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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 93 KB, 482x1008, 6918453ed3e2309634af77dbe7cf7e54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10529504 No.10529504 [Reply] [Original]

One of the most repulsive pieces of artwork I've seen in my life

>> No.10529516

im also a homosexual.

>> No.10529519

Would you care to elaborate so that this bait thread of yours might have a bit more substance than the garbage you see on /v/?

>> No.10529583
File: 544 KB, 557x743, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10530108

what is with wednesday having an influx of spam threads? like 20 decent threads died for all this cluttered garbage

>> No.10530175
File: 3 KB, 150x120, Athena struggles to hold her grotesquely large head up as she prepares to bonk her menacing enemies with her blue ladel wooden driver thing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was based on the adventures of Athena as she went on a quest to cure her boredom. She attempts this by walking sideways for a few hundred screens fighting potato bugs and guys that look like giraffes and pigs. You travel from "World of X" to "World of something else" until you can finally get it into Athena's head that she's never going to cure her boredom as long as she's stuck in this damn game. My fellow appreciator of garbage Nintendo games, Big Red, had this to say about Athena:

>"The point of the whole game is pantently ridiculous (Athena is bored and looking for adventure! Keep her alive in the dangerous land of X!...does this sound like one of those bad D&D adventures we all had as kids, where the DM starts off the story with, 'You happen to be standing at the entrance to a dungeon. What do you do?'), and the extra stuff they tried to add in (catch the magic shell necklace and you can turn into a mermaid!) seemed designed to interest little girls who don't like Nintendo."

If you take the time to look for the nonhelpful secret items, you can unlock Athena's secret subgame I call "Dress up!" This is a very exciting sequence where you make Athena's clothes clash by putting a flourescent green helmet on with her pink gogo dress. After this, I usually point at the screen and laugh at her lack of fashion sense until I am killed by a giraffe-headed man with a club. Then I curse myself for dirtying my Nintendo with the Athena cartridge.

>> No.10530201

The damage the NES port did to Athena can never be understated.

The arcade game is actually pretty neat.

>> No.10530209

God, I just imagine this whole post was written by a 35 year old man wearing an adventure time shirt and thick rimmed glasses. If this was going for some redditor satire type of thing, mission accomplished.

>> No.10530217

I am neither a bot nor a fed. I am a human just like you. Our programming is the very same.

>> No.10530235
File: 17 KB, 365x273, Flukeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face reminds me of the flukeman from X-Files.

>> No.10530239

Looks like the spambot misfired. It really sucks to see /vr/ get this type of mistreatment by third world “hackerz.”

>> No.10530252

This was actual by Seanbaby and it was written back in the mid-2000s. No adventure time, but I believe Seanbaby was already an aged gen X scold at that point.

>> No.10530280
File: 5 KB, 256x192, Athena ZX Spectrum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10530458

The real Athena port

>> No.10530531

Ugh gross
Post more so we can mock her further

>> No.10530589


>> No.10530602
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game came with a tape

>> No.10530672


>> No.10530729


>> No.10530751

Ironically pretty accurate considering the source of the copypasta

>> No.10530758

I thought you were doing the cartridge = tape meme, but I stand corrected

>> No.10530770
File: 368 KB, 1445x1084, 2023-05-28-153604_1445x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not
No, it's literally an audio tape that came with the game

>> No.10530778

is it music?
It's got some lady's face so is it commentary or maybe some kinda audio drama?

>> No.10530804

The tape's content is literally a few posts up Anon >>10530602

>> No.10530805

It's a fucking song, retard. They sold the game with a single by the VA of Athena

>> No.10530809

That's not the whole tape. The link posted earlier is the complete tape

>> No.10530815

Some scientists believe they've found evidence that there might be multiples universes, and OP must be a huge faggot in all of them.

>> No.10530821

I've just skipped over arcade version because of how shitty NES one was. Guess I'll give it a try

>> No.10530895

I think the artist choice to give her 5 fingers but only 4 toes was a bad one.

>> No.10531015

so what's the connection between bikini Athena, KOF Athena and PSX 3D Athena?

>> No.10531018

You can just say you're gay it's fine this is an anonymous website nobody can actually bully you for not liking women.

>> No.10531212

that's surprisingly apt

>> No.10531214

there's nothing gay about liking actual noses and mouths
there's certainly something Japanese about hating them

>> No.10531360

It's an alright time. Won't blow you away but it's enjoyable. Way better than NES for sure.

I think it's notable for being an arcade game designed for longer play sessions than most arcade games were. Most were meant to last less than five minutes unless you really got good at them. I could see a kid putting in a quarter with this one and really feeling like they've gotten their money's worth with a longer play session.

Like I said, it wont blow you away but it's solid, and very unique for an arcade game. Even if it isn't amazing it's a shame the awful NES game overshadows it so much.

>> No.10531416
File: 60 KB, 304x224, svcchaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bikini Athena is the Greek goddess. Other Athenas are kinda like reincarnations of her in different universes. Or you could say that she is like an SNK's take on characters from Osamu Tezuka's manga, where he reuses character designs outright and treats them as real actors in different roles.

>> No.10531434

I'll never stop liking NES Athena. That art is disgusting trash but the game is weirdly fun trash

>> No.10531483
File: 375 KB, 846x1199, 7786-athena-arcade-flyer-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-But Anon I like the art
I-I think she's c-cute

>> No.10531495

>Classic mid-late-1980s hentai style
>Rando: "Ugh, so ugly!"
Wow, anon, I'm genuinely impressed. People usually have to put in serious effort to be as wrong as you naturally are.

>> No.10531513

it's entirely possible he's referring to the rather dopey faces, which would look like a lesser entry even in a copy of Lemon People or Comic Lolipop.

betting on no though, and is probably a gaylord

>> No.10531515

>bikini Athena
The goddess Pallas Athena, sometimes known as Palutena.
>KOF Athena
Psycho Soldier Athena before the alien invasion, bikini Athena's reinarnation.
>and PSX 3D Athena
Based on the tv show.

>> No.10531616


>> No.10531674

>tv show
Did anyone watch that? Seems to be very little info on it, not on imdb, even Japanese wikipedia barely has anything

>> No.10531757

It used to be on Youtube.

>> No.10531761

Why is she nekked though?

>> No.10531824

She's greek

>> No.10531836

This. Check some pictures of ancient Minoan dresses. Athena is pretty covered by comparison.

>> No.10531989

That's because you're autistic.

>> No.10531994

why did they change her hair color

>> No.10531996

I just did. She's nekkid in comparison.

>> No.10532535


Why are there SO MANY people who defend bad drawings here as long as they're in an anime style?

>> No.10532697

Now I get why you prefer retro games.

>> No.10533108

Is it just me or is the C64 version actually broken? I literally can't get past the tree stump at the start of the first level.

>> No.10533209

>>>10529504 (OP)
NTA but I dont think the art is bad at all. Not because it's in anime style, but because it's just generic and overall fine.

It's certainly not:
>One of the most repulsive pieces of artwork I've seen in my life

That's just hyperbole

>> No.10533219

Agreed on OP's hyperbole but check out the feet on this one: >>10531483

>> No.10533265
File: 353 KB, 196x182, 1646291225705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10534027

Nice shitty comic faggot.

>> No.10534586

Sorry to hear about your gay.

>> No.10534736

Mama mia!

>> No.10535093

>errrm this game is bad because it errm objectifies women
kill yourself, jeremy basedrish

>> No.10535612

I bet the trannies defending this hideous pigfaced slop are the same ones who always seethe about Toriyama

>> No.10536301

the head doesn't look like it belongs on that body