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File: 130 KB, 1300x957, fukuoka-japan-october-27-2021-biohazard-directors-cut-disk-by-capcom-released-in-1997-in-a-sony-playstation-console-2H3CRFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10533338 No.10533338 [Reply] [Original]

How was Sony able to create such a successful console on their first attempt? What went right with the PS1?

>> No.10533345

extremely poverty-friendly, every idiot could copy games at home. paradise for scalpers as well

also cutscenes and catering to wannabe cool kids

>> No.10533360 [DELETED] 

high concentration of goyslop

>> No.10533378
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>Recent consoles like the Atari Jaguar and 3DO suffered low sales due to a lack of developer support, prompting Sony to redouble their efforts in gaining the endorsement of arcade-savvy developers. A team from Epic Sony visited more than a hundred companies throughout Japan in May 1993 in hopes of attracting game creators with the PlayStation's technological appeal. Sony found that many disliked Nintendo's practices, such as favoring its own games over others
>Sony strived to make game production as streamlined and inclusive as possible, in contrast to the relatively isolated approach of Sega and Nintendo. Phil Harrison, representative director of SCEE, believed that Sony's emphasis on developer assistance reduced most time-consuming aspects of development. As well as providing programming libraries, SCE headquarters in London, California, and Tokyo housed technical support teams that could work closely with third-party developers if needed. Sony did not favor its own over non-Sony products, unlike Nintendo
>The PlayStation became the first "computer entertainment platform" to ship over 100 million units worldwide, with many critics attributing the console's success to third-party developers

>> No.10533380
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>The increasing complexity of developing games pushed cartridges to their storage limits and gradually discouraged some third-party developers. Part of the CD format's appeal to publishers was that they could be produced at a significantly lower cost and offered more production flexibility to meet demand. As a result, some third-party developers switched to the PlayStation, including Square, whose Final Fantasy VII, and Enix (later merged with Square to form Square Enix), whose Dragon Quest VII (2000) were planned for the Nintendo 64. Other developers released fewer games for the Nintendo 64 (Konami, releasing only thirteen N64 games but over fifty on the PlayStation). Nintendo 64 game releases were less frequent than the PlayStation's, with many being developed by either Nintendo itself or second-parties such as Rare

>> No.10533392

Low standards

>> No.10533397

because it felt really good to rub your pee pee along the side of the console. zoomers wouldn't understand.

>> No.10533465 [DELETED] 

Because it had games, you know more than the same 5 games you cultists play

>> No.10533479

>Had good devkits and fully translated manuals way before devs started to work on the hardware because they predicted that 3D games would be harder to develop for (something Sega didn't think of)
>The hardware was overall good
>Competition made multiple fuck ups to really stand in its way

>> No.10533506
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1. Sony did their best so developers and publishers liked to work with it and make software for it by being easy to develop for, while being more open to them than Nintendo was at the time.

2. CDs instead of cartridges not only made things easier for developers, but also allowed for things like FMVs and other things you couldn't do on cartridges, regardless how we feel about those now, they were the new technology people were looking forward to at the time. Also, this allowed for Sony to be the new home of Final Fantasy over Nintendo.

3. 3D focus, but not giving up on 2D entirely, this made it so it wasn't 99% 3D like N64, nor mostly 2D due to 3D being tough to do like on Saturn.

4. It had a huge head start on N64 and released alongside the Saturn for US$100 less, which meant a controller and/or a CD for it with the extra money you'd need to get a Saturn instead, with none of those things.

5. It had a vast library similar to the NES in style, as in it had a bit of everything, every genre was not only represented, but had loads of options to choose from, something both of its main competitors struggled with.

6. Crash came out in 1996 and was Sony's answer to Super Mario 64, back then mascots were a big deal and Sony having one that was successful to compete with Nintendo, while SEGA didn't make a 3D Sonic for the Saturn, helped to fill what could've felt like a gap in the PS1's library compared to N64.

It might not be the most popular opinion, but this was my favorite generation, and I love all 4 of the main consoles we had in it, alongside the great portables we also got... but Sony was the only one that literally did every single thing right, it's downright insane how the simply made no mistakes during the PS1 years, one of the only things I think either SEGA or Nintendo did truly and objectively better was the Saturn controller, and even then you could get 3rd party ones on PS1.

