight to behold.

>> No.10560557

makes a man wish modern AAA developers would favour physics and enemy counts over flashy graphics and intensive engines with all the computational power available with modern hardware.
somehow the industry never surpassed L4D2 on this front.
yes I know this isn't technically retro mods, promise I'll be good now.

>> No.10560568

Modern games do this stuff - even major AAA titles, but you're probably like me where you don't really play new stuff.

>> No.10560575

>you don't really play new stuff
ah for the most part, i can only really think of one recent example that favours the horde + physics approach but I'll keep it /vr/ related.

>> No.10560592

If they really weren't meant to be working on the platform, they wouldn't exist in the first place, all this really shows how complexly unoptimized everything has been for the last 10 years

>> No.10560627

hows the xbox version?

>> No.10560656

looks better and runs smoother from what I've seen of it

>> No.10561542

Literally just Halo for ps2
Never doubt Vin Diesel

>> No.10561550

>few enemies on screen
>tedious linear level design
>empty stages because of the said low level of enemies
It's more like the overrated Painkiller (I know, it's a PC game), it's much more impressive.

>> No.10562136 [DELETED] 
File: 3.26 MB, 653x491, 1704045956844579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me in 8th grade in 2005
>love the aesthetic of the game after renting it a couple of times from blockbuster
>halloween comes around and I make a Jericho Cross costume
>the hat kinda sucked but everything else was pretty cool
>go to local haunted house in a suburb with my friends
>house also has a spooky hayride that goes through the neighborhood with actors scaring the riders
>go on ride, laugh at the spooksters
>actor guy on the hay trailer says my costume is pretty cool and asks if I want to be one of the spooksters
>kinda excited, say yes and get paired up with this cute chick named Sarah
>we discuss our plan and decide that we'll come out from behind a bush with me holding her hostage, she breaks free and runs after the trailer, then I shoot at her with my capgun revolver and pretends to die
>we spend about an hour doing this, flirting in between rides
>I get her name, find out she goes to my school
>next school day after Halloween she comes up to my table at lunch and gives me a letter without saying anything
>I open it
>It's a love letter saying how safe she felt in my arms and how much she loved talking to me and spending time with me and how wanted to go on a date
>being an autist with many emotional problems, I am baffled by this because from my perspective I manhandled her while shouting I was going to kill her and I was just shooting the shit in between to kill time
>laugh in disbelief, think this is ridiculous and show my buddies
>look around for her, she's gone
>never talk to her again
>find out later in highschool what I did destroyed her heart and she became a huge nihilistic slut
>last I heard around 2012 she had a few kids from a couple of different guys and got fat
>im still single
Darkwatch was a pretty cool game. I think it survived on its strong aesthetic style and artwork more so than anything actually in the game. Still worth playing to kill a weekend though.

>> No.10562156

It has hot vampires gfs

>> No.10562748

gaylo ain't shit

>> No.10563745

sounds interesting.

>> No.10563923

I beat Darkwatch a few years ago and thought it was seriously difficult.

During that mission in the abandoned city with skeletons carrying explosive barrels I tried to shoot one and it dodged all my bullets then did a high jump and SLAM DUNKED the exploding barrel on me. I have never seen anything like that in similar games.

>> No.10563973


OP is absolutely right. But his misheard phrasing was very destructive to his case, lol.

>> No.10563976

too bad the studio was consumed by activision

>> No.10563979

This makes me wonder whether we will get modern games to be uber optimized to be ported to older consoles and exploit their hardware. Not demakes, mind you, but actual equivalents.

Sort of what the hackers at Sega did to create 3D out of sprites in the Saturn.

>> No.10564180

had a great sex scene for its time

>> No.10564190

If only it had good gameplay. They spent all their manpower on programming.

>> No.10565698
File: 1.50 MB, 471x479, 1642515325394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for all intensive purposes

>> No.10566010

>for all intents and purposes