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File: 9 KB, 188x268, literalwhogame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10538116 No.10538116 [Reply] [Original]

Post games that no one actually played back in the day but now have the misconception of having been popular due to zoomers parroting e-celebs

>> No.10538125

This overrated artsy shit was popular enough to get its own normie Hollywood movie at least

>> No.10538131
File: 55 KB, 370x270, Chrono_Trigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure nobody played this back in the day

>> No.10538139

>Getting mad because people started to like games they've never played before
What's this mental illness?

>> No.10538140

Literally everyone I knew played it. The gimmick of climbing on giant enemies was very impressive at the time
>muh artsy game
Normies just saw it is an epic blockbuster, it's the e-celebs in fact who have created the muh artsy game narrative around it.

Also they don't do expensive remakes for games nobody played you know. No money in that. Note the lack of Ico remake

>> No.10538145
File: 20 KB, 220x308, Zelda_II_The_Adventure_of_Link_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone had picrel, but no one played it more than a few minutes. it was universally hated. then, once the internet came out, everyone realized they could use it to fulfill their contrarian fantasy where, ackshually, they loved it, and of course beat it blind. anyone criticizing it or complaining about how obtuse it is just a le bad gamer.

>> No.10538160

There's value in creating a game that does't "require" a guide

>> No.10538161
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>this thread

>> No.10538162

>discovering games through my favorite streamer means they were always popular

>> No.10538170

It's not even bait, it's literally zoomers.

>> No.10538189

>its not even on the top 163 best selling ps2 games
man your friends had niche tastes.

>> No.10538204

Nobody said that

>> No.10538206

Silent Hill 2.
Actually all of the Silent Hills.
They aren't good either. They appeal to the "I'm 15 and very mature" crowd, because they reference Jungian psychology.

Resident Evil is the good survival horror series.

>> No.10538212

you must have meant to reply to this post

>> No.10538225

Shadow of the Colossus was always popular. When i bought it in 2006 it was already considered a groundbreaking game

>> No.10538230

I finally understand these posters, this is just zoomer on zoomer crime. Shadow of the Colossus was always extremely respected by critics and the reason you don't know is because you were barely alive when the game came out.

>> No.10538235

>muh e-celeb critics
Not real popularity zoomer. Look at the sales. No one owned it.

>> No.10538236

Someone got filtered

>> No.10538518

I played this in 2006. Can't speak for its popularity aside for myself knowing about it and reading a lot about it in magazines and on the internet. And when I had friends over who tried it they all liked it and specifically asked to play it again next time they came over, not with any other games.

>> No.10538539

Bottom of the barrel thread. You suck at this OP and never post low quality stuff again, damn fool.

>> No.10538673

Shadow of the Colossus was, at the very least, quite popular here on 4chan. There were constant threads about it. This, Persona 3, and Godhand actually made me cave in and buy a PS2 in 2006, having been previously only on PC.

>> No.10538717

Shadow of the Colossus was indeed popular back in the day, just not when it released. It spread through word of mouth and soon after everyone that had a softmodded PS2 was pirating it. Sales figures for these niche late-gen titles don't really reflect how rampant piracy was at that point in the console's lifespan, also even legit copies of this game got passed around through several people back then, this happened because the game became talked about after it was already out of print.

>> No.10538727

Super Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker being bad games is 100% zoomer revisionism brought on by ecelebs and "video essays".

That and the CRT hype. Nobody who grew up playing on a CRT actually misses that shit. It's like when millennials suddenly starting liking vinyl ten years ago.

>> No.10538732

t. European

But seriously Chrono Trigger was huge in Japan. JRPG's only gained popularity in the West after Pokémon and FF7.

>> No.10538739

this whole thread is a list of games I actually played and it's pretty much the only games I've played

>> No.10538740

People into CRTs and vinyl now are usually comparing top of the line equipment that pretty much nobody actually had back then.

>> No.10538789

I guess cope threads is the new thing huh?

