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File: 124 KB, 256x363, Super_mario_sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10535130 No.10535130 [Reply] [Original]

GameCube era is really overrated. This game fucking sucked and it took them until galaxy to make a good mario again.

Ps2 and xboxs library was just so much more soul than this empty feeling rushed trash on GameCube nintendo kept putting out. Wind Waker sucks balls too

>> No.10535131

I know

>> No.10535149

Galaxy 2 ~ Sunshine > Galaxy

>> No.10535157 [DELETED] 

The cultists dont care, they think its the greatest thing ever, and this thread is pointless cause they just get defensive and you cant reason with fanatics

>> No.10535172

you just had to be there

>> No.10535351

Regardless of your opinion, threads specifically devoted to "thing sucks" are low quality.
You would have done better to post about something you actually like ... like an actual hobbyist

>> No.10535357 [DELETED] 

sunshine will always be "underrated" because of how popular it is in the speedrunning/tranny community

>> No.10535416

It's hard to think of a Nintendo series that was better on Gamecube than N64.

Smash Bros is the obvious one.

>> No.10535429

>Sunshine sucked
Sure, whatever.
>Galaxy is better

>> No.10535505


>> No.10535510

Mario imho

>> No.10535513

F-zero, but people are divided on that one

>> No.10535516

PS2 and Xbox are Gamecube era. Did you stroke out?

>> No.10535582

>GameCube era is really overrated
Nigga, everyone was bashing the shit out of Nintendo's GCN output back then simply because "It's different, therefore bad", just because a bunch of gcn kids grew up to be adults doesn't necessarily make it suddenly overrated

>> No.10535610

It was just more of the same but worse.

>> No.10535619
File: 39 KB, 300x164, Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 15-08-23 Browse Movies TV Shows and Games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10535636

It mogs Shat and Ratturd and all PS2 platformers

>> No.10535737

prime's combat is way too annoying and repetitive to get a 97. 9 is being generous.

>> No.10535745

>GameCube era is really overrated.
generally i would disagree. its just that nintendo cultists overrate everything nintendo releases. normal people who had the gamecube as a second or third console never overrated it. they rated it accurately - a piece of shit that had a few must own games, but not something anyone who didnt wear mario pajamas would want to have as their only console of that gen.

>> No.10535750

Galaxy is grossly overrated.

>> No.10535753

Gamecube was the best 6th gen console hands down

>> No.10535779

you could argue paper mario, f-zero, mario golf, donkey kong, and maybe 1080°, but yeah for the most part 64 had a better line up.

>> No.10536081

Quite true.
With some exceptions GC era was downhill for many Nintendo franchise and Rare was there no more to save Nintendo's ass.
Downhill turned into a horrible spiral during Wii era with gimmicky shit and Nintendo franchises have not yet fully recovered from this.

>> No.10536298

Because the "Gamecube Era" is solely judged on the quality of one Mario game.

>> No.10536405

The GC library is great without this game existing. Two Prime games alone make it amazing

>> No.10536416

It looked OK it was just too little kid themed and boring

The first 4 mario's weren't even that stupid. At least adults could play those too. The ones after weren't good until the wii just made more like 1-4

>> No.10536524

Still objectively the best 3D platformer and a very popular game, so your thread is kinda stupid

Only retards and samefags bumping under this line:


>> No.10536662

>Still objectively the best 3D platformer
*of its gen

>> No.10536893

>Expecting Mario to ever be an adult thing
>World with funny turtles and mushroom people

>> No.10537134

I feel like Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker, and Starfox Adventures were the three games that killed the gamecube's chances of making it big early on.

>> No.10537247

>have fond memory of gamecub game
>go for a replay
>hour long intro every time
>feels like a tech demo than a game
>braindead difficulty

This is nearly every game in the system

>> No.10537252

Something is seriously wrong with marios movement in this game

>> No.10537308

Mario 64 vs Mario Sunshine
DK64 vs. Donkey Konga 1/2/3 and Jungle Beat
OOT and MM vs WW and TP
Kirby 64 vs Kirby Air Ride
Starfox 64 vs Adventues and Assault
F-Zero X vs F-Zero GX
Smash 64 vs Melee
MK64 vs MKDD
Paper Mario vs TTYD
Mario Party 1/2/3 vs. Mario Party 4/5/6/7

What other examples am I missing?

>> No.10537363

That wasn't even on n64

>> No.10537612

This anon gets it, OP didn’t get hugged enough as a child. GameCube was peak Nintendo, playing crystal chronicles with your game boy advance linked to the console was a blast, or four swords. And that gameboy player attachment was incredible too. But for games alone, they had Star Fox adventures, f zero, smash, the Zelda mega collection, Kirby’s air ride, Luigi’s mansion, Pokémon colosseum. Mario sunshine didn’t suck either. You may not like it OP, but these things I’ve listed here are what soul looks like.

>> No.10538591

Sunshine is one of the best 3D platformers of all time

>> No.10538595


>> No.10538601

Paper Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party, F-Zero, Metroid, Smash Bros, Kirby

Even more when you count the GBA library

Zoomer Wii babbies BTFO

>> No.10538613

F zero on gc was lit, Sega did Nintendo a huge favor with that one.

>> No.10538720

It is, deal with it faggot

>> No.10539051

>wii wagle fag
You are a subhuman

>> No.10539134

Yup. Pretty much only SSBM. Nintendo really died in this era because it couldn't top what the N64 had.

>> No.10539165

OP is a homo.

>> No.10539234

>another cubebashing thread

>> No.10539338

years of propaganda that the cube wasn't shit tends to do that

>> No.10539403 [DELETED] 
File: 414 KB, 1830x787, 1703387264820547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the rabid fanboy janny deletes similar threads about consoles that aren't Nintendo

Snoyga containment board

>> No.10539471

Years of obsession does this*

>> No.10539597

double dash is the best mario kart to this day

>> No.10539610 [DELETED] 

Gamecube was the last real Nintendo Console without gimmicks like the motion controls a control with a screen or a portable console that is playable on tv the Gamecube had a real Controller

>> No.10539625

Gamecube was the last real Nintendo console without gimmicks like the motion controls a control with a screen or a portable console that is playable on tv the Gamecube had a real controller

>> No.10539659

I didn't like it. But none asked.

Deeply Misunderstood and maligned situation. Nintendo got fucked hard by Sony. Very hard. IMHO

>> No.10539670
