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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.33 MB, 4224x2375, 20231220_020023_HDR_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10528076 No.10528076 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you guys made your own repros? Are you guys seriously going let yourselves get jewed on ebay prices?

>> No.10528080

Are repros compatible with Pal Park on the Gen IV Pokémon games on DS?

Anyone can load a flashcart with ROMs, but original cartridges are important to players who want to import Pokémon up to the next generation.

>> No.10528083

The ones I made work with pal park, the emerald one even has a rtc chip with battery, just like the original. Fyi you aren't going to find these on aliexpress.

>> No.10528090

Neat. No doubt the Aliexpress ones are just looking to turn a cheap profit and don't care if it fully serves the customers needs.

>> No.10528097

This is the one I used for emerald, I had to to wait two months for it to arrive, but it's worth it. https://shop.insidegadgets.com/product/gba-32mb-1mbit-flash-save-with-rtc-flash-cart-works-with-pokemon-games/

>> No.10528115
File: 700 KB, 1024x768, VeliLegalMons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do me on ebay prices?
no ricest pls. i buy Pokemon hacked pirate carts for 10 bucks or less to suppork ROM hacking.

>> No.10528125

You know buying romhacks from third parties doesn't actually support the romhackers...

>> No.10528131

neither does buying nintendo games! so sue me!

>> No.10528136

At that price, it might still be cheaper than buying legit or counterfeit Pokémon GBA carts.

Pricey, but it gives you the option to do all of the Pokémon games if you're willing to re-flash for ROM and save each time.

>> No.10528163

I mean a chewed up emerald copy goes for at least $150 nowadays. So I think it's pretty reasonable if you want a fully working emerald copy.

>> No.10528168

The chinese repros are trash, by the time you beat the game theres a high chance your save will be lost, since due to cost cutting measures they store the save file on the rom itself and will run out of room for the save.

>> No.10528175
File: 573 KB, 1272x793, Screenshot from 2023-12-20 03-35-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was cheap reflashable cartridges with RTC and dont corrupt save files randomly. I want to make my own cartridges for some of the better rom hacks. With a decent printer and some holographic paper you can make nintendo quality labels at home easily. the best part of the pokemon games were all the cool cartridges they made for the games. thats the reason why they the carts sell for insane prices today. I may just make my own carts just for display purposes and reflash on the shitty bootleg carts.

>> No.10528179

cite your claim

>> No.10528185

this is well known fact with bootleg carts, confirmed by many, i believe its not a cart issue but when they flash these carts they dont put any effort in to how the rom saves so eventually the data gets corrupted and you lose the save. im still trying to figure out if these carts if flashed properly with a well patched rom will still corrupt over time.

playing these shit repro carts is gay anyways since they dont have RTC anyways so you need to set the time to do anything.

>> No.10528193

>this is well known fact with bootleg carts, confirmed by many, i
Then it should be easy for you to cite it.
Cite your claim.

>> No.10528198

It's pretty common knowledge by now.

>> No.10528206

Because I have GBARunner2 on my DSi XL

>> No.10528213

There is nothing in that link which says storing the save in the flash memory of the rom file will result in it eventually getting overwritten as time passes or you near the end of the game.


>> No.10528226


>> No.10528229

>enter thread to talk about repros for any and all systems
>realize this is actually a GBA/pokemon kiddie thread
maybe next time

>> No.10528238

I read every single word of that page and there is not one single line about saves being overwritten as your progress towards the end of the game or accumulate a lot of hours on a save.

All I see are technical hurdles and solutions of how to overcome these hurdles. All relating to the difference between using the flash memory as a storage medium for saves vs old fashioned SRAM.
Chinese repro makers can use these same solutions for their work. Any repro maker's page should be filled with positive reviews indicating the quality of their product, and the integrity of save files. You'd be a fool to buy from one without reading feedback first.

You have failed to cite your claim.

>> No.10528239

The gba came out over 22 years ago anon, also feel free to post what repros you like.

>> No.10528248

Ok chang.

>> No.10528254

I insist you reply to your original post and admit you were spreading false information.

>> No.10528260

In the days of PKHeX? Only the severely autistic players. Why the fuck would I move six Pokémon a time using Pal Park when I can just move entire boxes between two .sav files and they'll automatically get converted to gen 4?

>> No.10528265

Once a GBA kiddie, always a GBA kiddie.

>> No.10528272

Not that anon, but it's true. Had a FireRed from AliExpress, not battery operated, flash. The game save is stored in the same file as the ROM, I think only one DS homebrew app actually allows you to dump and separate the files, no way to upload back to the cart if you edit anything on your computer. If you keep playing from the cart without backing up at least once, you'll get fucked. In my case the save got corrupted after I beat the elite four for the first time. It's better to buy a cheap, reflashable cart from AliExpress and put Pokémon on it yourself. Think YuGiOh was reflashable and had lots of storage space, but don't quote me on it, been ages.

>> No.10528282

Dude, all you have to do is look at gbatemp and reddit posts that's it's pretty widespread, sometimes it will corrupt after the elite 4, sometimes not. If you don't care about that then be my guess.

