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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10555347 No.10555347 [Reply] [Original]

what game would you recommend to play for a beginner in all this retro stuff?

>> No.10555349

Super Mario World

>> No.10555353 [DELETED] 

None. Go outside or read a book.

>> No.10555356

Circus Charlie, Ice Climber and DK Jr

>> No.10555358

You should acquire MAME and spend a good week or two just playing as many arcade games as you possibly can.

>> No.10555359

Depends on what era appeals to you really

>> No.10555362
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If you're new then play whatever, you define your taste for yourself and anyone telling you what is or isn't worth playing only reflects their taste. Figure yourself out, get familiar with what you play, then come here for a discussion.

>> No.10555373
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>> No.10555374

Most of us grew up with these games anon, long before they were considered "retro". I started with Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Mega Man X, and the Sonic games. For others it was Contra or Castlevania.

What kinds of games do you like anon? Most modern titles were inspired by older games of the same style. Alternatively, you could try watching some classic Nintendo and SEGA commercials and see what interests you

There's also PS1 and more recently Xbox games, but most of us got our start in the 80's and early 90's

>> No.10555380

None? No one got into this stuff because they were enamored with the idea of playing old games. Through some circumstance they ended up playing a game that is now considered retro. Their subsequent enjoyment of that game led them to seek out other games with something in common with that. There is no condition that the game should be old or retro, that is purely incidental.

>> No.10555381
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Are you looking for yourself or for a friend? If it's the latter you could try buying them a Famiclone or a retro handheld, they will eventually find something to play on it

>> No.10555408 [DELETED] 

the most helpful reply i guess

>> No.10555493

Books aren't even that good,midwit
Do you have any previous preferences in games? RPGs, shooters, platformers, etc

>> No.10555629

I'm sorry you feel that way.

>> No.10555641

The original Super Mario Bros

>> No.10555651

fantasy zone

>> No.10555694
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In all seriousness, start with the Atari 2600 and git gut on those games if you want to have a chance at beating NES games with minimal pain, then onto easy stuff like Super Nintendo and Playstation 1.

>> No.10555698 [DELETED] 

Then what the fuck are you doing here, faggot?

>> No.10555732

Lands of Lore. Its a classic, very accessible and its totally free:

>> No.10555739
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>> No.10555759
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>> No.10556101

Super Mario AllStars

>> No.10556103

Kirby's a great start for beginners.

>> No.10556550

I'd recommend downloading a snes emulator, a zip of all the games and then search every SNES box art in alpha. Find which one looks cool, then play it on your emulator.
>You'll realize two things
You can't trust retro box art
There are like 7 types of SNES games

>> No.10556557
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Start at the beginning

>> No.10556572

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.
Get a coffee, or you're preferred beverage and watch some TV or whatever while you play it.
It's very easy and if you just learn the weapon and enemy types and weaknesses (it's a bit like pokemon that way) you'll be fine.

Very, very easy and it was developed deliberately to be so. Very good sound track.

>> No.10556592

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

>> No.10556594
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>> No.10556753

You're talking about the foundational games in just about every genre, many of which don't exist today in any real form because modern gamers suffer from crippling ADHD or refuse to play games that don't control or play like games they're already familiar with.

If you want my recommendations for ones I think are good and easy to get into, maybe try the popular 16 bit platformers. Sonic 2, Super Mario World, Megaman X, Super Metroid or Super Castlevania 4 might be good starts but frankly there's so many good games and so many good genres that no one could hope to give you a good list.

>> No.10556772

came here to post this. here it is first post. op, check it out. one of the best retro games ever and still plays perfectly. i play it every year

>> No.10556794

>all this retro stuff?
That's incredibly vague. "Retro" isn't a genre. Maybe just stick to Roblox, kiddo.

>> No.10556813

and yet we figured it out. take another blood pressure pill. chill

>> No.10556821

>which old game should I play
literally way way too broad. I would say play whatever are the classics in genres you already like. This is what I did with JRPGs and racing games

>> No.10557206


kek faggot

>> No.10557241

Give this a whirl.

>> No.10557269

you must be fun to be around

>> No.10557312

Ill just puke random gems.
Megaman X
Donkey Kong Country
Sim Ant
Mutant League Football
Solar Jetman
Bubble Bobble
Twisted Metal
Lost Vikings
Wizards & Warriors
Maniac Mansion
Theme Park
Jumping Flash
Suikoden 2
Chrono trigger
Super mario RPG
Guantlet Legends
Perfect Dark
Jedi Power Battles
Return Fire
Parasite Eve
Command & Conquer Red Alert
Unreal Tournament
Warcraft 2

>> No.10557331

SMW; this was already mentioned. Then, try Castlevania to get an idea of what to expect from a harder game.
Underrated. It's both simple and useful for an understanding of old games, maybe try it at some point.
This is it. The ultimate entry: intro pack edition. After that then...idk. You could look at a list of popular titles or something, go for any rec here that seems good not just for an intro. Mega Man X/alttp.?

