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10560465 No.10560465 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody still play NetHack? I've been playing it a lot for the past few months, but mostly getting my ass kicked by stupid mistakes. For example, I just carelessly kicked this door and woke up practically the whole treasure zoo.

>> No.10560837

NetHack is THE game that can take a literal lifetime to beat if you don't read any spoilers.

>> No.10560914

I was always more of a Chip's Challenge kind of guy.

>> No.10561940
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I went in blind for a while, I started peeking once I kept getting filtered past the Oracle. Even with the wiki, it still is gonna kick your ass until you develop good habits and become absurdly paranoid.

>> No.10561947

i've ascended valkyrie priest and wizard, thinking i want one more before i move on to variants or angband or whatever. i'm early game with a tourist right now but it's tough

>> No.10561982

>play NetHack once
>start with a kitten
>quit because I didn't want it to die
I love cats too much for this game.

>> No.10561990

I really like NetHack. I have spoiled quite a few things but nothing too major. I looked up how strength, dual wielding, and transformation work. If I'm feeling confident I pick Healer or Archaeologist, but I mostly go for Valkyrie and try to really buff up and sacrifice a lot. Still haven't ascended.

>> No.10562010

I try DCSS sometimes.
Same, switched to dcss immediately.

>> No.10562083

Best game.

Even if you read spoilers, you will die.

>> No.10562292

I like playing a Healer, named Peace, that is pacifist (just buffing my cat/dog) until I find a priest to load up on cheap holy protection. I still haven't ascended with this strategy, but I've made it to the Quest

>> No.10562604

I remember taming pets then polymorphing them would often end up getting you a dragon pet that would wreck asshole

>> No.10562627

I did that once and got a baluchitherium, saddled it up, and rode all the way to the Quest boss, who killed me.

>> No.10563093

Out of every game I have played, this one has the best polymorph mechanics. Noita comes close, allowing you to turn into most any enemy, but restricts you from using wands or other player interactions with the world.

>> No.10563101

Not lately, but yeah. It's still the best roguelike hands down and nothing compares. It's simply a classic. I'm a little bit worried about the latest developments going into version 3.7 because it seems they started doing some muh game design and changed quite a few things, but mostly it still looks fine. Vocal minority amrchair "game designers" ruined DCSS for example.

>> No.10563213

>game called NetHack
>no Network
>no Hacking
>boring ass fantasy roguelike #25617

>> No.10563525

shut up zoomer

>> No.10564428

There's gridbugs and quantum mechanics. What more could you want?

>> No.10564454

Nethack is basically Roguelike #1

>> No.10564665

Well many people still prefer 3.4, on OpenBSD you can choose 3.4.3 or 3.6.

>> No.10564680

no, that's Hack

>> No.10564683

Same game really.

>> No.10565140
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>predates the internet and hacking

>> No.10565937
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>can neither net fish nor hack up the fish you catch

>> No.10567131

Favorite class? I like playing the Wizard the most, but after I ascended as that, I now usually play Healer or Priest. Sometimes Tourist when I'm feeling uncertain

>> No.10567745

IIRC you can edit the config file to start without a pet.

>> No.10567747

It's a version of Hack that is developed by a team that communicates and shares code over the Net.
You could have just read the fucking manual.

>> No.10568035

>There is , but you cannot any more.

>> No.10568190

Wizard was by far the most fun for me. Valkyrie was good too though, it's a simpler experience and the quest and artifacts were fun.

>> No.10570568
File: 125 KB, 1080x514, nethack monkey business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is kind of wild how you just eat corpses off the ground with no prep at all (unless you tin them)

>> No.10570979

finally a game about going keto

>> No.10571104

>play NetHack once
>start with a kitten
>press F to kill it
fuck pets

>> No.10571179

I played it over 10 years ago, took me 6 months to ascend a Rogue, even completely spoiled from the wiki.
I’d still say it’s probably the best videogame I’ve ever played, or at least top 5.

>> No.10571182

A lot of crawl changes were fine in a vacuum but having to relearn the meta if you don't play for 3 months is a bit insane

>> No.10571401

>and hacking

>> No.10571423

Every time I get the urge to play I suddenly remember how boring the last half of the game is and shove it out of my head. Wish they would do something about Gehennom instead of adding crap like orcish town.

>> No.10571445

They made it so Elbereth no longer works down there

>> No.10571626

Yeah, Nethack could really use some attention from an actual talented game designer. Things like boring mazes and summoning storms clogging up the map are really basic problems that should have been fixed long ago. But instead the "devs" would rather spend their time nerfing the one thing that makes the game's BS tolerable (Elbereth) which just goes to show that they're totally committed to going in the wrong direction with the project.