>> No.10528325

That's not how that works bro.

>> No.10528329

None of the GBA PKMN games used a battery for keeping your save data. Very few GBA carts did in general.

>> No.10528379

Because repros are an extreme form of retardation. Who are you trying to kid?

>> No.10528380
File: 481 KB, 1252x736, ali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, there's RTC carts on aliexpress.

>> No.10528396

check this shit out:

>> No.10528423


>> No.10528701

Some early Chink repos did anon, which is why I've mentioned it in the first place. I bought that FireRed around two years ago, by then I think they stopped doing that shit in general

>> No.10528708

>corrupt after the elite 4, sometimes not.
yeah shoddy pirate carts do that. whether it's flashmemory or RAM+battery. their quality is inconsistent.

better off emulating if you care about your savegames.

>> No.10528712

I didn't realize you were specifically referring to repros, fair enough. I got a FireRed repro a couple weeks ago and it is indeed flash only.

>> No.10528713
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 623538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still own my childhood copies as well as the copies I purchased before retro games became overpriced.

>> No.10528727

official or pirate carts? 'cause IIRC there's a list of official games that used flashmemory and it's suprisingly a low number of them compared to the huge number of GBA games that were released.

back in the 2000s or so, all pirate carts used RAM+Battery to save games much like the GBC/GB carts. flashmemory used to be more expensive than RAM chips.

>> No.10528731

I sold mine for $1000 to redditors, bought GB and GBA EverDrives and Japanese copies to sit on a shelf and be gay.

>> No.10528760

why even bother making repros though?

If you just wanna play the game, there's emulation
If you just wanna play the rom on real hardware, there's flashcarts
If you just wanna play the game on a real cart and real hardware, you aren't
If you just want a real-looking cart for your shelf to make you feel accomplished you have to be constantly reminded its a fake
If you just want a real-looking cart for your shelf to make other people jealous you have a problem

>> No.10528809
File: 241 KB, 1200x1200, s-l1200 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fun idea but I never play on original hardware, in the case of GBA I don't even own one

Not a zoomie just never got into handhelds until later on

>> No.10528815

Repro is a nice word for Bootleg, in the end you know it's not the real thing. I'd raher go all the way and just emulate roms in that case.

>> No.10528893

You're actually emulating the console hardware, ROMs are just digital backups of game software.

>> No.10529008

Oh? Then please tell me how batteryless saves worke then, I would love to hear what you think.

>> No.10529018

These don't support pal park most likely.

>> No.10529050

You made the claim, prove it without citing reddit.

>> No.10529058
File: 1.57 MB, 3024x2820, 20231220_112357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I buy repros when jp copies are dirt fucking cheap

>> No.10529065

tbf readdit and GBAtemp posts are probably more honest than fake reviews on chinese sites.

even Amazon is full of paid reviewers posting full stars for shoddy product.

>> No.10529073

i would have to learn glorious nippon runes.

>> No.10529079
File: 54 KB, 370x475, 51J758Q6PML._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not particularly difficult to play through Pokemon in a foreign language, especially if you use a guide. And the pokemon themselves can be largely traded to any region starting in Gen 3.

>> No.10529083

>buying games in a language you can't even understand

genuinely dumber than reprofags

>> No.10529090

I only play at home, where I use an emulator, and a proper gamepad.

>> No.10529098

It's stupid easy to learn the bare minimum of Japanese required to understand videogames. Only took me like 6 months

>> No.10529126

It's all loanwords, you just need to be able to sound out kana at a preschool level. I played through Japanese Pokemon Silver in elementary school before it came out in the states. If dumbass child me can do it, I presume most adults could too.

>> No.10529148

Why not make repros to sell them as the real deal for hundreds?
Scratch it a bit here and there so it looks old too
There's enough people who would fall for it

>> No.10529160

even my local SEA gameshops only tried to sell pirated carts for about 43 USDs a pop, sell them for original retail price. no box and manuals, just the carts.

all that shit died with emulation and generic 2nd-hand shops popping up everywhere.
inb5 piracy killed piracy!!!

>> No.10529162

>sell pirated carts for about 43 USDs a pop, OR sell them for original retail price.

>> No.10529171

NTA, but I own one of these cheap repros and when I beat the elite 4 I lost my save. Never buying another cheap repro again.

>> No.10529191

I could, but there isn't enough supply for this happen, reason being is that the repros I made use original rtc chips, most of the lower quality repros don't even bother using flash for their saves. Plus the flashcart has the words "InsideGadgets" above the pins.

>> No.10529224

You could use PKMN Chest as the intermediary and only need a single, real gen 5 game to poketransport with. I did the whole official transfer song and dance when HOME launched, I'm not sure I'd be willing to do it again. Was incredible laborious for little payoff. There's hardly any "real" pokemon left, everything is hacked.

>> No.10529545

My dad did this with burnt ps2 games. Had a whole case of discs with custom covers

>> No.10529753

collectors are spreading FUD again

>> No.10529793


>> No.10530003

I don't use the term lightly, but that's about as reddit as it gets. Also super gay.