>> No.10533526

>which meant a controller and/or a CD for it with the extra money you'd need to get a Saturn instead, with none of those things.
Actually the Saturn already came with those on the box.

>> No.10533548

Did the people that loved the games from Konami, Capcom, Namco, Square, EA, Psygnosis, Eidos and other third parties, and wanted to keep playing them, have low standards?
Did the people that had loved games from the countless genres that weren't available for the N64 and wanted to keep playing them have low standards?
Did the people that weren't particularly interested in the ultra safe and repetitive premises from Nintendo and Rare and preferred games with more personality and more variety in terms of gameplay, aesthetics, plots, characters, have low standards?
I certainly don't think that's the case.
I bought an N64 expecting a Super Nintendo 2 (lots of support from Japanese third parties) and one year later I had to buy a PSX. It was either this or starting buying games I didn't care about.
With Saturn being dead and N64 being a horrible option for people that didn't want to spend a whole generation playing almost nothing but games from Nintendo and Rare, PSX was the only available choice for lots of people.

>> No.10533585

Don't respond to bait shitposts

>> No.10533592

Discs were cheaper than cartridges, and they were somewhat new for console kids.

>> No.10533620

basically doing the opposite of nintendo
no dumb grudges
listen to devs
have something for everyone

>> No.10533632

>have something for everyone
it's this. I guarantee your favorite genre has good games on PS1

>> No.10533704
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>I bought an N64 expecting a Super Nintendo 2 (lots of support from Japanese third parties) and one year later I had to buy a PSX. It was either this or starting buying games I didn't care about.
I think this sums up why PS1 did so well, it was a better SNES successor than the N64, it felt a lot more like the NES and SNES in pretty much all of it than the actual successor to those... NES and SNES were the most successful consoles of their respective generations, and so was PS1, it's like there's a perfect formula almost, but I don't see how to put it in words exactly, but there is one.

>> No.10533712
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they had no real disc-based competition since the kidtendo shitty-poor used carts and sega was already irrelevant after their preposterous hardware offerings ruined any mindshare they mightve had with the sadturd

>> No.10534086

And it was easy to develop and make games for. PS1 owners were still happy with SNES style games

>> No.10534102 [DELETED] 

the competition sucking ass helped a lot

>> No.10535119

that's because SNES-style games are straight up better than N64 3D games

>> No.10535175

The collaborated with Nintendo who taught them how to make a console and then they stabbed them in the back and went and took the priceless knowledge and released the PlayStation on their own.

Don't you know basic videogame history?

>> No.10535196

The PSX was the true spiritual successor to the SNES, IMO.

>> No.10535290

it was agamzin
it had everysingle gamen and everysingle genre.
ALSO: games dubbed on French, Italian, Deutsch, Portuguese, Spanish, Polisth, etc....

>> No.10535305

This, it should be basic knowledge. Nintendo and Sega did literally everything right and had the best systems but Sony won commercially because they used underhanded tactics

>> No.10535721
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It was a fine console but it wasn't extremely better than what came before like some new wave of young nostalgics seem to like implying. It had about as many good "console defining" games as SNES or Genesis if not less if we be a bit more objective and stop acting like "ITS 3D" is impressive, and many of the lesser known games are lesser known for a reason and not exactly "hidden gems"

It certainly had the advantage over N64 which was a major step down for Nintendo in terms of genre variety and number of good games and honestly one of the worst bigdev consoles, and we all know that has directly to do with N64 not having third party support. But still really, I don't find 5th gen all that amazing in the grand scheme of things, there were some good games and plenty shitty games just like there were before and after.

>> No.10535730
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>all 4 of the main consoles
Hold up

>> No.10535739

I think he means the 3do not jaguar

>> No.10535752

The Jag launched the same year, why wouldn't it also count?

>> No.10535760
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It will never count
It doesn't know how

>> No.10535761

do the math?