>> No.10571815

What do we think of this stuff?

>> No.10571856

well, it predates hacking and coughing after you've eaten a Tide pod on a dare

>> No.10572242

Just drop a Scroll of Scare Monster on the ground, you puss

>> No.10572306

>themed rooms
Looks fun. Will certainly add more flavor to the usual rectangular layouts
>New amulets
Fuckin' sweet
>New enemies
Genetic engineers look neat, but new dragons are ironically lackluster
>Amnesia nerf
I hated amnesia something fierce, although the original effect made perfect sense
>Unihorn nerf
A fair trade off for the former. Potions of stat restoration are more useful
>Mysterious force tapering
Perfect fix
>peaceful displacement
This is fantastic, although I disagree with disabling displacing them into traps. Even just adding a warning would be better
>Scroll of Scare Monster nerf
Looks like they're taking the name more literally. I think it's lame, but I get it
>Demon lord no-teleport change
Amazing change
>Bag of Holding explosion change
Another amazing change
>Monsters can now into containers
Big game changer. Will have to habitually load my chests with rocks and locks from now on.
>Summon Nasties nerf
Reasonable change
>Jubilex buff
Minor change, but reasonable
>Wand of Undead Turning buff (against you)
Hilarious. I love this one
>Killer Bees eating royal jelly to become queens in absence of one
>Rubbing royal jelly on eggs
Neat addition
>Peaceful Demon Lords becoming hostile when wielding Demonbane
Surprised this wasn't already the case
>Crystal ball buff
Very good change
>Hezrou stinky buff
Imagine the smell
>Candle buff
You too can wander the mines with a whole birthday cake (cake not included)
>Pets hesitant to eat polymorphing food
>Spellbooks can be applied to determine wear
Nice QoL
>Rare enlightenment from drinking LSD
Fuckin' sweet
>Shrieker can summon baby worms if too early for whole worm to be found
>Reading scroll of light while confused now summons tame, cancelled lights
Pretty funny
>Blessed scroll of teleportation lets you control teleport
Very good fix
>Wet towel buff
Don't forget to bring a towel
>Can't two-weapon launchers
Fuckin' lame
>anti-magic field buff
Now that's an interesting one

>> No.10572310

Well go fuck em up, pussy

>> No.10572313

I managed to kill the entire room (at least all the hostile ones). Got my anus scorched by a pyrolisk a few floors down.

>> No.10572325

I think it's lame that I can't play as a Dwarf/Gnome Priest. It seems like an unreasonable restriction.

>> No.10572671

Oh boo hoo it wasn't bladerunner dystopia slop #577855

>> No.10573984
File: 53 KB, 1907x969, btard misses the gray ooze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game references 4chan

>> No.10574235

Been trying out the mobile port since my computer psu is on the fritz and it works about as well as one could expect: clunky but doable. Keep dying of food poisoning though lol. Also got mogged by a gnome lord

>> No.10574238

Sorry for double posting, but anybody got any pro strats? This game is kinda daunting at first, but I can see an excellent game just beyond my current reach.

>> No.10574268

Just browse nethackwiki.com extensively and learn as you go.

>> No.10574274
File: 963 KB, 1820x1024, sc8cvw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i play nippon nethack cause it's funner, simpler, and not so much reading and item management.

>> No.10574324

just beat your head against it without help until you stop feeling like you're learning new things every time you play, and then move on to Tales of Maj'Eyal

>> No.10574416

Here are some of the basics:
1.Pick a simple class like Valkyrie or Samurai. They are strong classes that come with some armor, they're easy to use, and they aren't complex.
2. Your pet is very important. Protect your pet all the time. Your pet will level up and gain health if it kills enemies (you can check this stat using a stethoscope). This means it can save your ass in bad situations if you're smart. If your pet steps on an item like a weapon or armor, it is safe to use, which means it is not cursed and you can always unequip it. If your pet eats a corpse, it is also probably safe for you to eat. Also: You can use your pet to make a lot of money in shops. Your pet will go inside a store with you, pick something up, and then follow you outside. Make sure your pet drops the item outside. Pick it up and take it back to the store and sell it. Repeat this process several times until you're satisfied. Try to find spell books to sell because they can be worth a ton even if they're unidentified. You can also tame wild dogs and cats with tripe rations. Be careful not to leave your pet behind for too long, they can become wild.
3. If a group of enemies are chasing your ass, try to lead them down a corridor. That way they form a line and you can hit them first and manage them one at a time.
4. Always search instead of waiting. Searching means you could find a random door or trap and it raises your stats. Plus it uses a turn just like waiting, so if you need health and you're alone just keep searching until you have a good amount of health.
5. Don't be afraid to retreat. Run back the previous floor, gain health, and then go back down and kill your enemies.
6. Always carry some weapons you can throw. There are many enemies you don't want to get close to because they will steal an item (nymphs), lower your stats, rust your equipment, freeze you, or explode.
7. Find some armor, especially a helmet. You don't want your character to die from a falling rock trap.

