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10550932 No.10550932 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the best game in the franchise. Frontier 1 comes close, but this one is perfect.

>> No.10550979

ive only played it as ff legend 2 but yeah its based. probably my fave 8bit rpg

>> No.10550987

final fantasy legend 2 is the only video game I acknowledge

>> No.10551256

what classes do you guys use? i kinda wanna do an all monster run just for the hell of it

>> No.10551893

I like Human Female, Mutant Female, 1 Baby-D, and my Robot, Megaman X.

>> No.10551897

Is it really better than the SNES ones? I kind of thought about playing it, but it obviously looks a bit rough, that crammed res feels weird for an RPG.

>> No.10551898

No, but it has something the SNES games don't have which is different races that develop differently. Otherwise I find Romancing SaGa 2 easily trouncing it, and pretty much other RPGs that generation. SaGa Frontier is better as well since it has the racial aspects, has a bunch of short routes, and incorporates a bit of the Romancing games into it with being able to go anywhere.

Minstrel Song overall is my favorite game in the franchise. The games in the series are stellar so you can't go wrong playing most entries.

>> No.10551903

Out of the SNES ones, I like Romancing SaGA 1 the most. 2 and 3 are cool but for some reason I get bored of those 2 games and end up dropping them.

>> No.10551928

I liked the DS remakes.

>> No.10553447

3 human females and a monster for me to self-insert as

>> No.10553453

absolutely patrician

>> No.10553584

you selfinsert as a creature whose gender is unknown? you're weird, mang

>> No.10553621

Yeah it’s good I played a lot of it as a kid and im actually replaying it casually right now
It’s really short which is acceptable for a GB title and the ability to save anywhere is brilliant for a handheld title that predates sleep mode
It’s pretty jank though I still can’t get over how turning on the game or opening a menu counts as an “action” to trigger an encounter

But it’s definitely a game with top 10 DAD of all time

>> No.10554867

I've played Final Fantasy Legend 1 & 2 countless times, but I've never quite had it in me to jump into one of the other SaGa games. Final Fantasy Legend 2 was the second RPG I ever played. (first was Mario RPG) Since I had it when I was a kid, I had the time and patience to learn the various quirks of the games all on my own. It made them something special to return to over and over. A few things I worked out on my own:

- In FFL1, it's only hard to level up humans in the 1st world. By the 2nd world, buying strength and agility potions is fairly cheap.

- No one believes me but I swear to fucking god on original hardware your mutants level up different depending on what party position they're in.

- You can avoid random battles by saving often. If that fails, resetting often will do it for you.

- Most of the large group fights can be safely avoided.

In any case, I worry that the future SaGa games would have even more complex and obtuse mechanics, but I wouldn't really have the free time of a child to learn them. They would just be a slog.

>> No.10556067

>I worry that the future SaGa games would have even more complex and obtuse mechanics,
I don't think it will ever get as obtuse as Unlimited SaGa. I love the music and the art direction, but I just can't figure out how to properly play the game

>> No.10556105

Are they worth playing today?
What are the best classes, and what are the points of monsters/robots?
t. only beat Frontier 1 & 2

>> No.10556218

Robot + Agility = 80% of the game BTFO. And you only need one robot in your team too.
I'd say they're worth playing today

>> No.10556223

Even though it's divisive I consider Romancing SaGa 2 to be the definitive SaGa game.

>> No.10556245

At a high level, they're just different methods of character growth. Each weapon / armor in the game adds to a robot's stats, and so you can define and reinvent a robot character many times throughout a single playthrough. If you understand the mechanics, the robot characters can be very overpowered quite easily. For monsters, they become whole new monsters by eating the meat of fallen enemies. Although it is possible to game the system, for anyone playing without a guide, the monster growth is very random. This is intended, and it's meant to be a random character who's usefulness is somewhat out of your control.

The original Final Fantasy Legend 2 manual suggests that new players make one character of each class (human, mutant, monster, robot) to get experience with each class, and I think this is good advice for a "normal" playthrough.

>> No.10556461

Thank you both. This looks interesting.
I'll try it after my exams.

>> No.10556470

4 Robots are probably the best party. After all you have infinite healing for free by reequipping the parts.

>> No.10556479

Each game is about 12 hours long. They're my favorite Gameboy RPGs.

>> No.10556487

Whenever I'm up for a really quick playthrough I use 4 robots and only equip found weapons / armor -- no buying, no grinding. The final battle can be a bit of an RNG-fest, but this is the quickest way through the game without legitimately speed-running.

>> No.10556497

Worth noting as well: since human & mutant growth is based on what items you use, it matters much more than your early-game humans have the right items (agl / str) rather than that they have the _best_ weapons. In other words, you might want to put the best weapons you find your robot to make him overpowered, and just keep the basic stuff on your humans until the late game, and only keep weapons / items that help them with their stat growth.

>> No.10559134

Redpill me on this series

>> No.10559159
File: 401 KB, 1915x1078, SaGa Frontier_2021-04-23-18-34-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An experimental series. This can be said in so many aspects. In Final Fantasy Legend I, II, and SaGa Frontier there are different races with varying growth mechanics. From the standard doing actions will make you better at them to consuming monster meat and morphing into other monsters with their own stats, skills, weaknesses and resistances. To introducing sparking/glimmers which us when you learn skills in the heat of battle. Then progression, not many being linear and many giving you the world to get lost in. Then many entries having multiple protagonists you can pick from that have their own back stories and start from other places in the world.

There's nothing else like it.

>> No.10559179

Have you ever played Final Fantasy II? The Japanese one, not the American one. Basically, it's what happens if Square gives the guy behind that game his own series to do whatever the fuck he wants with. They're filled with really unorthadox mechanics, especially for the time. The mechanics aren't always "balanced", per se, but they're interesting.

Unlimited SaGa is probably THE most experimental JRPG ever made. It's really fucking weird.

>> No.10559316

I played FFL1 this summer after playing Saga Frontier and loving it, and I think it was worth it. It's a breezy little GameBoy RPG with that nice SaGa weirdness and a bunch of interconnected vignettes (but with levels of a tower instead of different heroes). I had a good time with it. My one complaint is that the random encounter rate was a bit high for my tastes nowadays, but I got used to it

>> No.10559338
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SaGa memes peaked here

>> No.10559517
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Imagine the world of Flash Gordon circa 1980 as a jrpg

>> No.10561324
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>> No.10562371

>Human Male (me)
>Human and Elf females (my gfs)
>monster (our pet)
oh yeah, its gamin time

>> No.10562401
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>when it switches from the boss theme to the normal battle theme to the proper final boss theme
10/10 would get nuked again

>> No.10562772

SaGa my balls

>> No.10563412

>Human Female: My wife
>Mutant Female: My Mistress
>Monster: My Dick (me)
>Robot: Meganman X, my fren
yea i'm thinkin' it's time to game