>> No.10535774

>it's downright insane how the simply made no mistakes during the PS1 years, one of the only things I think either SEGA or Nintendo did truly and objectively better was the Saturn controller
There is another thing, and that was that Saturn was superior for 2D games. One of my main draws to the playstation was fighting games, and it made me a little peeved to find out ps1 versions were quite inferior to the Saturn ones.

>> No.10535792


>good for poorfags
>appealed to normalfags instead of Nintendo nerds and literal children
>way more appealing to third parties

>> No.10535825

>Developers developers developers developers.
Makes sense.

They also priced it with a better margin (following the standard for stereo equipment IIRC) for retailers by mistake, so retailers pushed it HARD.

>> No.10535836

I got the PS1 for final fantasy as a kid, but I was surprised when I found out how much better all the 2d capcom fighters I liked were on saturn (and then dreamcast).

>> No.10535845

>Stabbed them in the back
I thought Nintendo backed out and then Sony said "fuck it we'll do it without you", no?

>> No.10535964

they spent a lot of time developing it with Nintendo...

>> No.10535975

most of those didnt even left japan, sony usa was retarded and wanted to put a ban on 2D in the first few years but only lifted it for Capcom due to their arcade ports, then in 97 they mellow down a bit.

>> No.10535976

They looked at the SNES and understood the importante of having additive blending transparencies.

>> No.10536002

They made a better console with better games for better people.

>> No.10536004

>first attempt
anon, it's sony, not a random startup

>> No.10536013

This. "Nintendo is that toy my toddler son plays. Sony makes my cassette deck. Now THAT'S a game system for adults like myself!"

>> No.10536025

Thats what 12 year olds think not adults

>> No.10536038

Yes, us mature supreme gentleman love games for 6 year olds exclusively because the ultimate secret it, those games are more advanced. Have you ever tried playing Kirby? It is an extremely challenging and refined experience only hardcore gamers can accomplish.

>> No.10536042

FF7 would not have been allowed on the Nintendo because of its themes.

>> No.10536437

The hardware was very impressive at the time specially for the price. Sony had good and cheap devkits. They could also guarantee printed CDs in large quantities on demand for third parties since they already did that for music.

>> No.10536846
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>Final Fantasy and 2D fighters

>> No.10538645

>every idiot could copy games at home
No they couldn't, besides you need the chip to run them and only if you knew how to solder or knew someone who could do it.

>> No.10538658

2 joysticks and a normal controller

Plus the games were not too bad and they put out a ton of em

A lot of people complained about the look of it back then though and others didn't Carr about 50/50

The graphics did kinda suck for most games but so did the 64

>> No.10538674

>How was Sony able to create such a successful console on their first attempt? What went right with the PS1?
Namco did. Without their arcade hardware the PS1 wouldn’t have existed, look up the history and educate yourself

>> No.10538679

fpbp I guess. it was my first childhood console, even thought I already played snes, but was so young that I barely remember it. i was poor and we got ps1 pirated, and the collection of games I had was really enviable. also that was the golden era of videogames. small and medium sized companies developing from the most mainstream to the craziest kind of games. ps1 and ps2 were the best

>> No.10538705

Everyone knew a guy who knew a guy with a setup. If you didn't know someone who could solder the modchip in, you knew someone who had one installed.

>> No.10538716

Nintendo backed out of the deal with Sony, and partnered up with Philips, the other developer of the two who created the compact disc format. And we all saw what came out of THAT deal.

>> No.10538723

Slav or South American?

By the time CD burners became commonplace in the first world, the PS2 was already out. You would have spent more on a CD burner than you would have on the playstation up until like 2000.

>> No.10538726

They had many decades of experience in home electronics and learned from the failures of those that came before.

>> No.10538729

>extremely poverty-friendly, every idiot could copy games at home
This was true for every CD based system that came out before the Saturn iirc. Turbo Grafx CD, Sega CD, 3dO, and Jaguar CD all had no copyright protection preventing you from playing burned discs.

>> No.10538786

>You needed a chip
>He didnt softmod his PS1 to make it think the lid was closed so he could hot-swap games after they verified.
You absolutely did not need a modchip. It was just more convenient.