>> No.10530254

>learning another language is dumb
Found the barbarian of the group

>> No.10530568

>Are you guys seriously going let yourselves get jewed on ebay prices?
I would rather emulate.

>> No.10531106

Repros are the best of both worlds

>> No.10531915

>DIY project that doesn't destroy/butcher authentic hardware
>emulator written by a career software engineer
>repro hardware helps make things like this possible
>don't have to chase down a rare piece of expensive equipment to play gbc games on the big screen with the n64
I bet you're that kind of guy who squints while sitting on the toilet trying to see whether they have to go or not.

>> No.10531927

I ordered an Emerald cart on ebay once and after I received it I realized it was a reproduction. I messaged the guy asking for a refund and if I should send the cart back and he said nah just keep it. Free game I guess

>> No.10531939


>> No.10531941

Even if I accept the premise that you're breezing through games in Japanese after six months and not just deluding yourself as you sit firmly parked on the first peak of the dunning-kruger effect, that would mean you are incredibly fast at acquiring a working proficiency and you cannot seriously expect the average person to match that pace.

>> No.10532556
File: 54 KB, 1247x559, 6months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not stupid, you should do better than I did.

>> No.10532564

You wouldn't just on the internet and lie, would you?

>> No.10532620

Why are acting like its some big conspiracy? Are you getting payed to defend cheap low quality chinese bootlegs or something?

>> No.10532652

i bought all of mine on aliexpress though...

>> No.10532702

And they support palpark and RTC?

>> No.10532813

Based doer of things, getting the job done.

>> No.10534352


>> No.10534373

6 month is long. if i was seamen on merchant navy, i could earn like 36000 USDs for 6 months. will you pay me 36K to play glorious nippon games?

no one is buying your shitcoins. in any case this makes no sense. collectors only want prices to go up forever to justify their collection.

>> No.10534413

How do you even make your own repro cartridges? This is the first time I'm seeing this.

>> No.10534415

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.10534447

Here is what I did, I got a InsideGadgets flashcard, then I bought some cartridge shells from My retro shop repair, then I purchased some custom vinyl stickers off etsy, I then flash a rom to the flashcard using gbxcart hooked up to my computer, I use this tool called gbxflasher, It can detect the type of flash card and will write the rom. There, you now have a 1:1 equivalent to the real game.

>> No.10534614

I fucking hate how no good programs teach finnish. I'm stuck with fuckin duolingo for memorization and some grammer books I bought to fill in the gaps.

>> No.10534641

Why do you want to learn finnish? To play FRPGs?

>> No.10534646

Try learning an African language other than Swahili, next to no resources available. And I can't even imagine how you'd learn Xhosa for example, the one where they communicate by "clicks". There's this dude online learning new languages in like a week, Xiaomanyc, he could probably do it just by listening, but I legit think he's one of them savant-like autists and it can't be done by regular folk.

>> No.10534647

white guys speaking PERFECT chinese at restaurants is my least favorite genre of video.

>> No.10534729

Kek, I've seen him get scammed in one of them. Language skills? Check. Self-awareness and street smarts? Whoa boy... Godspeed and good luck, you'll need it.

>> No.10534749

I ended up caving and getting some original Pokemon carts to play the Stadium games with. Repos won't work. I guess you can make your own and it should be compatible as long as it's the same type of cart with the right save. I thought about doing that for Crystal with one of the rom hacks that just fix shit.

>> No.10534779

Flashcarts do though, you could have gotten yourself one, fill it to the brim with retro vidya (including Pokémon) and go wild. Works with Stadium, SGB if you have a SNES, dunno why you haven't considered it? Unless you lack collecting carts in which case do you, but yeah, there's options out there dude.

>> No.10534785

>you lack
Caught you lackin' - "you like". Check EZ-Flash Junior. AliExpress, because fuck the resellers with their crazy profit margins.

>> No.10534797

EZ Flash Jr kinda blows, I'd rather buy a clone Everdrive from Aliexpress. Cheaper too.

>> No.10534802

The clones of the original EverDrive GB (GAME COLOR GB, etc, etc) are like $23 now and do nearly everything the Junior does — hard to recommend spending 2-3x the price. I just got one to do Pokemon trades with my "real" EDGB X3, it's basically the same damn thing; they've even added the on-cart reset button to get back to the menu (which wasn't on the original EDGB).

>> No.10534859

I've had one for three years now, no complaints, but yeah obviously go for the cheapest one available that just werks.

How much are they nowadays? I've actually bought mine for around twenty five bucks. Anyway, yeah nothing wrong with Everdrive clones if you can get them on the cheap, have a SNES one that's really nice.

>> No.10534916

>not having all original GB(C) and GBA Pokemon games in mint condition with SRAM mod and battery holder mods to play on GBC, Stadium 1/2, GBA, DS, DS Lite and GameCube

>> No.10534923

The Juniors seem to go for $40+ on Ali now for no apparent reason. But of course whatever is cheapest, they all play 99.9% of the GB/C library without issue.

