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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 52 KB, 267x373, MorrowindCOVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10538382 No.10538382 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post a game that you’ve had trouble getting into and have dropped in the past.

Others will either vouch for it and why you should give it another chance, or tell you that you were right and it does suck.

>> No.10538389 [DELETED] 

Oh boy more shitpost bait! Either make a thread that can actually generate adult discussion instead of shitflinging or go back to your first thread if you want to keep crying about Morrowind: >>10534237

>> No.10538393 [DELETED] 

>says to make a thread for discussion (which I just did) instead of shit-flinging (which you just did)

Wow, you don’t see many posts that get reality exactly backwards. For the record, I’m not the guy who posted that other thread and I would actually like to be convinced to try Morrowind again. I know you won’t believe me, so let’s just skip your response.

>> No.10538462
File: 16 KB, 283x351, IMG_0073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this up and dropped it a few times. Really tried to like this but IMO the gameplay just doesn't feel as good as its contemporaries like Thief or Half Life or System Shock 2 (with mods). I'm sure theres tons of mods for Deus Ex gameplay but idk if its worth it

>> No.10538467 [DELETED] 

Even if you're given the benefit of the doubt you must be new to not realize
>or tell you that you were right and it does suck
is going to be what most /vr/ posters are going to want to do. This board is nothing but contrarians calling every game shit.
And if you want to be convinced to try Morrowind again you need to be specific about what's filtering you. Are you lost? Missing all your attacks? Don't understand the skill system?

>> No.10538469
File: 56 KB, 350x256, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Majora's_Mask_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely detested the time mechanic in this game and the whole idea of reliving the same 3 days over and over again. Coming from Ocarina of Time which just laid out a fully fleshed out open world for you to explore at your leisure, then going to MM which felt like a cheap rom hack and being stuck in a much smaller sandbox that never allowed you to take your time and soak anything up was jarring as hell.

Of course a lot of people love this game to death, and having barely played 3 hours of it I do think its possible I jumped ship too early before wrapping my head around its mechanics. Some would say I was filtered, but compared to OoT those mechanics were outright offensive and had no appeal whatsoever if you went into it expecting grimdark OoT.

I remember when I first played this, I had no idea it would become one of my favorite games. The character models are ugly, you run slow as hell, the animations are stiff, and I had no idea how anything worked. Its a miracle that I continued to play after my first experience with it because it had very little going for it.

I'm not gonna go into great detail why I went on to love the game, but I will say in a nutshell it has much of the same appeal as Oblivion and Skyrim, but is much much shittier from a tech and gameplay perspective, but much better in terms of the depth and complexity of character building, skills, magic, etc. And it doesn't hold your hand or convenience you in many ways which makes exploration more fulfilling but also more tedious. I believe enjoying it is a matter of whether or not you can look past how primitive and dated it is to enjoy its depth and its world, much like the first Deus Ex game.

>> No.10538472

what are you havin trouble with?
i can probably help i been playing this and daggerfall a ton recently

>> No.10538476

There's a song that slows down time so you can stretch those 3 days out more, and time freezes when you're in dungeons so it's not like the important parts will be interrupted. I hated the idea as a kid too but after playing it as an adult it lives up to the hype once you get used to it. There will be tedious moments when you have to redo shit, though. My biggest complaint with the game is how few dungeons there are. Just learn the time songs ASAP and get the bunny hood so you can run faster everywhere.

>> No.10538479

if you didnt get into any of the later main dungeons, but liked OoT, then you should give it a go. its definitely the best 3D zelda dungeons
and remember you can get the slow down time song as soon as you get the go back in time song

>and time freezes when you're in dungeons
thats probably a 3DS thing. idk never played that one
time definitely progresses still on N64. its very slow though

>> No.10538483

second part was for >>10538476
idk why it didnt quote

>> No.10538487

Shit I'm retarded. I haven't even played the 3DS version. I guess I was just lucky and never had time run out in a dungeon.

>> No.10538492
File: 54 KB, 250x359, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_1_Genesis_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me years to finally realize and admit that I don't like this game. I think in a way I felt like I had to like it because its fucking SONIC! But after forcing myself through 2 and going back to this for the 50th time before dropping it yet again I now know that I just don't like the gameplay. The whole gimmick to sonic is going fast, but you can't really do that until you memorize the levels well enough, remove the speed aspect and you have a mediocre but pretty platformer.