>> No.10538793

You did not need a modchip
You needed:
A mechanical pencil eraser.
A piece of cardstock from a cereal box
A piece of Ducktape
One legit PS1 game.

Alternately, a gameshark disc.

>> No.10538803

Thats what I thought. Thats not Sony backstabbing. Thats Sony making Nintendo regret backstabbing them.

>> No.10538806

CD burners weren't as accessible and those systems weren't as popular anyway.

>> No.10538813

Absorbed all the 3DO, Saturn, & even Jaguar games. SEGA couldn't compete with that & it's why all the launch titles are in those long boxes.

>> No.10538889

Industry connections as a multinat media company

>> No.10538891

*Electronics company

>> No.10538907

Yes, however they were also not accessible during the PS1 time period so really that anon's post is just wrong. Piracy had nothing to do with the PS1's success from 1995-99

>> No.10538964

CD burners were getting more popular when Dreamcast showed up. I had a couple friends burning games for it. too bad the console flopped

>> No.10538967

Greatest Hits is a massively underrated aspect of the Playstation's success. Being able to buy last year's best releases for like $10-$20 was insane.

I remember as a kid saving up like $40 from mowing lawns and getting three games at Target during one of the many "buy two, get one free" sales for Greatest Hits games.

>> No.10538971

it was a japanese console and companies tired of nintendo monopoly

>> No.10538986

They had lots of experience as a manufacturer and publisher in the music industry and it was the same thing but with programmers instead of singers.

>> No.10538996

Phillips had a similar background to Sony but fucked their console up to the point it's still a meme 30 years later.

>> No.10538998

The N64 had plenty of mature and "mature" games

>> No.10539005

Protip anon, if someone starts wistfully talking about ps1 modchips theyre either Latin American or eastern European. Either way you can ignore them. Just call him Juan or Ivan and ignore him.

>> No.10539008

Two analogs was a good idea, but there were too many launch model controllers for devs to bother investing time on analog control schemes.

>> No.10539021

Nintendo being a bunch of bastards and Sega being a bunch of retards was probably required for the PlayStation to obtain its dominant position.

>> No.10539034

NTA and I don't know think they had low standards but the lack of competition was one of a few issues led to a lowering in standards for the new 3d generation.

SNES/Genesis games had reached a state of generally high polish by the end of gen 4. But with gen 5, 3d hardware was relatively primitive and gameplay was literally being reinvented, so some of this shine just wouldn't transfer.

Tekken still managed to be pretty jaw dropping in spite of some graphical glitciness and having bare arenas. But, as an example of a successful genre-leading title, Tekken arenas were ok to be empty and boring for decades. There wasn't any competition really building on the genre in this way while the competition was mostly struggling.

Compare this to even middle-era 2d fighters like Samurai Shodown arenas which had to be alive and interactive. There's lots of this kind of example from the era.

>> No.10539237

Ff7 wouldn't have been allowed on the N64 because they wanted FMV and high grade audio

>> No.10539289

Obscene marketing budget. Sony was willing to brute force into the market by outspending everyone else, and willing to take losses at first. Its a calculted strategy that works when you have deep pockets.

>> No.10539370
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Literally everyone back then knew a dude who knew how to solder or a shop who would solder the chip in for you for 5 bucks.
Or german. In europe you really wanted that chipped psx so you could play 60HZ games instead of 50HZ Pal.

>> No.10539405

Difference being that the PSX was an actual product. The CD-i was a joke.

>> No.10539463

It had many great games which are classics today and spawned many of the successful franchises of the 3d age.

>> No.10539468

i knew a bunch of dudes who didn't know how to solder and would do it for 5 bucks and brick your console

>> No.10539473

Yeah, or just take your five bucks and your console and if you said anything to them about it, you'd get punched in the face.

>> No.10539476

this guy still hasn't gotten over Nintendo losing all their third party devs of note with their own stupidity

>> No.10539532

beginning of the end for the Final Fantasy series, the entire focus shifted to being cinematic slop instead of good games with enjoyable stories

>> No.10539682

Ehh. We got FFT and FF9 and an English FFV on PS1. 7 was okay, and 8 was crap, but all-in-all I'm happy with the PS1 releases.