>> No.10535009

I unironically got a SD2SNES and EZFlash Omega cheaper on Ebay than Aliexpress.

>> No.10535014

I actually got an EZ Flash Jr a few years ago when it was the cheapest option, are those GB Pro or whatever actually better?

>> No.10535089

I have found my EZ Flash Jr to be very buggy. It crashes on reboot if the game's .sav file doesn't already exist, for example. It also uses noticeably more power which sucks because I like to use the GB Pocket.

In terms of features the EZ Jr does have RTC and it loads games faster. But I am happier with my "game color gb" knockoff cart.

>> No.10535115

>EZ Jr does have RTC
Is that the only purpose of the battery?
I remember having some low battery popup while starting my cart, and thinking about changing battery. I don't know if it saves to the battery or FRAM like the EZ Flash Omega.

>> No.10535117


>> No.10535128

The SRAM is battery powered, yes. If the battery drains completely you can reset by clicking the cartridge to commit your save, though.

>> No.10535812

There's no RTC, so if that's a deal breaker for you it is what it is, but otherwise they do the exact same thing and have nearly 100% compatibility. I have an "official" EverDrive GB X3 (the old cheapest one) and I just use RTC patches for the 2nd gen PKMN games. The EZ Flash as another anon mentioned is a total power hog so it can make a GB Pocket reset itself. The ED clones can too but they're a little bit beter. If you're using a DMG, Color, or Advance it's a non-issue.

>> No.10535821
File: 114 KB, 716x959, DOA3_Tina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got this but for the gameboy/color ones?

>> No.10535826
File: 112 KB, 628x660, Carl_Brutananadilewski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He slapped an emulator and rom onto a reprogram able cart then ordered some shells and a bit of glitter. He didn't engineer shit. Also he doesn't have a crt for his og hardware. Super reddit if you ask me.

>> No.10535847

I've actually been considering getting a retroblaster and some carts to make reproductions of games that have fan translations (and maybe a few romhacks too), but the cartridge labels are the main thing that's stopping me.

Not really, especially with HGSS and onwards. I speak no Japanese and I played through HG in Japanese with an imported cart (I figured I'd already played GSC so it shouldn't be too hard) and had so little trouble I ended up importing Black and played through that as well. There's enough visual detail in the UI that doesn't require knowing Japanese that it wasn't a problem. Things like stats are in the same order that they would be in English, types of attacks are all color coded, and the accuracy and damage numbers are still readable. Shit, you can even tell what natures you have thanks to HGSS color coding the affected stats.

>> No.10535857

Because there has been not one shred of technical evidence presented so far for the truth of the claim.

>> No.10535863

Why isn't there a kiosk that spits out repros for old consoles and handhelds? The japs could be rolling in money if they made such a thing and put one in every BestBuy or whatever electronics store that hasn't become pure oxygen. It's such an obvious money maker but they are blind to it. The japs don't give a fuck.

>> No.10535870

Make a machine that produces games for devices that stopped being supported over 20 years ago? That sounds retarded, anon.

>> No.10535874

You can buy that shit from aliexpress but the quality is poor.

>> No.10535876

The guy in the video didn't engineer the emulator, and I never claimed he engineered anything.

>> No.10535891

Not with Retrons and Analogues being sold everywhere. The skew of their eyes prevents them from seeing reality. It's why I love them, but why they suck so much.

>> No.10535896

anon at that point they should just sell flash carts. reproductions in the modern era are a niche product only wanted or desired by a niche of that niche.

>> No.10535912

So why don't you Pokemon kids just play the games via an emulator on any of the dozens and dozens of chinkhelds and just transfer your saves super easily that way?

>> No.10535918

>Why isn't there a kiosk that spits out repros for old consoles and handhelds?
That's what the Nintendo Switch Online and PlayStation store are.

>> No.10535947

BOO! Who wants to pay for oxygen?

>> No.10535956
File: 15 KB, 236x136, save.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual cause of the save issue is that many bootlegs have only 64k of SRAM while the save files of the pokemon games are 128k. Due to how the save file is structured the game will initially work fine with 64k but once you get to the hall of fame the save file will get corrupted.

>> No.10535961
File: 172 KB, 1072x895, 1677641501759134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, you mean like the Japanese Nintendo Power kiosks?

>> No.10536136

Yep! If you want to make a pokemon crystal repro, than this is the one to use.

>> No.10536292

>The actual cause of the save issue is that many bootlegs have only 64k of SRAM while the save files of the pokemon games are 128k.
So then it has nothing to do with what started this discussion to begin with, which was the following
>The chinese repros are trash, by the time you beat the game theres a high chance your save will be lost, since due to cost cutting measures they store the save file on the rom itself and will run out of room for the save.
Which means the person who made that post had no idea what they were talking about and had mixed up SRAM and flash memory.

>> No.10536295

Millions of people who only care about playing the game instead of collecting small pieces of plastic.