I can see how you would like it once you master it, but its not like Megaman where the memorization/trial and error process is enjoyable because of fun gameplay with many different offensive options.

>> No.10538497

>The whole gimmick to sonic is going fast, but you can't really do that until you memorize the levels well enough
I've always hated that Sonic games are about speed but full of constant shit to stop you from moving. And not even just enemies and obstacles. Walls, bumps, springs, all kinds of awkward shit placed in levels will just instantly hammer Sonic's momentum to 0 and it feels like shit to play. Sure if you go nuts and play them a ton and memorize the levels and shit you can go fast but if I'm going to speedrun something it'll be a game I actually enjoy, not a game where learning to speedrun is a requirement to enjoyment.

>> No.10538498
File: 81 KB, 640x414, 640px-Nethack_releasing_a_djinni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to get into Nethack for a while, but I just haven't had enough time to just sit down and play it.

>> No.10538504
File: 178 KB, 637x318, tfw skooma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here opie have some home-cooked recipes
i posted it as a xmas present for the zoomers earlier but i guess my potions were too strong for them or something
if youre getting fucked real hard early on, try lube. the ingredients are cheap/free and littered around seyda neen and the ascadian isles

restores health + fatigue and gives feather
apply liberally when getting fucked

>kresh fiber
>corkbulb root
>guar hide
fortify PER and LCK
bug musk btfo

caster oil
>ash yam
>dreugh wax
fortify STR, INT and WIL

>shalk resin
restore fatigue + fortify SPD
infinite super sprint

>ash yam
>dreugh wax
>sload soap
>fire salts
fortify STR and AGI and gives fire shield

>> No.10538507

I can fully agree with this for the first 2 games. Sonic 3 fixed a lot of that though in my opinion; definitely my favorite in the genesis library.

>> No.10538509
File: 116 KB, 568x552, 1580338998961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even oldschool Morrowind fans often overlook how busted and fun Alchemy is. Morrowind truly is an Alchemists' game.

>> No.10538523

well you dont HAVE to drink 20 of em
its just fun

but the lube one doesnt feel too exploit-y if youre not pre-buffing INT like some NERD
and even if you just combine stoneflower and kresh you can make knock-off cheap perfume think fat black lady in pajamas and a shower cap in line at dollar tree buying jolly ranchers on foodstamps, but as a fragrance and disposition check out of like half the sidequests in the game if you want

>> No.10538529
File: 77 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one’s a little different. I actually have played through the first half and I loved it, but after that, for me, it fell off a cliff.

I had made sort of a stealth/charisma characters and loved sneaking around and cleverly completing quests, but at a certain point I got forced into too many fights that I had no chance of beating and the game turned way more combat-focused. I think this is bullshit because I should be able to play the game with the build I want and circumvent the combat if certain skills are high enough.

Should I give it another go (this October) with a build that can fight? What build allows you to have the most enjoyable experience from beginning to end? Or is the second half a slog no matter what?

>> No.10538536
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>> No.10538543
File: 19 KB, 220x307, SOTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly overhype trash

>> No.10538554

>but after that, for me, it fell off a cliff
lol thats not just you
the back half is kind of a disaster.
they tried their best lol. they ran out of time and went tits up because of it
such cases

>Or is the second half a slog no matter what?
um idk try tremere and go full on into blood magic and ranged weapons. thats like the most stupidly op build i ever played and you still have the domination speech options to non-lethal or sometimes not lol through some stuff
i think the biggest issue, other than the game being essentially unfinished/broken, is that the first half makes you think you can ez speech check or at worst whack a guy with an axe to solve literally any problem. while the second half is heavy combat and if you dont have some range or crowd control youll get raped

remember money is basically worthless so as a blood mage you should always stay stocked on blood. and might as well make sure to top off ammo. help ur boy larry out and hell hook it up

>> No.10538558

Yeah I've heard about the song that slows time and whatnot, but as a whole the time/groundhog day mechanics in the game are what largely define it. Each Zelda game has it own gimmick or mechanic that makes it unique, but MM easily has one of the most extreme because of how every second of the game revolves around it, as opposed to something like Twilight Princess which is basically OoT with a wolf mechanic.