>> No.10538808

>Nobody who grew up playing on a CRT actually misses that shit
I wouldn't say "nobody". For instance, I was blaming the games for being worse, when I switched to LCDs. But it turns out I was sensitive to the input lag. High refresh rate LCDs finally gave me back that feeling of playing on CRTs, to the point that I use them less and less.

>> No.10538812
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>I didn't play a game, so nobody did
Your anecdotal experience is not representative of the entire world.

At best, there are examples of people thinking games were more popular than they actually were, but there was still somebody playing it. >>10538131 is not a case of one, I've heard people call this game "the best jrpg ever" for pretty much ever even though I didn't play jrpgs myself until adulthood.

An example of retroactive popularity is the Street Fighter 3 series, it's way more fawned over these days with the popularization of the "fgc" than it was at release so people these days think it was always the most popular, when in reality it was kind of just another of many fighting games in the mix that wasn't a huge hit at all.

>> No.10538853

My fucking dad talked about this game back in the day. He played it at his friends house and they both loved it. The real revisionist is you, faggot.

>> No.10538897

Final Fantasy VI

>> No.10538915

>T. "i was sentient for a couple years of the late 90s, so the early 90s didn't exist to me at all"
I don't know why your generation is the absolute worst, but you are. Millenioomers be damned.

>> No.10538935


>> No.10538945

the funny thing about colossus is even the dudebros knew about that game. i wonder why zoomers are so insecure and care about social perception so much.

>> No.10538948

>literally too dumb to understand relativity
As already mentioned ITT Jrpgs simply weren't as popular in the US. That has absolutely nothing to do with how the game was received by those who did play them, and there were people who played them. I don't know what mental problem you suffer from but please just lurk instead of posting.

>> No.10538970
File: 730 KB, 1920x2641, SLES-51954-A-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a meme premise, but people do sort of forget that Rockstar themselves considered Max Payne 2 to be a total flop.

>> No.10538979
File: 76 KB, 618x597, 1669232417531831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a film noir love story

>> No.10538992

>if i keep samefagging it makes it true
The game didn't even sell 100k copies

>> No.10539001
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>> No.10539012
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>> No.10539027

>JAPAN: 129,482 FW, 223,156 LTD.
Why are you so mad zoomer? My father played this game with his friends. It was very popular.

>> No.10539038

Too bad it's the greatest hits version.

>> No.10539061
File: 20 KB, 369x270, EarthBound_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not care for it.But I understand why it had such an impact for some people.
I elect Earthbound. Its just your regular JRPG with gay ass characters and plot, but it got memed into a cult classic.

>> No.10539065

>Its just your regular JRPG
not really

>> No.10539137

>ackshully it was popular according to the formula I created
lmao, it's been 26 years since FFVII came out. You are just as bad as the Nintendo fans that are still mad about the Sega/Nintendo wars. Let it go. And thanks for proving my point.

>> No.10539141

What a goddamn stupid thread. Ragebaiting faggot. KYS

>> No.10539195
File: 22 KB, 640x360, shadow_vidreview-236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played SoC at launch. All my friends who had PS2 also played it.
A game like this in 2005 was unbelievable. Seeing these large creatures and knowing that you would have to kill them somehow was a feeling of dread and hopelessness that no other game will be able to replicate.
I just don't appreciate how dramatic and sad each colossus' death scene is.

>> No.10539230

Just because you were too young to read when you played it doesn't mean everyone was. People who knew how RPGs worked played Zelda 2 just fine

>> No.10539267

>Super Mario Sunshine
If anything people were too kind to this game when it came out. It's essentially a tech demo. The basic structure is not improved from Mario 64, the Hover Nozzle is a huge crutch which makes the moment-to-moment platforming less interesting, the no-fludd special stages suffer from a huge lack of depth and orientation perception due to the background and simple lighting. Plus the game freaks the fuck out whenever you have to do a non-standard control scheme, like riding the squids, the lilypad, or the pachinko machine. Really no excuse why a mainline entry in Nintendo's flagship series should be like this.