>> No.10536303

>Why isn't there a kiosk that spits out repros for old consoles and handhelds?

consider suicide

>> No.10536319

Don't even bother with that dude, he's too busy coping with his shitty Chinese bootlegs that will never support GC and palpark.

>> No.10536323

These look like shit. Also no reviews.

>> No.10536335

Most bootlegs don't even use SRAM, they use batteryless saves. All games that use sram require a battery.

>> No.10536432

The speakers on the v90 are so fucking terrible, and the hinge isnt tight enough, but otherwise it's not bad. A bit annoying that you need to shut it down like a PC and can't just power it off though.

What app is this?

I like playing Pokémon on the living room TV with an Xbox controller.

>> No.10537119

Playing games on the tv is pretty comfy.

>> No.10537129

Batteryless saving still uses SRAM

>> No.10537138

Better than posting false information like you.

>> No.10537171

Holy shit, you're retarded. Quit shitting up this thread with your disinformation. SRAM requires a battery to be present, If there is no battery, then sram is not being used to store saves. No more (you)s for you.

>> No.10537196

I have this disgusting OCD with Pokemon, especially older Pokemon. It has to be real and official, but I still have my original carts so I haven't paid the ebay tax.
Shit's fucking weird because I don't have this OCD towards anything else in my life, games or otherwise.

>> No.10537216

Right? I have a windows 10 gaming PC (no kbd) hooked up there already (boots into playnite), and I just don't feel like I need a separate device when I'm going to play it on the TV anyways. I know there are some ways to play thehandheld games on a tv with console hardware and adapters, but I'd need a bunch of them for different systems - and the gaming PC does it all in one.

>> No.10537235

"Because SRAM chips lose their data on power off, a batteryless patch will use SRAM only as temporary storage while the game runs and copy over the save data into ROM"


>> No.10537249

Didn't you say that site was "Disinformation". Funny you are using it now, but yes, sram is only used when powered on, the actual save reflashed into the rom itself.

>> No.10537273

lol https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonEmerald/comments/yv2wbp/this_just_happened_on_my_emerald_bootleg_is_it/

>> No.10537370

>and will run out of room for the save.
That's not how that works. There's entire megabytes of free space in a Gen 3 Pokemon ROM, a save file is 128KB.

Bootleg save corruption happens because the save file gets stored in 64KB SRAM rather than the usual 128KB. Even if the bootleg is batteryless, the SRAM is still used to buffer the save before the load/save routine is called, so the save file still gets truncated.

>> No.10537404

That's literally what the dude said, he just dumbed it down some so average anon could understand it.

>> No.10537440

No, he didn't. He got it completely wrong. SRAM and flash memory are two different things.

>> No.10537445

Doesn't say what kind of bootleg it was.

>> No.10537451

The point there is not that batteryless saving which causes the corruption, but not having enough SRAM.
I have a batteryless Pokemon Mystery Dungeon which still has 128KB SRAM and saves fine. Also some Pokemon romhacks.

>> No.10537552

You'd think /vr/ would be savvy enough with the internet to buy bootlegs that work correctly. It's not that hard to research it and buy from a good seller who discloses all the technical information about their repros.

>> No.10537568

Chink sellers are unreliable even when you know what you're looking for. They're constantly patching new games so known-good sources of battery backed carts frequently disappear.

If you want a good repro you have to buy one from insideGadgets or similar.

>> No.10537589

>Chink sellers are unreliable even when you know what you're looking for.
Only if you don't know how to use the internet.

>> No.10537737

Sorry, still not touching any repros that use this method for their saves. It's a very cheap way of doing it and that's about all that's positive about it.

>> No.10537741

Show me a flashcart on aliexpress that is just as good as InsideGadgets flashcarts. I'll be waiting.

>> No.10537747

Yeah, there are other reasons not to use batteryless saving besides E4 corruption.

Or even just show a bootleg seller that you can trust to give you 128KB battery SRAM.

>> No.10537753

yes, pokemon game saves are funky and "non-standard"...

>> No.10537989

Repros make no sense to me. If you want to play on original hardware but don't care about owning the original game, why not just get an everdrive? Repros combine the worst of every option.

>> No.10538146

This is the only appropriate response to repro threads, but people keep making them.

>> No.10538151

They make sense for Pokemon so you can transfer Pokemon to Stadium or to another generation.

Except for the GBA titles, but for GBA you can just use an EZ Flash Omega DE which is even better.

>> No.10538205

That anon is def on the first peak of dunning-kruger. Fan translators that have their A1, have the most obvious tells, in their translations. That anon isn't even at A1 yet.

>> No.10538216

>How dare you to have fun with things I do not approve of!
But seriously, these are self made, pretty cheap to do and as long as people are having fun with it its no issue. It's a hobby, things are not required to 'make sense'.
Reminds me of that guy who made a bootleg hyperstone heist using a translucent green shell with light that lights up when you power up the game

>> No.10538267

I don't think regular flashcarts that you can load a bunch of games onto work with Stadium. You might be able to use the GB Tower but I don't think you can battle and trade and shit.