>> No.10539716

many great games that people wanted to play.

>> No.10539717

People are too used to first party machine Nintendo to understand how weird everything but the flagships dropping away from their console was after the nes and Snes. Like, it just felt like they must have failed even though parents were still buying it for small children enough for Nintendo to actually be fine

>> No.10539725

We've had this thread how many fucking times now and the success is literally just down to "299" at E3 95

>> No.10539745

not Ocarina of Time not Pokemon how Sonyers hype this console so much?

>> No.10539792

A huge variety of great games, rather than one or two standouts. Also, most of the JRPGs.
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Anthology
Legend of Mana
Tekken 3
Legacy of Kain / Soul Reaver
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Bushido Blade
Bloody Roar
Metal Gear Solid
Symphony of the Night
Legend of Dragoon
Tomb Raider
Resident Evil
Lunar: Silver Star Story
X-Men Mutant Academy

If you liked JRPGs, it was the best pick. If you liked 3d Fighters, it was the best pick. If you liked 2d fighters, it was the second best pick. If you liked Horror games, it was the best pick. If you liked stealth games, it was pretty great too.

And if you want a goofy mascot, you have your pick between Tomba, Spyro, Parappa the Rapper, Crash Bandicoot, or Gex. (Probably Spyro. Everyone played Spyro).

There were reasons to go N64 or Saturn / Dreamcast, but these were the reasons most people I knew liked PS1.

>> No.10539842

That's what I'm saying, Phillips was the other half of the CD founding duo and not just a random startup, but they fucked it UP.

>> No.10539861

CD recorders were easy enough to obtain and copied ps1 games were everywhere. What backwater are you from??

>> No.10539868

The United States.

>> No.10539890

My parents got a cd burner in '96 or '97. They were school teachers. Canada. They weren't that inaccessible, but it tended to mean you had parents with had a cd burner for work. If your parents didn't have one, you would want them from a friend's PC.

Again though, you also didn't need a modchip, there were ways to hotswap. I didn't get a modchip until 2006, and I ran most games from backups, including ones I had legit copies of (scratch protection).

>> No.10539904

Try reading again, nitwit.

>> No.10539907
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Gex was on N64, just not the first one. You forgot syphon filter on the list.

>> No.10539909

Your parents spent a lot of money on that CD burner. Teachers did not commonly have access to a CD burner at home in 1997.

>> No.10539964

FPBP as always

>> No.10539967

(Different anon than the one arguing everyone had CD burners, btw. I'm the one who pointed out you didnt need a modchip and could hotswap the discs instead).

>> No.10539974

Ive ever played syphon filter or seen it played.
>Gex was on N64.
Alright. It was one of the weaker mascot candidates anyways. The main ones were Crash and Spyro. Spyro showed up on GBA, but on home console, it was on Playstation.

I mostly wanted it for the JRPGs though.

>> No.10539984

Wonder why my dad decided to get one at the time then. I know he was still using them a lot up until he died, long after PCs stopped coming with disc burners. I'd ask him why he needed it so much all the way back in '97, but he's been dead for 8 years. I had always assumed it was a pretty cheap home office hardware component, but the first time I saw its prices was like 10ish years later for a DVD burner. I still have one, but it basically never gets used.

>> No.10540060
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>> No.10540063

in the USA most people did not have chipped consoles and what you just said can apply to other CD based consoles like the 3DO
>cheaper console
>available at more retailers
>premiered with games that people actually wanted (who gives a fuck about Bug?)
>more importantly Sony actually tried to help developers develop for their console instead of not really helping them like SEGA did with the Saturn

>> No.10540073

>everyone had cd burners
Was anyone arguing that? There actually are anons going hard on the 'nobody had them' wagon which is equally bullshit. The truth is somewhere between.

>> No.10540083

growing up it seems that they didn't become common until 1998 or so
I remember blank CDs being like $5 in shops in that time too

>> No.10540156

They signed nearly every Japanese third party to an exclusive contract. That's literally the only reason why.

