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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10529547 No.10529547 [Reply] [Original]

What were they thinking?

>> No.10529549


>> No.10529570

literally no soul

>> No.10529573

Sega of America pushed childish console wars until the end. A bit sad. The japanese branch went out with more signity, what with the very president of Sega apologizing and being empathic with fans

>> No.10529576

they were thinking videogames are for children

>> No.10529581

Consumerist society, man.

>> No.10529595

Japan is more consumerist than niggerica and still don't do console war marketing

>> No.10529614

How would you know?

>> No.10529620

Did they really put this shit in magazines? What the fuck kek

>> No.10529653

soulless soul

>> No.10529665
File: 115 KB, 640x480, whatsshenmue-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the internet has japanese Dreamcast ads and you can compare them to the USA ones

>> No.10529685

All of them?
And you can be sure they don't make some reference that might be hard for someone to understand that didn't live in Japan at the time?

>> No.10529934

They were thinking of killing the Dreamcast.

>> No.10530028
File: 2.12 MB, 2048x1536, sonicbusstop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan is more consumerist than niggerica and still don't do console war marketing
Polite society/beta society. Americans are red blooded, hot headed, and competitive. Compare greetings, in Japan you bow to your worst enemy, in America you give your best friend a firm punch in the arm.

>> No.10530050

>in America you give your parent japanese company

>> No.10530057

It's illegal to mention a competetor's product in Japanese advertising.

>> No.10530072

jewish nigger hands typed that

>> No.10530075



>> No.10530082

dumb newfag

>> No.10530093

America is the only reason Sega had a console career at all. Sonic is an American icon, not a Japanese one. And it makes sense, everything about Sonics design and character is tailor made for Americans. Sports games also made Genesis a hit, American sports. Many Sega games were things like Streets of Rage and Golden Axe, hyper masculine Western themes. Etc etc.

Genesis was very much "the American" console

>> No.10530143

They actually did it in reverse, they had a popular ad where the Sega guy overhears kids saying that everyone plays Playstation now and Sega is finished. Well those kids were right