I think me getting into it will depend on me simply accepting that MM is fundamentally different from most Zelda games. What I did was basically like playing Final Fantasy Tactics expecting another FF7/8/9.

>> No.10538565

I loved this game the first time I played it but it feels shitter every time I try to play it again.

>> No.10538605

while i can get why someone would like morrowind for multiple reasons i always felt it was the most boring of the modern TES games.

>inb4 "muh specific cheese builds or exploitable mechanics"
looking up builds is no different than using a guide/walkthrough and saying a game is good because of glitches/exploits is like saying a game is good because it has a dev console or game genie support. it's just cheating with extra steps.

>> No.10538607
File: 12 KB, 189x267, DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell thought that the thirst meter was a good idea? That outright killed whatever fun I could have in this game.

>> No.10538735
File: 387 KB, 1600x900, minthia the harlot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biggest thing working against MW in the modern day isnt even outdated mechanics anymore. those can be easily modded out, or fixed up/tweaked in a variety of ways to taste. no the biggest issue is that most peoples only interaction with it is from low-effort youtube vids where they go
and then proceed to spend 10 minutes swiping at air cuz theyre out of fatigue and are lvl 1 with a weapon skill of 10
or theyll be even worse and suggest doing the fucking soultrap permanent attribute bonus glitch after getting to balmora. talk about the most boring way to go about it

the core fun of MW imo is the power curve. you start out way behind the 8ball, and then eventually it flattens out until BOOM youre crushing everything. if you take that out of it, what do you have? some cool books? bad gfx?
the answer, for all TES games, is shitty gimped characters and a hardline dedication to actually playing a role. keep yourself just behind that curve as you can for as long as possible.

different game, but i made this character in DF (picrel). i added the new bards guild and red lantern prostitutes guild essentially guild mods, then joined those and the thieves guild. i actually can only really level up from OUTSIDE of dungeons, which has been a really interesting way to play
most fun ive ever had in DF ever.

>> No.10538862
File: 995 KB, 744x733, 078078978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want retards to play MM, though

This thread is dumb. I WANT faggots to get filtered by the games I like

>> No.10538868

I sure love flame war threads

>> No.10538882
File: 281 KB, 1212x1497, IMG_3215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have started this game over like 5 times since I bought it on Steam several years ago, but after the first couple of story missions I completely lose interest, drop it, and forget about it indefinitely.

The setting is novel and interesting but playing the game feels like shit for some reason. Is there something I’m missing here? Does it get better after a certain point?

>> No.10538978

You sound like a fag.

>> No.10539201

Sonic 1 is under an hour long, you are supposed to enjoy replaying it and getting faster and more efficient each time. The physics engine and huge, multi routed levels give it an element of strategy and skill ceiling far beyond most other platformers.

Think of trying to improve your routes and time in Sonic as akin to trying to improve your score in Pac Man. Do you complain that Pac-Man only has one maze that repeats after a few minutes? No, because you understand that the depth comes from gaining mastery and doing better each time. The reason for the Chaos Emeralds and why you're told to "Try Again" if you don't get them all is to reinforce this concept.

>> No.10539209

Literally the only filtering element in Morrowind is that people want to pretend it has twitch combat when in reality it's a stat-based combat system in a real-time skin. If you just think of it like any other RPG like Ys where combat is actually about your current stats, vitals, and equipment instead of the player's reflexes, you'll be fine

>> No.10539219

Maybe this is cheating because it's an ongoing series, but I just want to like it so much but I can't.

It feels like it's trapped in this space between being a arcade-like game where you just roll with mistakes, and a game where you want to reset constantly and min-max your units. It can't commit to either style and so both halves suffer.

>> No.10539225
File: 236 KB, 1135x704, fire-emblem-lords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10539229

Time doesn't freeze in dungeons the fuck are you talking about retard?

>> No.10539231

most of them. i'm not good at video games

>> No.10539246

You have to be an unironic child to think Morrowind is more boring than the themepark rides for retards Bethesda released afterwards.

>> No.10539250

Learn to read replies newfag.

>> No.10539280

Time doesn't freeze in the 3DS version either it's just straight up misinfo

>> No.10539561

It takes me 6 hours for sonic 1...