>> No.10540191

lmao nintenfags still seething 30 years later

>> No.10540194

CD burners in 1996 cost $300 or more. Plus you needed a second CD drive to copy from so another $150. Adjusted to inflation that comes out to something like $850.

This was definitely not something that anyone could afford just like that, plus few people could even justify owning one to start with. I mean what exactly would you burn with it? MP3s weren't yet popular or usable (Winamp came out in 1997), broadband was very rare so you couldn't download shit off the net, videos were still stored on tapes, you simply couldn't generate so much content to justify archiving them on CDs. Oh and if you could, then you'd also need a large enough hard drive to store the content prior to burning, so add another $300 ($600 adjusted to inflation).

So anyone who had a system capable of burning shit just like that have spent around $1200 worth of gear in todays currency, basically the cost of a RTX 4080. That's how expensive CD burners were at the time, and that's why nobody had them.

>> No.10540212

Cute kitty :) Merry XMas anon

>> No.10540215

Holy shit, I completely forgot about hot swapping. Was such a good feeling when you got it right.

>> No.10540347
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I just finished a video on the 1996 transition from 2d to 3d using the level Lara’s Home as a case study. I’d like to shill it if you don’t mind; I think you guys will find it really interesting. In the second half, it talks about Tomb Raider creator Tony Gard and how he was fucked over by the company and marketing team.


Lmk what you guys think. Merry Christmas

>> No.10540394

>CD recorders were easy enough to obtain
How exactly did you obtain those CD recorders where you were, inside your dads ballsack.

>> No.10540396

it came out at a perfect time when CDs were cost-efficient enough for an industry that always takes an opportunity to spend less

>> No.10540580

I know my parents backed up some documents on cd back then, but also had a lot of 3.5 diskettes. Only thing I can guess us ny dad got it for copying software disks from his coworkers. I remember we had a copy of photoshop 4 and Adobe acrobat, which wasn't cheap even back then. He probably got it for pirating various software.

>> No.10540601

I don't know the numbers but they must have gotten cheaper by 2000 because every computer seemed to have them.

>> No.10540745

This. In 1995 a CD writer only cost $1,000, and could just be dropped into the typical home PC that had a SCSI card and spare 800MB HDD. Media was a mere $15/disc. I know it's hard for many of you kiddos here to imagine. But for just $3000 you could make backups of $50 games for $15 in under two hours. You could also make very expensive coasters. Literally everyone whose uncle worked at CD-Writer was doing it.

>> No.10540982
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Way too many great game

>> No.10541034
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>August 1998 minimum wage: R$ 130
>PS1 price: R$ 350
"extremely poverty-friendly"

I remember the PS1 becoming popular here after the release of the PS2.

>> No.10541041


>> No.10541336
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>Muh CD burners
This is not how it worked in mass piracy countries. "Cheap" pirated CDs here were mass produced in factories and then openly sold in small gaming stores alongside with already modchipped consoles. "Cheap" as in the people actually were able to afford them, they still costed money to buy.

>> No.10541536

Got the best controller on first try. Good variety of games

It didn't have enough shmups or fps pc ports though

>> No.10541564

Left stick = dpad input is annoying on some games. I prefer it as a completely separate input, which Sony didn't do until PS3. The pads are also a bit small now that I'm an adult, but an xbox pad would have been too big when I was 7.

>> No.10541576

Noteworthy exclusives and talented dev teams that made them.

>> No.10542384

>FMVs and other things you couldn't do on cartridges
Resident Evil 2 on N64 has fmv, but its the only game that does afaik

>> No.10542427

There are others such as Pokemon Puzzle League but RE2 is probably still the game with the most/longest FMVs on the N64

>> No.10544053

It's this. Reminder that the PSone model released around the same time the xbox and gamecube came out and it still sold more units than both.

>> No.10544060

The PS1 was only discontinued in 2006 so it's logical that favela niggers were only able to afford the console way after it was relevant everywhere else.

>> No.10544070

The n64 port has macro blocking up the ass. Seen movies in gif looking better.

>> No.10544373

12 of those games didn't came to Europe in that time.
SAD. Really sad.