>> No.10574495

>Monsters can now into containers

>place chest in small room with one entrance and put all my loot in it
>lock it
>engrave Elbereth under it
>lock door
>cast invisibility on door
>push boulder in front of it
So what you're saying is that my paranoia will pay off now?

>> No.10574496

That's why I don't play them.

>> No.10574509
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got you senpai

>> No.10574510

If you want to eat a corpse, do it IMMEDIATELY after it dies or it will give you food poisoning. Don't equip things until you have a way to determine their blessing/curse status.

>> No.10574514

Decker is super easy if you get the item that lets you print new hardware at the start and invest everything in "stealth" programs. Beat the game without a single battle.

>> No.10574602

he could be any one of us

>> No.10574609

How do I get my pet down a level?

>> No.10574615

Also, kobolds are poisonous

>> No.10574629

It has to be touching you when you go down or up.

>> No.10575098

Here's a few tips:
>Only eat fresh corpses. If your pet won't eat a corpse, it's most likely rotten, poisonous, or not in their diet (Lichen and lizard corpses never rot)
>Your pet will avoid stepping on tiles with cursed objects. Use this trick before welding a weapon to your hand
>If you feed your pet a treat (tripe or meatballs for cats/dogs) right after it drops something, it'll be more likely to fetch things for you
>Kicking doors is good exercise, even if you don't break them
>You can pick a lock with a dagger
>Shop prices can help partially identify objects
>Don't pick up any gray rocks unless you give them a kick first
>Avoid being burdened, especially when in combat
>Being stressed is good exercise, however
>If you're weak with hunger, sometimes you can fill your stomach with faith
>Only one potion works when applied, so this can be used to identify it

>> No.10575107

Elbereth doesn't do shit if you aren't standing on the square. A scroll of scare monster will do more to ease your paranoia, especially since dwarves tend to make their own doors

>> No.10575110

I like to wear an apron to make my stomach stronger

>> No.10575785
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>you kick a sink

>> No.10575802
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>> No.10577557
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>> No.10578136

*hacks have forever ruined all other games where you can't eat your enemies to gain intrinsics for me.

>> No.10579252 [DELETED] 

Uhh, I've played NH since I was a teen but haven't touched it now for 5+ years. I think last time I properly played it was in 2005 or something.
What is happening with the 3.7?
To be honest the game has been in a stagnated state for over a decade now.

>> No.10579471

>Even if you read spoilers, you will die
no shit it's a rogue clone

>> No.10579624

It's not meant to be played without spoilers and I don't think anyone has ever beaten it without spoiling themselves.

>> No.10579768

I vaguely recall playing Nethack as a kid. I'd usually just play as an archaeologist and just go tunnelling around at random with my pickaxe. Then I just kinda forgot about it.

Then at university a friend introduced me to ADOM, and all the memories came crashing back.
Every few years or so I'll fire ADOM up again and give it another go. After more than twenty years of half-assed attempts, I've just accepted that I'll probably never beat it.

>> No.10580749

Ah yes. Mystery Dungeon.

>> No.10581346

Nice pokemon knockoff

>> No.10581379

It's not even nethack at that point. It's just a dumbed down version with kiddie sprites. The imagination aspect of nethack and the amount of choices is a huge part of what makes it good. You take away the imagination and the context to supply your brain with information for imagining and it's just fucking like everything else. Every person imagines a different dungeon aesthetics, character, enemies, etc... now you can't do that because they are pre imagined artworks, thus cutting off a huge aspect of what makes ASCII roguelike so magical. Well at least for me.

>> No.10581381


>> No.10581780

My preferred way to play nethack is whatever I want. If I want it to have a certain aesthetic, then I can totally choose to do so.
Why are you so angry about how other people play a customizable game, anon? It's not like they're forcing it on you.