>> No.10539594

not really TES lore is like DnD lore. it's nice that it exists but the advent of UGC makes it not really important and TES lore as presented by lorefags & kirkbride tries too hard to be weird and abstract or otherwise alien while almost every other game in the series barely acknowledges it in a meaningful way.

>inb4 b-but muh ingame books
which is generally contradicted by what's depicted in gameplay and on the topic of gameplay guys like >>10538735 & >>10538504 pretty much illustrate why it's boring. you might as well just be using the dev console for everything at that point.

>> No.10539858

I dig Bully but no you aren't missing anything. If you don't like the first few hours you won't like the rest of it.

>> No.10539873

What a negatively shit response. The lore in tes is very good, it's got the perfect amount of emulation of real religions mixed in with their own stuff. It's about as weird or obtuse as any religion or cultures origin stories. It's also fleshed out well with the aedra and deadrea, mundas, oblivion, akatosh,etc.. idk wtf your smoking but all tes games are filled with the lore, not just the books which gives insight into things the games literally can't cover. But, the calendar, dates, cultural enrichment of each region is plain to see and each game is vastly different in visual cues, because the lore of tamriel dictates each region. Morrowind is not like cyrodiil, is not like Skyrim. I think you might be retarded.

>> No.10539942
File: 36 KB, 480x270, apps.2234.13991296281172164.911bd54e-5f10-4b33-9849-cdf702cd4309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not bad, just brutal. I always end up dead in the middle of the desert because of giant scorpions.

>> No.10540230

you use the console to stay BEHIND the power curve?
try reading faggot. no wonder the 2-page in-game books are too hard for you

>> No.10540236

try giving yourself some extra luck (changes random encounters) and get dogmeat as early as you can

>> No.10540591

I never dropped Morrowind, but I never completed it, nor did I even want to. Fuck the main quest, you can't force me to fight my nigga Dagoth Ur. I did accidentally kill his brother though, guy was just hanging out in a cave and I slaughtered him. Dagoth probably won't like that, but it's not my fault.

>> No.10540735

just get past the first level, it's a well-known filter

>> No.10540989
File: 133 KB, 268x371, CoC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I had a similar experience with this one. The beginning is creepy and atmospheric, then you get a gun. After that you’re just shooting enemies and it’s very frustrating. I dropped it at the massive warehouse level that seemed to stretch in forever. I’m not sure if there’s anything worth seeing after the initial hours.

>> No.10541069

Any jrpg.
Everytime i start a final fantasy, it's phenomenal, but then it gets repetitive and boring.
For example: ffix. Animations, story, character and setting design. All perfect.
Then I reach the fucking forest and my balls drop. I reach the first city, phenomenal as well, and then I drop it again. I cant even remember why.
And the worst part is that if you dont play it as intended (steal in ffix, grind before the snowy area) you wont be able to go forth.

>> No.10541136

Morrowind would be a perfect game if there was a split path.

>> No.10541153
File: 66 KB, 595x842, 1tarpnt1boxb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the idea of it is so interesting but all the games are so fucking boring

>> No.10541180

Every Final Fantasy game up until 11 and 14. And those only hooked me because it was an MMO.

>> No.10541192
File: 42 KB, 720x715, czaxib320jn31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there technically is.

>> No.10541198
File: 913 KB, 1126x607, few examples of games I dropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10541308
File: 240 KB, 1600x800, 2x1_NSwitchDS_FinalFantasyII_image1600w[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should absolutely play this game. play Revision and spec into weapon accuracy. play it like a stealth game.
it's honestly not that great considering how jank and rushed it is, much like the other games from that studio. I wouldn't say its essential unlike Thief, Deus Ex etc.
I've tried playing this twice and its a broken piece of shit.
I dropped undying but tried again recently and loved it. i'm currently doing the same with blade of darkness. haven't played the other 3 as they don't really appeal to me.

>> No.10541339

someone should make a mmud that's actually fun

>> No.10541349
File: 95 KB, 369x270, 1703448829815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. Boring. Repetitive. Most time playing is moving between point A and B slowly, fighting the same easy enemies. Inly challenege is navigating the alternate eorld efficiently because ot's tedious. Picked it up 4 times, dropped it before I was half way through.