>> No.10557346

Super Mario Bros
The Legend of Zelda

The Secret of Monkey Island

Remember to read the manuals.

>> No.10557351

Oh, maybe screw around with some arcade games too. Like Pac-Man and Galaga. You just keep playing them and trying to get higher scores.

>> No.10557360

I wouldn't recommend them anything, I'd listen to what they had to say, and that's what no one did

>> No.10557362


>> No.10557368

Watch old cringey youtube reviews from millenials when they were 20 and their dicks still worked. Unironically. It just gets you an idea on certain games, their reputation, etc.
Check the emulation wiki and pick one.
They would slobber on the NES back then but I think the SNES is much more approachable.
Everything else depends on what kind of game you want, if you want something arcadey, platformers, longer adventures that expect your attention.

>> No.10557383
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>All console games
Gonna give you a reminder that PC games are superior
All free, give it a shot. Dont give in just yet to bad influence

>> No.10557479

Play Ocarina of Time, and only Ocarina of Time. Why would you play anything but the best game ever?

>> No.10557515

Depends on how far back you want to go and what platforms to play on. I have three recommendations worth trying out which are earlier on the scale and some thoughts about other poster’s suggestions.

Xevious (Arcade or NES) is a foundational overhead arcade shooter, a definite must play!

Kirby’s Adventure on NES is a good place to start for 2D side scrollers, the difficulty is manageable, graphics amazing for NES and it is pure pleasure to play.

Lastly Donkey Kong on Game Boy, the first four levels are directly from the original Arcade title followed by 90 something other levels of growing complexity.

I second Super Mario World, I reckon dip your toes into Super Mario Bros. just for reference’s sake.

In terms of where to start with Zelda, I recommend Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening for classic 2D overhead or Ocarina of Time as a foundational 3D work that holds up in 2023, makes sense to play Super Mario 64 beforehand.

>> No.10557626

makes more sense to just start at snes and ps1 and go backwards to garbage like atari if he is interested in how bad games used to be

>> No.10557670

That reminds me, I have to call my local gamestop

>> No.10557771

I mostly play console games, but this anon has a point, there are countless great games on PC too. Try every kind of platform if you can; if you're using emulators and piracy, almost anything can be played today.

>> No.10557782

PC games:
Ultima, Duke nukem, Age of Empires, System shock, Deux Ex, Thief, Planescape torment, Neverwinter, Commandos, NFS, Populous, Heretic

>> No.10557790

Is that the sequel to McKids? Cause that game was hella tight! There were like 4 crunk levels, maybe even 5!

>> No.10557809

It is funny how there is a near zero number of sandbox games for console. It is also funny how Doom became truly great, becoming a sandbox game. Building stuff is a lot more fun than linear, mario, linear zelda, linear final fantasy.

>> No.10559072
File: 31 KB, 220x192, Legend_of_Zelda_NES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero number of sandbox games for console-ACK!
Zelda 1 did sandbox before gta. You can walk the whole overworld at the beginning of the game.

>> No.10559863

i know it sounds weird but people used to just see a video game they think looks cool and play it. so i guess my recommendation would be just try whatever interests you.

>> No.10559895

if they're not a total bumpkin, they could just go to an arcade and quickly learn most arcade games suck

there's several near me, three of them freeplay so i can get bored faster and leave early for a hookup

>> No.10559938

this is true. if renting a game, you would look at covers and maybe you knew from a magazine review but nobody could tell you what star fox played like. you see a talking fox in a space flight jumpsuit, you buy it

>> No.10559945

Super Mario Land 2

>> No.10559970

I mean, normally as a person who has played one or other thing you go with what looks cool. but the OP is asking for games to someone who never played a game before, like ever. Can such an individual even tell what looks cool? Is cool a concept for this theoretical individual who does not know video games. They're unaware of Mario and Sonic just as a person in the color room thought experiment is unaware of blue or red. Adding injury to insult, game covers and mags are gone. How is one even to get them? Is it possible for them to use the same method? Does such a person have interests of their own?!

>> No.10560602

Get good.

>> No.10561760

>PC games are superior
what are you smoking?

>> No.10561778

Castlevania series, Crash Bandicoot series, Donkey Kong series, Resident Evil series, Mega Man series, Metal Gear series, Pokemon series, Final Fantasy series, Zelda series, Sonic series, Street Fighter series, Monkey Island series, Tony Hawk's series, etc etc

>> No.10561792
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>> No.10561808

>They're unaware of Mario and Sonic just as a person in the color room thought experiment is unaware of blue or red.
even people who don’t play games kniw who sonic and mario are, you crackhead

>> No.10561905

They know Mario is a mascot, yes. In the sense a reclusive may have heard the name of a famous celebrity but not looked further.
Do they know what a platformer is? Do they have an opinion on it? Does it appeal to them more or less than Sonic? Therein is a question of great philosophical import. If they have not played a single level of their game, can they be said to 'know' Mario at all?
Here we once again call back to the thought experiment. A person in the black-white room knows about blue but do they 'know' blue?