The only ones I've seen people say work are the rewritable ones that you flash one ROM onto.

>> No.10538280

by the time you make three or four repros you're already in flashcart territory. they don't make sense to do for the vast majority of people. they made sense back in the day when you actually had to cannibalize old carts to do them, because flash carts didn't exist yet, but at this point, there's no reason to do them at all outside of previously mentioned edge cases like pokemon games.

it's honestly kind of odd that they don't work, especially the GB Everdrive, since it keeps the last rom loaded stored into ram. That said, the GBA games do work with Colosseum/XD/Box because you make that connection while booting the game up.

>> No.10538528

>they don't make sense to do for the vast majority of people.
The vast majority just emulates on a pc or whatever. Doesn't mean some of us can't have fun in different ways

>> No.10538603

you made a repo how? also i just use ezflash omega de, works with palpark

>> No.10538617

nta but the same thing happened to m friend with a chink emerald, they cant even get the gbc games right how are they gonna go the gba ones. repros suck ass just get a flashcart ezflash is relatively cheap

>> No.10538892

See >>10528097 and >>10534447

>> No.10539838

I have both.

>> No.10540935

So the purpose of your repros is to rot in a shoebox while you use the everdrive for everything? Because there's no purpose to swap out to a repro game.

>> No.10541189

Higher end repros support pal park, rtc, and they only use a fraction of power compared to a flashcart.

>> No.10541191

Decent flashcarts support RTC too.

>> No.10541232

I'm just going to emulate them

>> No.10541302

the ones op posted are also "chinese" in case anyone was confused about that
they sell these same ones cheaper on aliexpress lol is this your dropshipping operation? post a pic of the back also if you have some finished ones i want to know if these have a rectangle on the back if they don't it's worthless... also pokemon prices have kind of drifted back down so you'd probably not make too much profit making these. best thing would be fake copies of platinum off aliexpress and maybe get some high quality replacement stickers at the library

>> No.10541416

kek you didn't make it at all

>> No.10541424

https://bennvenn.myshopify.com/products/mbc3000-rtc-gbc-cart-v4 benn venn does a cheaper cart for gb/gbc

>> No.10541501

lol were expecting me to design a new flashcart pcb or something.

>> No.10541581

something more than just flashing a rom on to a flashcart, you didn't even assemble the flashcart from parts

>> No.10541621

Those are no longer really sold anymore, they used to have them, but now they only sell premade ones, the only one you can really add on to is the budget one they sell without the rtc chip and battery. All of the diy flashcarts are only for gb/gbc.

>> No.10542016
File: 1.42 MB, 3024x4032, dfb3nbrhwma91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GBA Pokemon games

So...what's the argument against emulation here?
These are not action games. Lag is not going to matter.
The GBA is a simple system with very accurate emulation, and doesn't require a lot of power to run either.
The games originally ran on the GBA LCD, which was actually a few different kinds of LCD models.
Chinkhelds have LCD displays as well, and some of them even have the GBA aspect ratio.

It just seems like the rational thing to do is to play these games for free on a $40 handheld where you can do all kinds of back-ups, transfers, and conversions of your save files with ease.

>> No.10542164


>> No.10542194
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Because I'm busy making my own originals.

>> No.10542269

Not really, not unless you're wanting to trade up onto real hardware newer tham DS.

You can do Palpark in DesMuMe with your GBA save.

Getting them into Black/White might be trickier.

You can of course use save editors to transfer them over, but between generations they could cause issues.

>> No.10542279
File: 77 KB, 372x300, 1677546780942961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game cartridge made out of nanites that can change forms to perfectly replicate whichever game you're currently thinking about

>> No.10542648

I mean, we have fpga's, that's pretty much the closest we have to that. EZ flash omega and the everdrive use em.

>> No.10542768

true true, but i rather not buy chinkshit and just emulate with what i have already.

>> No.10543202
File: 36 KB, 508x382, tough place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i took my gba up to work work when i had to goto the christmas social and i think i left it in the hotel i have not been able to find it since i got home

>> No.10543260

It's over...

>> No.10543365


>> No.10543419

speaking of "making your own" is there any way to get a bulk supply of cheap back shells for super famicom carts? Long time ago I started buying a bunch of SFC games because american copies are too expensive and the types of games I like to play don't require reading moonrunes. But the big problem is that, for whatever reason, jap carts all seem to have this issue where the back shells are disgusting and yellowed even when the front shells are fine. Trying to find jap SNES games with carts that are still gray is a ridiculously hard task. Even if you just try to buy bulk lots of junk majohg carts to harvest their backs, like 95% of them will be yellow. And bleaching with retrobright doesn't work either because they end up becoming a light beige color rather than back to the original gray. Believe me, I've tried.

>> No.10543430 [DELETED] 

just spend a day in summer soaking them in the sun/liquid hydrogen peroxide. i did it to my sega saturn it worked really well, i used 40%

>> No.10543432

with gba you can connect to pokemon colloseum, trade with other, get pokemon from event cartridge dumps, use palpark to transfer to gen 4. emulation just isn't as good or convenient

>> No.10543495

No. Nuts from the superfamicom tree grow in a shell with two halves. It's not possible to grow the nuts with only half a shell. Believe me, I've tried.