>Wind Waker
Nobody thought it was bad then and nobody thinks it's bad now. Aside from the complaints about the visual style which were mostly from people who haven't played it, WW's reputation has only improved with time.

>> No.10539316

Mother 1 was a standout JRPG on NES though. Maybe the best one. And this is just a sequel to it

>> No.10539321

>essentially a tech demo
Jesus if that's a tech demo what are the rest of 3D platformers not called Mario? Because Sunshine is more fleshed out than most of them

>> No.10539331

Anybody that was still tuned in to PS2 was either playing SotC or at the very least talking about it when it was released. It was pretty impressive especially given the technical limitations of the PS2. OP sucks cocks.

>> No.10539460


>> No.10539481

unpopular opinion
I like it better than the first

>> No.10539486

If nobody played it then how did it get a Player's Hit release...? Ico was the game nobody played. Like how everyone played Street Fighter II but nobody played Street Fighter 1,

>> No.10539690

Most other developers were moving away from Platformers in that era, doesn't change the fact that Sunshine is a step down from Mario 64 in almost every way besides graphics and fluid physics

>> No.10539694

>lmao, it's been 26 years since FFVII came out.
And you're no older than 26, and have no real experience with the era. You didn't grow up in the 90s, you were just born in them. You have absolutely no idea what they were like beyond your cringe obsession with "aestheticS"

>> No.10539696

Ask me how I know you are a zoomer.

Ico was a cult classic via word of mouth but shadow was a huge hit. Pretty sure they even played it in some Adam Sandler movie

>> No.10539703

I remember when shadow came out. Everyone at SA was excited for this

>> No.10539709

This is my best friend's favorite game.

>> No.10539723

Some zoomers have this obsession with trying to LARP as having participated in the 90s even though they were toddlers at best. It all falls apart when you realize they have absolutely no knowledge of anything in culture before 1997 or so, and even at that only the big mainstream memey things are "nostalgic" to them

Bizarre phenomenon

>> No.10539925


>> No.10539930

>I just don't appreciate how dramatic and sad each colossus' death scene is.
Why not? It's kinda like, the central theme of the game. They're not overlong either, and trying in vain to outrun the black streak things is kinda fun.
this type of post is so fucking gay

>> No.10540229

cope. You just saw the game on youtube

>> No.10540258
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I just wanna know who played this growing up, really.

>> No.10540363

I played it at a walmart kiosk and found it boring and the environments uninteresting. This is what the kiosk experience gave me, which may have not been what the developers wanted me to take but blame the employees at the middle island walmart electronics section circa 2002/2003 (i dont remember when it came out) for putting it in their demo kiosk and letting everyone try it.

>> No.10540468
File: 2.38 MB, 2100x1532, Mystical_Ninja_Starring_Goemon_-_(NA)_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost this entire thread is either bait or actual zoomers. Here's a real objective example of a game literally no one played but is viewed as a classic.

>> No.10540480

I still have my copy. Good times. Except the fucking cocktease first-person mode, and the story at the end where they dump a whole LOAD of bullshit on you, including a loredump so fat it goes through multiple goddamn saves. Post-game is sick, though - unlocking (and using) illegal parts.

The game has multiple arena layouts that are just a variation of "computer zone," and they kinda suck - not in their layout, but thematically. Especially when there are things like a food bowl, a factory complete with conveyor belts, literally outside, toyland, and "I'm insecure, so I commissioned this huge arena with my face on it."

>> No.10540526

I was 17 when Shadow of the Colossus came out, it was VERY widely praised and considered the pinnacle of graphics for the time. Anyone who thinks nobody played or talked about it when it came out simply wasn't there.

>> No.10540527

OP is the revisionist he's warning us about, if you haven't noticed there's been a limp wristed campaign to shit on sotc for the past few months.

>> No.10540531

I rented it and beat it then never thought much more about it.

>> No.10540538

This was a pretty good rental. First exposure to hearing or seeing japanese stuff. It was weird as fuck but it was still a good time

>> No.10540556

>no, you see the town represents their repressed shadow and...
I don't care. The game plays poorly.

