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10539983 No.10539983 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if Chaos absorbed the Super Emeralds?

>> No.10539995

why does this board have so many threads for some dumb mediocre platformer

>> No.10540003

Because Mario is the most talked about Italian plumber

>> No.10540025

the Sonic timeline would split along 3 different paths

>> No.10540478

it already did that

>> No.10540589


>> No.10540595

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.10540610

The real question is: Would it have saved the saturn from the Great Demon Kings Soo'ni and Ninten'do?

>> No.10540616

>Super Emeralds
not canon

>> No.10540756

he would go too very far

>> No.10541072

God, I love his design here.
He's so aesthetically pleasing...

>> No.10541097

Knowing japs I'm 99% sure he would acquire sombrero and some maracas.

>> No.10541967
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They were literally in the flashback scene.

>> No.10541992


>> No.10542027
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>> No.10542028

shut up Flynn

>> No.10542070

He's a big guy.

>> No.10542071

Sonic Adventure isn't canon.

>> No.10543670

ur mum's not canon

>> No.10543681

Mario isn't talked about at all. It's such a bland character there is neither the will nor material for any kind of discussion. If anyone tells you Mario is his favourite character you can be sure it's a negative IQ plebeian.

>> No.10545286


>> No.10545301

It would've saved the Saturn

>> No.10545607

Sonic Adventure is the actual Sonic 4, zooms.

>> No.10545931

No, it's not.

>> No.10546743

mustard gas

>> No.10548473


>> No.10548786


>> No.10548814

Probably a shitty cutscene

>> No.10548828

What would happen if Sonic shoved the emeralds up his own ass? Is this already the plot of a Sonic fanfic?

>> No.10548840

they retconed the regular emeralds being a thing and now the super emeralds are just the regular and only emeralds

>> No.10548847

where do you think they put them when he puts them on his "pocket"?

>> No.10548856

it wouldve saved the dreamcast and made nintendo drop out of the console race before the wii came out and then sega would've made a 7th gen console with [hyperspecific wishlist of games tailored specifically for me] that wouldve BTFO the xbox 360 and ps3

>> No.10548876

We could all be Segachads right now on the latest Sega console with several flash-in-the-pan expensive addons if only Sonic would have shoved emeralds up his own ass.

>> No.10548885

its a shame

>> No.10550636

stay mad about it, tendie.

>> No.10551324

>Tails blowing out random apartment windows with the wind pressure from his propeller tails.

>> No.10551340

I had figured the Super Emeralds were just a temporary upgrade from being so close to the Master Emerald (seen in S3&K and then in SA1), and they returned to normal size and power once they were scattered again.

>> No.10551345


>> No.10551360

>Chaos Emeralds = Perfect Chaos
>Super Emeralds = Super Perfect Chaos
Makes sense.

>> No.10553002
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So you'd post in them indignantly, duh.

>> No.10553098

it would be extremely painful

>> No.10553116

You can get them in s3&k, moron.

>> No.10553123

>Chaos Emeralds = Perfect Chaos
>Super Emeralds = Perfect Super

>> No.10554275

Do Super Emeralds even have negative energies he could draw from?
All they can do is turn things hyper.
And I'm still not sure if hyper is all that much more powerful than super.

>> No.10554281


sonic is unironically a nintendo franchise now

>> No.10554965

why wouldnt they have negative energy?

>> No.10555045

no, he just has an overlap in his fanbase because hes a mascot platformer.

>> No.10555148
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Sonic is a true multiplat whore. Colors is best on the Wii, Unleashed and Generations are best on the Xbox Series X of all things, and everything else is mishmashed all over the place. But none of that is /vr/ so I am obligated to say that if Chaos were to have access to the Super Emeralds he would probably shove them up his own ass.

>> No.10555178

>wind pressure
Yeah… wind pressure.

>> No.10555336
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