>> No.10543880

>What app is this?
since that anon is a cunt, I'll go ahead and guess it's Anki, more specifically either ankiweb or de desktop program, I wouldn't know which one because I only use the mobile app
he's also thinking too high of himself. just because you progress a lot with Anki it doesn't mean you've learnt a lot. I'm using it to study japanese too and I'm currently 1.5 months in and have done 30% of the WaniKani kanji, yet only understand a few things here and there. yes, I could know a lot more by now, but I'm lazy and procrastinate, so don't watch more of the Cure Doll lessons. also, only started studying because I finally went to Japan and that confirmed that I want to go live there

>> No.10544928

Who makes the best repro gba cases? Right now im looking at etsy.

>> No.10545542

Pretty sure every one of those is possible through emulation.

>> No.10546984

It's not the same as having a physical cartridge.

>> No.10547020

How is not the same? Are we going into woo-woo territory now?

>> No.10547021

most pokefags are obsessives who only use real hardware because emulating doesn't check enough nostalgia checkboxes for them. asking them "why don't you just play it in an emulator for free?" is as futile as asking "why don't you just play a good game instead of this simple game for young children that you've already played for hundreds of hours?"

>> No.10547036

Don't need them. I own all my boxed childhood copies.

>> No.10547331

Yes, I can emulate them on my r36s but I sold all my pokemon games back in 2010 for a ps3, I want my cartridges back without paying a arm and a leg.

>> No.10547342

dunno how to

>> No.10548314

It's pretty easy

>> No.10548334

Pokemon games don’t even use kanji, 6 months are too generous.

>> No.10548502

The idea that games not having kanji makes them easier to read is something only someone who knows practically no Japanese would say.
It's true for Japanese kids, not for JSLs.

>> No.10548669

I'll have you know I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I train with my Kanji every day.

>> No.10548672

Okay. And?

>> No.10548769

>they store the save file on the rom itself
You're a certifiable retard if you think the cartridge writes anything to the READ ONLY memory.

>> No.10548781

before long your penis will shrink and you'll be unable to grow a beard. then, finally, the transformation will be complete.

>> No.10548836

Repos are the worst of both worlds.
You don't get the convenience of a flashcart, and you don't get the authenticity of the real thing.
They can be used to scam retards I guess, but otherwise I'd rather just have all my games on a flashcart.

>> No.10548943

Bootlegs are made using cheap commodity flash chips. They don't have the scale to manufacture mask roms.

>> No.10549410

Some GBA carts (actual OEM carts) use flash memory to save the game.

>> No.10549460

Yeah, and they don't write to the ROM.

>> No.10549560

>He doesn't know about batteryless save flashcarts

>> No.10549567

Authenticity is grossly overrated, as long as the game has all of it's features intact and it saves properly It's just good as the original. The only reason you want the original is because you want to get money out of it.

>> No.10549571

>and it saves properly
Most bootlegs don't.

>> No.10549580

But the bootlegs do
>To save money, almost all modern bootleg carts do not use a battery to store the save data. They instead patch the ROM to write the save to the unused ROM area after the game data.

>> No.10549737

That's why you get a high quality flashcart designed for your game, which uses the same type of save as the original game. https://shop.insidegadgets.com/product/gba-16-32mb-1mbit-flash-save-budget-flash-cart-works-with-pokemon-games/

>> No.10549908

Writing to FRAM/SRAM is not writing to ROM. You demonstrably ignorant faggot.

>> No.10549918

Lmao, you've already been proven wrong

>> No.10549921

Good thing that's not what we're talking about, you ignorant buffoon.

>> No.10549926
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>> No.10549931
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>> No.10549935
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>> No.10550029
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>> No.10550730

ohhhhhhhhhh ba na na

>> No.10550858

>Worthy to note is that due to the Famicom console's superior internal memory, the back spikes on Kraid and his doppelganger are thrown in various different trajectories chosen at random. The NES console's lower specs only offer a single path for these projectiles

>> No.10551097
File: 569 KB, 1889x806, crystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mbc 3 Flash Cart with RTC
Game Language:English
Gold sinking process
FRAM chip to save the game, no battery required (it's only for RTC). Save lasts forever
Support for real clock function(RTC)
16m Flash,256k Fram

chinks are getting better at making repros

>> No.10551146

>What app is this?
>since that anon is a cunt, I'll go ahead and guess it's Anki, more specifically either ankiweb or de desktop program, I wouldn't know which one because I only use the mobile app
>he's also thinking too high of himself. just because you progress a lot with Anki it doesn't mean you've learnt a lot. I'm using it to study japanese too and I'm currently 1.5 months in and have done 30% of the WaniKani kanji, yet only understand a few things here and there. yes, I could know a lot more by now, but I'm lazy and procrastinate, so don't watch more of the Cure Doll lessons. also, only started studying because I finally went to Japan and that confirmed that I want to go live there
Ah, thanks. I don't think I would ever have the opportunity to move to Japan (married with kids and wife wants to live near her parents), but I have enjoyed translated light novels and considered that I would probably enjoy just being able to read books in Japanese outright, and have also have a bit of a curiosity regarding what the nonenglish and nonwestern internet is like.