>> No.10540574

I’m 41 and this thread is just an embarrassment. The fuck happened to this place.

>> No.10540581

Which it is?

>I don’t like: thing!

>> No.10540590

Revisionism on display. By the time SoTC came out we were already looking at previews of the next gen and it looked incredibly dated. Namefag journalists and e-celebs "widely praising" the game doesn't mean anyone played it.

>> No.10540592

>THEY are trying to make you hate this game!!!
meds. It was never popular to begin with.

>> No.10540603

>I can’t read but I’m going to chime in anyway!

>> No.10540609

>due to zoomers parroting e-celebs
This was written by a zoomer unironically

>> No.10540617

Pinnacle of PS2 graphics is more accurate. Also it was 2005, e-celebs didn't exist.

>> No.10540770


Nigga. Just admit that you're a fresh face youngster that saw this game on your favorite eceleb and wasn't too very bait

>.t played sotc at launch and now a father

>> No.10540778

We really need a phone filter and India filter on this board. Too many faggot zoomers and pajeets these days.

>> No.10540785

I got this the year it came out, back when I was in highschool, and loved it. Remember having a friend stay over night as we figured our where to go and how to defeat each colossus. Even grabbed a doujinshi or two based on it.

>> No.10540801

H or regular? Can't remember any good looking colussi's in the game

>> No.10540817

Yes that's the premise of my thread anon. Zoomers saw this game played by their favorite e-celeb and think it was popular when in reality it's not even in the top 200 best selling ps2 games.

>> No.10540823


>> No.10540824

We get it. You are a zoomer who missed it or your parents didn't let you use the internet at the time but it was popular when it came out.

Stop getting your opinion from faggot ecelebs and actually listen to people who were alive at time tone

>> No.10540879
File: 263 KB, 1023x1430, Untitled160~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of retro game zoomers sure is something

>> No.10540892

I honestly blame social media. It's all clout chasing morons now trying to get hits.

These faggot zoomers really are like locusts. They invade, ruin and move on to the next fotm

>> No.10540901
File: 562 KB, 1000x534, 2023.01.27-03.14-boundingintocomics-63d34195aa469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6th gen

>> No.10540953

Except for Dreamcast

>> No.10540967

you're old

>> No.10541287

Just forced myself to play SotC for 1 hour and it's still as garbage as I remember

>> No.10541305

They say dat boy be beatin his own CIB
It's unfortunate. Earlier days of online retrogame content and gaming ecelebs was fun, with things like the Retrogaming Roundtable forum, Spoony, AVGN, and the like, because it felt like you were dealing with actually passionate gamer-collectors and engaging with, and consuming entertainment made by, people about a shared interest. Now it seems like it's more about saying what you have to buy or whatever because so and so is bound to go up in price, and you don't want to be caught with your gameshelf missing such an integral piece.

>> No.10541309

Nah I actually remember using an HDTV for the first time when they were new and thinking games looked like shit on it compared to a CRT. Now obviously the tech is better but at first HD wasn't anything to brag about.

>> No.10541313

I played and I know lot of people who played. It was very popular on my country for all PS2 owners.
(not a single copy wasn't bootleg tho)

>> No.10541331

I think you're replying to the wrong person anon. I'm agreeing that zoomers are just parroting shit from e-celebs. Like SoTC being popular even though hundreds of games sold more on ps2.

>> No.10541347

Everybody knows Earthbound sold like shit on release. Yeah it got pretty popular later but it not being big at the time is mentioned in pretty much every discussion of it at this point.

>> No.10541368

>starcraft was not popular because Mario sold more.
Nigga you make no sense

You clearly weren't there for it so you don't know what it actually was like. All you can do is go "muh numbers" without any context.

It really is sad. They have ruined everything with their stupidity because they refuse to listen for 5 seconds and learn the culture.

Pretty much why I don't bother with any fandoms anymore. Better things to do then listen to prepubuscent zoomers try to tell me about something I lived through.