>> No.10551586

>I don't think I would ever have the opportunity to move to Japan (married with kids and wife wants to live near her parents)
sad. many such cases

>> No.10551601

How do you make repros? Ignoring the fact I already have a complete set of authentic Pokemon games, literally THE reason repros suck ass were how often your saves could die for bullshit reasons. If the $10-20 copies of FR/LG you see on eBay were guaranteed to work, I would have never paid nearly $100 for an authentic FR cart

>> No.10551664

Honestly the Japanese work culture seems awful to me. Maybe rural farm Japan, away from the cities? But I suspect that would be way harder to manage as a foreigner. Either way, that's not going to happen.

I've got a dual EU citizenship though. Maybe we'll retire to somewhere in Europe when we're old.

>> No.10551693

fuck off, we're full

>> No.10551742

>We're full. Thats why rural towns are practically giving houses away.
1. Calm your tits, I'm not going to try to co-opt any extant euroculture, and one old couple spending their pension money in rural (maybe Italy or something) and learning to live like the old locals isn't going to affect you in the least, anon.

>> No.10551747

2. Retirement is a good ways off. Maybe we will just end up going there on vacation.

>> No.10552002

fuck off, we're full, we don't like you

>> No.10552035

We've been full. You go with him.

>> No.10553440

Yes, anon. Come here. They're letting wveryone else into Canada. Why not. Merry Christmas. Have some overpriced housing you can fill with repros. >>10552002

I generally use my living room gaming PC and retroarch with gamepads, anon, and when I don't, I use my GPD XD to emulate up to PS1 games.

If I wanted to play other shit on my old GBA though (I still have FireRed and LeafGreen from forever ago), I would just get a flashcart and call it good enough. Even FireRed, I usually play it on the TV. Gaming on the couch is comfy.

So why do I need repros at all? They're an answer looking for a question.

>> No.10553735

Pointless. Get a flash cart and never look back.

>> No.10553996

Palpark and gamecube

>> No.10554036

Desmume supports gba palpark.
Dolphin has mgba built in for GC-GBA communication.

But sure, you can't do that with an actual DS/GC with a typical flash cart. Does it even work with most repros? I would guess no.

>> No.10554320
File: 22 KB, 600x497, 1683112783730539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reproduction board for GBC that supports both RTC and doesn't wipe your Gen II Pokemon save when the battery in it dies? I recently decided to try and finally get the final title screen for Stadium 2, but my Gen II games are all fucking dead, and I've already previously replaced the batteries on them twice before, and I'd rather not have to fucking do it again if I don't have to, a reproduction Gold/Silver/Crystal that doesn't wipe itself if the battery dies (but also supports the RTC and transfer pak) would be absolutely amazing.

>> No.10554378

>Is there...?
>backstory blog
cool story bro

>> No.10554440


>> No.10554515

mbc3000 uses fram so it will retain the save when the battery dies. you still need the battery for rtc, obviously.

>> No.10554549

Yes, You will never lose your save on this since it uses fram, battery is just for rtc.

>> No.10554568

The ones from InsideGadgets have flashcarts that use original rtc and flash memory chips, thus having same compatibility as the original.

>> No.10555130

Flashcart does all of that.

>> No.10555230

This. Can confirm. My uncle works for Flashcart.

>> No.10555420
File: 1.28 MB, 2730x2047, 170371129346177229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve got a couple of these. They’re funky. They use SRAM instead of FLASH for the save and the RTC chip is non standard. Therefore the ROM files have to be patched specifically to support the hardware. There are other ones that are good. One that says GB Flash and Crafty Simon on the back are basically equivalent to the InsideGadget carts and fully support all features natively.

I did actually already create a full set of reproduction carts that are all basically perfect with all features of the originals but rewritable. Just need more stickers for the rest.

>> No.10555435
File: 358 KB, 1616x1080, 170340666325481131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GB Flash is a known good maker. I’ve been buying from them directly from their Chinese shop on xianyu. They have GB/GBC flash carts of all types and recently created GBA carts with RTC and variants with rumble and whatnot and claim that at this point they can basically make any GBA cart (solar, gyro, etc). They take heavy inspiration from insidegadgets calling him the “Australian god” lmao but meaning they are specifically designing and producing quality carts rather thank the shitty Chinese bootleg crap that’s been on the market for years. Here’s the RTC GBA cart I have from them.

>> No.10556209
File: 363 KB, 480x270, 1690573731711830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baller, guess i'll get that

>> No.10557242

Just make you have something like a gbxcart rw so you can actually flash the roms to the cartridges

>> No.10558698

Idk, it looks they Just kinda copy InsideGadgets.